US Military force and power is unmatche...
US Military force and power is unmatche
What were the Saudis supposed to do? Shoot at their own people?
>saudis with american gear = US military
browns suck at traditional warfare
Don't let sand people run things. Plain and simple.
Saudi themselves had the third largest military budget in the world. It's a hilarious fuck up
It is impossible to defend against missiles or drones.
It's a lot harder to shoot down small cruise missile and drones than you might think. There is a reason Syria constantly gets raped by Israeli attacks. Unless you have systems dedicated to taking them out, not fuck huge patriots then it can be very difficult to shoot down if you are able to even detect them in the first place.
This is a clear example of where American leadership is needed in the region to expand the defensive posture of Saudi Arabia, to protect vital civilian infrastructure against Iran's global terror network. Russia's vile efforts to profit from the situation just proves that they are on the side of Iran's terrorist entities. If Saudi Arabia was protected by the S-400, we might be looking at some down airliners in the area, but they would not stop Iranian attacks. The Patriot system performed admirably, but more training and coverage area is needed.
only works when
1. it's not a false flag
2. it is used by people who haven't married their 1st and 2nd cousins for hundreds of years
John McCain, I thought you were dead?
>$1 trillion US military
>a couple drone purchased from Costco
Who would win?
> patriot missile fails to stop Houthi attack
Its because arabs are dumb
> S-200 operated by arabs fails to stop Israeli bombs
I guess short range air-defence systems like Tor or Pantsir would provide better protection for crucial infrastructure against drone strikes - and would also be significantly cheaper than Patriot.
Sure, you can cover less area, but Saudi Arabia is mostly worthless desert anyway.
> russian hardware
> defense
Pick one. Russian weapons systems are imprecision and designed for terrorizing civilians.
wrong reply nigger
Billions spent on Russian air defenses didn’t protect Syria’s capital from being attacked every other day
>designed for terrorizing civilians
American weapons are quite good at that too:
I'm pretty sure when it comes to SEAD, the Houthi rebels (or Iran) are not on the level as Israel. Shooting down a low (and slow) flying drone is easier for a short range system close to the potential target. And if you don't trust Russian hardware, position a couple of M6 Linebackers around vital areas.
Implying this wasn't the plan all along, to get justification for war with Iran.
Let’s get this straight before Vatnik trolling really picks up speed:
1.) Despite the billions KSA has spent on air defence, the systems near Abqaiq are extremely mediocre. Their are Patriot PAC-2 (coverage depicted by red circles on the map) batteries are which are designed to intercept ballistic missiles and aircraft, but NOT cruise missiles and practically prehistoric MIM-23 Hawk (coverage depicted by orange circles) surface to air missiles that were first manufactured in the fucking 1960s. The Saudi PAC-3s which can intercept cruise missiles haven’t been delivered yet and the American systems are based further inland near Riyadh.
2.) As always their is some trademark Saudi incompetence involved: remember the current Patriot radars do not have 360 degree coverage, they have 120 degree coverage (one area where the Patriots is objectively inferior to Russian systems, although a new radar with full coverage is being procured for PAC-3). It’s been revealed that “Saudi air defenses are all oriented south to protect against Houthi missile attacks from Yemen and were useless against missiles coming in from the north”
3.) As the diagram shows the cruise missiles likely took a sneaky route threading the needle between systems until the last second over mountainous terrain and close to the ground.
These 3 factors: ill suited hardware, Saudi incompetence and Iranian sneakiness lead to the attack being successful.
The vatnik trolling in response to this incident has been overwhelmingly pro-Iran and proves that Russia firmly supports Iran's global terror networks. Iran, covertly and/or overtly supported by Russia and China, are seeking more and more brazen ways to strike American interests and allies in the region and must be stopped before they are striking US soil. America can not afford to compromise with such regimes.
It doesn't matter what weapons you have if they are operated by 80 iq sand people.
The American Patriot systems aren't inferior, missiles are just SNEAKY and Saudis are bad at fighting.
