according to federal law, medical marijuana card holders are barred from owning (or at least purchasing) firearms.
but how thorough are the background checks really though? as long as I don't walk into a gun store reeking of weed and answer "no" to the "are you a user of or addicted to illegal substances" question on the background check forms, will they really be able to know that I have a medical marijuana card?
Medical marijuana and guns
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What is your "card" like? Are you registered with the state as an mmj user? If so then you are too stupid to own a gun. Otherwise iirc the feds don't have access to that info, so you'll get through your 4473, but the state could fuck you as happened in HI.
actually I'm in the opposite situation, I own guns already but want to get a medical marijuana card, and don't want to be barred from getting more guns in the future
Either you do what you want, or you do what's legal. Honestly, if this shit ever made it to the supreme court I cannot imagine how they'd justify infringement of the 2nd while states (and by extension the federal government) are collecting taxes from the sale of marijuana.
Yes. You cannot own guns if you have a medical weed card. Currently, those records don't get cross referenced. Will they soon? Probably.
>voluntarily registering with the govt that you use a Schedule I substance
My dude...
I always some a few woods or green games before a range trip.
>Illegal Substances
In a state where weed is legal
>Not a user of anything illegal in THIS STATE
Answer no, because it’s the truth.
based stonedposter
>“Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside.”
t. ATF
If this is true, this regulation is a constitutional clusterfuck. I wonder if we could use this to get the dude weed liberals to turn on the soccer mom liberals.
But Weed isn't legal in your state. It's not legal in any state.
It is true, and yes, it's also a cluster fuck
>If this is true, this regulation is a constitutional clusterfuck.
No it's not at fucking all, do you understand how the Constitution works?
>substance is federally illegal
>is legal is certain states
>substance is scheduled with "no acceptable medical use"
>has documented and accepted medical use
>is not a clusterfuck
One of the main reasons that weed is federally illegal is that they want to put people in this situation, and choose weed over guns. If you’re anti-weed that’s one thing, but if you think weed users should be stripped of their gun rights then you’re a massive faggot.
That this is a 10A issue and the feds are breaking the Constitution’s every principle as usual? Yeah I think I understand just fine.
It's not, the legality of it from a Constutional standpoint is crystal clear. Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the U.S. Constitution states:
>This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.
That establishes that the federal constitution, and federal law, take precedence over state laws, and even state constitutions. It prohibits states from interfering with the federal government's exercise of its constitutional powers, and from assuming any functions that are exclusively entrusted to the federal government. If your state has gone the way of legalization, they, and everyone in possession of Marijuana in the state are still committing a federal crime.
There is no legal argument to be made here, you are breaking Federal law if you posses Marijuana. If the DEA raided and arrested every grower, distributor, and dispensary in legal states tomorrow there would be zero legal recourse.
Most states treat mmc as protected information. so no it won't come up. but you will be committing a crime if you buy a gun with a mmc. I think it's infringement. The real question is do you have a legit reason to get a Medical card or do you just want it to get fucking high for shits and giggles. cause honestly if it's for just shits and giggles you might as well stay off the grid
>That this is a 10A issue
No the fuck it's not at all you fucking mong because Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the same Constitution that you're so blisteringly ignorant of clearly states that Federal statute is prioritized over any and all state laws. This is not at all a Constitution issue for the last time, it's a states flouting Federal law issue.
>Dude weed can cure literally anything!!!
>You can get it legally just register!!!
>College students and zoomers register in droves cuz DUDE WEED
>Ffw to 2 years after college and they realize the retarded liberal party phase they went through is dumb and want to purchase a firearm for self defense
>Oh sorry you were registered as a marijuana user you can not posses weapons
>Essentially entire generation stripped of firearms rights
Let's be honest, college students are retarded and will do anything to 'live their life' and 'explore' in their 4 years at University and then realize how much they fucked themselves over when they graduate adult daycare and are responsible for their own safety
Ok, now what part of the Constitution gives the feds power to regulate what Willy Nelson smokes in his backyard?
And why does the DEA get to say something has no medical use when actual doctors say it does?
Drug laws are an illogical clusterfuck and the only way it makes sense is if you got high from licking boot polish.
to be fair they still uphold assault weapons bans and other bondoglery even though those are infringement of my rights in the Federal US Constitution
Some states keep that private
Thorough enough to spot a filthy pothead. I don't want a drunk holding a weapon any more than a mind altered liberal drone. With the jews trying to steal our drinking water you would think more people would take gun ownership seriously and discipline their minds and bodies into weapons against the Common Enemy.
