Realising you wasted all your chances of enlisting and are 28

>realising you wasted all your chances of enlisting and are 28
Times flies. You young ones, enlist when you can and don't become a tired old prick.

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Stupid frogposter

Already did and I got cucked from a fucked knee and separated right before A school ended.
The knee got better, my spirit took a little longer.

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>Joining Isreals foreign legion
I'll have to pass

Oy vey, i wonder who's behind that post

Yes young ones, waste the best years of your life to fight for us.

Be a good goy.

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Even if that's true, I will never get past the fact that enlisting and becoming infantry teaches you how to be in a firefight. If you wanna survive the Big Luau, knowing how to fight by sheer muscle memory is an indispensable value.
And there's no Threeper militia, Diamond Dogs, or other easy mode meme that can adequately replicate what the Gubbmint spends the most amount of money on: killing people.
I'm neverserved, and this is my biggest regret. TL;DR the military are the authoritative professionals on fighting.

Congrats. You've realized you've dithered and pissed away an opportunity that you wish you hadn't.

Now don't be the loser that "almost joined" and "oh if I had joined life would have been different". Go convert on one of the opportunities you're currently pissing away instead of whining about the one that's gone.

You know who was also 28?
Now what lies ahead for "our hero"?

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The last militaries worth fighting in ceased to exist in 45 tho

don't worry user
now you're not a disposable tool for corporations, a government that literally doesn't care about you, or israel (take your pick) and you most likely won't be disfigured or killed for no good reason while acting as the invader (who should rightfully be fought) in somebody' else's backyard

>fucked Kiwis out of their funs and was deliberately trying to get America to follow suit
>now has everyone kvetching about "international white male supremacy"
>"b-but he killed dune coons so he's our hero!"
Face it, Jow Forumsniggers: trying to start your gay little race war will just ruin everything for the rest of us. And yes, I'm aware that Pierce touched on this in the Turner Diaries. But you're not helping.

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I'm 27 and plan to join the military as a combat medic and hopefully become a surgeon. I'm a already nurse.

read CJ Chivers' "The Fighters," there are two marine corpsmen in there who wanted to do that too

I knew dudes in BCT who were 34

Stop being a pussy and fucking do it

You can join other branches at like 36. I had a guy in my brother flight in BMT (chair force) who was like 35 and had his master's in something.

It can be done.

Looks interesting. Will do senpai, thanks.

How do you do, fellow ki... young ones. Remember to enlist while you're still too young to really think about it... I mean before you grow the impulse control part of the brai.. I mean before you grow to be an old and bitter recru... totally-not-a-soldier like me.

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>worth fighting for
>still lose

So these are the tactics?

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Cool story bro

This makes me feel good. I'm 33 and was toying with enlisting, went to Syria with retarded YPG and got a bug I can't really scratch... Came to 4chins after a long time away to seek wisdom.

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Yea sure.. thats why they get btfo by literal goat herders with double digit IQ every. Single. Time.
I'd say being a good marksman and knowing practical skills is good enough. God has the last say anyways, you could be the best soldier in the world and still get snuck up on and killed with a zip pistol, sometimes its just the luck of the draw.

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Kill yourself faggot.
Your wife is cheating on you and your kids are ugly.

Yes, spend the 'best' years of your life watching movies and getting intoxicated.

The Army literally does not accept people older than 27 at the current moment.

Damn glad i didn't enlist in '00. What an embarassment.

Recruiter hands typed this post.

I have my bachelors and will be 29 in a few weeks, can I just call up the chair force and say I want to be an officer?

really? the internet says 35..

You can still enlist if you have some sort of skill/education. I'm about to turn 30 and have pestered by recruiters who got my contact info from my master's program.


just have good PT scores and ASVAB

Not according to the recruiters who regularly annoy me.

But you can still enlist tho

>an autistic aussie who was actively trying to cause stricter gun laws as part of an even more autistic attempt to start a race war

>Jow Forums's hero

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>Muscle memory
It's not hitting a fucking golf ball you gobot

fuck off

That's airforce. Dude I am not becoming a fucking janitor or desk jockey.

t. recruiter
Hey Chang
Yep, this and targeting liberal cities

I'm 22 but have to wait a year, but I'm gonna enlist. Just deciding what to pick. Brit btw.

Just go to your local gay bar instead and you will get the same experience.

Then go CCT, PJ, EOD, or special weather.

"The maximum age for Army enlisted recruits is 35, while the Navy and Marines cap recruit ages at 34 and 28, respectively. Under federal law, the oldest recruit any military branch can enlist is 42"
That's what Google says at least...

I wouldn't be allowed in.

My friend was like 38 when he joined the Army as a 68W. He went to Afghanistan a few times and now is out and in nursing school. Don't be such a pussy.

I need a security clearance to work on actually interesting MOS and not some dumb grunt.

>I'm about to turn 30 and have pestered by recruiters who got my contact info from my master's program
How do they do that, user? I'm about to finish under grad and was flirting with grad school and a Marine OCS recruiter emailed me randomly asking if I wanted to come in and talk. Do schools give that info or what? I'm a pajeet idk why they want me.

We had a guy turn 42 in Basic he was one hardcore old guy

>a pajeet
You got citizenship?

Yup. I was born in WI.

So I'm not completely crazy at 33, this has actually been some uplifting shit, thanks user.

Yeah schools provide them your info. You signed something that gave them permission at some point.

> tfw you didnt burn all the cartlidge off your knees carrying cheap heavy gear for israel

you only get one set of joints, its a real shame to not burn them up for God's chosen people. Shame on you for not serving OP

Shit. I really need to read that fine print. I might go see what they say for shits and giggles.

How disrespectful. You know I can break your nose and the boomer cops will let me get away with it.