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Yugoslav War Thread
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>a fucking leaf
please clap, and post.
This guy was supposedly a Bosniak living in Canada,foreign volounteer
Kosovo je Srbija
the filename for this one is a bit shit desu but basically its a croat citizen guarding a trench near a pass that's older than WW1 saying the enemy always comes from that way.
Remove Kebab
I have never truly understood the Yugoslav wars, and I don't know if I ever will.
its like less complicated version of the Syrian Civil War.
I know it's a god damn mess it be nice if someone could give me a quick rundown
not perfect and mainly a dude using wikipedia to come up with a script but this is a quickish rundown. essentially stronkman died, no one kept the lid on ethnic tensions, those boiled over and everyone tried to come out with as much new territory as they could.
We helped the wrong side in that war.
The only reason Al Qaeda passports passed under the radar is because they were issued in Bosnia under false names. Bosnian Muslims helped commit a massive attack on America a few years after we GAVE them their country. Mad dogs...
Objectively America should have helped the Croatians. Emotionally Serbia dindu nuffin wrong.
It's a bit easier to understand when you accept that there's no good sides in a war. Though, it especially applies to the massive fuckfest that are these wars.
Not insulting your intelligence mind you, I'm just saying it do be like this.
thanks for the contribution user
Objectively Croatia and Serbia didnt have a large disagreement, the territory they were arguing over was small and could be discussed over a table.
The true horror came when serbs expelled from that territory in croatia had to go through 100km of hadjis to get to friendly lines, most of them got gunned down or tied to trees with barbed wire in the middle of winter or other horrible shit.
Here is the footnotes:
>Josip Tito, the man who basically created Yugoslavia as we know it and told both Germany and the USSR to fuck off both diplomatically and in combat, dies in 1980
>the Balkans, notorious for its huge amount of inter ethnic conflict, grows more and more unstable after Tito’s death
>Serbians in particular, who were an ethnic majority and arguably the most “powerful” members, aimed to create what was more or less Greater Serbia, to the chagrin of Croatians and especially muslim Bosnians, the former of which had similar goals albeit not nearly as blatant as Serbia
>tensions grow, and Yugoslavia becomes much more decentralized, to where it is basically a federation of countries instead of multiple countries united as one
>Slovenia declares independence in 1991 and defeats the JNA, the Ten Day War ends in Slovenia’s favor and starts off the Yugoslav Wars
>military and paramilitary groups operate on all sides in what is basically a giant attempt for land grabbing
>Serbian paramilitary forces form to try and basically create a greater Serbian state alongside the formal military, terrorize Bosnians and Croats en masse, the same happens for just about all other ethnic groups as well
>this all goes on for a decade as the UN and NATO intervenes, becomes the most destructive and deadly war in post WW2 Europe
>Yugoslavia as an entity is disolved in 2006 and the domain .yu expired in March 2010
To say that it was a clusterfuck is putting it VERY generously. You could make the argument that Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina acted in self defense which is to a point true, but pretty much every side in the war were jackasses trying to scramble for power any way they could.
I visited Bosnia recently and a guy I talked to for awhile told me that they "Always had to drink dirty water during the war, this made us very sick. Still, I have never been as sick as when I visited the Croatian beaches this year, just swimming on the Croatian coast gave me herpes"
No worries man. These threads are a good change of pace from the usual shittiness of Jow Forums, so thank you too.
Wieger StG-940. Very rare gun, frankly mad jelly at the dude holding it tbqh.
>Greater Serbia, to the chagrin of Croatians and especially muslim Bosnians, the former of which had similar goals albeit not nearly as blatant as Serbia
>Serbian paramilitary forces form to try and basically create a greater Serbian state alongside the formal military, terrorize Bosnians and Croats en masse
Absolute nonsense.
The translation is Great Serbia, not Greater. Time Magazine added 'er' to make it sound sinister but ((ironically) all Milosevic wanted was a union modeled on Great Britain.
You also missed crazy people in Croatia and literal Afghan Mujaheddin coming to Bosnia somehow.
agreed, it's neat seeing the conflict, especially the guns used.
Are you sure? Those mag looks like something that would fit in a mag well not something that would rock-and-lock.
