Jow Forums's favorite fiction millitary aesthetics

For me its Cosmo Babylonia

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DS9, no joke. If you were big into ST back in the 90's you got shit on for liking it; now it's looked back on as the best paced, most aesthetic, most complete series.

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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

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>you may fire when ready

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Sieg zeon.

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the us army in the media

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NCR fallout

40k unironically

unironically this. Shame HR was such a shitshow.

Both top tier

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Quark is hilarious. Also, I miss the 90s, great times for sure.

The redesigns in MWO looked great
Shame the game dies everything it can to grab your money and will die horribly once MW5 flops

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I play WH40k quite a bit. I grew up and still watch Star Trek. My favorite series was DS9. Right now I'm watching Battlestar Galactica and about a month ago I finished up Stargate Atlantis. In a bit I might begin Stargate Universe. For novels I love the Dune series and Andy Weir novels, Artemis is pretty cool. I'm pretty open in terms of sci-fi but all round I'd unironically say that 40k is my favorite.

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Like the fucking Kool-Aid man, bringing the judgment of the righteous.

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Based and Mesapilled

The R series have ship designs running the spectrum from silly, cute, awesome, and horrific
It'd be a sin to mention a spaceship of any kind without also touching on the excellent designs in the Homeworld series.
Only good thing gearbox made since Opposing force

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For me, its the UNSC Marine Corps

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huh, those are cool!

the XOF
These guys are the definition of high-speed low-drag

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The ground war in the OYW had some pretty neat aesthetics

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They even have weapon setups you can't get in the game, even after you recruit the legendary gunsmith.

UC and IBO have probably the coolest shit when it comes to mech design and equipment. Some of the CE suits like Strike Noir get an honorable mention.

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>No helghast

We fighting the the fucking good guys the entire time.

Back in the day I loved Babylon five and casually watched DS9. Years later I tried watching Babylon 5 again, It looked so dated. DS9 held up though and I enjoyed watching the entire series. Fuck Bajor.

Sieg Zeon

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top tier

>all these Zeon brothers
Correct, but what's your favorite suit? Zulu line is definitely my favorite grunt and Kampher my favorite specially suit. I also really love the gaplant but that's Titans stuff

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I'm curious, what makes you think MW5 is going to flop?

Well the earliest previews looked like trash. Nearly half of the models are direct ports from MWO. But those are admittedly meh issues.
The damning stuff was the AMA and epic store SNAFU.
In the AMA they specifically said they over doubled their staff for MW5 and because of that MWO can no longer support the company. They're literally going to use MW5 profits to finance the online game or go bust as a company. Battletech fans are...starved though so it'll sell fine
Then they announced Epic game store exclusivity, even though MWO and all pre-orders were only on steam. Naturally this lead to a good deal of cancellations and charge backs.

So yeah. They need this game to succeed to exist as a company and they decided the best way to do that is to split their existing user base.

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>Two eyes on a zaku
This is really unnerving

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What is this from?

>Backblast not clear

my issue with MW5 is that the gameplay looks exactly like the old games. its just you vs some retard AI in a wasteland of a map dotted with cookie cutter outposts and cities.

the issue is that it will sell like mad because they have a captive audience of mechwarrior boomers.

Only me?

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Command and Conquer, the original game.

For me its Xamel and Zudah. Honorable mention to Rick Dom 2, Zaku 2 (SM), zaku 2 fritz helm


Shit I forgot to say Hildolfir is my 2nd fav MS

Spanish guitar intensifies

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Probably UESA/OZ from Gundam Wing
>best grunts in the franchise
>best uniforms in the franchise (both UESA's and OZ's)

Too bad Wing was one of the weaker stories.

Halo Reach
>dat wear and tear
>dat asymmetrical shoulder armour
>dem helmets
>being 7 foot tall war orphans
>special warfare commando units
>dem battle scars (see wear and tear)

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Very based. But I prefer MS Igloo, Gundam f91, and 0083's designs, but yeah Wing's designs are very very based

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It was the best aesthetic and sadly worst writing (aside from halo 5)

I love how Jow Forums likes Zeon while /m/ prefers the federation.

