Trusting Your Gut

Ever had that sinking feeling that something wasn't right, and it turned out to be true? Share it with us
What is the scariest event you have experienced?

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One time, I had to poop real bad. After that, I got hemmorhoids.

Same bro. Took three tubes of cream and changing my diet and they went away. Also check out this site about instincts.

houught I had a ripper fart once.... Held back at the moment of exit.... Thankfully I did, as it was gattling poo.

I'm an EMT. Sometimes I swear I know we're about to get a call. It's like I'm just waiting at the rig or talking and then all the sudden I'm really aware of everything, a few seconds later we get a call.

Could be I'm imagining that after the fact, but there's my experience.

>Followed by two nogs once walking home from work about 7 years ago, they kept far enough back to try and seem like they weren't up to something.
>rounded the corner and hid in a bush
>waited for them to pass
>as they go by I jumped out with my gun and told them to give me their wallets and get on their knees
>they comply
>I call the police and tell them I have them at gunpoint
>a minute goes by and the cop screeches around the corner and pulls up with lights on
>cop opens the door, "get on the floor"
>everybody walk the dinosaur

>02:00 hours
>woken up by the sound of two men yelling 20-30 yard away from my bedroom window
>I have my GayR-15 derivative propped against the wall (condition four)
>small hours of the same morning before work
>fuck it, I'm going to assume it must be nuthin'
>fall back asleep
>five comfy hours later, my alarm goes off
>alive and well, guess I was right
Feels good living on this side of a gate

>Ever had that sinking feeling that something wasn't right, and it turned out to be true?
Found out my girl had feelings for someone else, though she never actually cheated. I fuckin' knew it the whole time, told her multiple times to just be honest about it if there was someone else, but she denied she did every time I brought it up.

Chilling at her dad's house in France, she's doing college shit and I'm just there beside her. She looks at Whatsapp and I notice a heart emoji in a chat with someone that is not me.

"Faire remonter"

Guy she was talking to went into a full paragraph saying he did not want to intrude into our relationship, said it would be disrespectful and wasn't at all what he wanted to do. Her response to that was ":(

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Oh I didn't notice the actual topic of the thread.

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As the saying goes, "Bitches aint shit."
They are always on the hunt for the very best they can get.
Feelsbad, bro. I know. A woman can never love a man the way a man can love a woman.
Check out Patrice O'neil on YouTube. Man was before his time.

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Wow. Weird stuff.

>attempted cuckolding
>college shit
It all checks out and is no shock to us either, user. The seasoned among us too recognize a woman's betrayal is much like a lion devouring a human infant.

We are not surprised that the lion would
We do not attribute malice to the lion (it is slave to its nature)
We simply understand the lion and keep it away from what we value

She was Adventist, and her dad lives in France so it wasn't much traveling for her. Regardless, you're still not at all wrong.

always felt like my dad was a grabber, though from what he said he always sounded kind of indifferent to gun ownership
then a couple of days ago I found out he was trying to either sell or turn in some guns I was promised I'd inherit and the whole family was trying to hide it from me
I'm glad he apologized when I asked and said he'd wait for me to get back to my hometown, but I need to get my license as soon as possible
t. europoor

I'd write my family off for that.

I haven't spoken to my dad in two years since he got arrested for DV and had all the guns I was supposed to inherit confiscated by the police.

to be fair though those guns are not my dad's and he was only asked to help find some potential buyers
plus he's the only one who actually admitted what was going on, so there's that

Am cop, can confirm %1000 percent, ill be chillin in some dark ass parking lot and 5-10 seconds before i can just feel it, then sure as shit "RADIO TO user BE IN ROUTE TO A CLUSTER FUCK"

I was in a stressed mood fearing for collapse, natural disaster
The next day, there was a (small) forest fire not more than 5km away, I could see the smoke through the house window

I was 8 years old and I had the hair on the back of my neck stand up and I had no idea what was going on. I was like 2 houses away from my home and 2 dogs rounded the corner, I was lucky because around 10 seconds after I encountered them (they were growling and I remember backing away slowly covering my neck and face) my mom was coming outside at that point and she let out my dog shy, she jetted over to me and tore into those dogs, to be fair they were smaller than her she was a labradoodle and I think if I remember one was a doberman and the other a collie mixed with something.