Oh my mistake, I think it was an SAR-80 instead. Still jelly tho.
It's also neat to me for heritage reasons. Gran's a Bosniak, though she didn't witness this war (left the country after WWII).
>Gran's a Bosniak
Which kind, a serb, muslim or croat?
Just trying to get the idea of what they were doing, and lol at believing Milošević wanted things to be Great Britain: Orthodox Edition. And of course I missed crazy shit like the Mujahideen doing things in the conflict, you could write an entire novel on what was going on in those 10 years. But that was not my intention, I was trying to give those two anons an understanding of why the Wars happened and what generally happened.
i'm into it for the Zastava guns, the Serb paramilitaries and cause it had a little bit of everything.
Muslim. I don't share her faith, though.
>lol at believing Milošević wanted things to be Great Britain: Orthodox Edition
He literally said so in the speech you are referencing. He wanted all serb inhabited territories to join together in a union. Problem was Croatia had a serb inhabited territory within itself, and Bosnia was wuthin a margin of error 50% serb before the war. THATS what started the war, Croats and Muslims did not want to have what they viewed as their territory partitioned, and they fought for it. Since they were tiny they turned to asymetric warfare, which first local Serbs responded to, and later the political establishment in Belgrade.
Yugoslavia was not in a position to keep Slovenia in, which was the smallest member. Look up the 10 day war, the only real exchange of fire was Slovenians shooting at retreating Yugoslav soldiers.
The entire thing could have been avoided with some diplomacy, and not listening to madmen who wanted to exterminate everyone not of their race. Maybe not giving each race seperate armed militaries with full rank structures before the war either.
>I was trying to give those two anons an understanding of why the Wars happened and what generally happened.
And you slipped on a bannana peel but I managed to help you keep your footing, so youre welcome.
It's not complicated at all.
>Slovenians did not want to associate with Serbs anymore
>Croatians did not want to associate with Serbs anymore
>Bosnians did not want to associate with Serbs anymore
>Macedonians did not want to associate with Serbs anymore
>Kosovar Albanians did not want to associate with Serbs anymore
>Macedonians did not want to associate with Serbs anymore
>what does that tell you? Serbs are the most hated fucking ethnic group in Europe. Serbs are basically Russia's bitch.
>>Macedonians did not want to associate with Serbs anymore
Last bit should have been "Montenegrins"
>t. Shqip
dont think you of all """people""" have the right call anyone else disliked
>Bosnians did not want to associate with Serbs anymore
40% of Bosnians are Serbs, and I really doubt croatians and muslims are getting along, or macedonians and albanians.
Also fun fact Kos is the serbian word for blackbird, and Albos were less than 10% of inhabitants there when Turks took the census lol.
hi scout, congrats on the kid
Complete bullshit.
Serbs had deep seated hatred of Croats going back a ways but the memories of the Ustashe during WWII are the most recent boiling point. Shit, the Croats even brougt back the Skullcrushers. The claims of the "hadjis" is horseshit because they are essential ethnically identical Serbs, but converts. Bosniaks were aligned with Croats against Serbia, but Croatia decided a land grab was more beneficial, left Bosniaks fighting two front wars - by this point later in the Bosniak/Serb war, they did receive aid from Mid-East (which is were the whole "terrorist" bullshit was pushed by Serbs) - BTW it was also at this time that they made the awesome FDL magazines. But no direct terrorist connections were ever proven. The reports of "Muslims terror training camps" in Europe were a fallacy, pushed by Serbia/Russia propaganda. They also said the same things were in Albania (an ally to the US and operation base.) In fact, that one claimed "terror training camp" in Albania turned out to be a United States "Black Site."
>t. "classified"
thanks user
>I don't share her faith, though
LOL, look at you being a fucking pussy, scared of the backlash from autist user faggots of /k
Euros claim they hate Albanians but it's just a show, where else would they get their drugs from and the cheap pussy?
You're making other comparisons. The point is that none of them, being equal, hated Serbs/Serbia.
>many Serbs in Croatia fought AGAINST Serbia.
>a census, A CENSUS? What the fuck does that have anything to do with it? Serbia can claim all they fucking want that Kosovo is some religious holy ground for Serbia and that's complete horseshit too.
