What gun is on Steven Crowders Desk?

Does anyone know?
Pic related

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Deagle brand Deagle

Glock 7. Its a porcelain gun that can get through your metal detectors and costs more than you make in a month

Looks like the PPK's retarded cousin, so I'm assuming a Bersa Thunder?

That is obviously a pistol style ak.


prolly this
annoying to look at

I think that’s a FAMAS

It's a PPK/s. He's sponsored by Walther, it's always a Walther on his desk.

t. Also sponsored by Walther

All memes aside, it's something Walther, the show is sponsored by Walther.

A porcelain gun made in Germany*

You'd be a surprised what I make in a month

>"Reeeeee we infiltrated ANTIFA and they gave us a pocket knife they're dangerous and evil REEEEE!!!!"
>This episode of controlled opposition brought to you by this litteral firearm on my desk

He's a faggot. 2nd Amendment and the right to bear weapons applies to everyone. It's fucking retarded to litterally wave a gun around while reeee'ing that someone who thinks differently has a pocket knife on them.

Boy that would be swell!

Attached: even more walthers.jpg (3666x1567, 1.39M)

walther ppk

His goal is to demonize antifags and make them look like they're planning to hurt people
The left often considers anyone with a firearm that doesn't regularly attend communist meetups a terrorist timebomb, why shouldn't the right do the same shit to them?

Because of intellectual integrity maybe?You don't call for someone else's disarming when the argument for doing so could just as easily apply to you if the politics were reversed.

He's also a Faggot, a Christcuck, and a Jewish shill.

Oh boy... where to start...

Did you miss the part where the antifa chick says that they had guns in a trunk to shoot the Republicans? The whole plan from those clowns was to go there, pick a fight and hopefully "Get some Nazi scalps" as they say.

Watch your self with that edge, boy.

You had me then you lost me. Crowder is a nerd, Antifa are nerds, but God is great.

Once you drop the hate and realize how beneficial for everyone Christianity really is, you'll come around. Never forget that God loves you, no matter how hateful you were in the past, so long as you genuinely regret and/or forget the hatred.

Poor fag Bersa

Oh no are you triggered? How about sticking to the argument? Crowder is a faggot and a hypocrite who calls for others to be disarmed. He is literally a Christian who bows to Jews as "gods chosen people" over him. This is how he justifies being a shill for disarming people of other philosophies.

Can't you see that he is part of this new trend "Only people in our club should have Constitutional Rights"? Conservatives want to disarm Lefty extremists but not right wing extremists. Lefties want to completely disenfranchise anyone who votes Conservative. It's all part of a growing trend called tribalism. And that faggot Crowder is shilling for it.

Did YOU miss the part where I said EVERYONE could be disarmed with arguments as weak as that? You want to disarm a leftist because you think their ideologies are violent? You realize they would have the EXACT same credibility if they turned that on you?

You don't DISENFRANCHISE someone of their rights because they don't vote the way you do. You set that precedent and we all lose our guns you utter fucking retard.

>t. Someone who glows so bright they've been made into a projector

>If I call him a buzzword I don't have to address his point directly

>tribalism is a growing trend
Lmao. Maybe for the retarded whites displaying out of group preference, for everyone else it's common sense.

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>Literally agrees with me but uses a small brain meme

Ok so we're small brain together.

Go back to Jow Forums

>Conservatives want to disarm Lefty extremists but not right wing extremists
And lefties want to disarm right wing extremists but not lefty extremists.
Why shouldn't the right try to fuck over the left at any available opportunity?
MUH INTEGRITY is a fucking meme, if your enemy uses a dirty tactic use it back against them, if you don't you're just hampering your own side.

You overplayed your hand Jow Forumsfag

>intellectual integrity
Lmao that doesn't exist anymore, buddy.

Read Rules for Radicals. The leftists don't even play by their own rules, why should the right hobble itself by trying to follow a bunch of self imposed moral convictions if the left is still going to attack them anyway?

>muh Jow Forums bogeyman is crying about tribalism
Go back to your discord retard

So the shoe goes on the other foot, THEN you all are interested in "muh integrity"(because let's be honest, you're a blatant shill, and possibly a literal Jew). Fuck you nigger.

hopper ppq

>disarm the dude who had plans to shoot republicans
is not the same as
>disarm all libtards

commies aren't human tho, so they don't have rights

Give us an article he wrote/endorsed or a video that says Antifa should be disarmed and weapons confiscated.

Conspiracy to commit a felony is still a crime, dipshit.

Cool, so you're one of those professionals I've heard about on Jow Forums. How does your job work? Do you have to track posts on a timecard? Genuinely curious.

Is that a buttplug?


>nary a PPQ in sight
Walthers marketing would work better if you actually noticed the gun. Imagine if they released white, desert tan, olive, orange, electric blue, sunshine yellow, and hot pink frames and slides and had Chowder flaunt a new froot loop colored gun every so often. Do you know how many they'd sell if they did a !not storm trooper ppq? Or a !not NERF blue frame gun with a yellow slide? Too many for the memes to contain.

>You don't DISENFRANCHISE someone of their rights because they don't vote the way you do

Except that exactly what you should do when they are trying to vote your rights away and plan on committing harm against you.

Commies are not people and should not have any rights because they don't respect mine

Considering we shills Walther nonstop you should be able to narrow your guesses.
t. Someone that notices he wears a Walther shirt in half his videos.