Why is Arkansas so shit?

>journey laws
>dry-wet counties right beside each other
>Oklahoma did more in 1 year for medical marijuana than what Arkansas has done in 5
>no alcohol on Sundays
>Cali has better self-defense laws

What the fuck, Arkansas? No wonder all the other states like to pretend you don't fucking exist. It's like a dixie state trying to be oh so progressive, and I can say as someone who had to live in your shitty state for a year...work on the roaming meth heads first.

Attached: arkansascucked.png (2560x1583, 260K)

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We had a stand your ground bill on our floor a few months ago. Multiple anti-gun groups present, the black woman democrat Flowers turned on her black outrage, and republican John Cooper cucked and destroyed it

The worse we are, the less people want to move here. Works out in the end.

>state run by neo-cons
What do you expect?

Attached: chunky boi.jpg (960x958, 54K)


Attached: Capture.png (821x613, 40K)

In short, blacks

>The "Natural" state
>barely top 20 in terms of environment

what the fuck, can Arkansas do anything right?

You think that's bad? We're just now getting casinos and they're putting them in Pine Bluff. For those who don't know Pine Bluff is basically Arkansas' Detroit. So we fight for YEARS to get casinos into this shitty ass state to try and generate some type of revenue and they deliver it on a silver platter to niggers.

I hardly believe that one myself. Who’s above Arkansas?

Hot Springs is only marginally better than Pine Bluff, and we're getting a casino too

The better question is, what are the metrics? If they rank states based on laws in place, fuck that. I'd rather live somewhere rural and relatively clean than somewhere with a smog problem but a million stupid emissions laws and restrictive industrial regulations

what is that map showing?
what are journey laws?
I dont personally care about drunks or idiots too stupid to plan ahead a day for their booze.

The metrics for natural environment is pretty stupid
"Policymakers have implemented a number of regulations over the past half-century to ensure a safe relationship between people and their environment. Under the Clean Air Act, the Environmental Protection Agency regulates air pollution. Similarly, the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act ensure that states properly dispose of pollutants at treatment plants and that public drinking water meets federal standards.

These laws not only help preserve the nation's natural resources, but they protect the public from harmful toxins and resulting health concerns."

Just like when the UN or whoever made a study to show New Zealand is the freest place on earth. If you decide what's a right and what isn't, and rank them by importance, you can make it whatever country you want

>muh weed and booze

Grow up

You literally cannot have both wet and dry Counties at all and not have them be right beside each other.

I looked it up because OP has a room temp IQ and posts maps without telling us what the fuck it even means
it is a map based on stamd your ground laws
>dark green has stand your ground laws
>light green has stand your ground adopted in practice through means such as case precedent
>blue has stand your ground but only from in ones own vehicle
>yellow has Castle Doctrine so stand your ground only from in your home
>red is a duty to retreat

>Dry-Wet next to each other
That sounds less like a shitty situation and more like a good business opportunity.

Wisconsin does not have a 'Stand your ground' nor 'Duty to retreat' laws. Wisconsin however does have Castle Doctrine which includes automobiles in the law. So outside one's home/business/vehicle as long as you didn't provoke a fight or escalate it further before deadly force was used, you are legally pretty much in the clear.

I always wondered why people didnt talk about Arkansas. Maybe this is why
Idk, just seems like one of those states that you never hear about

Shut up tranny

Attached: Unbiased Image.png (467x619, 91K)

Don't forget pic related

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This is unsettling to me as a Texan

This is very true. Most dry counties have neighboring wet counties with many liquor stores on the wet side of the country line. So all the tax revenue gets drained away from the dry county. It also increases instances of drunk driving since many people will drink on the way home from the store, which can be relatively long distances in dry counties.

So prohibition still exists

You're retarded.
>journey laws
Constitutional carry confirmed by attorney general.
>dry-wet counties right beside each other
Fuck local control, right?
>Oklahoma did more in 1 year for medical marijuana than what Arkansas has done in 5
Weed users go to hell
>no alcohol on Sundays
That's locally chosen. Springdale sells on Sunday.
>Cali has better self-defense laws
In what fucking way


When you look at that picture, you have to consider which states are forced into accepting rulings from the Ninth Circuit.

Medical marijuana is a trap. All you do is invite leftist degeneracy. Oklahoma has weed shops now but niggers are still stealing, now they're stealing from weed shops.

>journey laws
Constitutional carry.
>dry-wet counties right beside each other
Boohoo faggot, drive ten minutes in any direction.
>Oklahoma did more in 1 year for medical marijuana than what Arkansas has done in 5
Medical marijuana is a trap, ask Hawaii.
>no alcohol on Sundays
Not state wide.
>Cali has better self-defense laws
I would love to see you prove it.

I'm glad you hated it here, we have enough coasty tourist trash shitting up the place already.

I guess thats the philosophy you have with your women. Make them as nasty and fat as possible so only your rednack ass and your own kids want them

>I'm glad you hated it here, we have enough coasty tourist trash shitting up the place already.

Waah other people made enough money to live here almost for free, we dont want them here

Why is my state getting so much hate recently? Nobody mentions us for years and all of a sudden we're just getting shitted on. It's not bad here at all except for the niggers in the cities.

Nobody wants you.
Fuck off back to cali and wait for the water to rise.
No gun or knife restrictions. They hate us cause they aint us.

> (You)
>Nobody wants you.

Nobody moves to arkansas to be for the people there. So nobody cares

Oklahoma is unironically the Garden of Eden for weed. Soil is perfect for the shit.

> im a real man, unlike them fellers from calierforniar. They dont know what its like to be on disabierlerty and have obammar take ur freedames away

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Woo pig sooie bitches!

Fuck off boomer

damn straight

>califag defending the government stomping all over the 2A
sounds about right

I voted against marijuana legalization solely to piss off people like you. But now that it's passed, please hurry up and get your medical marijuana card so you can commit a federal felony the next time you buy a gun.

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castle doctrine shit is fucking retarded


God made weed man made booze who ya gonna trust bootlicker?

Ironically this scene takes place in a marijuana grow room. Actually I'm not sure that's ironic but I find it interesting.

I don't smoke weed, so calling me a complying bootlicker doesn't make any sense.

Yeah, I was thinking that as well when I attached the gif.

Wrong. I live in the Midwest, unlike you savages. Nuke the South desu.

I hate that godforsaken shithole. I grew up there and left when I joined the Army. I haven't looked back since. Little Rock is the worst city I've ever been to, and democrats are starting to spill out everywhere. I live in Fort Worth now and it's several times better than any place I've been to in Arkansas. Unfortunately, my sister lives just outside of Little Rock. She wants to move to Dallas, but she's stuck there because she recently got divorced and shares joint custody of her son. Anyways, fuck Arkansas. Biggest group of pseudo-intellectual meth heads on earth.

One of the few reasons to like Arkansas is the land/nature, but it absolutely excels in that regard which compensates for a lot of its shittier qualities.

Attached: Arkansas.jpg (1200x901, 1.17M)

Yep. Aside from the humidity, I love this state.

Attached: serveimage.jpg (800x530, 289K)

Wait, being prescribed weed is supposed to ban you from buying guns?!

Theoretically, because it’s federally illegal. They supposedly don’t cross reference databases as of yet though.