The absolute peak of knife design
Knives thread
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If that's a peak design, then we live in the boring age
I can get my spideredge scary sharp with the spydeco sharpener
that thing sharpens serrations? I've never tried it with my sharpmaker
Aaaaw ol d thread died already
>The absolute peak of knife design
I kind of like my skyline more though, even if it looks a bit more try-hard. It's also nearly half the damn price of my delica.
Use the corners not the flat sides. Take it slow, you want the corner to hit the entire edge.
That's not a Kershaw Leek
I have a Byrd cara cara 2
Works for me
Just now carrying an older pyderco endura with the ats-55 stainless steel, got it as a gift in 2001, never thought to carry it till now.
I had a SOG Flash II for most of a decade, I liked it a lot. I decided to "upgrade" and get a Benchmade Griptilian about 2 years ago, ordered online, the dimensions were almost Identical so I figured it would be a good replacement, but I never liked the way the Benchmade sat in my pocket or felt in my hand, it feels way fatter in real life even though we're talking tenths of an inch, and even though it opens nicely I missed the assisted open of the SOG, plus the clip on the Benchmade rubbed on my car's leather seat and scratched it. I just ordered a new Flash II and honestly I don't think I'll miss the Benchmade, kind of mad I spent the $120 or whatever on it when I did when the SOG was ~$50.
You're close, but still wrong.
based and hindererpilled
My ZTs
I had that knife but I lost it. I think it's in a crook in the house somewhere. Fuck. I miss it.
i have an unexplainable urge to chop and peel peppers.
blades a tad short. no serrated back edge( shitty at field dressing.) all its really got going for it son is a good rubber grib and a a stubby blade. it'd be decent for field dressing fish. but its still kinda short
How is the M4 manix 2? I have the s90v sprint run with cpm 154 laminated over it and it's pretty fucking sweet.
>blades a tad short
For what exactly? It's a pocket knife. A lot of people even consider it too big for that.
>no serrated back edge (shitty at field dressing)
What the fuck does this even mean? What on Earth are you field dressing and how are you so bad at it that you think you require a serrated spine on you knife?
>rubber grip
It's black G10. It's literally nothing at all like rubber. It's epoxy and fiberglass fabric pressed and baked into a nearly indestructible handle material.
tl;dr you are a retarded nigger who has never used a real knife before.
my nigga, favorite knife I've ever owned.
>how are you so bad at it that you think you require a serrated spine on you knife?
He's a moron who buys cheap knives and doesn't know how to sharpen them. These people drive sales of serrated knives.
>huge grip with the dimensions of a 2x4
>tiny blade relative to grip size
>weak narrow tip that breaks off with normal use
>giant hole in blade as a gimmick creating yet another weak point
I guess it has a really convenient and strong locking mechanism? The jimping also makes it really comfy to use for whittling. Other than that it's just kind of meh.
>break tip with normal use
Retard alert
>weak point on blade
Jesus christ be less retarded.
It's a pocketknife, not a crowbar dipshit.
>What on Earth are you field dressing and how are you so bad at it that you think you require a serrated spine on you knife?
Back lock is superior lock. Bonus points for triad lock, but any back lock is better than a frame lock.
how do i get rid of this shit on my knife? Is this rust? I know im retarded
Homemades? Yes, 'tis a srison phank.
What the fuck are these bumps
After a few accidents I just consider knives with frame locks as friction lockers that are a bit more convenient. Triad lock or fixed blade for anything other than careful slicing.
Why peppers? Spanish cuisine is not really spicy, unlike Mexican.
pearly penile papules
that does look like rust, and pretty bad. especially for 154cm steel. You leave that thing in the ocean for a week or what? You can try to sand it off, but if the picture with the bumps is also yours, that shit's deep.
Sanded the bumps down
looks a bit better, but thats some deep corrosion, cant really recover
Thanks user, i got this knife as a gift and received it rusty, so it's not that big of a deal.
This is always in my pocket and I like it.
I found these. any good?
Older blades but cool.
These look $5 gas station knives
Spyderco little cousin
try $200-300
Where my mora nigs at?
I got the history on the guardian, can you tell me anything about the jungle knife?
What's your favorite blade style for a general purpose do everything knife?
clip point scandi grind
It's basically a cheap Bark River rip off, but for the clearance price (from $119 down to $39.99I figured I would check it out. Curious to see how well of a convex edge Boker Plus is capable of. Never owned a 440C blade so I want to see how that holds up too.
