Based boomers

Lots of boomer hate on here let's talk about the good ones
>be a zoomer
> became friends with boomer
>go over to his house to smoke cigars and hate on niggers with him
>dude was a door gunner on a helicopter during nam
>has had to reload mags during combat before
>carried a 357 mailed to him in a cake during nam
>owns enough revolvers to supply a small army of cowboys
>full shall not be infringed
>has a loaded gun on nearly every table in his house
> no trigger disciple at all
>deadeye with a 1911
>a ball to go shooting with and talk to
Shine on you magnificent bastard
Anyone else got any based boomer stories?

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My great uncle was an absolute legend

>Barely knew my great uncle till like the last five years of his life
>Was the nicest person and the leader of a biker club
>Showed me his huge collection of knives and guns
>Before he passed his final gift to me was a fucking kickass short sword and sheath

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I appreciate you using "boomer" correctly. I would guess that 95% of the chans do not understand that "boomer" = "baby boomer" and not people in their 30's.

My father in law is pretty based
>was a crypto analyst in the air force during the cold war
>sleeps with mossberg shockwave next to him at all times
>has a hillary for prison sign in front lawn even after the 2016 election. Unironically, he didnt vote at all since he says ((they)) control everything anyway
>is very /o/ and drives a supercharged old Fair lady Z that uses to race Zoomers around his town
>Has super long hair but looks like a wizard instead of a dirty hippie
>has an amazing collection of german guns he acquired during his time in germany
>will not speak about it nor acknowledge it
>I've seen a full auto german mp5 in his collection.

Hands down the coolest motherfucker I've ever met. Unfortunately we live across the country and haven't had the time to fully hang out with him asides from family gatherings and holidays but me and the wife are actually heading to visit for the week and he already has plans to take me to his friends land to shoot all his stuff. Will definitely post pictures.

>doesn't know what a millenial boomer is..

not gonna make it

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A Boomer only charged me $50 for some special milling that he knew the intention for :')

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>Let me shoot his rifle with his handloads
>bascially for a full hour while he only took five shots or so
>never asked for me to pay for ammo
>taught me how to hand load ammo
>gave me supplies under the table because he "knew he could trust me not to be stupid"
>lend me his lee hand press until I had my own press
>gifted me a jug of powder and a scale and let me use his dies
>his only request was for me to pay it forward
>might learn about radio stuff from him soon

I feel kinda bad being a surrogate son sometimes, but I like him. Guy has no children of his own.


>I would guess that 95% of the chans do not understand that "boomer" = "baby boomer" and not people in their 30's.
Its a joke, its making fun of millenials in their 30's acting like crotchety old ass people.

Sounds like a good guy. Learn all you can while you can.

I started shooting young, at age 13 in the year of our lord 2000. I grew up shooting with boomers, the SW boycott was in full effect at the time. I'm a 32 year old boomer by proxy. It's pretty based desu. My taste in firearms is even boomer oriented. Yep...those were the days

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>Am I self-boomering?
I'm teaching myself to reload and studying for my HAM license.

Pic of sword?

Be fake 30 something boomer with loads of guns. Spent some time in iraq and Afghanistan as a Marine grunt. Know a little bit. Wish I had a cool gen-Z frend to shoot with.

It was few years ago in HS and my mom threw a bitch fit and sold it within a week
Sorry fren

RIP a nigga should've killed your mom with it

The joke is people in their 30s are trying to hold on to their youth but might as well be in their 50s to people in their early 20s.

Man, I've got a boomer just like that. He was a medic in Nam, now he lives innawoods in south Texas. Mild PTSD, smokes pot and drinks whiskey. We set up a 300 yard range on his property on a dry lake bed. I bring him an AR 6.5 Creedmor to shoot and I shoot my bolt gun. He's still a decent shot with a rifle.

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To be fair a stern tone to anyone under the age of 20 might as well be yelling.

Damn, what is up with Moms? I gave all my nephews a pocket knife and their Mom confiscated them and wouldn't even let them keep them. She made them leave them at my house, and I haven't seen her kids since then. Three years ago.

how old were the kids?

No it isn't

This was back in April
>go to pawn shop
>old boomer is very friendly
>realizes I actually know my shit unlike his average mouthbreathing customers
>we hit it off and talk for an hour about milsurp
>mention $12 Krags in an old catalog I have
>”Ya know son, I have an 1898 barreled action that I saved from someone who wanted to make it a hunting rifle, I’ll give it to you if you want it. I’m too old to get around to restoring it”
>”I said give didn’t I”
It’s my birthday and he made my day. Thank you based boomer, you’re probably not on here but I’ll do you proud.


Shut the fuck up boomer

what's a millenial boomer?

