*renders any body armor useless*

*renders any body armor useless*

Attached: 200px-Hollow_point.jpg (200x197, 8K)

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LOL, Wut?

just shoot a hollowpoint at the neck

armor is bullshit, its a safety blanket


So you're saying armor is useless because you can shoot unarmored spots

Sneed's Feed and Seed (Formerly Chuck's)

It's an AP hollow point
it goes through Kevlar like butter

Hollow points do less to armor than FMJs. What are you on about?

>forces you to aim at a significantly smaller target

With the price and weight of Level III+ being this low today, why wouldn't they be wearing the hard shit?

a thread died for this

Because it's hard and heavy and not as easy to conceal as soft armor.

If it died to this shit it must have been terrible and deserved to die.

This and every cop knows people aren't strapped with AR's and AK's. Just pistols,that's why cops win shootouts 99% time.

>>forces you to choose different point of aim while training. As pretty much everyone is wearing that it could be viewed as negative.
But, because everyone is wearing it training has changed so people stand square to you when engaging now. As opposed to the old way of making yourself a skinny profile or getting short.
So just move the fatal triangle up 6 inches or so and run with it while training firing from a profile position.

>level III+
Not a real rating fuck off retard

I recently bought some federal hp's $12.99 Wal-Mart. Open the box and its thier polymer segmenting hollow points.
Anybody have experience with these

I think he meant III+P

AP brah

Maybe III+P+


>It's another "Jow Forums is retards and children" thread

Before body armor the standard shooting stance was side-on, presenting about the width of a neck to shoot at anyway and putting a steel weapon and your whole arm in between your heart/neck and the enemys bullet, and the strongest bone in the body between you and your boner.

How the aim point is just the unprotected neck or groin.

Attached: f824c9ca7fe82220e7ea9962e8318ebc.jpg (534x401, 44K)

Hey I made it to 7th grade show some respect.

Reminds me of the wire where they told Micheal to shoot them in the dick
Becuase the vest doesn't go that low

>the neck
> the aim point is just the unprotected neck

You faggots can't hit a 6" target at 25 yards with any 9mm I could give you, shit the fuck up when adults are talking.

I've never seen the Wire whats it about?

I guess the only people who can tell you how they work are hitmen
(Becuase police and military are not issued it)
Till we get an autopsy from some shot with this we can't know

Actually desu I can. I don't go to gun ranges to magdump and waste my ammo.

Well.. Can you go find out for me,ill let you pet my dog.

>He carries Hollow Points in his CCW
lol. Real men carry Ball or lead cast.



Ask Paul herral
He has killed lots of people I am pretty sure he can go inna woods and find out

If you can actually shoot a pistol accurately, and I seriously doubt it, you're in the 90th percentile on Jow Forums

A side profile is the absolute worse way to present yourself to the enemy. You open up multiple organ groups to a direct hit from a single projectile. Humans are considerably resilient to projectiles compared to most other mammals precisely for this reason. A spear/arrow/bullet to the abdomen for a biped will almost always impact only one organ at a time such as a lung or liver or intestine and so on, but for quadrupeds its far more likely for the projectile to go through say both lungs, or a heart and a lung, or a liver and a intestine, etc.

Attached: lol only 9mm.jpg (1112x1079, 87K)

Police and drug dealers
Its was pretty good

>you be the judge.

There's no such things as APHP. Fuck off m8.

Jow Forumsammando goes shooting with Paul Harrel inna woods and forgets to bring the meat target
What happened
You be the judge

Thanks but Im not going to take advice from people who think body armor makes you invulnerable in a gunfight, or even adds something to a fight other than limiting range of motion and speed.

I cant even take you srriously, go back to video games.

I love how the last 3 didnt think it was suspicious paul made them wear a backpack full of fleece blankets when they had their argument over who was supposed to bring the meat target

>*renders any body armor useless*
Is the bullet made out of diamond, the hardest metal?

>tfw Paul Harrel is monitoring this thread

Its made of silver for skinwalker defense.

I'm not giving you advice, I'm mocking you for being incompetent and incapable.

lol guy who thinks hes invincible because of a plate that covers 5% of his bulk calls me incapable. Can you even run up a flight of stairs you fat faggot?

You sure beat up that strawman timmy, too bad it wasn't anything I said.

You can't shoot and don't know what you're trolling about, piss off kiddo.

Low quality

Drill it out and jam a sharpened tungsten rod into it

Hahahhaa you seriously cant shoot the exposed parts of a person wearing plate?

>It's an AP hollow point
Not possible at pistol velocities. Even if you were firing tungston core rounds out of a pistol any hard armor will stop it because it lacks the velocity needed. The only thing your meme ammo is going to defeat is lower level soft armor.

you are being trolled moron

It's a thing


No, you can't.

"""AP""" hollow point cop killer blah blah blah is a gun grabber and media buzz term from the 90s

>we need to ban lead bullets because they are toxic
>we need to ban non lead bullets because they are armor piercing "cop killer" bullets
Fuck gun grabbers

Why cant you?

Because you don't practice.

He meant Level III or higher dumbass

>refers to plates by a made up marketing term no different than calling ARs assault rifles

No, I see what you're reading into there but he didn't mean level three "plus" (and above), he meant "Three-plus" which is a non-standard model name for steel armor which claims to be resistant to common rifle ammunition but isn't actually certified by any authority.

Nobody said that retard. It just protects your torso, which statistically lowers your chance of dying. Show me one (1) post that says armor guarantees a win in a firefight.