Where do you shop for groceries now that shart mart and kroger have become anti 2A?
Boycotting retailers
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Well fuck me I guess
I just go wherever is close and has good prices on the groceries, Aldi, Walmart, Costco, etc. I then use the saved money to buy more guns
They're not anti 2A..they're pro not getting BTFO by the commie cancel culture army. What they did was basically a virtue signal with not fucking teeth. Nothing has changed. They could always ask you to leave one of their stores for any reason.
I never shopped at shart mart anyway, especially for groceries, because they only sell garbage products in the first place.
I grow what I can. I hunt. I buy a lot of things online. I shop at a local CO-OP produce market & old-school butcher. When I do go to a supermarket (rarely) it's usually HEB.
Absolutely bluepilled. Social shaming is the only way a free society can ever maintain that freedom.
Bullshit. They could have done nothing like plenty of businesses did. They chose to act.
I have buckets of vegetables i am canning and trying to give away before they rot. Dear god it's a lot of work. Most people won't even take free vegetables it's crazy. I get meat from a local butcher. The rest i get at publix which is a mile away and closest store.
Whatever fag stay mad. You're gonna have to go full uncle Ted is you wanna keep a single cent of your money from supporting the globohomo agenda. If you're not gonna do that then STFU about where anyone gets their milk from.
>oh no, 1% of our sales are gone! we better cave!
the amount of people who follow which stores are based or not is so tiny it barely matters. the extent of most peoples knowledge on this subject is 'chic fil a hates gays'
If they were actively donating or funding to push anti-gun policies. I'd definitely avoid but I don't think any of the grocery stores are doing that.
>hurr durr if you can't be perfect might as well not do anything
HEB bans guns too
I shop at the store I work at. We had a moment of silence store wide for 9/11 and people OC and I have never been told a single thing about a customer who is doing that good or bad, and I'm a supervisor.
I'm just saying wasting mental cycles and focusing your life on what these fuckstains are doing is not the way to live bro. The best revenge is living well. Every second you let them make you as angry as they are you lose. Nothing pisses them off more than a happy white man living his best life.
Depends on the store. Some do, some don't. The one I shop at does not have 30.06 or 30.07 signage posted. There's another on the other side of town which does have those signs posted. I tend not to shop at that one--not because of the gun policy, but because that store has a piss-poor seafood counter and a miserable cheese selection.
Absolutely based and whitepilled. We'll get our chance soon enough brothers.
Aldi, Shartmart is and always was garbage.
Manager at a Kroger. We didn't even get a memo about it, as far as I'm concerned business as usual. I'm surprised Rodney made a statement at all considering Wal-Mart has been eating our marketshare to bits and we could have used that against them.
But I did make my complaints known in the Associate Survey this year, that I did not feel uplifted by the company infringing on my rights.
Those signs are unconstitutional and circumvent our rights as these businesses are basically the public space
Shaws or Hannaford
>these businesses are basically the public space
They're private property.
when did kroger go anti-2a?
Winn Dixie.
wegmans if ur in northeast
For my Pittsburgh bros, I’m a manager at a GetGo and the kikes at Giant eagle came out and said they would prefer if people don’t open carry but will respect the laws (basically do nothing just let us virtue signal)
They don’t want us to do anything to kick people out if they do OC (not that I would anyway)
Regardless, fuck them.
Lol dude wegmans is from NY. You think those fucks are pro gun?
They kinda been at it for a while. Loads of them slowly stopped selling guns and ammo.
huh, I've never seen a kroger selling guns or ammo, at least not in my area. Unfortunately, the only options in my area (central AR), are kroger and walmart. Between the two, kroger has a better variety and fresher food. I will stick with for now until I can move to a place that has a Harp's.
>I've never seen a kroger selling guns or ammo
Really? You never been into a Super Fred Meyer's?
I'm not that user, but:
I've never seen a Kroger selling guns or ammo either. And I've never even heard of "Fred Meyers".
nope. We have "Kroger's"
>Oh no .00001% of our profit is gone
>Thankfully 400 more mexicans just moved in and can't afford anything but our cheap goods.
I guess if 99 cents stores go anti-gun I'll just starve myself
Fred Meyers is Krogers. Krogers owns over 30 dif store chains, with Fred Meyers being one of them. Think of Fred Meyers like wal mart, but much nicer.
Lol jannies blocked me for saying kike. What a bunch of fsggots
>t. Arizona
My HEB has neither sign, but then again I don't shop at the beaner and nigger infested HEBs! Alamo Ranch HEB FTW!
I guess Jow Forums is another liberal snowflake safe space
no HEB I have been to has either a 30.06 or 30.07 sign
only time I even see a 30.07 sign is at liquor stores
safeway and albertsons are owned by the same company that killed Remington. they're the only grocery stores I DO boycott.
Remember, more and more companies are controlled by fewer and fewer mega-corporations. These corporations only exist at the behest of the federal government. Boycotting starts to become an issue because a) you start to lack alternative options to shop at b) the more money a company makes the less they will care about a small minority of people shopping elsewhere.
So does that mean shoplifting is redpilled? >They cant make a profit if you just steal it
Regarding that, I would go by a line from a song I like
"Thou shall not steal if there is a direct victim"
Their dumpsters. They throw out so many perfectly good perishables
Bad goy!
>Lol dude wegmans is from NY. You think those fucks are pro gun?
Wegmans is from UPSTATE New York.
Yes I do.
Absolute state of mannies & jods
Walmart and just carry anyway
haven't seen one in well over a decade
>Thankfully 400 more mexicans just moved in and can't afford anything but our cheap goods.
Guess who brings drug and gun crime with em too.
Safespace now goys.
Albertsons would be my choice but they pulled out of my state for some reason so I'm stuck with kroger since my only other option is walmart.
I kinda get it though they don't want retards walking in with ARs on their backs like that genius in walmart and in saying this they placate the retarded masses and make them feel safe.
Walmart crossed the line when they stopped selling ammo.
The faggot Mormons banned all guns in their churches. Just in case you're still thinking they're based or something. They're not. So alongside federal buildings their churches are the only places in Utah where the law actually forbids guns.
>all that hostility
whos really mad at their dad?
double niggers
I got banned on /ck/ for saying Daquan
Got banned on Jow Forums for saying nigger
Got banned on Jow Forums for saying kike
Jow Forums isn't Jow Forums anymore, more at 11