>Ok, now what part of the Constitution gives the feds power to regulate what Willy Nelson smokes in his backyard?
Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution.
>And why does the DEA get to say something has no medical use when actual doctors say it does?
Because the AMA, APA, ADA, or any other medical association are not a member of the Executive Branch charged with enforcing laws created under Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution.
>Drug laws are an illogical clusterfuck and the only way it makes sense is if you got high from licking boot polish.
I'm not disagreeing with you on scientific or moral principals, please know that. I'm simply stating that there's no Constitutional issue to be found here.
>Firearm registry ruled unconstitutional
>States still do it anyways
>Well the we will just track the sales of firearms!
If you don't think they are keeping all that info on some server in the middle of some shitty government building you are retarded
lol nice bait
I would 100% trust a pot head with a firearm before I trusted a fucking drunk.
And I would trust a child molester before I trusted a nigger, doesn't mean I'll ever realistically trust either.
Which part of the 2nd amendment coming before "shall not" covers medical marijuana?
The govt who legalized cutting your dick off doesn't want you to have a plant. The pharma kikes need their money.
They literally had to update the 4473 for retards like you to even more specifically say on that question "MARIJUANA REMAINS ILLEGAL UNDER FEDERAL LAW REGARDLESS OF STATE MEDICAL LAWS"
Get cancer weedfag
>Get cancer weedfag
lol you're more likely to get cancer from eating bacon
There was actually a case in my city (Philly) over that. A physician went over to get a revolver, when filling out the form he checked yes on that question so immediately they barred him, even though marijuana and all thc products are decriminalized and also legal in my state and my city. The gun shop owners and the physician took it the PA supreme court and he actually won, because the form says "UNLAWFUL USER" but if you are medicated and have a card therefore you're not an unlawful user thus being allowed to use firearms . Well, it wasnt long before the feds got involved and over turned the ruling. It's been a shit show because ultimately, wether you're against it or not, no one should have to suffer giving up their rights for taking medicine.
>There is no legal argument to be made here, you are breaking Federal law if you posses Marijuana.
Legal argument is that the federal government is aware of businesses violating federal law but is selectively enforcing it while collecting taxes. Does this give the federal government the ability to prosecute individuals for a crime while allowing businesses to operate a profit? Either they legalize marijuana federally or they don't allow businesses to operate. They can't do both. Obviously it is too late for further restricting marijuana, given public sentiment and the growing body of research.
You would pass fed NICS BUT you would knowingly be lying on the 4473, they have even recently updated that section to address the MMJ card holders, that you are not exempt. But the federal government has no regulatory power over the states issuing MMJ, the Federal Gov has no knowledge of who has cards , HOWEVER your state does have the list of MMJ holders, so it would definitely fuck you up getting a CWP or if you need FOID in applicable states
You would let a fed fuck your wife if it was the law.
I mean, you want to argue about the feasibility of prima nocta in 2019 I'm game, but I'm still right about this one and you're still stupid.
Nice b8 m8
>Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution.
Drug laws don't derive their legal standing from the actual Constitution. They all hinge on the post-New Deal ruling in Wickard v. Filburn that turned interstate commerce into the butterfly effect where even the tiniest economic ripple in any market in any state impacts every other so the federal government has the right to regulate literally anything anywhere even if it's entirely intrastate commerce from soil to table and entirely for personal use. It was blatant judicial overreach by the Supreme Court designed explicitly to defend the New Deal which otherwise would have had large parts declared unconstitutional. By their own insane rationale every single transaction on earth is international commerce because it has a minute effect on the overall global economy which is obviously retarded.
Get weed cancerfag
Then the Federal Government is ALSO in violation of federal law, by collecting taxes off workers in the industry
Grower here in a legal state. Would love to spurg out and go full SHALL!!! But unfortunately, I don't want to go to prison in case the friendly county sheriff comes by wondering what the smell is. So I remain a gunless fag waiting for these laws to unfuck themselves.
They also violate your 4th as well as your 2nd amendment right. But fuck you going to do? It's the faggot government.
just go to the weed man. Or have a friend with a card get you some. Not hard bruv.
