When you have become the laughing stock of the entire world


>putin advises Saudis to purchase S-400s to prevent future possible attacks while Iran’s Rouhani and Zarif cannot stop laughing in Ankara summit

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While Russian air defenses have seemed to be unable to stop western cruise missiles, they might have a decent chance against Iranian ones. Perhaps this is a good chance to demonstrate the S-400, Pantsir, and other systems in an environment where they could actually succeed.

Attached: oof.jpg (750x375, 47K)

Purin will have the last laugh, tho. Moscow and Teheran are rivals, and if the latter get bombed by Saudi, Jews and USA - no one is going to challenge the Russkies in ME.

>russian hardware only shines when put up against knockoff sandnigger shit

> KSA is wurlds biggist big dumb bcuze dey not choose missul from big great rooshia!!11!!1!1
Okay comrade Faggot

easy to get kills when youre shooting down something that was made in some guy's garage on a Friday


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>Russian air defenses have seemed to be unable to stop western cruise missiles
JIDF, pls.

>JIDF, pls.
Why would you assume I'm IDF? The Israelis have mostly used glide bombs to make a mockery of Russian IADS, not cruise missiles like the original post discussed.

>T-72 copies in Iraq
AHAHAHAAH Russkie shit!
>American made Abrams destroyed by ISIS
OHNONONON They were crewed by Arabs and Arabs lose wars!
>Pantsirs crewed by Arabs
>Patriots fucking slam down on residential area moments after launch
OHNONONONON Arabs! Arabs does not know how to push buttons! Why Arabs lose wars!

Why are you squealing?

Attached: 15373032080710.jpg (604x604, 70K)

>S-400 against low flying cruise missiles

Hey, Putin needs all the export income he can get. Russia is one country where'll I'll rather have a skilled dictator than an all time boogaloo. Again. These days I feel more sympathy with the old KGB officer than I do with the Wahhabi-exporting Saudis.

>please buy our new expensive long range anti-ballistic missile and not our older but effective close range small target system

Threads like this must be regarded with extreme suspicion. Humor and ridicule are powerful weapons in online discourse and Russian/Iranian disinfo forces know this. Saudi Arabia has been forced to take extreme measures to protect the people of Yemen from a constant regime of Iranian terror. The real tragedy is that they have been left to this task alone.

S400 system has more than one kind of missile user

>sell weapons to Iran
>they get cocky and attack SA
>sell weapons to SA
>war happens
>oil goes up
>Russia profits

>Russian air defenses have seemed to be unable to stop western cruise missiles
I've seen this posted in multiple threads, where is this fudd myth originating from?

The failed S-400 missile system was designed to provide a protective blanket over oppressive regimes, to enable them to violate lawfully enacted no-fly-zones, to enable them to destroy airliners with impunity to enable terrorist agendas to flourish. The S-400 also acts as a platform to electronic warfare against the people of America. United States must remain committed to countering the spread of this failed weapons platform by any means necessary.



Based and pentagonpilled.

The world-class S-400 missile defense system was designed to defend innocents from the depredations of the filthy western regimes who long for nothing else than to turn the whole world into a farm of underage transsexual boys and whores that can swallow a whole double ended dildo. The rest of the world must remain committed to containing and quarantining the infection of Frankfurt School politics.

Based and beijingpilled

US has so many enemies it cant decide who is behind internet posts anymore. Is it vatniks, iranians, chinese, or can one person be all 3? Soon you will just be saying Shut Up Forreigner

Mainly shit like Syrian/Russian sources claiming they shot down x number of cruise missiles when the US only fired half that. Along with a general lack of evidence for any large number of downed missiles and clear pictures of the strikes having hit their intended targets.


专题公示:"最美奋斗者"建议人选及事迹简介 答问
不忘初心 牢记使命辽宁卒中急救地图挽救群众生命

Why are we believing what the state department says over what Russia says?

>US has so many enemies
Not really. We've got Russia, China, and Iran, basically. Maybe Venezuela and the Norks, too, but they don't really have reliable internet access. Most of the salt against America on this board probably comes from Europeans, but at the end of the day, they're effectively vassal states, so it doesn't really matter all that much.

>Why are you believing an organization that lies 50% of the time over one that lies 95% of the time?

>Shut Up Foreigner
How I feel about all non-Americans to be honest.

Waco Ruby RIdge Human SHields in Federal Buildings Failed Patiot Missile Hit Pentagon Building 7 Free Aztalan Free Texas Cascadia Holocaust 6 Million Fake

Can glowniggers track you for pasting this into Glownigger Translate?

They both lie 50% of the time. Russia just contradicts the state department 95% of the time, and the state department's lies are anti russia 100% of the time

Israel striking Syria punitively anywhere and Russia claiming its weapons will stop this. In reality it seems only Russia’s airbase is truly protected or they don’t care about the Syrian’s precariously lied to them. You can say the Jews are lying but the targets they hit are real. It’s a mix of Syrians not using technology properly,the tech being bad and the Israelis having really good tech.