This knife will be accompanied with my Condor HD Kukri, Terävä Puukko, and Mora Eldris.
Drop-point, full-flat grind, 4-6 inches long. Anything else is to specific to excel at much else.
I’m a really big fan of the microtechs. They seem to be a really well made switchblade but they cost hundreds of dollars I can’t justify paying gun prices for a small knife.
ESEE 4. Was out in the field with SERE buds and they all had them, they'd been using them for a few years and the most damage I saw was the tip had broken off one, but it was reformed and resharpened with no problems. Picked one up myself, love it. Great knife for the price point.
Have that same knife in my pocket right now.
Moras are great if you keep in mind they're disposable. They're the best cheap knife out there, but anyone who takes a mora innawoods and gets pissy when it breaks on them is a confirmed retard.
anyone want to trade knives? I've got a ka-bar Becker bk2 I really don't want.
Im looking to get my cousin a small folder thats maybe 2 to 2.5 inches for about 30 dollars. Any recommendations?
anyone want to trade knives? I've got a ka-bar Becker bk2 I really don't want. I also got a coldsteel srk and a mora bushcraft black.
ontario rat 2
Thats basically exactly what i was looking for. Thanks user
yesterday I sanded the black coating off my BK 16 (I can't be fucked to go buy an epoxy removing aerosol can that would just sit after using it once) and gave it a patina, it smells weird, like apple cider vinegar that was burnt
The knife was just delivered, if anyone is interested let me know. I can confirm it is well worth $39.99
Is it normal that a new Paramilitary 2 opens very stiffly or did I buy a fake? I can't even to "the Spyderco flick" although it gets better the more I open it. I checked every real vs fake comparision I could find and everything checks out to even the smallest detail.
Buy a fine sandflex block, they are pure magic.
Spray the blade with WD40 and wait for it to creep into the rust, wipe the blade and use the block.
You might want to take the knife apart since the liners also seem to be rusted.
Never leave dirt on the blade that could contain salt, acid or water and wipe the blade with a paper towel, on which you sprayed WD40, from time to time.
I'm sure its real. The "Spyderco flick" is a bit of a meme. I have several Spyderco knives ranging from old 1st gen knives to current production and only a handful will flick open.
Just seeing this, what the fuck? It corroded from the inside. Might want to send this pic to Spyderco.
Yup. That's rust. You can take it off with oil and steel/brass wool, but evidence will likely remain unless you sand it down, bead blast it, brush it, or paint it.
It's not Spyderco's fault user is a caveman who can only care for flint.
Yeah it's an achievement to make 154CM rust that bad, but look at the bumps, there is no entry point. I wonder how the rust managed to creep inside the steel.
You fucking dumbass, yes certainly this knife will help you build shelter from the jungles in the amazon to the frozen tundras in russia, the gurkhas have turned in their kukris and gordon ramsey now filets his meat exclusively with this pyderco flipper since it is the best knife design in the world for everything for every single and all possible uses no matter what.
You fucking idiot. That fucking thing would probably snap if you used it as a do all junk drawer knife.
tfw it's arriving next week.
OP's only purpose for a knife is to open boxes all day in a warehouse surrounded by niggers.
>just a daily reminder she'll deploy faster and cut deeper than your knife
that gerber is THE tool knife
Watch out boys and girls we have a LARPer in our midst.
I have one and it's fantastic. Switchblades are fun as fuck too. Microtech uses proprietary screws, no loctite, it voids their warranty if you take it apart, andtheir warranty service is slow. On the upside, their shipping department is chill as fuck. Bought mine around Halloween a few years ago, they sent me candy with it. Lost a limited edition screw and they sent me three free of charge and two micro tech patches.
She a cute
you paid $200-$300 for a $5 knife?
>fell for the mark up-mark down meme
fucking christ
thats not an argument, unlike a 6 inch grip btw
just the fact to have a razor sharpe balde withhout sharpening is so great
...or a hook blade
>deploy faster
For sure
>cut deeper
Absolutely worth $39.99. I won't be returning it.
yeah well whats the lenght?
6 inch blade.
have to say thats based
Not enough to beat the Espada
Indeed, but some knifemakers make replicas of knives that were more rad than Espada XL
Picrelated has a 10 1/4 inch blade. And it costs like a fucking motorcycle.
Actually it has its flaws and it's not as traditional as it could be.
Dumping some custom pornography