Some states protect their MMJ users firearms rights by not keeping patient registries and/or making it state law firearms will not be taken from MMJ patients but most don't, although even in these states with MMJ firearm owner protections you're still in violation of Federal law owning guns with an MMJ card. The reason the recreational people are getting away with owning guns is because there is no recreational user registry and marijuana is 90 percent a cash business with a tiny ammount of places taking boomer paper checks if you are lucky so they are just breaking the law and not being caught; once marijuana business can take credit cards a lot of gun owners will lose their guns who went and bought weed with credit/debit cards. People seem to have an assumption the Fed dosen't care that MMJ people have guns and it's really not the case at all, they may leave former police officers and military alone for optics but if they know you are just a normie who smokes pot and has guns they will come for you.
Also remember a common fact most people forget. There is no firearms posession permit in America, do the rest of the research yourself.
I wish people would violate the NFA and import laws as openly as they do marijuana stuff; where the books say one thing but in practice you can go down to your store and buy everything from a Famae SG 540 to a VSS Vintorez.
This is an interesting thought experiment. If states can decide their own immigration policies and marijuana laws in blatant defiance of Federal law, what stops a Republican state "legalizing" and taxing NFA items or saying state and local police can only impose a $25 fine for NFA item possession?
According to the Constitution, the federal government has no authority to regulate firearms ownership or possession/use of goods produced within the borders of a single state and consumed within that state. If someone attempts to arrest you for engaging in legal activity, shoot them for being a traitor.
its a federal felony to be an illicit drug abuser. kys druggie
Federal government attitudes on enforcement, plus public opinion. ICE can't arrest state officials for refusing to help them track down illegals and get them out of here; the DEA has really taken a hands-off approach to most ordinary drug users and focuses (for the most part) on going after dealers and distributors. Most people (unfortunately) think that illegals taking up taxpayer resources and popping out anchor babies, plus DUDE WEED LMAO, is much more acceptable than being able to legally build out a full auto Sten parts kit in your garage.
Conversely you have the ATF who has arrested individual hobbyists who drilled that 3rd hole in their AK or AR receiver, or bought that airsoft Glock select fire plate. If a Republican state was to tell the ATF to sod off and get fucked, the immediate battles that would follow in the courts (and probably on the streets) would probably be much more detrimental to gun rights.
dudeweed is much less harmful than the shit purdue pharma has been pushing onto the citizenry for decades legally
You got tricked.
Get it into your head that the feds made a decision to abandon American legal philosophy and embrace Chinese legal philosophy. In old America, it was possible for the State to contradict itself, and when that happened, new law was created, and the citizen got the benefit of the doubt. In China the State is always right, even when it contradicts itself.
There was no legalization of marijuana. What happened was they created a grey area where your guilt is not a function of your adherence to law or of what they can prove. Your guilt is now a function of whether they don't like you.
It's a trap.
Most state registries for MMJ cards are barred from law enforcement. A couple states have even upheld CHL and MMJ cards being held by the same person. Don't smell like weed and don't be a retard, never talk about guns with people you talk about weed with and never talk about weed that people you talk about guns with.
Where are all the SHALL fags? Oh something actually requires a principled stance . . .
Move to a different state and their you go as long as your criminal record checks out your good
>"Are you an UNLAWFUL user of marijuana?"
but you're a fucking retard for going anywhere near a gun store reeking of weed
>There is no firearms posession permit in America
some states do
No state that I'm aware of do. The ones I'm aware of are purchase permits. Depending on the state you can be an unlicensed gun owner if your guns are inherited, brought in from out of state, built them yourself etc.
If you're a drug addled fucktard, stay away from guns, and go be an unarmed mental deficient in your mom's basement or a homeless shelter. There's a reason the Feds ask if you're a doper on the 4473; they don't want degenerate druggies running around with firearms. Lying on the form is a felony that can bring up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine, and it's just a matter of time before the Feds start matching up registered and arrested drug users and cramming their sorry asses in prison. Law-abiding citizens are going to have enough trouble maintaining their Second Amendment Rights in the coming months and years without a bunch of fucked up druggies running around with guns.
at least 1 state that i know of has FOID (Firearm Owner Identification) laws
There is only one answer to this question and it is stated quite clearly on the 4473 form you fill out.