>rather, they the hated and didn't want to align with Serbs/Serbia
Kek you're in for a ride, it was a huge shitshow
>commies leave
>artificially held-tegether countries don't have enough resources
>all kinds of other nightmare-fuel
>best aesthetics of all time
Im serbian and my aunt is croat, somehow I stopped myself from strangling her across the dinner table. Serbs dont hate croats, croats just think this is true and act dumb on account of it.
>literal bosnian passports of 911 hijackers
>they even fought in bosnia
> He initially selectedNawaf al-HazmiandKhalid al-Mihdhar, both experienced jihadists who had fought inBosnia.
Muslims in bosnia din do nuffin.
The entire section on Yugoslavia. Read it.
>t. classified
Maybe you should learn how to read a report because as of this moment youre making it seem like clandestine western services helped islamic terror and are actively covering up their involvement in 911.
Not saying thats how things went down but your ignorance sure makes it SEEM that way.
Many Croats in Serbia fought against Croatia, and were part of YNA until the end. What exactly is your point?
>spot the serb
how about he adds serbians commit the largest genocide in europe since ww2
how about he adds serbs make the largest siege on a civilian city since ww2
And how about you stop believing bullshit. Serbia committed war crimes. FACT. You even sing about it in your stupid war songs, thats what all the edgy people here like, stop acting like Serbia is the biggest killer of muslims and at the same time the biggest victim.
Croat Muslims committed crimes and kicked it off.
Don't act innocent.
Croatia didnt have a military before the war. It was all JNA
Thanks for the Wiki links, I'll add them to the backlog of Brietbart links I need to read.
>t. classified, little bit of a joke, but won't delve into details beyond:
>t. Bonsia '95-'96, Kosovo '98-99,
>t. some time in Montenegro, Albania (maybe Serbia)from '95-99
>t. State Department interro- er,interview, one week in Summer 2000
>Croat Muslims
pick one
Ustashe Skullcrushers were hardly of the Islamic variety
what war crimes? trying to be independent? Was Vukovar Croatias fault some how?
I literally said Im a Serb...
>how about he adds serbs make the largest siege on a civilian city since ww2
I believe thats Vietcong offensive on the capital of the south but ok.
>Serbia committed war crimes.
Yugoslavian paramilotaries did actually shoot prisoners of war which included teen boys because thats how young the islamists recruited them.
>stop acting like Serbia is the biggest killer of muslims and at the same time the biggest victim
Those arent mutually exclusive so... no.
Each ethnic group had Territorial Defense units and large stockpiles of arms, also all adult males went through military training and Yugoslav public school system taught weapons training in school.
>t. deeply incompetent
Thanks for letting the largest attack on America happen because you were too emotionally invested in some Albanian prostitute during your tour in Balkans.
Im 90% hes joking.
>bombs your embassy
Nothing personal Chang
>Imagine clearing that city
So do we all agree that the only real way of clearing a mega-city is to just simply bomb the shit out of it through saturation bombing's to oblivion? Because there is no fucking way an Army can march in there and clear anything out without receiving an un-holy amount of casualties in the process.
>Middle East supported them
>Forgetting that Pakistan supplied AGTMs and soilders to Bosniaks to support them
Oh that’s an easy fix my dude. Just have more men than they have bullets.
I get you're having an argument but cheers for the info from both sides.
It helps us with no knowledge get a rough idea on the conlict
I am forever ashamed my country bombed christians trying to stop muslims from raping and destroying their own country to this day
fucking jews man...........
>youre making it seem like (((clandestine western services helped islamic terror and are actively covering up their involvement in 911))).
>I, serb, don't want to associate with other serbs anymore lol
A Kosovo Liberation Army soldier sits on a pile of rubble with a destroyed house in the background, on patrol in the village of Rezala, some 45km west of Pristina, 09 August.
Only one kind of bosniak user
Nah mate, she's senile. Nice woman, but it'd be better if she stopped going on about muh Palestine and whatnot.
Turbofolk thread?
Turbofolk thread.
Fuck yeah.
Also eat shit for deleting Kocayine's channel for a third time Youtube.
