Suggest Me A Rifle

Suggest me a rifle for squad automatic weapon / boogaloo fire superiority meme.
Reasonable answers preffered max budget is 2000$

Attached: rpk.jpg (1280x853, 224K)

Literally an AR with a lightning link

Is there a sexier light machine gun than the RPK? I think not

bolt action 22 with a bumpstock

>AR with a lightning link
get one of 900 super rare nfa items

Attached: OKretardgamer.jpg (573x590, 47K)

Attached: 2703_35_37-lightning-link-dimensions.jpg (970x484, 40K)

Assuming you intend to go full retard, an RPK is probably your best bet as far as an off the shelf SAW. 7.62x39 is probably better for suppression than 5.56 simply because of the improved penetration of light cover. As a civilian you're probably better off suppressing with accurate fire from something like a DMR.

The MCR belt fed upper w/ an echo trigger or auto sear is the only acceptable answer.
>I can't afford it, Max budg-
I'm not lying to you. Either save some more or be content with something less effective.

Sharing ammunition with both A: your rifle, and B: the vast majority of rifles in the nation, trumps having notably better barrier penetration. In an ideal world, feeding a machine gun 7.62x39 when you needed to would be easy, but since we can't get tons of combloc surplus (especially when the stores close), it'd be a safer bet to compromise with 5.56/.223

18" hbar ar15 running magpul d60 drums and a binary trigger

Build a PSA AR-15 and spend the rest on a benchtop mill so you can machine a sear and selector switch.
You should have at least $500 to blow on ammo and mags.
In Minecraft.

AR10 with D50 drum, heavy barrel, bipod, full stock, and the good old open bolt dowel rod trick.

Unless there has been a paradigm shift, the general consensus is that in a SHTF scenario, you've got what you've got. Planning to scavenge is more of a post apocalyptic fantasy scenario, you're better off stocking up on your own supplies and operating within your own logistical constraints.

Then stockpiling two different types of ammunition seems equally as counter productive. An MCR shares lower parts, ammunition, and magazines with ARs, so it still seems preferable to an RPK.

If ammo is around its getting used, not spawning in a safe house for you.

>Then stockpiling two different types of ammunition seems equally as counter productive.
On the contrary; this specific scenario compares a 5.56 rifle and a 7.62x39 rifle.
Since 7.62x39 is so much cheaper than most 5.56 it makes since to use it as a SAW.

>open bolt dowel rod trick


This is correct. You can even shill out $10 more and have a Yeet Cannon lower.

Attached: E3B4C252-CD2B-4431-B4FF-7E43EC1747B5.jpg (1200x750, 65K)

OP sounds like a mass shooter.

Buy a Ruger 10/20

Hot new trick that the ATF probably is dimly aware of but hasn't made it to the net outside Jow Forums yet.
BAD lever with a spring under it is the trigger, dowel rod the right length inside the bcg keeps the firing pin fully forward and fixed, bolt hold open is the sear. Someone will be along shortly with an infographic screenshot. Can be built with an 80% since you need no fcg


Sounds like a cloths hanger is less work

But you can order the parts to your door. And there's a solid case for open bolt in the GPMG role

it's pretty hard to get the clothes hanger blueprint to cycle reliably though. in minecraft.

Attached: tactical frog.png (607x582, 132K)

Hanger trick requires a milled out lower, which means either an FFL or a Gun store and a background check. 80%s can be bought in person or online and shipped to your door with no in-between or added legality. This also goes for every other part of the build detailed in . Since there's no need for a properly milled lower, all the parts can be bought and shipped to your doors since technically they are all minor parts and not guns.

Couple all of that with the added reliability of not having to rely on a piece of coat hanger.

Someone post the infographic already.

Hope you used gift cards to buy the 80%, a fake name, and had it delivered to an abandoned house if you're that paranoid since you know god damn well the government dragnets credit card purchases and has that shit stored.

>mfw saving img == intent

Why do people do this le ammo scarcity meme? There are going to be dead people with their stocked up supplies fucking everywhere on an inconsistent basis
It's like stocking up on precious metals or thinking you can't wash cast iron with soap. A fucking retarded meme

there are some brands of AR15 lowers that have premilled rears

am I retarded for worrying about out of battery discharge when using rod in bcg?

I thought I had it on my phone but alas. I'll drop it later if I find it.

I know the ATF technology branch had to have tested this shit out after it was first posted, I wish someone would FOIA them to find out if it really works. I'm not in a position to do felonies to test the function of theoretical machine guns.

I'm not an idiot, buddy, I know how to buy shit using a library computer.