Have a little self-respect
>I own guns already but want to get a medical marijuana card
Don't be a fucking retard. If you really must smoke weed, keep buying it illegally. There's a good chance you can get away with that without creating any records anywhere, but getting a weed card means you're one database cross reference away from a felony for the rest of your life.
imagine having your entire worldview shaped by hollyjew programming
>Are you an unlawful user of
No. It’s legal in my state.
>I do not understand Federal supremacy
Even NJ dosen't have posession permits
well sheeit i have some catching up to do
A number of states do have NFA-defying laws. There's a case the Supreme Court just rejected about a Kansan with a state-legal suppressor.
The tl;dr is that if the ATF catches you, you're still totally fucked. No different than with drugs, but the ATF cares about little fish a lot more than the DEA does.
It explicitly says on the 4473 that marijuana is illegal on a federal level and that state legalization does not override federal regulation, you no guns moron.
guns and illegal drugs don't mix.
Imagine following the law.
This is why I buy off the street or pay with cash at recreational dispensaries. If you’re against the legalization of pot, that’s cool but it shouldn’t be a reason to infringe on someone’s rights.
If it doesn’t apply to the 2A I could care less about they feel about weed
>guns and illegal drugs don't mix.
>There's a reason the Feds ask if you're a doper on the 4473; they don't want degenerate druggies running around with firearms. Lying on the form is a felony that can bring up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine, and it's just a matter of time before the Feds start matching up registered and arrested drug users and cramming their sorry asses in prison.
California and more than a few other states wrote citations--like a traffic ticket-- for marijuana possession before it was "legalized" in that state. Those records are public record, and I have no issue with the dope addicts being disarmed and jailed. If you like dope, go kill yourself, nobody but your mom will care. If you like guns, be safe and responsible, and keep weapons away from dope fiends.
Can you really not get through life without it? I had stage 3 cancer for 5 years and mental issues from that and I don't need it. My own mother even screamed at me for how the medical bills made us "poor"
How the fuck would the feds find out that you smoke pot with a 4473? When they call it in, they going to ask for a piss test?
>How the fuck would the feds find out that you smoke pot with a 4473?
>it's just a matter of time before the Feds start matching up registered and arrested drug users and cramming their sorry asses in prison.
>wickard v. filburn
The beginning of the end for the US.
>even the tiniest economic ripple in any market in any state impacts every other so the federal government has the right to regulate literally anything anywhere even if it's entirely intrastate commerce from soil to table
You have no fucking clue, and are uneducated. The Feds have ALWAYS had the right to regulate interstate commerce.
go take your insulin, boomer
>this hyper unrealistic scenario is how
So the feds are going to go through all that trouble in multiple states where the 10th amendment has been used to decide what the local law is, and the system should be. Brilliant.
>ur uneducated
Read this, you legal illiterate.
Go do drugs and hang yourself, faggot.
Our goverment are such little pricks and retards.
I honestly hate them with permanent distrust of any government employee or institution.
Fuck the goverment.
>Read this, you legal illiterate.
I did, in law school. Read what the Federal Government DOES you fucking ignorant asshole.
>The govt who legalized cutting your dick off doesn't want you to have a plant. The pharma kikes need their money.
Fuck the goverment and fuck pharma.
You're the exact kind of person who should be smoking weed
>give me your address so I can kick your door in and kill you with my gun
Reported. Have fun, and don't let your dog near the front door for a few hours, doper faggot.
Its another gun ban that's incognito.
Fuck the feds.
I can buy a bottle of fucking everclear and some guns but no weed.
I dont even like weed and its fubar.
>You're the exact kind of person who should be smoking weed
Dope fiends always say this kind of retarded shit.
Enjoy losing your guns when every American cant, wont or isnt allowed to own.
Congrats on dying on your hill.
Oh and by the by, the criminals who are drunk and high own guns.
>the feds
The traitors more like.
Teeeeechnically they would have to prove you're a user. Having a card on its own does not mean you are a user, just has holding a driver's license does not mean you are a driver of a car.
If you got an extremely Jewish lawyer that might hold up, and the burden of proof would be on the prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt that you smoke.
But I'm not a lawyer, so.
>the faggot government.
The goverment is useless and they're all rich off our money.
All these laws are bullshit.
>The goverment is useless and they're all rich off our money.
It's the way it's been since the beginning of civilization, you fucking uneducated retard.