> Israel strikes syria
It's by definition not US military force if it's owned by a foreign military.
The US has no interests in the region. Israel and Saudi Arabia are worthless ticks.
> Israel
Here we go. Pro-Russian trolling in these threads always decomposes into anti-semitism in just a couple posts or less. The true motivation of those supporting Iran is a desire to see Israel fail and be wiped out from the region. But bad news for you, Israel is a strong US ally and the only functional democracy in the middle east, and their survival is not up for debate. Iran can play with fire if they want, and Russia/China can join in, but the US will not compromise on Israel's security. Keep seething.
A weak American military means a weak American government. You all should be in favor of this
Nice boomerposting
All those words and you didn't even refute the claim
>hajis can’t fight for shit
>somehow our problem
> Attempting to leverage the generational divide to weaken America's support for our allies
Not going to work vatnik.
The attack on the oil refinery came from Iran.
> Patriot missiles didnt work because desert people have an IQ of 80
> Desert people in Iran used sneaky stealth missles and made them avoid radar and and turn 180 degrees to make it like they came from a different direction
We told them to buy some Patriot Missiles. But no. They just wanted aircraft and tanks. Maybe next time YOU BUY THE DAMN MISSILES.
Exactly. When the US says to buy something. You shut the fuck up and buy that thing, or face the consequences. Saudi arabia played stupid games, and now they get their stupid prize. Erdogan is playing an even worse game.
You could 1 for 1 replace all Saudi Patriots with S-400 and get the same result because there were no defenses around the refinery.
Then what are all the red circles here 42640874
>knows literally nothing about missile defense
so much shareblue
Thats funny because Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman said today they do not know who is responsible. You better call them up with this cutting edge info.
But I thought they were hyper-competent in Gulf Wars and America only managed to win due to inferior Russian technology!!??!??
Its ok Israel knows who is responsible. Iran. Iran is responsible. Iran also put less sugar into your coffee this morning.
Someones fictional map? What about it.
Damn it, really well done I must say. It's like Twitter, r*ddit and mass media converged in one single post.
Hey bro, cool write up, but can I get a source for further reading?
I'm the 20 year old pooper
Imagine being this indoctrinated
You present good evidence it was a prelude to another war...
source: Lindsey Graham's ass. Proceed with caution
You are an artist.
Have you tried making a twitter and posing as US embassy from some obscure country? You could probably operate for years undetected.
>US Military force
Saudi Military force, who are only as effective as a bottle rocket against a battleship
There's also the small issue that keeps getting skipped--the Saudis and Iranians are not exactly on full war footings (partly because it's difficult and expensive to stay on high alert for years on end--ask the USSR). As a result, both sides are somewhat vulnerable to surprise attacks.
Traditionally, at least in Western combat (which is based on shock and maneuver, as opposed to raiding), you deal with this issue by going to a full war footing and either conquering the other guy or hurting him enough to bring him to the peace table. But both sides in this conflict are too worried about economic losses from a full-out war, especially if it closes the Gulf.
We won because strategically and tactically inferior Arabs were using inferior Russian tech
Can you really call it a victory then?
It's like fucking performance art...
Yeah we crushed saddams army and liberated Kuwait how is it not a victory we achieved our objectives
Yeah, it validated the previous 30 years of cold war planning, doctrine, and gear.
>Yeah we crushed saddams army and liberated Kuwait how is it not a victory we achieved our objectives
>Yeah, it validated the previous 30 years of cold war planning, doctrine, and gear.
Yeah but thats like preparing to fight giganigga and only crusing a mouse.
>Saudi's fail to intercept iranian missile attack
>Syria fails to intercept daily Israeli attacks
pic related
Look at a map, Syria placed S-300 to cover incursions from turkey or Israel, which are on opposite sides. They dont have coverge deep into either country.
Meanwhile Israel is shooting standoff munitions from within its territory, rhe pilots gain altitude, let loose, and land. Its well outside S300 range, only pantsir could maybe interrupt the bombs, but they arent falling anywhere near Pantsirs either.