I was dead lifting heavy once(with a belt), well, pretty much every time I deadlift over 80% and I felt something in my stomach rumble, as I hit lockout I felt something slide out of my asshole. I shit my self just a little, and I was really scared.

I shot a big ole turd out once and it ripped my butthole. Took years for everything to get back to normal.

well did the dv recipient do?

Stay on pol you retard

You're an entitled little shit and for family is better off without you

family is probably better off without the dad for that matter
once they get arrested for DV it's pretty much all over

We've evolved to trust our gut instinct, but due to social condition we ignore it and then we die.

Go get paramedic license. Get paid more. Emt is ass it's all gerries and bullshit.

Try harder, faggot

>That out of shape, drug addled boomer ranting about psychics

>Live innawoods
>Be 1 week ago
>Partner is in the hospital having surgery
>Her orange car isnt in the driveway
>My truck is out the back hidden between water tanks
>The time is 4am
>Wake up to massive banging on my front door downstairs
>Last still for a few minutes trying to figure out if i was groggily in a dreamstate when i heard it
>Hear the front door handle being fucked with
>Find shirt on the floor in a mad scramble
>Cant find pants
>I sleep in the nood
>Equip dinky little .22 magnum rifle and storm downstairs flicking lights on
>Reveal methhead at door through a set of windows
>He see's me with a shirt on, dick swinging wildly, wielding a rifle still half in a groggy panic
>Runs into the darkness

My buddy left me his leveraction 12g after he heard the story. Have since made a loud presence of shooting off rounds at various targets. My guess is the meth heads that live in a bus across my valley had noticed the bright orange car wasnt there anymore and figured the place was empty.

Scary shit.

Assuming this isn't bait, being precautionary with women is not going to hurt anybody.

Don't give in to paranoia.
You probably have a chemical imbalance.

Shoulda shot him

Australia. I would go to jail.

Emt here. Sometimes I will be doing nothing and phasing out and suddenly I got full alert. several seconds later the pager goes off. Im pretty sure we react to signals we can't consciously discern

not very Jow Forums related but i was in Iraq
>be at COP
>getting ready to drive back to the FOB
>sudden bad feeling in gut, didn't know what
>almost too scared to drive back
>ignore it because everyone else seemed fine, didn't want to bring it up and freak everyone out
>get to FOB safely, feeling persists
>ask roommate if he ever got bad gut feelings but never knew why
>tells me i'm retarded and to fuck off
>next week find out my gf back home cheated on me that very night

now i just ignore women entirely

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next time just grab the gun. If he gets wierded out because you're naked, that's just your advantage.

>Bigger than a doberman
Nigger you full of shit

uh actually I think the family would probably be better off without the guy that got arrested for DV

Wow, what? Firing on a methhead trespassing on your property in Australia will get YOU jailed? How can things be so cucked down under?

You can't shoot anyone in the back in most parts of the world.

This but go be an RN and get paid more for less responsibilty, regular hours, and more creature comforts. Did the EMT-Para and literally stopped when I found out I could be a GS 5 jerking off and make the same

I was sitting on my couch at home one day and ripped a pretty nice fart, I was proud of it. About 2 minutes later I felt another one coming and just as I began to push intuition took over and I slammed the door shut tight and ran to the toilet. As soon as I sat down and applied minimal pressure I started pissing out my butt hole like a freaking fire hose. Disaster averted by mere fractions of a second.

Jesus Christ, does no one ever just shit themselves for fun? Sometimes you just have to gamble, fucking nancies on this board. I shit myself on average once a year. May as well be ashamed of masturbating.