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I can understand why. I don't even line Gundam abd Gundam: the origin is one of the best things I have ever seen

Zulus are nice. They actually looked like a high tech successor to the Zaku's. But Zaku 2's have my vote.

Also the Musai and all its variants>fed trash

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>board made up of folks who sympathize with freedom from big government and in favor of choosing ones own path

I'd be surprised if Jow Forums didnt sympathize with zeon honestly.

/m/ just usually disagrees with the
>muh ideals
>muh warcrimes
Arguement, plus they say Zeon has a flawed philosophy. Their wrong in my opinion.

Well, Jow Forums is retarded and has a lot of Jow Forums shitters, so it wouldn't surprise me that a lot of people here would prefer the side that is functionally an absolutist monarchy with a sense of entitlement.


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That and half of Jow Forums is Americans who instantly think that regulation of firearms means taking away literally everything. Like Plenty of countries allow guns lmao


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Comfy kino

I would like to know more.

Does she have wings coming out her ass or is there a raven fucking her with its beak? Either way it looks stupid.

The part where any random nutjob is apparently a well regulated militia? Or the part where an amendment to a centuries-old document is an eternal imperative that can't be amended out again no matter what people at large think about it, despite the document in question making a huge deal out of how its legitimacy comes from being the will of the people.
Well, I jest. We do get it. You want your toys. You want them with the pure, all-encompassing desire of a four year old. And so anything and everything that may get between you and your toys is basically the worst thing ever.

Fuck off whore! SHALL

>And so anything and everything that may get between you and your toys is basically the worst thing ever.

*You and your rights.

The one where you mention my hometown in Austria, sir.

I mean to be fair, it's like the act relating to quartering, it's not really needed to the extent that it was before.

Why don't you want rights?

Because I drive on the left.

Get out of my thread then.

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Cardassians were the bees knees, but they had to keep ramping up their evil because despite being a nazi allegory everyone liked them

We beat you fair and square, Nigel. Now fuck off and enjoy your soupy dystopia.

that ain't right of you.

>implying neocons in this country wouldn't think twice to create a Serviceman Universal Housing Act if there was no 3rd amendment

I'm Austrian.

I loved B5 as well but you’re right on the whole dated thing because I thought the station’s Starfury fighter were cool I would jump back on certain episodes to see them fight.

>Implying the American government is functional

Oh well, then.

We beat you fair and square, Adolph. Now fuck off and enjoy your... whatever.

How fucked are those guardsmen?

you missed the point

>what is authoritarianism
>who was Hitler
>what was segregation
Do the math.

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get the fuck out of this thread you gash infected tranny shill whore. people are sick and tired of your kind being up everyone’s ass and just want you to fuck off or get fucked off. the only people that shouldn’t have guns are you sorry filthy stinking leftist shits. get the fuck out

Seriously though fuck the zabis. I know theyre core to zeon but fuck them and fuck monarchists.


Back to aesthetics...

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TF1 Militia

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They're guardsmen. When aren't they fucked?

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Fuck off you don't get an opinion if you don't live here

Between the time the space marines arrive but before the inquisition shows up

I usually side with the federation, but zeon suits have grown on me. The Zaku II fz is pretty nice. My favorite suit is the RGM 79 G though. The basic mass produced frontline ground types on both sides are more interesting to me.

Vagabundos are crazy fun too

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They got demons coming out the wall my guy, the whole planet is probably fucked

F91 makes me sad

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Absolute disgrace to the country.

Just because it's not raining right now doesn't mean you should throw away your umbrella.

It always is, isn't?

It really does need a good story to be remembered fondly. A return to live action cinematics would have been terrific although they aren't ballsy enough to do it. It also needed a semi hardcore company management layer, but again, they have no drive to actually make a deep game. I did preorder because I love the universe but like many others I refunded and will now pirate it because of the way they handled Epic. Its not even really that they did go to Epic, its how they handled it. Knowingly selling Steam preorders while actively negotiating an exclusive. AND THEN they only told everyone because their web team screwed up. They were going to wait until JUST before release for the reveal.