>anti-gun friend posts link
>"I'm an Army veteran and gun owner. The 'good guy with a gun' theory is a myth."
>Give it a quick read
>halfway through
>jesus this dude sounds like such a bitch
>typical army bullshit
>get to the end
>"Charlotte Clymer is a transgender Army veteran and writer"
Anti-gun friend posts link
These massive lengthy explanations never account for the fact that well over 90% of mass shootings happen in gun-free zones. Surely, that's simply just a coincidence, right?
or account for the hundreds of videos I've seen of a normal person with a gun actually using that gun to stop criminal activity...
Everything (((they))) don't like is a "myth"
The only thing that military service qualifies you to comment on is what its like to be babysat as an adult.
There are approx 2 million self defense incidents with firearms per year, FBI tried to collect all reports in 2002 from all states.
Compare that to 10 thousand or so murders with firearms per year.
It's not that it's a myth, it's just stupid to let the onus be placed on us to justify
I'm an atheist, and even I think that's bullshit. Say the same shit about Mohammed and Google would be labeled 'Islamophobic'
shit I can't even comment on military service? bummer.
I think a more apples-to-apples comparison would be "offensive uses" vs "defensive uses". Though it still says absolutely nothing about the silent effect that gun ownership has on deterrence.
You fucking imbecile, calling it a "myth" is the correct way to reference it. They're using the textbook definition of the word. All religious stories are called "creation myths" don't blame (((them))) just because you're illiterate
>There are approx 2 million self defense incidents with firearms per year
Source me, capn
Aight, thats enough internet for today Armatard.
You kinda make yourself look like a fucking moron when you don't know the word "myth" has more than one definition
>146 Mas shootings
>146 unsolvedass shootings
Dunno if this is your image, but c'mon bruh who would trust this with such retarded and glaringly obvious mistakes?
Ash would never take your guns.
She can take my dick.
hitler was a tranny but you call that a myth
black "mass shooting" = gang members shoot each other up over turf wars/drugs/resources
white mass shooting = some pic related alt-right abomination shoots up a random school/hospital/church/etc because he can't have sex
why society is less tolerant towards the latter is understandable
The definition of Mass shooting is a joke. It has to be 3 or more with no link between targets. That removes every gang shooting
Yet on this same logic so is New Zealand and El Paso shootings. Not that anyone will factor in that shit for some reason
>man who has been dead for almost 80 years is suddenly a gay, one testicled, vegan drug addict with Jewish blood and a fetish for cross dressing
I hate these people
You’re right, so lets remove all black shooters from national statistics and see how little people die from shootings in the US, or go the other way and see just how many blacks commit murder with firearms.
he's not suddenly gay it was just suppressed.
There's litteraly no evidence
Why do people think being a veteran makes your opinion more valid? This is what makes me the most ass blasted about veterans.
T. A veteran.
There's a vet in one of my college politics courses who is late 30s or early 40s, just now using his GI bill and he actually says this shit.
Such great hits as
>I know what an assault rifle is, I carried one in Afghanistan and an AR15 is no different.
>No civilian should have an AR15. As a proud gun owner I'd give mine up in a heart beat.
>The 2nd Amendment was made before we had a standing army and now that we have one it's long overdue we get rid of it.
>No one wants to confiscate your weapons.
>As an army vet and someone who owns a lot of guns, I'm tired of all of these mass shootings.
>An assault weapon and an assault rifle are basically the same thing.
Take a boot. Age him 20 years. Make his entire identity "vet" instead of "soldier" and that's this guy.
I'm of a mind that any vet who makes his identity "I'm a vet" is not only a piece of shit who has zero personal accomplishments but was probably a shitbag while enlisted as well.
Speaking of, notice it's always enlisted who act that way.
I just found evidence that he was actually fucking young jewish men before gassing them in his personal gas chambers.
Stop noticing things you oppressive nazis
I was never surprised when my fellow infantrymen made statist and anti-gun and anti-freedom observations and held those kinds of opinions. After all they're some of the most pro-authoritarian, institutionalised, servants around. I was never that bad but it was still a childish thing to do to join up.
>because he can't have sex
Who let you on the internet, fronthole?
Post active self protection videos where people use guns to defend themselves.
>Speaking of, notice it's always enlisted who act that way.
As opposed to the officers who educate CNN reporters as to why civilians shouldn't be allowed to own "military-style assault guns"?
You don't deserve those trips, Shareblue.
"My fellow infantrymen", my ass.
Tarrent is the only one along side Anders I believe to be a genuine shooting.
All American ones seem mkultra like to me.
Not one white.
>People would say he and eva would spend time together.
>eva had a certain glow.
Only share blue retards would obsess over child fucking.
Go back to your tranny discord.
Either you're joking or being serious.
Poes law.
You some kind of retarded Jow Forumstard or butthurt neo-con type? I had to google shareblue since I'm not up on your 'culturewar' 21st century terminology but if you think I'm a 'liberal' as in progressive/leftist/commie then you're dead wrong.
And why would you be unable to believe someone was in the infantry? It's not like it's a difficult thing to do at all, quite the opposite.
>people who aren't paid to think
>valuing their thinking
Really makes some of us think.
That post isn't shareblue at all, you retard. It's basically the same as saying you can't trust cops.
The military does attract plenty of retards who think they're some upper echelon of society for being a fucking slave to the govt.
Funnily enough I find that attitude more in people who are guard or reserves but I saw it plenty enough while active.