Too lutko
Looks like a reject from /pol found us
>"first day of war"
It's hardly a war when you enter a town and start killing random people who are going about their day doing regular shit. The pic related is part of a photo series which includes another pic that was posted up in this thread, the "kick." If I recall, the "first battle of the first day of war" was a few Serb paramilitaries hiding being some brick wall see some old dude walking out of his house and shoot him. The guys wife hears noise and comes out to see what's what and sees her husband on the floor, she approaches thinking maybe he had a heart attack and the Serb soldiers, in fear of their lives, shoot the Babushka. Then, maybe her neighbor Babaushka comes out and they shoot her too because they mistake the Krofne for what- a hand grenade-maybe?
>this is the Serb
Well, the Croats, Bosniaks, Albanians just responded in kind then. It was a fuck show, but the Serbs set it off.
If I was going to make a comparison, the Serb attack on that town is less like Pearl Harbor (a legitimate military target) and more like World Trade Center (a fucking population zone)
I mean it was the first day of war. it isn't like people weren't expecting war or serbs in bosnia hadn't been killed before that. I'm not saying what they did was kosher but it was the first time a military or paramiltary force engaged an enemy in that portion of the conflict.
>serbs in bosnia hadn't been killed before that.
What Serbs were killed in Bosnia by Bosniaks(Muslim Serbs)
Anyone have any good books on this war? I've read "My war gone by, I miss it so" and need more recommendations, seems like every time I ask no one has read anything.
>muslim serbs
Theyre ottoman colonists mate, just like albanians. Conversions are a meme.
You're an idiot, mate.
And your edginess is a meme.
does anyone have the video of a documentary of a family trying to escape slavland during the war? its a guy and his wife + kids and parents
I think I know what you're talking about, wow, haven't seen that thing in years
You guys should check out a documentary called "Brooklyn Connection"
It's about a Kosovo Albanian construction/contractor, from Brooklyn, who bought and shipped weapons and gear to the fighters in Kosovo. Video of him literally going into shops in Pennsylvania buying old US army clothes and guns and sending them over seas to like Albania or something. And then they would take them over the mountains on donkeys into Kosovo. Based as fuck. The guy is still around.
Fucking based trench art, would pay mad $$$ fo that stock. The videos are on Youtube broken up in parts but I suspect they are edited as the person who posted it is clearly anti-Albanian/Serb sympathizer and it has encoded subtitles from some Scandinavian country. I have an unedited version as was made by the chick in America.
i got m70 trenchart on my npap.
The Serb stuff and 90210 stickers is common. Albanian or Bosniak trench art is rare and. Here's the trailer to that movie with the donkeys going over the mountain with guns.
Had one user point out to me, but goddamn everytime I see those mags...
ćeto sucks pig cock 1
ćeto sucks pig cock 2
ćeto sucks pig cock 3
ćeto sucks pig cock 4
>Killers of innocent old men, women and children.
>Serbs in a nutshell.
Mine has tits, glad I got a few sets from Apex. One also has writing if anyone wants to try translating.
>because thats how young the islamists recruited them.
that is the dumbest shit i ever heard. there were only seasoned haji fighters in bosnia in very small percentage, there was no local recruitement, bosnia is not radically islamic. the haji fighters were mercs who came to plunder/steal. serbdogs had similar members from ukraine/russia..
>literal bosnian passports of 911 hijackers
it says that nowhere on wiki. even if that was the case, our passports were easy to obtain back then. anyone who has been in bosnia knows the people are not radical and do not respond to radicalisation well.
serbs lead the game in civilian war crimes on elders, kids, women rape. books are full of stories, internet is full of videos and pics. concentration camps too.
>best aesthetics of all time
fuck yea bro, we know how to kill eachother.
>somehow I stopped myself from strangling her across the dinner table
you sound like a proper faggot. go to sleep before your father belts you into shape.
Jow Forums is full of propaganda against anyone but serbs. i get the poltards with removekebabs, its downies but people actually believe some retarded ass shit. the 90s balkan wars were the most gruesome shit that happened after ww2. it was propagated by the abandoned serfs and the west only watched the genocide on tv.
We found the Serb.
Soory, meant the other guy.
congrats you stupid faggot kek
Oh shid balkanbois derailed the bread