Okay here's one for you Jow Forums: if two concealed carriers are responding to an active shooter in the same building...

Okay here's one for you Jow Forums: if two concealed carriers are responding to an active shooter in the same building how do they tell the good guy from the bad guy and avoid shooting each other? Has there ever been an instance where a CCW mistakenly killed another CCW?

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If the shooter's report is clearly something else (rifle of sufficient caliber, shotgun) there shouldn't be a mix up. Could also be that you see them far away or in the opposite direction of the last shot. Lastly if a nother round fires while you have eyes on
Next I'd say don't blow away the guy at low ready
That said even with all those a situation like that is.... chaotic to say the least. I'm sure incidents like that have occurred, but afterwards it'd be likely reported as "two shooters lol"

It's never happened because people are selfish. They aren't going to "engage the shooter" because being in a live fire situation with hostile rifle reports ringing out incredibly loudly is a much more immediate, visceral experience than how you'd imagine it in your head. A reasonable human being will just not put himself in the line of fire.

Having a ccw doesn't give you the obligation to seek out its use. People who get their licenses and then think they are some sort of citizen guard duty cringe sheep dog are the worst. You hear gunfire your first response should be to flee, then hide, then if you must engage.


>"IDENTIFY" before you shoot, you are responsible for your actions period.

>both CCW holders get shot by jumpy cops with ARs
>Daquan is long gone

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>passing up an opportunity to get sum
Shiggetty diggetty dooooo

>implying self defense scenarios are team deathmatches instead of free for alls
Never going to make it.

That one chick that's anti gun cause someone blasted her face at a rally. There were 2 or 3 cc people confus as fuck

>how do they tell the good guy from the bad guy
>is he white?
Shoot him
>does he have an AR which is tricky but not impossible to CC
Shoot him
>is the shooter a male
Shoot him

You better personally see the guy do something bad.

If I see someone carrying a rifle into a bar and point it at someone, I might let him shoot at least 1 person before I get involved. I mean, it better be 100% clearly defendable in court.

Secondly, if there's a cop anywhere, I ain't getting involved. If a cop makes the scene, I'm throwing my gun on the ground and pointing to the bad guy.

>It's never happened
It's actually happened multiple times. Sadly instead of them teaming up and shooting the active shooter, the CCer has accidentally shot each other.

While not your scenario there was also that CC guy at the mall that was getting shot up and the responding officer sent him to Bed with a Bath of bullets till he was finally released to the great and Beyond

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>Secondly, if there's a cop anywhere, I ain't getting involved. If a cop makes the scene, I'm throwing my gun on the ground and pointing to the bad guy.

>respond to active shooting
>run in without backup because freedums
>see some shady looking fuck toss his weapon on the ground and tell me to go in some other direction the moment he sees my blues
>Not today, fagget!

Based zoomer

>things that don't happen

>how do they tell the good guy from the bad guy
The bad guy will be shooting other people, and likely be in the direction of the gunshots.

Really the only safe way to do this is
>run your fatass to cover
>try to find the source of the shots
>if you see a guy that is actively aiming for the screaming people nearby, odds are that is the shooter
But even then you need to think hard about trying to engage, cops are jumpy enough as it is and unless you were actively getting attacked you just put a giant target on yourself intentionally or not.
Technically it is TDM, just hardcore with friendly fire on.

>If I see someone carrying a rifle into a bar
Bud, he has that gun unslung and at the ready, shoot him first. Worst case scenario, he was too dumb to survive much longer anyway.

>it happens all the time, trust me

Many of the nitwits who keep murdering randos lately seem to be wearing outfits or other things that mark them as mass shooters.

Dayton shooter had his ninja pajamas, El Paso shooter had ear pro muffs, Fed court house had his IRA getup, and the Virginia Beach shooter had the fuck huge can on his pistol.

Not sure if the garlic festival or Midland shooter had identifying clothes or equipment though.

Post proofs

There is one thing every mass shooter does in their MO. They always shoot more than once.