The same type of dudes to tell you they were trained on how to use a rifle and are therefore more qualified on it, yet the only gun they understand is the m4 and only because they were explicitly told. That same retard will tell you bullets rise when they leave the barrel and that's why you have to aim low at close quarters.
not him btw your post is just surprisingly dumb
thats it. jewish lies will never stop.
6 million more. its the only way.
Pissed faggot lol. Am yisrael chai. May zionists counties to cause mass ass hurt
Wasn't there just some story by some S2 butterbar who wanted everyone to turn in their guns so they could be locked up in arms rooms like soldiers who live in the barracks? I found the dumbfuck in the global address book too.
>some kind of retarded Jow Forumstard
>butthurt neo-con type
Wrong again.
>if you think I'm a 'liberal' as in progressive/leftist/commie
I didn't say anything about your political inclination aside from calling you 'Shareblue' as a response to you trying to paint all enlisted men with the same brush. I personally do not believe you have served a day in your life. You could, of course, prove me wrong.
>It's basically the same as saying you can't trust cops.
People don't join the military to enforce law, unless they enlist as MPs, who are widely and justifiably mocked.
>anti-gun friend
you have communists as friends??? defriend him. tell him to go fuck himself.
I'm married and expecting a kid but I'm absolutely interested in that. Holy fuck. Wow.
Most straight guys would fuck a twink if he looked presentably female. Ask anybody who has ever been to Thailand.
He's not wrong and you aren't special for enlisting, retard.
>It has to be 3 or more with no link between targets. That removes every gang shooting
>niggers actually giving a shit about who theyre shooting
>Most straight guys would fuck a twink if he looked presentably female
no, they wouldnt
>anti gun
The fuck kind of infantrymen you been hanging around?
Trannies should unironically be slaughtered en masse.
what a faggot
something tells me you fucked up son
Stay mad moshi, you'll always be a pathetic subhuman parasite that relies on the successes of others.
Go back to discord tranny, you aren't fooling anyone with your brain dead subversion tactics.
But niggers commit shootings far more often than whites ever will, stay mad you brain dead nigger loving faggot. Niggers are apes and always will be.
Why tho? They seem to do that just fine themselvs
*Adds to the things I don't give a fuck about list.
Man this is getting pretty long
He wont take your guns because he will be too busy taking his own life.
>le based military and vetruns would side with us against the ebil government.
If you're not a combat vet, I don't think you're a vet at all
>As an U.S. Army infantryman
>author gets involved in 2ACW
>gets cutoff from xir supply of test-b-gone
>goes apeshit and charges Evil Alt Right Militia
>gets shot up
This is why we don't win wars, anymore.
If you want an example of media bias, this is it. They cherry pick someone whose willing to whore out their veteran status to shill for the progressive agenda. As if some tranny POG from West Point is representative of veterans.
Why not ask a Medal of Honor winner instead? Oh, right... twitter.com
There is a wiki article on it, estimates range from three times as many self defense uses as offensive uses from police reports (18000:60000), to over four million per year (220:1).
Any way you slice the cake more people will get hurt by banning guns.
because society doesnt care about blacks despite their claims to? color me surprised.
>using faceberg
enjoy your red flag
Link me I need it
This whole article is basically kvetching but if you read further down you can see the numbers and there's a link to the pdf.
It's between 500,000 and 3 million times a year
try these
Unironically most anti-gun veterans were POGs or literal desk jockeys.
This but unironically. The overwhelming majority of the armed forces do nothing with guns and never train on them. They're office or warehouse workers in uniform.
You ever wonder why they constantly make up contradictory claims about a man they constantly vilify and has been dead for so long?
This what the right gets for exalting the opinions of state employees as though their experiences are worth more than the citizen.
The seeds have been sown; the harvest is now upon us.
Based yeah poster
I have just found evidence that will lead to the arrest of hi
S-she's beautiful
>6 million more
There never was an original 6,000,000
If there was, we wouldn't be dealing with these problems.
>Most straight guys would fuck a twink if he looked presentably female.
Speak for yourself, fag.
what about that marine who thought a thai ladyboy was just pure lady and upon realizing killed him?
i dont think he was willing to fuck a twink that looked presentably female
>what about that marine who thought a thai ladyboy was just pure lady and upon realizing killed him?
lol drowned him in a toilet if I'm not mistaken
>people will sooner listen to some tranny POG than someone such as Larry Snickers or Pat Mac on guns
What about all the MArines who found the dick and just kept shoving away? You don't hear about those stories. You hear about the stories where the tranny gets drowned specifically because it does not happen very often, and is a novel outlier.
Those are the gay marines. They make up 80% of the force. Their gay:straight ratio is skewed and not representative of anything but themselves.
Gayest organization of straight men in the U.S.
When I was younger I used to take people who served opinions seriously. Being older and having a lot of friends in the military and knowing what their training is I'd say very few of them if hardly any are probably better trained firearm wise than your average gun enthusiast. Buddy of mine who is infantry was deployed in Qutar and said he never saw one bit of combat and was the most boring shit ever. Hates the fuckin army. He's prob one of the biggest pro gun people I know. So it seems to me people who like getting babysat by the army are the anti-gun assholes. I'm guessin they think this way because they want all the guns to themselves and think themselves above the rest of us.
Taking advice on gun control from veterans is like taking car regulation advice from former taxi drivers. Even worse, argueably.
Most infantry I know are pro-gun. The only anti-gun vets are usually POGs. Military Intelligence are usually the worst.
One thing gang violence demonstrates is that the hardest of hard criminals have absolutely no problem attacking armed victims.