Mall ninja thread?
Mall ninja thread
Mall ninja thread?
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That image is something else. Sorry I can't contribute, but I'll bump anyways.
Okay, that's pretty sick.
Does anyone remember that prepper show with that black guy that couldn’t have guns cuz New York or whatever so he was armed with a clutch of fantasy daggers and shit like picrelated and the show was like “Despite not owning guns, he is well armed and able to defend himself”
>break in to neighbor's apartment
>glock at the ready
>knives fucking everywhere
>hear the clinking noise of metal
>out of the darkness I see a man covered in knives
>fantasy scale armor, each scale is a knife
>take aim with my Glock by holding it sideways and throwing up my elaborate gang sign while looking through my fingers as a sight
>fire and bullets bounce off of blades
>he shouts at me and slowly walks towards me as I unload
>I turn to run but the inside of the door I just broke in through is covered in knives
>the door handle is just a knife blade
>"you broke in to the wrong apartment mother fucker"
>as he says this I can hear the helmet of knives with pewter dragon handles rattle
Mall ninjas gotta eat.
Mall Ninjas gotta write
>tfw ur neighbors with Shredder
I actually bought one of these as an emergency window breaker until I was gifted a more specialized tool that can also cut seat belts.
Anyone have the 9/11 tanto?
Someone post the whip, you know the metal one.
>Gamers Choice!
Bone Tactical sells this "ghost knife" for non permissive environments. It is ceramic. Can't be picked up in metal detectors.
Holy shit my friend has that. He let me twirl it on my finger when I was at his house.
Mind linking the said tool?
Compare it to the $20 set of 4 ceramic kitchen knives set I bought on Newegg like 4 years ago for $20.
They are trying to sell cheap made in china kitchen knives as weapons.
Is the sub-2000 the ultimate mall ninja gun?
>Bone Tactical
>giving your business to a felon
no thanks.
Looks like shit
Yeah, it is a keltec
>take aim with my Glock by holding it sideways and throwing up my elaborate gang sign while looking through my fingers as a sight
There is only one king of kings.
Speaking of mall ninjas, does anyone remember the name of this group of retards?
The Shield
I remember seeing weekly threads about this group around 2012.
Such simpler times.
>post embarrassing mall ninja shit
>hard mode: no Mtech
>Gets dabbed on by Bolt Force
Nothing personnel, kid
>Bolt Force targets the high crime areas of a city and is stealthy, dressed all in black body armor. We are like shadows in the night and the criminals have no idea we are there. When they see us it's to late. They are surrounded by Bolt Force.
>dark souls: nothing from budk
Spot more
It's just your basic bitch "Emergency car escape tool".
It really is that easy, isn't it?
It is
How much of a meme are karambits? Seems it can't really do anything a straight blade couldn't, well being less useful for just shanking a nigger multiple times.
I had one just like that, but a much nicer metal finish. I do like writing with a heavier pen, but the most tactical it ever got was giving folks who tried to touch my stuff a quick whack over the knuckles.
it's some african tool for preparing meat
so no it's a normal knife with somehow less functionality than a normal knife
i get the appeal of having a veloceraptor claw in your pocket or trying to emulate natural weapons of predators but it's a meme in reality
Top left picture, is she pointing that shotty at or very near that guy's head?
they're good for not dropping while you're working in the garden
>second to none in peacock posing
>least disciplined and organized anywhere
Oh Africa, it's all so tiresome.
Indonesian farming tool
What's that folding cleaver type deal? I kinda dig it
>tfw my brother got me a ka-bar bottle opener
>next year my mother got me a ka-bar spork/knife
Maybe this is what I get for just getting her candles every year.
Unexpected /asp/
Too soon
Those cyclone daggers actually make an impressive fucking wound.
>How much of a meme are karambits?
Best tool for slicing through the restraining straps and thick plastic sheeting that our large cargo loads arrive in.
Here's a (you) you earned it
they are good for harvesting opium
What is the bullpup thing?
When does this meme change to amazon ninja?
Malls really aren't a thing anymore
Having shit taste must be so sad
Those are just Americans
If I break into your apartment in NYC you have a duty to retreat. Hope your renters insurance is good. Also I'm gonna rub my nudity on everything you own. Consider your belongings a total loss
Lick those boots.
How many mall's have stores that sell that stuff anyways? Flea market ninja might be more accurate. I use to love going to flea markets and almost drooling over the shit at the "knife lady's" table. Then I started learning more about knives and knife steels and about quality knife brands. At that point it just lost its magic when I realized that 99% of what I was seeing was cheap, brittle garbage that would get in its own way if you actually tried to use it.
>tactical plugs
I'd say not entirely, the curve provides a better angle for slicing, so although you can't stab with it slashes will create deeper wound channels , much deeper if you're doing it right - The curve also allows you to hook peoples arms and wrists with one hand if they were to catch your arm- but this is all kinda martial arts shit so real world applications are limited
They have models that can be modified to take a multitude of pistol magazines, I would say it was a rather innovative and dare I say practical design.