TLDR Syria has gaps in the IADS network.
The S-300 battery is right outside Damascus which has been bombed repeatedly. Also it's a mobile system, slavshits always brag about that
and saudi arabia's patriot batteries weren't deployed anywhere near this oil refinery. They were around Riyadh, Jeddah, and the Yemen border
Neither system is designed to hit small targets, gliding bombs, cruise missiles and such. Get your head out of your ass, Im not disagreeing for national reasons but because you are wrong.
It’s always better to overestimate than underestimate and how does that not make it a victory
thats what the pantsir is for then. Which also has failed miserably
Pipelines are indefensible and exist as a result of other kinds of control elsewhere.
Only in a rather stochastic sense. It was Houthis, who have claimed responsibility and given reason to believe their account, but of course the Houthi are Iran's people in Yemen.
They dont have national coverage with pantsirs... google how many trucks Syria has.
>US weapons didn't protect Saudi Arabia's most critical
couldnt have possibly been the israelis with usa help
hide refinaries far from israel so they wont get zapped
become zog stooge and start a war on arab neighbor
get zapped
So you're saying that they should pump all of the oil in the original wells into another oil well in the ground that is FARTHER AWAY!? That's genius!
Good to know those trillions are properly wasted
What the fact, this makes me want to invade Iran now. I bet Russians were behind this.
Patriot fails again. kek
time to buy Russian.
pic related
>The attack on the oil refinery came from Iran.
go away cianigger. I can see you glowing from here.
nigger, it's because Patriots are pure shit and a placebo defense mechanism.
go back to plebbit niggerfaggot.
Linebackers are a fucking joke. Slow-ass gun and Stingers. The fuck. VADS (which BTW is old as shit) is objectively better, especially at engaging small targets.
It's ok, Trump has pussied out again and just give for more sanctions. The US is laughably weak.
The same browns that took constantinople and conquered spain? Or are those not "traditional" enough you armchair wannabe
Thank you for the interview Kernel Major.
Because nobody really thought Iran would be crazy enough to launch from their own soil. That's pretty clear casus belli right there, but they're desperate to get out of the sanctions hole.
All of the Saudi air defense systems are concentrated towards Yemen.
>1 million gold coins castle walls
>a couple italian cannons
War changes. You used to have army_1 vs army_2, then you had guerrilla warfare, now you have electronic and drone warfare that makes actual human vs human combat irrelevant.
You still need soldiers as boots on the ground, for population control, but why train elite forces when a drone can fuck up your infrastructure from home?
You're saying that like America hasn't been the No. 1 droning force on the planet for 20 years.
And now that drones are relatively cheaper we'll move from conventional warfare + drones, to drones only with soldiers as support.
I hope this brings about a second mercenary golden age as the pink slips start flying.
Iran must pay
i feel like you greatly overestimate drones
we can barely make drone cars let alone actual hard-to-hit weapon platforms.
What is the next step in Trump's master plan of maximum pressure? Clearly the Iranians are feeling the pressure since they resort to acts like these.
The absolute state of this media conference
> but why train elite forces when a drone can fuck up your infrastructure from home
When you need fewer boots, trusting them less and/or giving them insufficient training is a proportionately larger waste.
The coverage radius of Pantsir is apparently very small since we have seen Israeli glide bombs target them directly.
Maybe it can intercept if Israelis file a flight plan for their munitions trough ICAO.
Jesus, talk about resting on your laurels. Fuck off Ahmed.
I think at this point deterrence has been lost if the Iranians think they can get away with shit like this. Particularly the non-response from the drone downing was a signal deterrence was slipping.
If you wanted to keep things cool and also fuck the Iranians, you could signal to allies to get on board, at least politically. This is a huge attack on a pillar of the petroleum market, and nobody wants to go down that road. Europe was leery about getting involved but this was pretty big and affects them negatively.