Can we have a Rhodesia thread?
Can we have a Rhodesia thread?
the "G 3" is a good gun
I too enjoy the "N. D."
i liek teh fn fail lol
More sharekike slide threads I see. Must be a slow day.
I prefer the FN FAL myself
Forgotten Weapons has some good coverage on it.
my olny concern is about availability of rounds during the Bugaloo
Go back to trolling pol knucklefuck.
I love the white people
im on my phone so all i gots anime girls
When 80% of the military was black...
>No gun laws
That's not true. This is a transcript of an editorial from the RhAF's magazine.
rhodesianheritage [DOT] blogs[KEBAB]
Remove kebab to get to link.
>"Day of the Gun".
The average American citizen has been able, until very recently, to buy guns and ammunition of all kinds as easily as he buys a bar of soap...Attempts to control weapon sales by the introduction of new legislation are inevitably foiled by a powerful Congressional lobby which points to the American Constitution's guarantee that "the people shall have the right to keep and bear arms". The wave of anti-gun feeling following the Kennedy assassinations has. however, produced a ban on inter-state mail order trading in weapons; a restriction which is hardly likely to have an appreciable effect on America's problem.
At the other end of the scale, the Briton finds it almost impossible to own weapons legally—with the exceptions of shotguns and sporting rifles, and even these are very carefully controlled. Unlike the American system, all weapons which are legally owned are subject to registration, and heavy penalties are prescribed for transgression.
The situation in Rhodesia falls somewhere between these two extremes. Though retaining the requirement for strict registration of guns and ammunition, the local regulations enable the Rhodesian to acquire arms rather more easily than can his British counterpart... the Rhodesian appears to be a level-headed, law-abiding gun-owner who is not subject to the fears and passions which often trigger American killings, or to the carelessness which breeds accidents. The factors which determine the Rhodesian record in this respect have never been professionally analysed, but it is possible to theorise that of those factors, training and tradition are amongst the more important.
Shut the fuck up
I see that 80% statistic being thrown around a lot. Do you have a source for it?
No they don't because it's historical revisionism that people use to try and pretend the Brush War isn't a dog whistle for racism, kind of like how the Civil War was about "States Rights".
t. shareblue
10 neetbucks have been given to Goldman Sachs towards your student loans
I think it came from
Specifically statements about the Rhodesian African Rifles.
I'm a huge rhodesian military collector but I try to avoid the rhodieboo subculture nowadays due to all the misinformation being paraded around as fact and post-hoc justifications about how liking the rhodieboo myth is not racist. It's very clear that rhodieboos there do not want to learn history and are only in it to confirm previously held beliefs. Nearly everyone who gets into Rhodesia falls for the myth at first and goes through a "SLOT FLOPPIES LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL" phase but if they dig deeper (read sources other than the same regurgitated shit pushed out by right wing propaganda) they usually grow out of it.
A lot of collectors of real items I deal with seem to hold the same opinions. I'm perfectly happy staying in my ivory tower of academics, collectors, and museums, thank you very much.
>on Jow Forums
All threads are shit on here anyway
sure thing. context in filename, this folder is slim though not like my Yugoslav war folder.
they all have underfolder aks for their tanks so that shows they were smart and efficient enough to get captured weapons where they best worked.
Wew you shills are getting better
Lemme guess, masters in historical deconstruction? Makes sense you’re on here shilling for pennies
Every time I've brought up Mugabe to people in my life, I'm met with "who"
I just want to say to people who understand, I am so grateful that cunt is dead. He got too long and too good a run, murderous cocksucker
Do you even know what specific event resulted in this photo? Or any actual facts about the conflict?
Because if you did it would be very obvious that your file names are completely FUBARed.
well, the left coast must've just got out of class for the night so they're here to boost their social credit scores
>10 neetbucks have been given to Goldman Sachs towards your student loans
Post 9/11, thanks for that citation though.
>Lemme guess, masters in historical deconstruction?
Biophysics. Thanks for that citation though.
splain then senpai, i find the pictures sometimes with no context like OPs and do what i can to put some to it. If you have more context ill happily update the filenames.
t. unemployed person
If you had any interest in the subject, you would do your own fucking research.
