but you've gotta admit the IDF is badass
Say what you want about Isreal
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No I don't
Shitposting this hard on a Tuesday?
Except they aren’t. They’re up against emaciated poors throwing rocks lmao.
Gotta admit the JIDF/shareblue shitposters are well funded
Sniping children with a suppressed .22 isn’t cool, challenging, or badass at all
Their helmets look fucking retarded. Don't change my mind.
>the only thing good they got going is that they're still got and often use m16a1s with a2 handguards
I know, right! Mothers and children can be terrorists too, and we need heroes to protect us from them.
It’s pretty badass they they actually have coed combat teams
Legit women operators not like the pretend ones the United States have
>you've gotta
>idf getting shredded in this thread
Its really not. they do little more than hinder performance
>Sniping 4 year olds
Pick one
Sure, is. Because Americuck tax payers are paying for it.
Someone shoop merchant faces on them
>sniping 4 year old kids
>That perfect specimen meme nose on the top left.
Hearing about Israeli intelligence group being involved in Hollywood rape cases was interesting I wonder how deep they are in with Hollywood and usa
After ww3 and when the whole world is a bombed back to the stone age what and who is Israel going to use to protect them?
Lol killing farmers and goat fuckers do not count ...
Probably not anymore so than the Chinese or the Russians to a lesser degree. Espionage is wack.
I doubt it you always head about mossad operators like the time some mossad guys got caught trying to shoot up Mexican parliament in the 2000 they got caught with Pakistani passports and no one talked about it
>because they did something badass in the 1970s
No they arent
Diaper-wearing babykillers.
>It’s pretty badass they they actually have coed combat teams
They dont, not really at least.
>Legit women operators
border guards and reserves. Isrealy user broke it down a couple of months ago.
expand on this please, all i can find is stories about the isrealie mob getting whacked in mexico
>probably not anymore than the Chinese or Russians
Kill yourself JIDF disinfo faggot
Politics aside, Israel is probably the most Jow Forums country in the world, being surrounded by people who want to kill them and all that.
>but you've gotta admit the IDF is badass
No I don't, who the fuck do you think you are? My Mom?
Hahahahahaha, I guess now we know why Amerimutts always have to step in and fight Israel's wars with anything bigger than a city state.
it is funny though
karakal is being moved to Jerusalem I heard, which is more serious than guarding a peaceful border.
don’t know how that will play out.
>Say what you want about Isreal
once you accept freemasons are a zionist organization that control the west and want to see the kalergi plan executed six million more isnt enough for me anymore
It happened the two mossd operators were sent back to Israel quickly there was a media black out on the event. Search for 2001 Mexican legislative attack mossad operators intercepted attempting to bomb
It should show up. I don't want to post links cos the jidf will be on them
$144 a second
deliberately sniping children, for fun, is not badass (it has happened a lot).
sniping and machine gunning crowds of unarmed civilians, is not badass.
running away and abandoning your post completely, just because of a few shoddily-made rockets (that don't even come close to the average mortar attack on a FOB that US troops have to deal with),
is not badass.
and on and on and on...
the IDF are cowards.
they're really not.
they're massive pussies.
so why do they use goyim to fight their wars for them?
Lmao epstein was a mossad operation
Look into weinstein and his hollywood connections
black cube was the organisation hired by weinstein to spy on people.
it's made up of former (and probably current) mossad employees.
a private, for-hire, intelligence company, operating on US soil, spying on US citizens.
here is a video of such stuff.
"israel kills civilians"
5 shekel have been deposited on your bank account.
Making others fight for you is pretty awesome, I wish my country was as effective at foreign policy as Israel. If they're as capable as Jow Forums memes claim, the're playing the rest of the world against each other.
Israel army is a fucking joke fuck me if i ever go fight their wars for them again
it's actually quite pathetic, and shows just how much of a bunch of cowards they really are
they are parasites.
>Adult diapers
It's ok, I wasn't expecting a poltard to be able to hold a conversation, especially when Israel is mentioned.
The IDF is a collection of literal retards. They are shit, with no concept of tactics at even the most basic of levels. However, they're up against a group of even bigger retards.
1/10. One point for questionable human rights, but they still suck ass and would get stomped by a major power/literally any European country.
>Comparing Jow Forums with wimps that use others to fight their wars
Kys and stream it
I'm not from pol, faggot
not a frontline unit, glorified LARpers who police non-citizens
the IDFags would lose against a first world country
A raccoon can look badass if it's brutalizing some anemic palestinian kid
>They are shit, with no concept of tactics at even the most basic of levels.
>Source: trust me dude
>and would get stomped by a major power/literally any European country
The majority of European countries have militaries that are at most half the size (if not a quarter, if not smaller), have older equipment and/or much less of it, smaller budgets, and have seen little to no combat for the past 50+ years.
The Israelis could defeat most NATO countries 1:1 in a straight battle, with the exceptions being countries like the UK and France, maybe Germany or Italy too, but that's cutting it close.
They're not losing to the glorified gendarmerie of the Netherlands or Norway.
The one things European powers might have over the Israelis is a greater recent focus on training for near-peer conflict, but even that has taken a back seat for COIN during the War On Terror, so it's all a bit of a wash.
Europeans have always had smaller armies. Its the technological and logistical advantages that give them the win. Logistics win wars.
As far as tactics go, the IDF fights a bunch of starving brown people who also, can't shoot for shit. Don't get all asshurt kike, the jews suck ass and the only reason they get away with what they do is because of the support from the United States. It's the reason why most countries in the free world get away with all their dumb shit, because big daddy Uncle Sam keeps the free world free.
The mid east is a collection of barely functional mongoloids that would get decimated by anyone with any common sense. So they stick to fighting eachother, and africans.
>Europeans have always had smaller armies. Its the technological and logistical advantages that give them the win. Logistics win wars.
Speculative what a given European country could accomplish outside of a logistical backbone provided by the rest of NATO. I suspect it would look very, very bad.
But it's all moot. Logistics isn't going to help 18 Leopard 2 tanks be the equivalent of 1000k+ 3rd gen Merkavas, or 50 F-16s be the equivalent of 300 newer block models, or 60k troops suddenly equal 550lk.
>the jews suck ass
>Source: trust me dude
>the only reason they get away with what they do is because of the support from the United States
The US support for Israel before 1974 was both minimal and dwarfed by the support provided by the USSR to Arab countries. That was pretty much all them. Today, the Israelis do not rely on the US for any operational elements of their military. Hard to tease out the strategy though. When you get too high-level, everything becomes a mesh of interconnected interests anyway. But below, there's nothing.
>Europeans have always had smaller armies. Its the technological and logistical advantages that give them the win. Logistics win wars
In what fucking century do you think you're in that makes you think the European armies state is anything but abysmal? or is it some form of nu-Jow Forums "muh master race" dribble?
I wouldnt use a suppressed .22 on Palestinian children.
I would use at least 5.56, 7.62 and I'd want no suppressor. I want the loudest bang to announce to the world another has 1 less sand nigger.
This same poster will screech about the Lithuanian death squads killing Jews in Europe
Killing 70 IQ dirt farmers and children isn’t what I would qualify as “bad ass” schlomo.
that they most definitely are not
>obvious bait thread
>muslim crossposters take the bait and chimp out
absolutely pathetic glow shills