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The real reason is because zoomers are too fat and unwilling to wageslave. At least the adaptation of cryptocurrencies will quell the US dollar's power.
>everyone in the pic is a either fat, Mexican, or a fat Mexican.
I sure hope our technology makes up for our fucking abysmal recruitments.
please tell me the picture for this article is a joke
It’s real, from a WSJ article. Fucking lmao
The memes are becoming reality
Oh, NONONO bad goys.
To top it off, this picture wasn’t even taken near the border. This shit is in CHICAGO lmao
So they're letting fatties into the military now?
And stinky beanbags too
The Army is the most obese of all the branches. If only you knew how bad things really are.
It's probably because zoomers read the internet. If you still believe recruiter lies by this point you're a moron. Well, I mean, not that the US has a shortage of morons, so I guess we've actually reached sub-moron territory.
Fuck off zog shill. The real reason is that people dont want to die for Israel.
>after 2001
It may quell the US dollar's power but rumor is that Ripple will hand over their fifty billion XRP escrow to an international organization. Read up on how Ripple's interledger protocol is going to be the backbone of the digital economy. It's going to accelerate the globalist agenda beyond any Jow Forumsfags worst nightmare.
Dios Mio, El Ogre De Las Americas...
The US government hates white people, so what sane white kid would wanna serve? Mexicans obviously don't have loyalty outside of their own, so why would they wanna serve? Most people serve for gibs, and there are a few larpers. like maybe 2% of the military serves out of patriotic duty.
This is literally just the average American classroom
These are the troops that are gonna win the booger lube?
Based and Bitcoinpilled. I hold FTM too though
This. With maybe a few scattered black and white kids here and there. Growing up in Texas, you learn what it's like to be a minority white real quick.
They’re gonna eat ass and smell like shit on the tax-payer’s dime.
So not even in the United States.
But the discord trannies said 1776 will never commence again because the strong arm of the state will BTFO all huwhiteoids.
>surprised about seeing this in chiraq
Also this, in the early 2000’s you would have found a pretty good chunk who wanted to join for their country after 9/11, now there is literally no reason whatsoever to do that especially with the internet being as gigantic as it is. Most who join do it for the free college or because they have next to no other option, with a smaller group who join because they want to do cool guy shit that they couldn’t do outside. And in 2019 you’d have to be an actual retard to feel any sense of patriotism for the shitshow called the United States, as what we see now is just a rotten corpse moved around with strings.
makes sense for chicago sadly. The demographics breakdown to 33% white, 33% black, and 33% hispanic.
I can't wait to see ground footage off all the obese spic and tranny troops when we go to war with Iran
The caption is right though. There's no reason to join the military when private sector jobs are doing very well.
I'd be looking at a significant pay cut and a drop in quality of life, so why do it? Patriotism isn't a valid answer anymore
I have zero college debt, had priority registration, and was paid to do all of it. Having been in the military gave me a different perspective than the typical college student. It was fun.
You’re only a moron if you don’t use the education benefits to help further yourself
Zog is just gonna have to crash the economy to pump those numbers up.
It's unique in that it's not a conscript army but not necessarily ran on the spirit and vigor of the people. It's just a machine at this point. Basically a gibs army. Ancient Roman military functioned similarly I believe.
Turns out, most Americans aren't interested in going and getting shot/blown up in a desert on the other side of the world to protect Israel
I guess fighting for Israel is only a good recruitment bait for low-class "conservative" Whites, because the Jews somehow managed to insert servility to Israel as part of the American conservative view.
Spics don't give a fuck about Israel.
>Americans too fat for the army
This is why basic exists. If the problem gets worse they will simply add a new funnel of pre-basic for the fatties.
Chillout and stop getting emotional over click-bait bullshit.
Tell me Jow Forums which was the last justified war?
Maybe GW1 too
For the US? The war for independence.
Maybe Korea. WW1 and WW2 were a mistake
The Philippine–American War. We had to secure brothels in the pacific to secure our hegemony of the seas.
The only mistake was not rolling east after Berlin was taken.
Soviet or American Invasion?
Mexican-American war, but ironically, we clearly see who won that one in the end.
Pretty much. IMO the real killer here is the lack of an actual reason to join aside from getting gibs or doing cool guy shit, there is no invading military heading towards the US >inb4 south of the border and clearly the government and businesses don’t give a remote fuck about the people. If you had a sense of duty towards your community then you can volunteer, become a firefighter, EMT, and/or do all these other things whereas if you join the military you’re either sent to the other side of the country or sent to some base halfway across the planet, with the occasional hurricane and disaster relief if you’re in the Nasty Girls or Coast Guard. Everyone has their reasons for joining, but I can guarantee for a pretty big chunk in a post 9/11 world patriotism is not one of them, or if it is then it is the meme tier “GAWD BLES AMURICAH” type where they just want excuses to drink Bud Light on the 4th while watching a football game.
