I need to be a better shot and I can't teach myself well enough. Anyone know any good instructors in the Wichita area?
I need to be a better shot and I can't teach myself well enough. Anyone know any good instructors in the Wichita area?
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You need to stop being a faggot for one.
Look up proper shooting stance, this includes cheek, arm position, where the stock is mounted on your shoulder, not chicken leaning.
Watch videos on how to properly zero your rifle, then practice, practice, practice.
Want to know why Operators shoot well, shoot quick? They fucking practice. The original navy seal program spent more on ammo than the entire Marine's budget.
Go to the range often and shoot through a couple thousand rounds, video yourself and see where you look off compared to videos of better shooters.
Save yourself thousands of dollars on instructors.
>look up the proper sight alignment/picture for whatever style sights your rifle has
>line up your sights
>slowly pull trigger until it goes off moving as little as humanly possible, it SHOULD surprise you when it goes off
If it doesn't surprise you, your anticipating the shot and will flinch/brace for the recoil, this is both conscious, and a unconscious bodily defense mechanic.
Don't listen to
>if you want instruction you're a faggot git gud
I don't have a solid recommendation a shooting/gun forum rather than a mongolian goat trading forum will probably get you better advice.
I will say look at getting an air pistol (beeman p17 is best bang for buck atm) and practice with that after you get some instruction. You probably have some bad habits you don't even realize you have and a good instructor will be able to help you out there. Then the air pistol will let you do small consistent and frequent practice sessions. 10 rounds every night is better than 500 rounds on the weekend.
You're on the right track user. Best of luck.
Jow Forums does not believe in instructors, user. Try pistol forum dot org and their regional instructors board.
are you sure you're using your dominant eye?
try shooting only at steel targets
it should help you isolate what ever issues you have, probably a combination of sight alignment and trigger pull. then you can work on grip as you shoot faster. and then when you really want to narrow your groups move back to paper targets.
Just get an air rifle. A cheap 22 break barrel is less that 200 dollerydoos. Put at least 2000 rounds through it, build up your fundamentals without the loud bang and recoil tripping your lizard brain into panic mode. Then when you can hit what your aiming at go to a live range and put another 500 rounds down range while others shoot the loud stuff near you to acclimate yourself to the noise and shockwaves. After that you should be 90% to where you want to be accuracy wise and resume practicing with real firearms.
git gud
You should dry fire more
no, he absolutely should fucking NOT dry fire more. Dry fire is useful when you can accurately call the shot. When you can, without looking at the target, know where you missed. If you can't call the shot then all you're doing is playing pretend and (if you know you can't shoot well) INGRAINING the bad fucking habits.
Fuck this parroted bullshit. OP needs to know what he's doing first.
Bullseye has a few courses that will greatly help you out. I took one to help me put after a while of no shooting. Bullseye is also a pretty good range for cheap.
If I'm not mistaken they train them how to shoot early on by using instructors
Just aim at a blank wall and pull the trigger until you can't disturb the sights. It's not hard to figure out.
Nah, you either go in running 5 miles in 20:00 and shooting 2moa off hand or you wash out. They want people who have a genetic propensity for firearms.
If you had to shoot more than a box of 20 before you knew how, you were never going to make it anyway.
dry fire is good.
Dry fire practice 5 times for every 1 live fire. It’s more important you have a smooth trigger pull than anything else.
A buddy of mine dropped a few hundred bucks on classes and ammo. Even after all of that instruction I was still the better shot and still have never taken a class. getting rid of a flinch will go a long way
> Build this fine motor skill with a single finger
> That's the first thing to go to shit under adrenaline
This is why the ATF outlawed stocks on pistols. They just want us to all die of stroke from anger.
Ligma is the best trainer in ur area.
>I can't read, the post.
Shit op I didn't read the wichita part. Check out the eldorado state park gun range. Check out rangerreds.com he does training out of the eldorado state park range.
And finally here's my shill for the range: we only charge you 10$ for however long you want to shoot. We've got 15, 25, 50, and 100 yard lanes. Shoot as fast as you can control. If you hit the overhead baffles we'll tell you to cool it but otherwise have at it. No incendiary or tracer ammunition, and no rounds bigger than 50bmg allowed.
Don’t listen to this asshole, it’s clearly Candace
>They want people who have a genetic propensity for firearms.
Ok, nigger, you got me. I know what ligma is, so what's Candace, since you obviously want me to ask? What is the newest zoomer joke making the rounds of Facespace?
poo poo dog easy, I am right you are wrong.
Load a dummy round randomly into your rifle or pistol, see if you flinch when you pull the trigger. Is this rifle or handgun? Maybe you need to put the big dick .50bmg away and go down to a smaller caliber to practice fundamentals
You need to kys and stop spreading your BS.
Also OP dont listen to "operators" og they are good shots it's not because their job
Require it.
Listen to sportshooters, join a bullseye club read instruction books for different shooting sports.
And dryfire alot and do it properly.
Wall drill as people say is awesome, learning to pull the trigger straight back is the most importsnt thing in accurate shooting
Dry fire more.
Buy a replica co2 bb gun. Glock makes one. Or even a cheap one. Shoot everyday. Each shot is like 1/24th of cent. 6000bbs are $7.
problem is lack of feedback you moron. if you CAN CALL THE FUCKING SHOT. Yes. Dry fire is an integral part of any training program.
For most of /k, it's as useful as the games of war we played as children. If you can't honestly say "It moved here" "I missed 8o'clock, low". It might make you feel better, possibly strengthen your finger, but without the ability to say "I missed" it ingrains bad habits. And if you don't understand that you're motherfucking parrot and nothing more.you too.
meant to tag too faggot.
I know of one called PRACTISE
I literally went from not being able to hit at all to being competent enough to compete in local competitions thanks to dry fire.
Pic related, 10mm 4.5 in barrel 200 yards open day glow irons.
Maize fag reporting in wya
Practice dry firing. It will help you more than anything else. From my experience in general the “correct” shooting stance is whatever feels best for you. As far as that goes an instructor will probably force you into something you don’t like just because he thinks it’s “correct” and mess you up even worse.
You've got chick-leaning and chicken-winging mixed up but other than that decent advice
Have you tried recording yourself shoot? You can get a 3rd party perspective on what you're doing right/wrong.