Ph.D student, so yeah basically. You ever going to get around to providing a primary source for that statistic or are you content with being labeled the racist you are?
I'm interested in lots of conflicts user, my reading list is ever growing and seldom shrinking.
Keep reading then.
How's that crushing debt, boiled potatoes, and free anti-depressants working out for you?
Which completely apolitical search engine should we use to research said topic?
I am, but these threads are good to be in for getting pictures for my conflict folder. like i said if you have context on those two tank pictures feel free to mention it.
>are you content with being labeled the racist you are?
not him but I will be on his behalf lol
>t. someone with a not useless degree and job in his field
Anything you want. Just type in key words, read the sources, and evaluate if it's credible and if the authors have an agenda. You can even integrate multiple sources from many sides, even the sides you disagree with to form a coherent picture! Wow what a concept!
But if you'd rather stay in your filter bubble, then by all means do so.
STFU newfag
>trying to find an FN FAL operating manual
>end up here
We're all newfags, newfag.
>Crushing debt
I have zero student debt, and don't take antidepressants because I'm not depressed. I am eating potatoes in some soup though.
Why are you so upset? Surely you didn't go on the internet and make a completely bullshit claim, only to get upset when you get called out on it. You didn't do that, did you silly-goose?
Last time I checked Bioengineering/Synthetic Biology wasn't useless, but okay; you seem to be upset that your dog whistle is getting called out.
You literally have everything you need to do your own searching in just the picture names alone.
>We're all newfags, newfag.
Says the tripshit that contributes NOTHING to an anonymous imageboard.
>you seem to be upset that your dog whistle is getting called out.
let me know when you have something meaningful to say lmao
I'll get to it as i get around to the Rhodesian Bush war, got some books on it i need to read and pictures to collect. By the way user, most people post here for years before using a tripcode. i'll probably use it on threads like this one and the yugoslav thread, and /akg/. Consider hiding my posts if you're asshurt.
Bless you and your phone
I'm just asking for a citation on the 80% factoid, that's all. You're the one that jumped out the floor boards and started spewing all sorts of trash to try and get away from getting called on your shit.
>threads totez ain't about being racist guize
>Fat kids
>Shit jaw lines
>Low cheeks
>Low foreheads
>Brown hair
>Male pattern baldness
It's like a Darwin's grab bag of bad genetics.
consider suicide you jewish shill
also thanks for the bump
>look everyone I can shoop an email
Do you think everyone else is stupid enough to fall for that?
Lots of Jow Forumsommandos find racism unpleasant and so they avoid it. They espouse no racists beliefs. However I know better. Racism is just the observation of reality. Whites are the least racist (read: the most able to delude themselves) of all the races and all land is stolen. If you are arguing from a moral perspective then you have no leg to stand on. The fact of the matter is that whether they were racially motivated (which they weren't) or politically motivated the rhosesians were completely justified in everything they did. Their presence would have been a net benefit for Africa, as most European colonies are. The real question is why you insist on defending a group of people who have never built a functioning society and who would gladly rape and pillage the world if they were able to. Despite the reality of this situation I still don't judge individuals based on their race as exceptional people of all races exist, but you continue to delude yourself that everything is done to the tune of illogical racism
>look everyone I can shoop an email
Do you think everyone else is stupid enough to fall for that?
He’s watching this thread
He does it for free.
Thank you for correcting the record
wasn't there some screwball a few years ago who had an RSS notification for every time Rhodesia was mentioned on Jow Forums and /his/? is he back to shill his same old anti-Jow Forums nonsense?
Probably, there's a few other spergs that do the same thing like that barney / mlp guy.
Hey Jannie cunts, you gonna ban me again for calling out dickless whites pushing bullshit statistics? Did your walk in on your mother getting dicked by a black? Jannies suck cocks. Mods suck cocks. Rhodhesia threads are dog whistles for racist white trash.
I'm not the one that has to go crying and rat fucking to the mods because my feelings get hurt by calls to source your bullshit.
I got a co-worker that came here from Zimbabwe and I talked to her a lot about the country and she seems to have many mixed feelings about it
I remember her saying something along they lines of maybe the whites weren't really oppressing us and they were just helping make the country a better place
She seems to dislike the (former) president and the ruling ZANU PF party
>nigga be crying again