Qt.3.14 with AK gets red flagged for a joke told to coworker

Qt.3.14 with AK gets red flagged for a joke told to coworker......

Attached: Alexis-Wilson-gun-threats.jpg (960x653, 63K)

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Why does a coworker know she had guns?

>a transwoman gets red flagged for telling a coworker about murdering cis scum

Attached: yous.jpg (480x662, 114K)

>not posting article or link
And this is why you'll dow alone you AIDS-ridden faggot.

>no link
newfags I swear.

> Qt 3.14 who dropped out in 9th grade
> Multiple calls for service due to being suicidal and/or homicidal
Not going to lie, I was probably still dumb enough before I turned 25 to still try and hook up.

All this red flag bullshit pisses me off. I know so many thin skinned leftists in my personal life who always rant about guns. Now they can get my entire gun collection taken with some lie and they would face no repercussions. And if I pay some lawyer 100K he might be able to get it back for me after 3 years of litigation. Awesome.

just redflag them first.
even if they don't have guns the feds will turn their house insideout looking for them.

Bringing a knife to school and having a piece of notebook paper with a swastika. This is more of a case of disarming wrong think than an actual threat

>not posting the full mugshot
She is 100% based and redpilled
Would wife 11/10 times

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>red flag bullshit
Making a domestic terror threat, user. She's gonna be charged with a felony.

This. When you hear someone say
>I'd kill them if I had a gun
Call the police.

Gotta play the leftist game, report all the crazy shit they lost about trump to the fbi

>anarchist cookbook t-shirt

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youll be living the rest of your life in fear, so what are you going to do about it?

She wasn't actually red flagged. She was charged with terroristic threats (you know, an actual crime, the way it's supposed to work).

Since OP is a fag who doesn't know how to link things here's the article:

>Now they can get my entire gun collection taken
Why do they know what you own? Are you a braggart?

Nothing will change and this will keep happening more frequently. Goodbye gun rights and hello dystopian police state America

>this is why you'll dow alone
>you'll dow alone



Busted link, faggot.

>things that will not happen this decade
I hate this timeline we live in

Pls forgib
I am retar


thats a man.

>Pls forgib
U porgibed

Cropping out her shirt in the OP like a true faggot. She's obviously either an extreme edge lord or she was hoping to get arrested for it. Only an extreme autist or a teenager who wants attention would wear an anarchist's cookbook shirt in public.

>Wake Up You NPCs! This Is My Brand Btw Lol
It's like 18 year olds wearing shirts with Che Guevara's face. OP just wanted to make a loli thread.

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i want bottom left


>Wilson allegedly showed a co-worker the videos and told her "that she was going to shoot 400 people for fun and that there were so many people at her old school that she would like to do it to,"
There's no a lot of grey area in this one. You can't straight up tell people you're going to commit mass murder and then be suprised when you get arrested for threatening to commit mass murder.

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What? Surely this is bait. People say that all the time. I say that if someone is driving and texting. There are many, many reasons to want to remove people from society.

What does that have to do with redflagging? Look up Brandon Raub, who was like a test run before red flag laws were more common. They seized him because he quoted rap lyrics on FaceBook. They mistreated him so grievously that (after the help of the Rutherford Society) an angry judge threw the case out and demanded Raub be immediately released.
Raub didn't own any guns.
This isn't about guns, this is about eliminating due process and crushing people you don't like, it just happens to use gun hysteria as an alibi.

use their tactics against them with weed and drugs. report their suspected illicit activities to the DEA

we should crowdfund her bond

Oops, issuing a domestic terror threat is punishable by a lifetime sentence in Oklahoma. Maybe she'll get lucky and only catch a 5 year sentence to make an example of her.

can you report anonymously?
know a few people this would be useful

No, i will save her and she'll marry me.

Becuse the law has pretty much never allowed for direct specific threats to the wellbeing of others. The entire point of society is so people don't have to worry about being killed by their neighbor for their pig's head or something, letting people directly threaten the physical wellbeing of other goes against that notion because it creates an imminent credible fear of harm and danger.

250k, bruv. The two Abilene guys who shot and killed a man over a dumpster got $25,000 and then $250,000 bond each for murder.

They're going to throw the fucking book at her.

>Threaten to shoot up a school
>Surprised when you get arrested

She is a qt, and reflags are bad, but this really isnt that big of a deal

>"that she was going to shoot 400 people for fun and that there were so many people at her old school that she would like to do it to,"
>Wilson told investigating officers that "she didn't mean the statement to sound the way it did and that she was just trying to teach her coworker to not be afraid of firearms,"
She's not even denying she said it then? This is her fucking defense? Was she too stupid to talk to a lawyer before telling them this?

>OP just wanted to make a loli thread.
She's 18. She legally bought a rifle from a gun store.

its a woman, how dare they? what happened to equality?

It's legal to express a desire to murder people. It's illegal to express an intent to murder people, if people believe you're speaking truthfully.

She'll get out with 6 months in a psych ward and a few years on probation. She just needs to turn on the waterworks during the trial and a good jewwy lawyer to convince the jury she's just an unstable teen at a difficult point in life.

Dont run your mouths, goyim.

Fug meant for

>Was she too stupid to talk to a lawyer before telling them this?
Are you really still unclear about her intellectual capacity?

The underdark is a serious threat user

shes a good girl, she dindu nuffin

It's actually a woman this time, user.

You don't get to tell jokes about murdering people

>You don't get to tell jokes about murdering people

I'm going to sodomize you to death with my .300 BBC pork sword tonight, you dumb retard.

>t. humor police

>anarchist cookbook in mugshot
fake news. zog op.