With our advanced human anatomy, we have ears that can connect to the local cellular network to triangulate the approximate position of said mass shooter and which way the fuck is going. The CCW has yet to fire and is currently under the radar as he sets himself up for a clean shot on the perp's flank.

Little does our first CCW know, there is another doing the same. With out a word spoken, with out making eye contact, our two CCWs spring out to ambush the perp, giving his mother a late term abortion. The two CCWs now notice eachother and acknowledge the eachother with a small nod. Both in agreement that they got sum.

Our two CCWs then order some pizza to be deliverd in celebration. It's only when the pizza is delivered and eaten, do the police show up.


Shit that doesn't happen.

I have the same thoughts. Im not seeking him out and Im running if I hear shots. Im avoiding him if a guy with a gun walks in my direction but hasnt proven himself a threat. If I have a sightline and watch him become a 100% threat I might pop a round off and run otherwise Im not risking accidentally-ing the wrong guy.

OK pops.

Nice i can wear it with my shoulder holster

If i have a my cc in an active shooter situation im not using it to charge a shooter and be a hero. Im only using it to protect my own ass, running thw fuck away is a much better idea.

Just grab the barrel of the gun you don't need a firearm to defend yourself gun control now

You keep your gun hidden at behind-leg ready, kill the threat, then holster. In situations as chaotic as that everyone is your enemy. I was trained that in an active shooter situation, retards are gonna be rushing towards me, grabbing onto me and shit because they just don't know what to do and want someone to help. In your case anyone, not just a CCW holder, can think you're the bad guy and rush you. Consider the risks, consider Murphy's law, and cover your ass. If you're going to play hero be smart about it. Never run into anything with your head up your ass.

Main thing to consider is keep your gun hidden as much as possible. I wouldn't run around pieing corners and gunpoint checking subjects if not in uniform. If people are looking out to shoot the guy with the gun, you don't want to make yourself the guy with the gun. But you still are a guy with a gun in a situation where a guy with a gun could save a bunch of lives.

~Bravery can get you going towards the sound of gunfire, but brains will get you out alive.~

All I'm doing is finding the exit and covering people as I usher them to it.

Now if I have my family with me. Then I'm evacuating them and nothing else.

This right here

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Well if 1 guy is wearing a mask, has an AR, and is wearing a ballistic vest and 2 of them are wearing normal clothes it'll probably be a little more obvious, especially if the 2 normal looking guys are obviously ignoring or not firing on kids or cops

Blue on blue happens. Has happened, and is going to happen. Bank on it. The only thing that prevents it is having friendlies too thin on the ground to bump into each other.

More like you'll get ventilated by the cops because they are responding to a shooting and you're some fuck with a gun.

Try to keep it holstered until you have some one obviously killing people in your line of sight

hashtag squad goals

>concealed carriers are responding to an active shooter

Just no you fucking sheepdog larping asshole. It's not your job to run to the sound of gunfire. If you can run away then you run away. your gun is a last ditch tool to save your life it's not an obligation to save everyone.

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If he's white, he's alright.
If he's brown, gun him down.

women are disgusting

Unless she's got a fourth hole we don't know about or he's hung like a meathook this is fake.

but not gay.

Why are there so many bearded tatted tryhards and trashy hoes in the gun community now? Like bruh go back to work at the gas station and bitch go back to suicide girls.

alright so lets imagine someone starts shooting up a place. there are two ccw holders who hear the shots. both of them look around to localize the threat and move behind the nearest cover. while peeking out of the cover they make eye contact. looking into each others eyes one of them realizes hes gay. the other one realizes hes gay. you are gay

>if two concealed carriers are responding to an active shooter
They’re both fucking up, and will die. Their antics will be laughed at on the nightly news for a month, then forgotten.