It's hard to visualize, but the AR is naturally safe against OOB because the bolt only exposes the pin when it's fully turned in the barrel extension. If it has enough inertia to strike the primer, it has enough to fully close.

>out of battery discharge
Go away moron.

I’m happy to help, hoping my phone didn’t fuck the resolution

Attached: D86B2473-461A-43CB-8B5E-0062548AB4A4.png (1348x470, 57K)

Attached: bootlicker.jpg (499x413, 132K)

why did you post this?
now the redditfags will see it

It gets posted several times a month, and doesn't have any extra info that the first post didn't

Buy tools to build your own RPK

As in a low shelf? I think I have a few, personally, ironically they've been some of the cheapest lowers probably because people say low shelves are a looser fit on semi autos

Okay you sperg

but redditors dont read text walls

Reddit is a series of text walls

Swap the K with a D

>suggest me a gun to shoot at people with during a time of civil unrest
>don't want to break the law

Why do you not have a big pile of ammo? 762 is cheap af. You can get good red army 1000 counts for like 200 bucks. Everyone should have 3 or 4 lying around.

Heavyweight buffer spring and wolf extra power hammer spring :)

>automatic weapon
never gonna happen without at least $20,000 or risk of going to jail for 20 years

Haha, as if

Attached: clandestine.jpg (720x1280, 460K)

Just a thot, if you do that tho and you pick up the package isn't that a felony because you're 'stealing' mail?

Yes but who the fuck is going to report the mail stolen assuming the building is abandoned? And how are the authorities going to find out your address assuming they merely know it was stolen from that address, and not the address of who stole it?

SOLGW has their lowers milled to M4 standard without the full auto sear, all one would have to do is drill the sear and get an m16 lower parts kit.

Glowniggers, I don’t even own an AR15 and I’m not trying to go to jail. Information and knowledge is free until you niggers ban or regulate the first amendment too.

What if they see you do it? Or someone calls the cop on you, same as other people get caught stealing mail. Sorry I'm very paranoid

Don't forget the infographic

Attached: 2 SOT's Guide.jpg (965x681, 95K)

I thought it was obvious with my budget it wouldn't be full fun.
A squad 'automatic' weapon then. Capable a sustained fire without burning out and relatively cheap to feed.

>RPK parts kit ~$330 - $450 depending on where you look
>Childers Guns receiver starting at $92
>Have someone build it for you for about $500
Pretty expensive I know but it's easier to install the rapid unicorn tickle switch. And RPKs are badass as fuck

youre forgetting the barrel.
you're pretty much better off buying an aes10b

Can you steal mail from a fictitious person?

>He doesn't save the pic by taking a screenshot while on incognito mode

Attached: AAAAAAAHHHHH.gif (720x480, 1.37M)

t. Pepe Silvia

Where there's ammo - there's usually firearms. (At least this is true for civilian stashes; military arsenals I understand will store ammo well away from weapons for safety reasons - hence why the San Diego guy who hijacked an M60 Patton tank could only crush stuff, not operate the coax or the main gun.)

Especially if you can go back in time to where they were the same price as a completed budget AR build.

The argument goes that if you have to run off (e.g. hordes of goblins are surrounding your home and throwing Molotovs at it), you'd have to grab your bug out bag and book it out of there ASAP. In that scenario having a weapon that takes something common like 5.56 or 7.62x39 would be debatably better than a (relatively) hipster round like 5.45 or 6.5 Grendel, but then how would you get ahold of this ammo anyway? If you try to raid it out of random houses, there is a very nontrivial chance that occupants of said houses will give you certain components of said ammo much faster than you'd anticipated. You could try to raid it out of gun stores, military bases, police stations, or police stations, but these locations are by their nature likely to have heavily armed occupants who'd light you up with what you're trying to take. There's Walmart (not for much longer though, given their announcement to kill off ammo sales), but every looter in sight will be there and a nontrivial percentage of them will be armed.

You could trade for it - but where would be the sellers, and what would you trade them? Currency? Food/water/meds (that you'd need yourself?) Precious metals (that someone could just as well recognize you have, tail you home, and shoot you in the back to take when you're not looking)? If you have to run off (on foot, or on a vehicle), where would you even stock enough of these things to trade?

Ultimately I've considered just making small "geocaches" around town for this purpose (which would defeat the common ammo entirely, since you've got what you've got - whether it's in your home or hidden away). It'd be loosely the kind of thing with which a fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas - a pistol, a few magazines and 3 boxes or so of ammo, a knife or two, some water and MREs, a first aid kit, wet wipes (to serve as toilet paper), a few butane lighters, etc.

Real risk would be discovery/theft, though.

>enlarge image
>take picture with camera
Libs owned

It's just a bottle opener, calm down.