Good Evening Admiral

>Good Evening Admiral
>The reception of the new type 3’s are overwhelmingly negative
>It looks like we gotta go back to the drawing board, what should be the new service uniform?

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Bring it back to the blue navy digital

Why not just wear the new utility/working uniforms for every non-formal function?


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God those are hideous
Who thought it would be a good idea to have the Navy wear a green uniform?

The navy is trying their hardest to look like discount marines rather than actual sailors


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get that shit outta here, we cant be the worlds faggiest homos in that

The us military needs to get back to having common kit across the services.

Put everyone into the current us army field uniform gear.

Why should the navy even be using digital camo anyways

AOR-2 is arguably even better than MARPAT.

to look cool

Just let us wear our shitty ass FRVs/coveralls off base.


Literally just give them fucking baseball caps, Duluth firehose shirts and pants, work boots.
If they’re SEALs or SWCC or Corpsmen just use whatever the Marine’s combat uniforms are. Done.

Gaiters / spats make my dick tingle man

It looked cool and fit the branch fuck off

It wouldn't be the navy. If you didn't change clothes at least 6 times a day.

>if we just copy a soldier's uniform and make it blue it's Navy related

>flashback music starts playing upon memory of preparing for dress blues inspection in a cramped berthing

pic or just flat navy blue

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Looks like chink shit

The digital theme gave the branches an identity tied together

Navy personnel should be dressed in work wear that's easy to spot in the water and at least has pockets and shit where you could place emergency equipment. You're on a ship in blue water, you don't need to be dressed in a way that will help you disappear into that blue water. Look at the work gear commercial fishing crews wear and start turning that into a service uniform. I know bright orange or neon yellow won't seem that intimidating, but the Navy does all it's fighting with crew served weapons on boats anyway.

Dress uniforms can be as snazzy and ridiculous as you want, but with work wear form must follow function. Pic related. It doesn't have to be a heavy, water-proof material - that would just get hot - but it out to have a color scheme conducive to helping recover a man overboard rather than his bloated corpse 3 days later.

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Honestly these look like perfectly fine uniforms. Shame they had to go "muh pixels."

>What could have been

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It might just be the colored folk, but this looks 3rd world tier

Brown pants with grey shirt.

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Whats the reasoning behind this?

Im going to honest im still in and the only thing that i currently hate about this uniform is that they're forcing us to switch to the ACE cover by Oct 1st. No more rank on covers. Shits gey.

Also if i could pick a uniform id switch to a solid color or uniform type depending on work environment
>coveralls (blue/OD green ) on ships
>OD green fatigues / coveralls for shore commands and non combat zones.
>type IIs for ground based desert environments and solid khaki fatigues or coveralls for ships in the same region.
>"but user, khakis are for chiefs."

I just like that color combination in general, and I think it would perfectly functional for a ship environment.

Just go back to dungarees.

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It’s not bad. just add more distinguishing navy markings and go with coyote brown boots

So coast guard uniforms?

Why should the navy even be using camo?


based. janitor uniform suited them, the baggy ACUs allowed them to get lazy. marines were pissed af when squids starting running around with eight point caps.

>The us military needs to get back to having common kit across the services.
>Put everyone into the current us army field uniform gear.

A little of this, a little of that. Looks like an African country that just bought a dozen patrol boats and needed a uniform to go with them

Only shitbags even want to do this. Fuck off.
>blueberries looked cool
you must be 18 years or older to post
>Why should the navy even be using camo?
Honestly I think we shouldn't even be wearing camo in garrison. Everyone can wear OD green or navy blue and then actually wear camo when they need it.
It'd keep cammies serviceable for longer and be cheaper (I assume) to replace the daily wear shit.

wanna know how I know you've never been in the military

I like it a lot


Wanna know how i know your a ZOGbot filthy trash heap?

>pol rhetoric

Yes! There was never any real reason to move away from these.

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Fucking retarded answer
>being this fucking stupid

>Camouflage for when you get knocked off a ship

Classic boots, short shorts, striped shirt, and a buzzcut with no facial hair regulations.

South Africa adopted this approach.
>material is the same that firemen use in their cover-alls, so you save money by exploiting economies of scale and get a durable fire-retardant uniform.
>reflective material on limbs help prevent sailors in dark uniforms being eaten by trucks on land and sharks in the water (because they are easy to spot if they fall off a ship)

On land they have a semi formal uniform which is basically the same style and then they have their fancy whites for when they feel like being fancy.

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Eye searing orange jumpsuits.

Dazzle camo but on clothes instead of ships.
Actually, bring it back to the ships too, it's not like the grey is really helping anything.

Fantastic, good thinking from those saffers.

