I've been very suicidal but I don't wanna act on it because I just bought my first AR (Colt LE6920) and want to enjoy...

I've been very suicidal but I don't wanna act on it because I just bought my first AR (Colt LE6920) and want to enjoy it for an undetermined amount of time. Just another way guns save lives.

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Good choice in AR Jow Forumsommando.

>want to enjoy it

Go to a Crisis house
>Free for me on my shit state insurance
>1 week out of your shit environment which is already worth it
>Group and solo therapy sessions
>Chore system to work on shit life skills (if you need that kind of stuff)
>All the information you need about your disease, how to find help, how to identify mind sets and prevent relapse
>Everyone not staff is also depressed, going through withdrawal, stuck with high anxiety, or anger issues. Best stories you will ever hear and people to talk out your problems with nothing but sympathy.

Turned my life around in one week. Do yourself a favor

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I swear to God i will find your grave and piss on it if you contribute to "gun suicide statistics"

Don't listen to this user. Seeing fucking anyone or admitting to anyone about depression or anything that can be conceived as mental illness is retarded. They're already door to door confiscating in commiefornia.

I would sell them to good homes before offing myself. Why would I risk their confiscation for "investigation" either?

>>All the information you need about your self pitying attention whoring immoral self indulgent self

Nah, but he'll mention his mental state to his sister or mother who will Red Flag the shit out of him.

>fractured spine, asthma, too flexible, muscles don't stay passively switched on like they should, sweat far too commonly, Raynaud's in hands and feet
>no income but am about to get on $230/week welfare, live with parents in Sydney, age 22
>gun culture is massively demonised here by everyone, costs about $2k (which I don't have) to get legally certified with a cheap rifle and even more for sports club membership
>can't do military/LEO as a prereq for spook careers because of all this physical bullshit
>spend most of every day with fucked lungs due to asthma and massive chronic back pain due to the fractured L1
how do I unfuck my shit? I don't have the money or the physical condition to do anything at all, and no matter how much I try to get a part time job before any career job it seems like literally every shop is getting spammed with hundreds of applicants
I can't relax or feel comfortable no matter what I do because managing my back is always somewhat of a priority and it's directly stopping me from unfucking my life

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It's a god damn crisis house, not a hospital. You won't be flagged for shit
There's solid information there. Some of it is certainly retarded feel good crap but never turn your nose up to free information. Then you shift out the crap to your taste

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Take a few free courses for some sit-down job

going out all alone in the woods to shoot is one of my greatest copes. do not underestimate it.

It's nothing like going to a range. Ranges suck. Taking in nature and hearing the delayed echo of the supersonic crack is therapy in and of itself.

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>say you're depressed
>get raided at 3am by police, have property broken and stolen with no compensation, treated like a second class citizen
>this is helping
Who's genius idea was this again?

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>It's a god damn crisis house, not a hospital. You won't be flagged for shit
In WA you'd actually get flagged for that now. When you try to buy a now, you void your rights of HIPAA.


tranny discord hitting Jow Forums i see

Fucking hell that's beat. Even if it's for anxiety? What the fuck
Aight, check your state laws and/or get a normal friend while you get better.

/skagit/ reporting in

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Nope I simply have never heard of a crisis house yet it majorly improved my life. I'll always recommend because of that but if you don't like it just.... don't?
I was able to get a gun after but with what
Said it might be state to state. Do your own research, make your own choice

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So you guys, our activist group is going to spam a white supremacist web site, really disrupt everything, and the best part is the moderation staff will do nothing about it, no matter how obviously we troll them.

t. conspiratard

>yfw gun owners start red flagging other gun owners to prevent them from fucking up their gun hobby


Relax dude. Just hide threads you do not like and flag off topic. If you start accusing every dumb question as being a raid well... you've seen how dumb some threads can be. It'd be a huge wast of time
That's all said, since the new positions have been filled I've seen an uptick in terrible threads

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move to America and buy a $400 AR. You can get shit tier fast food/retail jobs easily.

>Who's genius idea was this again?

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It's fucking crazy to see them winning on Jow Forums.

This is it, anons. Prime fucking evidence of why America is so fucked up.
Our mental health as a nation is absolutely fucking destroyed. You can't get help or you're ostracized from society, or your rights are stripped away. And we all just let it fucking happen.

Fuck all of you, fuck America, nuclear fire now.

To be fair the first guy just pointed out it could screw you outta guns, thankfully for me PA is the best state.
The other guys know just as medication can do good it can also do harm and I wasn't a stranger to that either. If some people don't want to take that risk it's entirely understandable, though I'd disagree in the long run

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you cant buy happiness but you can buy ammo

This is the worst advice I’ve ever read
>no user don’t turn your life around and become a normal happy person
>just become an anti gunner statistic
>they might take your gun away in ten years or so after all
>not that you’ll even be alive by then
>not like 80% lowers exist

Quit playing vidya all day, go to gym, eat good, dont watch so much mich porn, and quit going on Jow Forums