>the virgin "batten down the hatches"
>the chad "open-door policy"

>have any of you guys ever experienced this phenomenon that literally everyone experiences?

>T-60 seconds
>LOX closeouts complete
>my sides are configured for flight

>Innawoods deer hunting with a couple of friends
> Light snow and cold AF
>Ease down an path through a creek bottom
>Hair stands up on neck
>Something don't feel right
>Look all around. See nothing out of the ordinary
>Keep hunting.
> Meet up with a friend about an hour later
>WOAH DUDE! Did you see see that bear behind you when you were walking down there by the creek?
>Nope but I sensed something wasn't right.
>Yea, the bear came out into the path right after you turned and started walking again.

Watch for Bears

Everytime i enter Florida, i feel like I'm in a state of just instagram morons and attention whores.

Everytime i enter Texas, i feel like I'm in a state of just obnoxious fatasses and California mindset idiots and democrat thinking cowboys

But everytime i enter Arkansas, i feel like I'm in a state that is full of people with unpredictable behaviors and mindsets that will want to kill you then the next day want to hug you but then meet some person that is nice then the next day find that person on the local news qrrested for threating a woman with a homemade dirty bomb. I never feel safe around anywhere because everyone is unpredictable and the entire atmosphere feels hostile yet has an eerie feel of pleasing sense at the same time and the ozarks forests is no man's place for first time hikers or campers but apparently it is just "a normal day" for the locals here which i never got used to because first time i went out to the ozarks i had a gut feeling that i was going to end up dead either by wildlife or by some local out in the woods.

I prefer to stay in Oklahoma.

Arkansas isn't a boogeyman place and is not some deathtrap place nor is the ozarks some kind of Grimm's tale horror forest 2.0 place either. As a arkansan, the state is perfectly fine and reasonable and perfectly healthy since we got a nice gun culture, diamonds, ozark woods camping and hiking, fishing and hunting, perfect communities and besides we are a nice place and not a bunch of degenerates like Texas and Florida.

>Ever had that sinking feeling that something wasn't right, and it turned out to be true?
No, and I have no idea what the fuck everyone is talking about.

t. Arkansas skinwalker
Also Missouri Ozarks is superior

Shoot shovel shut up.

me too i do pizza delivery

Uhm user... skinwalkers are hunted and captured, tortured, raped, killed, eated and possibly not in that order by the Arkansas locals idiot.

Also skinwalkers take refuge in Oklahoma just to be away from Arkansas.

this is an x thread for imagineative subhuumans

>be me
>full gear
>alone building up to stalker challenge
>hear branch break
>oh fuck
>sip whiskey, rack
>settle down after half an hour
>another noise
>my guts turn inside out with... a feeling
>not pain, just unsettling?
>mild discomfort
>turns out i was hungry

>Missourifags STILL to this DAY do not know that their neighbor state ARKANSAS actively hunts and rapes skinwalkers and get a kick out of eating their flesh while the skinwalkers are alive while those that escaped have fled to either Oklahoma or Texas

Maybe some even fled to your state hoping your not as dangerous as the Arkansans.


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>her family advised I wait
You know what? (They knew what their daughter was)

>go to lgs
>see Glock 10mm
>proceed to buy gun
>shoot.40 out of my 10mm now

Most parts of the world you can't really own guns so that's not a very good metric.
>what is fleeing felon laws

>building up to a mild overnight trip

Would seem so.

This, based family but also somewhat unfortunate

>Friends see a bear stalk you
>Don't warn you

based quantum entanglement

>Am cop
How did you get past the "have you ever viewed pornography, or anime?" background check question? Asking for a friend

>Yes but just fisting and cuck porn.

This is legit psychic stuff. Everyone has these feelings. Nobody acknowledges how real it is

Got that feeling before 2 people close to me died, now I dread feeling it again.