The purpose of a ccw isn’t to do whatever sheepdawg bullshit you and your nogunz friends are envisioning. You carry to protect you and yours from immediate lethal threats. Responding to an active shooter with your cc piece is how you wind up getting charged with murder or attempted murder. Somebody starts shooting, you go the other way.

yeah it seems most people that take out teh bad guys are usually right there to see shit go down and know whos who.

the CCW guy at the wal*mart that mushroom stamped the retarded open carry faggot was pretty well liked

Hall monitor extraordinaire lel

Pretty easy. The guy running with his pistol at low ready toward the gunfire probably isn't the shooter. And it helps if say good guy as you pass people. There was a shooting at a Walmart in Colorado where like 3 or 4 guys were concealed carrying and they managed not to shoot each other.

I work security for my church and we know people concealed carry. The biggest thing is to be aware of your surroundings, and identify real threats.

hes in her butt

I carry a gun to protect not just myself but every innocent life that I'm in contact with. I'm single, and don't have many prospects of a future, so I don't mind risking my life to save others that actually have a life. That being said I'm not going to rush an active shooter with my J frame. That's primarily the reason I usually carry a full sized handgun with an RMR.

> (You)

As someone with not-inconseridable experience with the buttsex with a variety of partners, I find that hard to countenance as well.



Tattoos are losing their stigma insanely fast. I'm seeing them in every different sector, and in more than just the lower class now. The beards idk, probably just trying to hide a weak chin.

Tattoos are still indicative of trash. It doesn't matter if you're a millionaire business owner or the guy working at 7-11. If you have tattoos, your mentality in life is trash. I have a friend with tattoos and while he's a nice guy he's a trashy motherfucker. Loves strip clubs, never washes his hands even after taking a shit. Washes his ass out in the sink when it gets itchy. Has 2 pit bulls. Can't rely on him to do anything he says he's going to do.

That's what they call anecdotal evidence. I also know surgeons with sleeves and pilots with back pieces.

You sound like a cuck, the cop is shooting people too, so shoot the faggot cop aswell.

Basically this. It's been shown that, even with worse range performances, those who engage in gunfire from a better concealed position are the ones who win.

If multiple CCWs are engaging, they will likely be behind cover, but the attacker will most likely be in the open. Not hard to tell who is who at that point.

Just wait to see if they’re shooting people.
Besides, having a CCW doesn’t make you a cop. If the shooter is threatening you or people around you you’re justified in responding. Otherwise you should remove yourself from the situation.

While trash might be a bit strong, I question the self worth of anyone who needs such personal adornments.


I think beto’s dick is dirty from fucking over Americans. Why don’t you go clean it for him!

try harder, we know you don't belong here

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easy. the good guy will have left the building because a concealed carrier with IQ above room temperature knows its not his responsibility to respond to an active shooter. he carries for self defense only, not to play SWAT and go hunt down an active shooter in an active scene and get blown away by responding cops or other idiot Jow Forumsommando zoomers

Live by an AF base, i know pilots and a few guys with phds in physics who got a tattoo somewhere. Often a unit thing. 1 guy had two phds from MIT and had his grandma's name and birth/death date on his arm.

Fair enough. I like it religated to military and gangs.

>Tattoos are still indicative of trash
nigger you're friends with a motherfucker that flings his ass cabbage all over your toothbrush stfu.

>Actually open carrying an NFA item
>Calvary hat

Who is this based boomer?

excessive beards are a def sign of weak chins

Bullshit shareblue.

There's always room for error but if it's a mass shooting situation, the guy is usually strapped with rifle(s) and hundreds of bullets + gear.

If it's a stray dindu busting a cap in a homies ass, you'd best not get involved unless the situation is extremely obvious.

If it's a simple robbery... look for a dude doing the robbing, again it's best not to get involved.

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Why aren't Americans, specifically, incapable of quick drawing from the holster like a cowboy? That would the ultimate way of presenting yourself as a ccw as you're not waving your piece around trying to look for a target. What ever happened to those wild west hip shooters? Are American love handles preventing quick hip firing?

It's the punk millenials hitting their tryhard pro-guns-middle life crisis stage after getting fucked hard by the barbed wire lefty stick.

Guns and CC holsters don't work like that.