Friend comes back to camp fire after a long pee break

>friend comes back to camp fire after a long pee break
>fails the shine test

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Other urls found in this thread:

>tell joke to your bud and his girlfriend around the campfire
>she laughs
>he laughs
>the woods laugh

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I wouldn't worry about it. The shine test doesn't actually work on us

Yeah dude what's the shine test? Can't you tell human from not with your soul?





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Nice fake email faggot.

>let's rile them up with more white nationalism

>meet oddly dressed group of people in forest
>ask if you can warm up near their fire
>no one seems to comprehend your small-talk
>the light of the fire illuminates their eyes
>realize they are all replicants

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>More paranoia
Fucking kill me

I think the idea is to degrade discussion and make people paranoid
I've already seen some threads degrade into bitching

Not to be alarmist or anything, BUT YOU SHOULD TRY WORRYING ABOUT IT.

trips confirms

Checked, and hail Nero. I miss the comfy Rhodie threads where we didn't fight and just talked about the guns.

>blacking out the fucking name

Why do faggots do this? Can someone do one for the team and go find the original poster's name?

I enjoyed talking about the stuff when it was comfy.
As far as I understand the anons that try to warn us about shareblue plots have to block a lot of stuff out because they send tags and specific keywords in every email that allows them to track who it was sent to if it's posted on the internet.
I'm obviously not in that shit but as far as I understand user has to block a lot of shit out or he'll get fucked over.
But I guess he's probably shitposting here for them so fuck him I guess.

So your telling me the fucks that give us insights to these assholes deliberately hide fucker's names just so they can stay within the inside just so they can stay as a mole for us?

Sounds good but our moles better have a back up screenshots with the shareblue names exposed just incase they get found out and kicked out of the inner circle damnit.

That's what I understand, I might be wrong and I implore anyone that knows more to correct me.
All I know for sure was that there was an user on Jow Forums before that was feeding info and apparently left a tagword uncovered and he hadn't been seen since.
I'd hope they have uncovered images, yeah.

com hodl me dezzusinpie

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Eh, worth it.

There's at least one in the red flag thread. Currently getting BTFO'd. But it's there.

which one?

Dont worry about the fair folk user

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Bitch on the right of course. Have you never read the copypasta?

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>Jow Forums posting fake proofs to distract from the fact that they are actually doing such things all the time

Is this for detecting skinwalker biological entities?


When the mods merge /x/ and Jow Forums will they call it /xk/ or /kx/

>clicking on a PDF



whats a shine test

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Here's a question Jow Forums do you trust the talking panda in the middle of a midwestern forest or not?

Due to the sheer improbability of a panda being in the midwest I would, now if a black bear tried to talk me down I'd gat the nigger because its probably an actual bear

>File: Black_cat_with_glowing_eyes.jpg (1.09 MB, 2
that only works if they look at the light source in the perfect angle. unlike animals, most people avoid looking at bright lights in the dark

I'm taking a break from this board. This is only going to get worse.

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>people avoid looking at bright lights in the dark

hence the shine test

This. They originally tried outright propaganda and conversion, but that only works on low-information normies who never check out claims. Frustrated, they fell back on what Bruce Willis does at the end of The Jackal: screw it, ruin the forum.

Every single post mentioning Jow Forums is gibberish, and a paid activist outing himself. It's as much of a tell as unironically using the term "incel."

Animal eyes "glow" when hit with light in the dark because their eyes are designed to reflect all light internally, which lets them use every last spark of light to see by. Human eyes don't really do this, aside from what you can see with extreme lumens, like in flash photography. In normal lighting conditions at night, like around a campfire or in a flashlight, human eyes won't glow. It's not because we avoid looking into bright lights. It's because our eyes don't work that way.

/xk/ newfriend, used to be a common tread

I clicked it and a skeleton popped out.

I haven't. Post?

Surely a typo right user?

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I wouldn't worry about it...

Dont want to start anything but what was posted in this thread? What's a shareblue plot? I dont come around often enough to know

What the fuck was the post?

Shareblue hate Jow Forums because pol calls out Jews weird in group behavior and egotism.
I didnt see the original post that got deleted.
Oh and pol isnt the end all be all to white nationalism.


this is why we do the shine test.