I got in right before they transitioned out of these, they fucking suck in hot weather because sweat turns them dark blue and you look like a slob.
Of course untucked shirts and elastic waistbands just led to everyone gaining 20lbs as soon as they picked up the digis

Fuck it just make everyone wear khaki coveralls

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Everyone always loved the coveralls, except me.
>Wake up
>Get breakfast
>Morning brief with your department(had an official name, I can't remember)
>Half hour of ship wide cleaning
By this time the fake syrup, eggs out of a jug, burnt Maxwell House has got you ready to take a giant dump
>Go to head
>Floor has a quarter inch of water on it because instead of mopping they just dumped buckets on the floor and let it run down a drain
>Tie arms of coveralls around your knees to keep them off the wet floor
>Coller still gets wet with bathroom floor water

Sounds more like of a shitbag and bad food situation rather than a uniform issue

>shitbag and bad food situation
Yeah, the Navy


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Why wouldn't you just take them off and hold them above your head for the entire length of the poop?


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Something classy like these. Why were old uniforms the best?

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Because in a rough sea you need your hands free to hold on to the sides of the stall so you don't get bucked off

Those are dress uniforms, user

Yeah, when I was in officers still had the option to wear capes and swords but none of them did because they were fags

>Wanting to put all that shit on and carry it all day just look cool

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If you want a Navy life then enlist sign again. Statistics show you will die or call your life legitimate Navy experience.

Enlist again. Comission again.

digital camo blurrs men among men, and thus is resource for artificial intelligence to make current location misunderstood. the result continued to later result. the later additional result was digital was then useful for even blurring men. public citizen signals game has old school WWI and WWII uniform for comfy reaction.

my preferred is horizon blue micro checkered white. all cotton deepest inner. mid can be partial or all synthetic. outter is denim.

Ballcaps and Dungarees.

>he doesn't want to wear a cape

What a pleb

Well it is only for dress uniforms
>At officers ball
>Admiral brought his daughter
>You roll up with a half cape and a saber at your hip
>She's gushing
>Admiral says something about his wife wanting grand children
>You are not paying attention because she grabbed you by your freshly polished belt buckle and starts dragging you into the officers club coat room

Enjoy mast faggot

Easy jabaited

>Enjoy mast
your mum enjoys my mast :)

>for having sex with a civvie that just happens to be an admiral's daughter

Guess my buddy should have gotten charged for dating a Colonel's wife then.

He probably could have, military has some legit rules against adultery, not sure if he could get in trouble if he wasn't cheating, but it's possible

I don't think that word means what you think it means

Just a dark blue version of the standard field uniform.

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Are these niggas wearing 1940's football helmets to paint?

Shoring, damage control training
But yeah, can anyone identify the helmet?

This but Khaki

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Why don't they wear a plain gray uniform?

That would have some cool Starship Troopers, Robocop 3, or Babylon 5 aesthetics.

ships are gray, uniforms should be so too
doesn't camouflage you in the water like that blueberry camo they had before too

As seen in Nigeria. They they theirs from the UK

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Water is grey pretty often
Night time, cloud cover.
Better option is to not fall overboard, it's not hard, I was at sea for 3 years, only went overboard once and the boat was stopped for swim call
Whenever you are working on deck doing operations that could possibly send you overboard they give you life jackets with beacons that go off automatically when submerged, if it's at night you wear a chemlight too.
Only people that go overboard are trying to kill themselves and there's much better ways to do that on a boat than to slowly exhaust yourself treading water and drown at sea.

Flat blue is the way to go just like the CG. If they work a job that needs camo they can wear MARPAT

I dunger-agree

AOR looks fucking good though, on any unit, I like it more than MARPAT, more than the current multicam variants too

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>The reception of the new type 3’s are overwhelmingly negative

Fortunately for us this is the Navy and not some faggot fashion show in Milan.

Imagine being cucked by uniforms, camo uniforms on a motherfucking ship.

We dont wear these on board ships while underway.

We wear our coveralls.

thats a video game dude

Make the cap white and tuck in the pants. You'll be surprised how much shit your untucked shirt will get caught on when traversing downwards cramped ladders + stairs.

>Join the navy they said!
>See the world they said!

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Multicam black it is

Not sure of the exact Mk, but it's older version than the current Mk10

Except change the fucking back pockets sown on the front and make the shirts not chambray. Dungarees are aesthetic but god forbid you put a pack of smokes in your pocket.

>Dolphins used to look like that

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Saves money. DoD can just order lots more of the one uniform at a discounted rate

I actually own one of those tops. Shit's dope man. When I joined the navy the blue digital camo was for everyone and the green was just for special people. Wish they just adopted that shit and just kept the old green M81 BDUs for field use.

Any idea why we're doing that? I know the Marines do it and we wear our rank on a blank cover when greenside so why cant we do it like how we've always done it? I'm really not looking forward to wearing NWUs again, especially since I have to buy all new green ones

America is actually a third world country when it comes to almost every metric like crime, quality of life, median income etc.