>what is a Combat OutPost
>whats is a Forward Operating Base

dumb frogposter

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>Everyone has these feelings.
People keep saying this, but it's never happened to me. Bad shit just happens sometimes, and the only warnings most people I know tend to have are easily observable and explainable.
I keep hearing folks act like this is a common occurrence, but I can't help but notice that they're all repeating things that others have said before, and not giving any data.

Yeah a friend.
Forgot to mention...
He told me he drew down on the bear and was ready to blast away if it came after me.

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>literally stopped when I found out I could be a GS 5 jerking off and make the same
Where the fuck are you a paramedic? Paramedics in my state are averaging $65k/yr starting.

Is it pronounced AR-ken-SAW-en?
The ridiculous spelling/pronunciation of Arkansas is already confusing enough.
>t. Mildy dyslexic

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R can san(like in sand)

Yeah, last night when I was fucking your mom.

The typical k posters.
>military guys.
>police guys.
>emt guys.
>some dide who delivers za.

>am cop

That’s one way to tell everyone you’re a faggot

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Get a sex robot you God damn fucking frog.


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Hey everyone look, it's the faggot reddit pragade.
Go get fucked someplace else fag.

Imagine living in a world where killing meth heads is illegal and not public service to the country.

Man did you dodge a bullet. I think I ran into this with a girl I was dating as well, sometimes you just know the relationship changed or is over, and it's out of your hands.
Can confirm the 5-10 second before something happens you just *know*; I'm still not sure if it's just a 6th sense, your subconscious picking up on stuff, or if that's realities buffer time and anything beyond that is still in flux. Maybe all of us are just conduits for something greater.

>5-10 second before something happens you just *know*
i think most of it can be attributed to experience imo, like gut feelings can be "trained" or honed
a brand new private on his first deployment might not immediately know that empty streets are a bad sign, where his squad leader on his third will know instantly (in conjunction with other observations)

Psi is okay and you dont have to keep
it taboo.
Watch a few vids from Dean Radin and stop letting modern science cockblock psi research.

I don't disagree that there could be a psi/psy element to it, as there are plenty of unseen things that affect us daily (you can't see your thoughts but you know they exist because you think them)

You gotta prop your legs up on a stool.

You do realize that felons can't legally own guns right? If you shoot someone there's a pretty big giveaway you have one. Unless you get rid of the body of course, not like anyone's going to miss a meth head except maybe their dealer

>reeEeeEEEE POL!!!!

Suck my star-spangled cock you mono-linguistic hoodlum. God bless you, eat fruit.

>Man did you dodge a bullet.
Still doesn't feel like the ideal outcome, still have tons of dreams about relationships now that I'm again single, still have no clue how my future is going to plan out despite my constant effort to plan and look ahead.

Plan on enlisting as 91F, but I have psoriasis and still uncertain of how that will affect the eventual MEPS since it's extremely visible.

The end goal is kids and a house they'll properly inherit. I really, REALLY want a wife that speaks French now since having bilingual kids is setting them up for serious success, yet I'm really not trying to go to France or Quebec or the Caribbean every year to scour churches for wives. I got insanely lucky when the last one fell into my lap but obviously not too lucky considering how it ended.

Guess I'll just have to see what happens. Pray I'll meet someone else of faith that wants what I do and will love me as I do them.

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pan out*

They ask if you've watched Anime in the LEO sector? I've never touched weeb-shit but who the fuck hasn't watched porn at least once?

Eat my ass bitch

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Historically it was Arkansawyers.

>yfw the thought police raid your house for publicly displayed homophobic messages

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>user doesn't want to talk to domestic abuser dad
nigger what?

Nah, become an x-ray, CT or MRI technician and have a way easier life. Nurses have to insert catheters and wipe patient's asses and clean up their barf and piss and shit, but us x-ray techs and the other techs I just mentioned don't have to do any of that and we get paid good money too. Especially MRI guys. I recommend starting as an x-ray tech and using that as a stepping stool to get cross training into MRI. Hospitals usually offer cross training.

>he fell for anticop propaganda
user, i...