Iran launch location found

Location of the KSA attack has been confirmed by the pentagon, inside Iran's territory.

Time to fuck some shit up

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>implying the US will get involved in any capacity beyond SIGINT and a few missiles
If a war starts, it will be fought by Saudi's backed by Israeli air power. Change my mind without using memes.

lets get it

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>inside Iran's territory

Welp guess it was a bad decision to choose Infantry.

Nigger do I look like oil field security to you?

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Petro Dollar

fuck off jidf

Nah there will be US air support.

>confirmed by the Pentagon
I'n glad Shlomo Rosenberg and Chaim Goldstein from the DoD are people we can trust, it's now 130% confirmed that Iran did it, we all knew it!

Why would they want a war?
If they, whoever did it, fucked up the Saudi oil refineries so easily, they can do it again.
Maybe it is the time for a deescalation in Yemen.

The pentagon could say 2+2=4 and you'd have fuckers here denying it and calling it jew propaganda.

How can they have launched from Iran if the blast areas point towards the west?

and thats a good thing

They point towards Iran though

This. If all it takes is a kite tied to a hand grenade to knock out half of Saudi capacity, maybe the Saudis need to remove the bass from their voice

Iran is getting fucked by sanctions.

That still doesn't make sense. Iran appears more likely to reach out to China, France, and Russia to circumvent waning American influence, not aggravate the situation by escalating military conflict. Besides, it was the Houthis.

cruise missiles and suicide drones are not artillery

The Pentagon conforms something... it must be true.

>America is now the leading exporter of petroleum products on Earth
I say let em do it again.

>it was the Houthis

No it wasn't, your understanding of the situation is poor if you were not aware why Iran is escalating.

I was talking about the Saudis. Why would the Saudis want a war with Iran if their main economic resource is so vulnerable?

To protect their main resource.

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The best way to do that would be deescalation.

Same reason North Korea acts up sometimes

>get sanctioned
>blow up a boat etc
>negotiate "a new deal"

This cycle with Iran happened in the tanker war too. Its just a redux.

Iran doesn't have a nuclear daddy like China tho. Israel and Saudi Arabia want them dead, and they want Yankees stuffing the coffins for their lazy asses.

>No it wasn't, your understanding of the situation is poor if you were not aware why Iran is escalating.
Israel is escalating because they can depend on shills like (You). No, Houthis have nothing to lose, their kids are dying of cholera. Hit the Bone Sawdis where it hurts.

The War Nerd on the Saudi attack (in french)

>1 he suspects a combined drone+SCUD iranian attack
>2 Saudi Arabia CANNOT win a war against Iran. If Yemen has gone bad, Iran would be worse.

Do you have anything to add aside trying to shift attention away from Iran's actions?

>Iran's actions

Iran isn't interested.

The US should remain out of it unless Americans actually get involved (Attacked ships, military bases, or civilians.) The Saudis and Israelis both have enough air power to seriously hurt Iran.

Deescalation does not work with Iran. The world is pretty content with leaving them alone, but then Iran does something that brings the attention back to them. Each time it gets worse. This most recent attack was pretty serious and Iran plays some role (either direct or through a proxy). Trying to fuck with world trade is unsurprisingly going to annoy a bunch of nations and it only takes one to say enough is enough and start bombing the Iranians. Once one starts then I wouldn't be surprised if some others join.

>If Yemen has gone bad, Iran would be worse
This assertion doesn't make sense. What the Saudis have failed at in Yemen is rooting out rebels in extremely mountainous terrain. If they went to war with Iran it would primarily be sea and air battles.

We had a diplomatic deal which was working to de-escalate, until the POTUS unilaterally blew it up and made further diplomatic negotiation much more difficult by basically showing that the US couldn't be trusted to keep it's word in treaties. The nuclear deal wasn't perfect, but it was doing it's job, and blowing it up because inbred farmers and coal miners in West Virginia hate Obama was a catastrophic foreign policy mistake.


They did it in the 90s too user, pre nuke

>working to de-escalate
No it wasn't, it did nothing to stop their missile development and we now know that they continued working on nuclear warheads in secret.
>keep it's word in treaties
It wasn't a treaty. Iran and everyone else should've known that.

Didnt Obama basically pay them millions of dollars in cash to be quiet?

That's like Barbary pirates level shit.

>at the same time, my buddy and I used to hang out with these middle eastern chicks in college who were thotty as fuck and Persian chicks are hot. No genocide, but they need liberated

This. They hate Iran as much as the Saudis, and the oil infrastructure isn't theirs so its no big loss. They also have plenty of drones and loitering/retargetable missiles like Delilah, Popeye family, and SPICE. And they have F-35s so they can cruise into Saudi undetected and release their payload.

>Persian chicks are hot
incredibly hot, especially if you are an ass man

The nuclear deal was basically removal of sanctions and other trade blockades in exchange for Iran spinning down it's nuclear program. The idea being that the economic and cultural development of the nation in the long term would be more valuable to the Iranian gov't than a nuclear weapon, and result in longer-term stability in the region.

The problem is that Trump can't into foreign policy, and he's surrounded by hawks at all times who just want to go to war with Iran for military contract and oil money.

>Work on their nuclear program in secret

You can't run centrifuges in secret anymore, at least not enough to make viable fissile material in any significant quantity. At no point did Iran violate the terms of the agreement.