Shut the fuck up leftypol

Damn kid

I hope this is bait but due to how often this is actually confused I will award you your (you) and call you a dum.
the 30 y/o boomer meme (see op's pic related) isn't about ww2 boomers. Do ww2 boomers drink monster energy, buy SS Collegefunds, buy muscle cars, and have their kids woken up to the sound of their mowing at 10am on a Saturday? No.
The meme IS 30 y/o boomer but people are retarded and somehow think it applies to people who will mostly be dead in the next 2 decades.

>working at KFC
>well-dressed but skinny millenial and boomer walk in
>boomer immediately asks me "where all the free stuff is"
>chuckle a bit and tell him that if he had a gun, everything would be free, because I love telling jokes with the boomers who come in and joke around like we're best friends
>millenial and boomer laugh
>out of nowhere boomer says that the most important thing about guns is that you should never give up your gun rights
>end up talking about red flag laws for a while
I might have slipped them some extra cookies with their orders, but it was a while ago, so I don't remember.

>I feel kinda bad being a surrogate son sometimes, but I like him. Guy has no children of his own.

why would you feel bad for this?
seems like you're both getting something out of it. you're getting knowledge and he's getting to pass knowledge down.

men need to mentor as they get older. just like young men need a mentor. it's part of becoming and being a man.

that's like 9 grand. wow.


>carried a 357 mailed to him in a cake during nam
How would you mail a cake from the US to Vietnam?

Military Postal Service.

My grandpa was n the MPS during Vietnam. The amount of stuff that got “overlooked” was insane. Kind of explains why you see privates with handguns a lot in photos and video clips.

You send it

That's exactly what it is.


>Meet based Boomer at church
>ex military, has a massive collection of historical guns and a few full-autos
>takes possession of the guns of old church members when they pass on so that the guns can be maintained and shot.
>lets me shoot his colt python
>talks with me all the time about boogaloo and what urban warfare in fallujah was like

Breddy neat

I recently got back from an auction with three receivers for sale. Two were 1898 Krag receivers. It sold for just over $300.

U dumb.

That's alright, they'll grow up and get off on disobeying women. If you ever get to see them again, buy a dirtbike so they can learn how to motorcycle

WW2 vets are pretty based.

press f to pay respects.
>I know its a normie thing to do, but its the right >thing to do.

>be me
>Be going to the same church for 7 years
>based boomer always stands by the door
>he always has a bulletproof jacket
>he always conceal carries
>he is basically security for the church
>invited everyone at the church to his house to shoot guns
>didnt get to go. feelsbadman.jpg
>he also had a huge bumber sticker on the back of his pickup
>bumper sticker has a pic of hillary with a caption saying, "does this ass make my truck look fat?
I think he served in veitnam, but idk for sure.
cool dude though, big infowars fan.

hell yeah. my great grandfather was a pilot in ww2. he got shot down captured by the axis and survived. lived to be aroud 96. cool dude, wish I had gotten to know him better, he died when I was little.

Yeah his dad was in ww2 and sent it to him, apparently the black markets and stuff that the military over looked was insane. He said when he was on leave back home one of his friends mothers was confused when he asked for the same thing

First time I ever met my cousins grandpa he showed me all his old rifles and stuff. My favourite was the pearl gripped sawn off he keeps in his room. Also one uncles keeps a loaded garand and SKS in his house, and the other is just like cousins grandpa

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But you can buy an un sporterized Krag for like 1K??

>see a listing on Armslist
>shitload of 7.62x39 ammo, lots of AK/SKS/AR 15 accessories as well for sale or trade
>I had a Beretta that I was trying to get rid of and also had a shortage of ammo so I figured I'd give it a shot
>start messaging the guy, by the way he is typing I can tell he is a boomer but he seemed chill enough so I met him in a big parking lot
>hand him the handgun, he gives me all sorts of shit and then introduces himself
>says he is 70, a Vietnam veteran, and just getting rid of some old shit he doesn't need in his old age
>figure that is that but he keeps talking
>literally over an hour later we are still talking, however the rabbit hole has descended into him talking about homemade booby traps and NFA items
>after a while more of talking we wrap it up and I tell him to stay safe
That Boomer was so fucking cool in all honesty, I saw him get out of his truck and though "oh no" but after talking for a bit I could tell the guy was a bit strange but was just all around a really cool old guy. I really hope he is still doing well, maybe I'll bump into him again.

Also he referred to the SKS as an "SK" which I have only really heard that term from others his age

That'll make a grown man cry right there


Whenever I see boomer used here on Jow Forums, it usually is, "Haha, it's funny how you like (thing that is generally pretty great) instead of (thing that is awful." Very confusing in that regard, so I generally consider it a compliment to mean, "someone without shit taste."


>Also he referred to the SKS as an “SK” which I have only really heard that term from others his age
Chief Keef stands in his yard, broad day with the SK