>Why are you believing an organization that lies 50% of the time over one that lies 95% of the time?
That's what I asked, why are we believing what the state department says over what Russia says?

>Not really. We've got Russia, China, and Iran, basically.
Why then spy on German government and pay NGOs to influence their elections? What about sending Obama to tell Brits not to vote Brexit "or else"? You even prevented Le Pen from being elected by literally SWATing her headquarters, you gave French government intel that she's a ebul gnazee and they raided her election HQ and burned all their documents.

That's not civilized behavior, much less behavior an ally would like to see.

>In reality it seems only Russia’s airbase is truly protected
Duh. Russia doesn't care about Syria, Syria is allied with Iran which is a major economic and strategic enemy for Russia.

All Russia has ever wanted to do in Syria is prevent NATO from denying them a Mediterranean port, that's why their involvement isn't much greater. Russia annexed Crimea to prevent NATO from denying them a warm sea port, which is needed for a lot of different types of shipbuilding, thats why they haven't simply steamrolled the east Ukraine and annexed that too.

Anyone with half a brain cell can see this.

Gee, that sounds familiar. "In order to protect the village we had to destroy it"?

Are anyone believing either?

>Why then spy on German government and pay NGOs to influence their elections
Funnily enough, the Krauts discovered that whole spy plot because of their own spy networks in the US government. It was pretty funny how quickly that story disappeared once it was revealed.

>protect the people of Yemen
OK that's a joke.

>The real tragedy is that they have been left to this task alone.
They have aid from dozens of country and are supplied with equipment equivalent or in many cases superior to American. Why the fuck can't they suppress a state the size of Cuba?

Instead the Yemenis are controlling the tempo of the war and inflicting massive casualties on Arabs. They even successfully invaded parts of Saudi Arabia and are holding several cities.

Still, in the case of small drones/cruise missiles launched by non-state actors, something like Pantsir would be much more effective.

The rack of short ranged missiles are to defend the S-400 itself from PGMs and cruise missiles. It's a last ditch defense, not really meant to be used since anything firing at S-400 has to go through Morpheus first.

It was later proven that that Pantsir was out of ammunition.

Why are you in denial faggot? Lemme guess you also think Anderson arms makes good AR's huh? Only poor fag retards attach emotion to equipment.

Lol true. Both sides have their boomers that will not accept that the other side is capable. It gets annoying because anytime anyone tries to discuss a Russian or American piece of equipment, a boomer fag from either sides has to shit on everything.

Usually from American or Israeli sources. They're the only ones to exaggerate their successes and immediately shut down any talk of progress from the enemy. It's good propaganda. I still remember CNN was turning neocon and was blatantly lying saying how hundreds of Russian private contractors died in this one specific battle, when I'm reality it was only a dozen or so Russians and the rest were the Arab militants that they were accompanying. Also, they got killed because they got bombed and absolutely rekt, further proving how vital air superiority is in war.

>They're the only ones to exaggerate their successes and immediately shut down any talk of progress from the enemy
Russia is the main source of this shit.

It's not a matter of "can" but "will".

Never happened.

It did though.

No, the boomer American mutts do it worse. Because they actually believe in American exceptionalism lol.

Russians have war journalists on Syrian frontlines.

America doesn't have journalists on Syrian frontlines.

By simple dint of logic America has to be lying more often than Russia.

I thought the crew was on vacation?

Imressive, Nof assumning localnewss aren't already inJDF conrol.

I thought the Iran shills would be mad at the prospect of Russia getting invincible S-400s

I mean he’s right no matter how much you scream JIDF

Daily air strikes on Syria that Syrian AD can’t stop at all

Lol you’re still mad about those Russians being btfo by marines huh


There are no successes. Syria is bombed weekly by Israel and they can’t do anything to stop it

Maybe the S-400 is good but the S-300 and pantsir can’t stop 40 yesr

Can’t stop 40 year old F-16s*

Good post, tovarishch!

I can't tell what you wanted to say.

>Daily air strikes on Syria that Syrian AD can’t stop at all
Does Syrian AD operate S-400?

lol, there were two pantsirs blown up by the IDF. First one is my particular favorite, because they calimed it was out of ammunition and no one got hurt because no one was in the empty pantsir. In the strike video you can see the crew having a smoke break outside and then one of them runs and jumsp into the cab right before the strike, RIP. twitter.com/idf/status/994625305007607813?lang=en

Second one fires two missiles as the IDF glide bomb approaches, and both miss. twitter.com/inbarspace/status/1087436222526558209?lang=en

The pantsir has had a terrible showing in Syria, being blown up not once but twice by exactly the sort of system they are supposed to protect against. Even Russia is looking for replacements, and found a stopgap in EW to prevent drone strikes. defence-blog.com/army/russia-looking-for-replacement-for-troubled-pantsir-air-defense-system.html

Lmao like our glows care about this shit
Cope harder faggot