Where’s the proof


dis nigga gets it

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I don't know how you brainlets keep letting yourselves get shilled into Israel's wars. Why would Iran launch a half assed attack on Saudi Arabia, then immediately pull back and say they don't want war after committing an ACT OF WAR? It makes no sense. They haven't attacked anyone not in self defense since the days of the Persian empire.

Always ask: cui bono? Who benefits from a war between Iran and Saudi Arabia? Who benefits from dog leashing the US into a war with Iran? This seems to be yet another sloppy Mossad job. Iran's second world infrastructure isn't difficult to hack. Israel has top of the line first world hackers that could've launched a strike using Iran's tech. It wouldn't make sense that Iran intentionally did it. They're all about ground force and invasion, why wouldn't this act be followed by more attacks and an invasion? Why would they go all out then stop and be like "just kidding"?

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who gives a shit about saudi arabia? stop wasting our blood in the middle east kike, you're turning everyone against you
imagine how you'd feel without all the anxiety you stress over daily because you know the goys are waking up

I agree, except I think the more likely players are the Saudis over the Israelis. If the US schwacked the government of Iran, the power gap left behind would be most rapidly filled by Saudi Arabia, giving them further access to Iran's oil wealth and giving them a chance to take the Sunni/Shia sectarian shit to Iranian civilians.


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From the beeb: no proof

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>The people who have the most to benefit from a war with Iran say they have evidence that Iran blew up their oil field

well that's all I need to see to commit to another trillion dollars of military hardware and 5,000 dead American soldiers. sign me up

Omar please go

inb4 the Likud loses the election today and we never hear again of Iranian drones

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Yay more aars for ZOG!

>which was working

I bet you though there was nothing off about delivering a pallet of cash to Iran either.

That's not what he's saying at all. He's saying no evidence has been presented publicly, not that there's not proof. There presumably is proof, it's just at a classified level.

rolling for this

Fuck yeah, peace on earth, bitches



We deliver pallets of cash to foreign governments all the damn time. What do you think the "foreign aid" we started giving out in the cold war was? Basically just bribes to like us better and not be communists.

Then you've never seen the movies. Ernest only talks like a dumbass, he's actually extremely cagey and creative when tackling problems, if childlike and innocent.

>Didnt Obama basically pay them millions of dollars in cash to be quiet?
No. It was Iranian money frozen in the US since 1979. It never belonged to US taxpayers.

the movie this gif is from? Also just to disclaim, not the guy he was replying to with the gif, I just saw the chance and couldn't resist.

Can't wait to make a mockery of another ME country.

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whats the point? It's not like Iran is going to nuke em en route, once they get there they are going to see them anyways

He’s saying there’s no proof you fucking retard mong.
The current claim is literally “dude trust me” tier.

>Iran attacks KSA whose defense agreements with US predate Israel
>muh jews!
Ask how I know you’re a Muslim shill

The burgerstinians are riled up I see

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If Iran doesn’t want consequences they shouldn’t start shit. Cry more IIDF

So what is "Coalition" going to do?
My guess, airstrikes only

Or, launch some cruise missiles, strike a refinery, blame the Houthis, and get a free weapons test all in one!
What's SA gonna do, commit (more) war crimes?
This is the international equivalent of punching your brother when your parents aren't looking, and acting innocent when they turn around.

This. It's like they forgot the last few times what happened to an oil rich middle eastern country when they move off the dollar

You're implying they started shit in the first place which they didn't. There's no evidence of any kind to show that Iran started it. Houthis' claimed they committed the attack and nothing more.

>using LESS ships than Iraqi Freedom
Can't wait for all the ZOG tubs to sink to the bottom of the Gulf lmao

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>has yet to be provided
Yet to be provided =/= it doesnt exist, just that it hasnt been... provided (publicly shared). Presumably it'll be in some statement at the UN Sec Council or something, usually where that sorta thing goes

You mean Preying Mantis right, where us marine helos btfo iranian AA batteries and F4s alike

I don’t even care if the iranians did it
No more stupid ass pointless wars

just like the found the hijacker's passport in the 9/11 wreckage

Youre an ass breathing fuckhead.
The burden of proof is on those making the claim.
No proof having been provided means at this time no proof exists to back up the claim.
When they produce the proof, then the proof will exist.

At this time "dude trust me" is literally the entire argument. Shitfuck.

That deal was worse than any treaty with Russia precisely because they signed it and then mostly ignored it. Barack was a literal retard educated beyond common sense.

But you can sure as fuck work out everything else about a nuke program while waiting for your slow production or just the plain expiration date.

>Muh martyr state theory of Iran diplomacy
>common sense

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And? In 25 years this tech will be 100 years old. How far behind the world is Iran supposed to remain? Seems like they were pretty reasonable to negotiate in the first place.

>Lunch location identified
Satellite footage?

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You know damn well this is Iran's MO. Start some shit, pretend not to be involved then later admit it, all while hoping for a better negotiating position. The same thing DT does with dialogue.

We conquered Rome in WWII and Babylon in 2003. We might as well knock Persia off the list while we're at it.

I don't know that. I know that the Americans will lie their asses off to get whatever war they think they can get away with.

>Lunch location
Knowing Iranians, it was probably some sort of kebab restaurant.

>no memes

When you're so far beyond the rest of the world you don't need excuses, you just do whatever the fuck you want. How much tinfoil lines your house btw?

And when pentagon says 2+2=5 you'd have retards who believe that too.

Based. Why not go for china for some actual challenge and not some has been mutts states.

here you go senpai

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