American. Unpopular but justified. US fucked up by messing with the Russians though (hindsight).
If you live in "texas".
My highschool and graduating class were majority white. Get out of South/Central TX.
Seriously, this is what white men fought and died for. This. Right here. This nigger mongrel army rapping. Hope you're happy. Could have had a white brotherhood.
I.... no. this makes me want to fucking kill myself. What the FUCK is wrong with this Jew-owned shithole.
the revolution
> Could have had a white brotherhood.
>Jew-owned shithole.
Y'know maybe Islam isn't so bad...
>ITT: Angry never serve Incels
The only "cringe" is that every single White nation is being force-mongrelized and Judaized and ghetto-ized into a uniform brown mass of 80IQ slave mongrels.
Whites are being force-mongrelized and destroyed by the Jewish world leaders in politics and finance.
>proud to serve Jews
You're literally a slave. So stupid you defend your slave master. It would honestly be better for everyone if you just kill yourself rather than serve evil and help them destroy real people.
And what are you gonna do about other than bitch about it?
>I am a failure because of someone else
White skin, niggardly mind.
>t. fed
>Whites are being force-mongrelized and destroyed by the Jewish world leaders
Cope harder you stupid virgin.
>And what are you gonna do
It's all he's going to do.
>it wuz dah jooosss
Please tell me more user.
>you will see the collapse of the Judeo-American empire in your lifetime
Honestly feels pretty good.
>i am not a failure because i am a POS
>i am a failure because jews rigged the system!
We get it, you are trash and so you need to find validation in the accomplishments of others while projecting your failings onto some perceived all powerful "other". You are just another genus of bitter leftist onion-boi.
War of 1812.
The system is rigged though faggot. It has been since the fed was created and central banking started milking the hours of your life to sustain the agenda of the elites.
Agreed. Fucking Yanks stay the fuck out of Upper Canada.
>The system is rigged though faggot
Yet and many millions of others have succeeded. So maybe its not the system, maybe its a you problem?
This. America has tainted the world with their 'culture' and oppression for too long.
Yes!!!!! More info user!!! Oh boy tell me more my pussy is so wet!!
Looks like a JROTC program in the southwest maybe
I can't wait to see us get absolutely BTFOd by Iran
As someone who dated a Filipino chick, I thank our forefathers for protecting our right to mentally unstable deepthroating anal sluts.
I'm sure it's because of the economy and not because we're dying for another country's desire to rule over mankind.
lol you fucking shills are in panic mode with this shit. I honestly hope you all live to enjoy the utopia you think you're creating.
Yup it's been like this since 2014
Wow free military training for gang bangers and Cartels I'm sure nothing bad will happen when they come back home
>muh training
Yeah they'll have the shiniest brass in the ghetto
Material rewards are fletting. Soon your master will claim you as his own.
>it is impossible that anyone could genuinely disagree with me
You say the system is rigged. Yet here I sit living the quintessential middle-class life. How is the system rigged? Or is it just rigged for you?
Yes yes shills for dah joos you know me please spread more info goyim
>citing some retarded brit born in 1894
If you can't adapt and overcome, that's your fault.
>look at this quote
>no, I dont have an argument
>rapture argument
Yep, mental deficiency detected.
Because you inherited it. Next question.
he cries out as he strikes you
You were born with the shackles on. That's why you can't feel them. You can't even imagine what things could be like without the vampires leeching off of the productivity of the hours of your life.
>everyone who succeeds has not succeeded because i have not succeeded
Genuinely starting to think its a you problem
You are misusing the quote, dipshit.
That dude likely has no idea how much he sounds like a Roman Imperial prole.
>meaningless platitudes
Still not an argument.
the more i argued with them
Based and Pattonpilled
wrong one again. Do keep trying though.
Imagine being such a self centered pinko that thinking of your own culture existing makes you cringe.
The whole world will be a sterile orthodoxy of brown favela soon. Congratulations, your ideology will destroy everything that makes people unique and special in the name od progress.
Honestly, I don't see how anyone can look at the trends in home ownership, wages, STEM field saturation, etc and say that the US is heading in a good direction.
you can't argue with trips of truth schlomo
One Chink off to the right who will sign for two years (minimum req) get his citizenship and then promptly fuck off.
No, that would be "the harder you work, the richer you get"
it's a JROTC brainlet