Should we prohibit LGBTPedos from owning or buying guns?

Should we prohibit LGBTPedos from owning or buying guns?

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Other urls found in this thread: and explosives#sort=relevance

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fuck off shareblue or Jow Forums, whoever you are

>Jow Forums and Jow Forums
Fucking Why is Jow Forums targeted so much? It's one of the slowest boards.


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Based shareblue leaker also do have the uncensored version.

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>Rhodesian Bush War

Slot them floppies gents

This looks fake, honestly, because it is dumb as fuck, but i wouldn't put it past them to be this retarded.

Just exactly what is there plan? I fail to see how the G3 and FN-FAL is derailing ad damaging to Jow Forums.

I'm taking a break from this place. This shit is only going to get worse

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It's real because of how they naturally view the board as "white supremacist", despite it being mostly gay tranny amerimutts.

I think the plan is to make right leaning discussion harder

Don't censor that shit. Doxx those fuckers.

>mostly gay tranny amerimutts
hey now trap != tranny, but lol its kinda true

Bumped for leaks

How does being an Ameican make you any less right wing?

They all die the same

its counter misinformation. fucking anime image boards playing 4d chess with eachother

Jow Forums is my home board and hopefully yours too. Fuck the shills brother

So the same two posts in the same order getting basically an identical response as over in another thread. This sure as hell doesn't look like an user replying to himself to try and force a new meme or anything, no sir, not at fucking all.

Their? His plan is to make gullible fifteen year old kids freak the fuck out so he can feel like he's a real person that matters instead of just another sixteen year old pile of shit that no one cares about beyond complaining about the smell.

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People who have been involuntarily committed to a mental hospital are already prohibited from owning firearms. Baker Act your local transtrender for being a danger to xerself.

did you honestly post that boomer meme to pretend you know what meme culture is

keep being paranoid boomer

Those are two guns that always seem to generate discussion. If everyone is continually distracted by the same threads over and over, then we won’t be watching when the big igloo is here. I don’t know if the cointelpro is real or not but I keep an eye on this either way. and explosives#sort=relevance

at least they aren't completely braindead with what Jow Forums likes

>this is what robotic failure looks like

>it's a "everyone gets denounced as shareblue" month
not this shit again. why are you niggers so easily baited


Jow Forums is the easiest board to troll with all the paranoid boogaloo boomers

Ready for Rhodesian Bush War 2(TM) fellow Jow Forumsommandoes? :^)

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does anyone have the saiga at BLM vids? too lazy to set up my old computer again

Of course it's fake. The only people that care about Jow Forums are people on Jow Forums/

i'm sure all the tourists will fall for it though

hi shareblue
Jow Forums is like the second most popular board, and you know it. That's why you're here

imagine having a child that thinks they're a tranny and not locking away your guns properly

Jow Forums has gotten a little (mostly negative) attention from some ecelebs

Ian publicly stated he hates us and I think Karl has too

Othais used to show up sometimes until some assholes bullied him

And I'm pretty sure Steve lurks and/or is user

fake and gay. Shareblue doesn't even know the G3 and FAL exist. All they know about is the AR(Automatic Rifle)15.

you replied to the wrong post shareblue bro

whoever's fucking around just samefags pretending they're falling for it, and i'm sure there's a lot of 8ch Jow Forums refugees (read: tourists) who believe anything, so it doesn't matter. consensus cracking on slower boards is fucking ez.

Of course, the entire point is to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill.

Gun rights are for people only.

Why are all these totes real raid leak images so low effort? The purge the scourge one had some effort put in but they still managed to fuck up with the text messages

Why work harder than you need to?

>Should we prohibit _____ from owning or buying guns?
No, you gun-grabbing goon.

i wouldnt be surprised if they sent emails out like that
Also it'll fool the tourists so they dont care


I despise LGBT, but...

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Can confirm do like boi butt



Jow Forums is one of the faster boards

I thought itd dropped out of the top 5 a while ago

Anyone that isn't a pedo can have a gun.

That disqualifies a large portion of this site


based and wrap it up pilled