He unironically paid the ATF 200 dollars just so he can put a stock on a manlet AR15

>he unironically paid the ATF 200 dollars just so he can put a stock on a manlet AR15

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>your gun is a felony because you didn't pay the fee
imagine cucking yourself like that

>he thinks 200 bucks is a significant amount of money

Nooooooooo please dont tread on meeeeee stooooooop

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>he gets caught by the ATF
It's like you don't put "In Roblox" at the end of your posts smdh.

It's not about the money you jew

It clearly is.

I guess it's about that time

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Its about sending a message.

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It's about not prostrating yourself to as many unconstitutional demands as possible

>dumb consumer thinks flaunting his jew bills means anything
NFA is bullshit, laws do not determine morality.
I determine morality.

Nut up or shut up

Amen, brothers

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>n-no, y-you are the cuck

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Excise taxes are provided for in the Constitution.

>imagine heeding the law







taxation is theft, faggot

Measured in inches?

Also what's the O.D.?


Taxation is your end of the social contract you agree to by existing within the borders of the USA. If you want to go to a tax-free ancap Utopia, head down to your nearest consolate, renounce your citizenship, and move to Somalia.

The fact that none of you "taxation is theft" morons ever do this means that you clearly see enough benefit from the advantages of US citizenship to make it worth the cost.

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social contract my fat aching ass. what social contract? you want every citizen to pay their taxes without question no matter how high or abusive they may be, but what do they get in return? bloated bureaucracy, inefficient services, runaway spending, demographic replacement, and a litany or other ills. take that somali shit and shove it up your ass. the USA is home and will always be home. even if the ancaps took a trip down to somalia, you know damn well the worlds governments would never let them turn that shithole into a respectable place

Doesn't work on modern AR15 BCGs

yes good shareblue shill
keep dividing the board

This is not always true

16 inch barrel > paying 200 dollars to dog killers


What's the exception?

Come and get it lawman

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>manlet AR15

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Why would I? I'm not a cuck paying 20p dollars to the atf

If you don't like it, then fuck off. I'm going to keep paying for roads, NOAA, NEST, and the effective deterrence of a large military.

post your tits

You sound mad

>I am a massive cuck: the post
Go vote for AOC now.

you sound like a hermaphrodite bitch grow a pair and get a job scared little twat

>wanting to have a flat surface to drive my car on makes me a cuck

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based shareblue

Dude it's only $3,829 what are you poor get a job

So where's your illegal SBRs and machineguns? Post pix with timestamps.