Jesus fuck she's so beautiful. Imagine how cute and sweet she is. Those erogenous eyes and beautiful flowing hair I just want to run my hands through it until I place my hand on her cheek and slowly reach in for a soft gentle kiss. nice soft gentle head pats for her nice and soft like her skin and hair


>anarchist cookbook
My little homemaker.

This is a Pork Sword, noguns.

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Nigga that bitch loos like a Great Dane that just had fucking Botox injections.

>t. humor police
A no knock-knock raid.

In Colorado you can.
There is zero burden of proof and it is 100% encrypted and anonymized. They even have a page that says “plz don’t make false reports because we have to pass every one we get to Law Enforcement and they can’t do anything if you abuse this system” Literally the only way people get busted is by running their mouth afterwards.
It’s like swatting someone, but a hell of a lot easier.


I beleive so. Most redflag laws often include thatbyhe police can initiate the process. So just "tip" off the police.

If not, burner phones are cheap.

I could see a tardtastic teen saying that sarcastically and another tardtastic teen either not getting sarcasm or being very cautious

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I see the Oklahoma Corrections Professionals chapter has logged on for the night.

>report them first
>report their drugs
>report their illicit activities
This is what we’re reduced to? Going to big daddy government like bickering siblings and tattling on each other? why not just meet up in a park or somewhere and duke it out to get the bad blood out instead of being such a bunch of insufferable faggots on both sides. granted, I have much more sympathy and allegiance to anything right of center on this one. The left have been massive faggots for far too long.

How are Colorado police not abusing this to get warrantless searches on literally anything?

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Nigger, you can't threaten murder sarcastically.
>lmao gonna go bomb an airport lol
>haha what a great joke

do people actually think that?

>why not just meet up in a park or somewhere and duke it out to get the bad blood out instead of being such a bunch of insufferable faggots on both sides.
"Antifa are domestic terrorists!!!!1!!1!"

Who's to say they're not?

Because like 99% of shit posted here about Red Flag laws that poster is talking completely out their ass.

She’s probably an abrasive cunt. One of those tough on the outside sweet on the inside kind of girls. How bad could an edgy 18 year old be anyway. I’d take a stab at her

>Nigger, you can't threaten murder sarcastically.
You can if people understand you.

In all reality ERPO’s/Red flags are just so LEO’s can raid POC/Minorities under the guise of “Muh Mass Shootings” without due process or evidence for a proper warrant.

>I’d take a stab at her
She'd probably take a few at you.

>This is what we’re reduced to?
This is the new culture, this is what the majority of the population agrees with. So yes, and get over it or leave if you don't like it because it isn't changing anytime soon

Yes? And?

Antifa exists all over the west. They’re hardly domestic terrorists, they’re easily an international terrorist organization. I still say have a proper brawl and see where it goes though.

They are. That’s the idea.
Exparte ERPO’s have literally been issued for nongunz teenagers merely having song lyrics on a Facebook page.

Clearly you never spent time with the edgy or Muslim kids.

Oh my ;)


Make a threat to commit mass murder, go to jail. Maybe for a very long time. I have no problem with this. All the Democratic presidential nominees are out to abolish The Second Amendment should they be elected. The reasoning is the surprising number of wack jobs running around murdering innocent people in public places for no apparent logical reason. Even if she was just joking, I'm not surprised she was arrested and subjected to a long prison sentence. We can't have nutbags running around shooting up the town, and threats to do so are going to get a whole bunch of attention. There is a major gun ban coming, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. No civilization on the face of the Earth will tolerate random mass shootings, and while law-abiding citizens will suffer the consequences, I, for one, can understand the public's insistence that something must be done. It's ain't fair, but getting shot in the back when you're shopping isn't either.

This girl went to my school and was seriously bullied. She wasn’t red flagged she made a direct threat saying she was gonna shoot 400 people for fun then started showing people the gun and that’s when the police got involved and raided her house and found the ak47 if they wouldn’t have then I’d prob be dead lol it sucks bc she was kinda cute

>Exparte ERPO’s have literally been issued for nongunz teenagers merely having song lyrics on a Facebook page.

No, they haven't.

No fuck you, I’m staying right here and no I’m not getting over it

At least the ones in Colorado would be easy to take down if you can doxx them

>Are you a braggart?
I told one guy at work about my AR-15. One of the biggest mistakes of my life. He told everybody about it and jokes if SHTF come to my house because I have an arsenal. Now everybody at my work thinks I am some sort of psycho. All because I talked about a gun one time to some beta cuck.

post proof fake story faggot

You joke, but the Republicans in the house tried to include the suspected gang database and no-fly lists in on people who could be ERPOed. The Democrats balked at both, with the single exception of suspected white nationalists, and no other suspected terrorists to be included. Virtue signaling from Democrats aside, I do not believe you can legally request to find out if you on either of those lists.

We're living in a fucking Albert Camus novel.

>In all reality ERPO’s/Red flags are just so LEO’s can raid POC/Minorities
That's what the Republicans always say, but for some reason I also can't buy machineguns or conceal carry.

Enjoy being constantly upset over something you'll never change then. This is how things are now.


i want to see whats under that shirt

>something you'll never change
if you want red flag laws or anonymous tip-off programs to be erased overnight, just use them against police officers, local politicians, and judges. they'll immediately do a 180 on it when it's their kid getting dragged out of school in handcuffs because a "concerned citizen" reported a "potential threat"

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Except this will never happen, just like the supposed ERPO abuse will never happen.

Can't wait until Ron Paul signs an executive order that makes it legal to kill faggots.

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