Does anyone have the image of a screenshot of a story about someone's discussion with their college professor...

Does anyone have the image of a screenshot of a story about someone's discussion with their college professor, talking about guns and prepping? The professor was anti-gun, and had talked with his neighbor about prepping. There was a picture of Superman on it.
Also, general Jow Forums meme thread, I guess.

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Going to second this request without contributing.

This message has the same message about Noah’s Ark.
and I support that.
Anyway, I’ll dump some meme.

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LOL. I'm a college English professor in real life (we're not all shitlibs). I teach at a school in east Tennessee, and my students and I talk guns all the time. Literally fucking everyone here owns guns, so talking about them is about as controversial as talking about cars or game consoles.

I feel so bad for blue-staters.

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The ammount of Reddit that radiates off this post almost makes you glow in the dark as much as the glow in the dark boys

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I'm in East KY, just north of Jellico, TN. Literally more guns than people here too so super normal conversation stuff

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Is that the one where the LIEberal wears the beret and then MARINE Todd punches him in the name of Jesus and everyone claps and a bald eagle flies in and sheds a single tear and gives MARINE Todd $100 in 5.56?

No, but it's almost as cringey. It's good grist for the normie mill, though.
It ends with a line similar to "So you're prepared for a collapse with food and supplies,but you don't own any guns. Your neighbor isn't interested in preparing for any kind of disaster, but owns guns, and now he knows that you don't?"

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is that safe

safety is an illusion

Well I don't know how I'd prove it to you. Timestamp my Strunk and White?
That's dumb. What would my post be trying to entrap you into, exactly?
Yup. A friend of mine went to high school in rural central Pennsylvania. The first day of deer season was a day off from school, because everyone knew that all of the boys (and a pretty good percentage of the girls) weren't going to show up that day anyway. It's just how things go out in the country.

I'd rape the nonliving shit out of that sexy woods whore

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etsu or Tusculum?

But how?

He still used a factory made barrel blank, which is what they're going to regulate when they really start cracking down.

He's gonna be real sad when those shitty plastic chairs break and don't even leave useful trash behind


The whole bunker this is kinda stupid in general but if you absolutely have to build yourself a bunker, why do they always furnish them so shittily? Throw some wood in there, some pictures, paint the walls or add a nice antique desk were you can document your slow descent into insanity.

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