How much should I pay for an AK? What type should I avoid?

How much should I pay for an AK? What type should I avoid?

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What a minute, are you trying to trick me again?

$700 and avoid anything that doesn't say Century.

wut u mean?

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wasr-10. It's imported by century, but not made by century.

Dont buy anything made in the united states.

So do get a Century?

shit thread m8 no one cares about some dumb bitch who couldn't keep her mouth shut long enough to graduate high school without getting arrested.

Is this one of those sex robots I keep hearing about?

Seriously, she looks like a Doberman had botox.

stfu she is beautiful

Just dont make any jokes to your coworkers.

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Who did she murder?

Attempted murder. 400 high school kids.

No one, she made a joke when telling a coworker about her new gun purchase and got arrested for a terroristic threat.

Like a fucking monitor lizard.

>a bad joke is now attempted murder


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Unbased and Bluepilled

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she's a recently graduated teenager who threatened to enact a school shooting.

>Believing "innocent until proven guilty" is unbased
Get fucked bootlicker

legitimately get uncanny valley vibes from that pic. those are some seriously soulless eyes

Holy fuck, what a fucking skin job.

Not that you retard, I'm calling her fucking bluepilled for talking about it like a retard instead of carrying it out

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Well then I retract my statement. Apologies for calling you a bootlicker.

No worries bro you're just looking out for freedom

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>edgelord faggot with multiple mental health problems and school shooter vacant eyes makes a """joke""" about mass murder.

An 18-year-old Oklahomawoman was arrested formaking terroristic threatsagainst her former high school, according to a Pittsburg County Sheriff's Office arrest report.

The report says Alexis Wilson purchased a new AK-47 and took photos and videos of herself with the weapon.

Wilson allegedly showed a co-worker the videos and told her "that she was going to shoot 400 people for fun and that there were so many people at her old school that she would like to do it to," according to an arrest report. Police said Wilson was making threats against McAlester High School in Pittsburg County, Oklahoma, about 90 miles south of Tulsa.

Wilson's bond was set Monday at $250,000, and she's next due in court on September 27, court records show. Attorney Eric Grantham, who appeared in court on Wilson's behalf, did not immediately respond to CNN's request for comment.

Dozens of people have been arrested over threats to commit mass attacks since the El Paso and Dayton shootings

After receiving reports of the threats, police went to Wilson's home and recovered the AK-47, rounds of ammunition and a 12-gauge shotgun from her bedroom, according to the report.

When interviewed, Wilson told investigating officers that "she didn't mean the statement to sound the way it did and that she was just trying to teach her coworker to not be afraid of firearms," the report said.

The report says Wilson's mother told investigators that her daughter had saved up to buy the weapon but that it wasn't odd, "due to the fact that Alexis has always shot firearms and had hunted."

The sheriff's office said it contacted the school resource officer at McAlester Public Schools regarding the threat and was told that they had previous incidents with Wilson dating as far back as 2013. Wilson had been suspended from school for bringing a knife and later for having swastika symbols on some of her personal belongings while at school, the report said.

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"I am saddened that we live in a world where every threat could be credible," Randy Hughes, superintendent of McAlester Public Schools, said in a statement following the arrest. "I am grateful for the quick response from the Pittsburg County Sheriff's Department and the McAlester Police Department in the way they handled this situation. Together they helped to (avert) a very potentially dangerous situation."

Less attractive in this pic. Do Anarchist Cookbook t-shirts make women hotter? Like freedom lingerie.

>"I am going to kill 400 people"
>*gets arrested*
>"wtf it was just a joke, guys"

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She had graduated when she made the threat.

Makeup, it's just everyday movie magic.

police state cant handle the bantz

ITT: Retards defending literal "It was just a prank, bro!" grade retardation.

I think Jow Forums is on the rag about red flag laws right now so we're freaking out about stupid shit.

Makes sense. And here I was ready to get one for my woman in the name of science.

She's a girl though. I want to stick my peepee in her and squirt mayonnaise inside her, so she shouldn't be put in prison.

I mean, I won't tell you not to. Just get her one that's two sizes too big so she only wears it after sex like a flag over a conquered fortress.

Like the Jolly Roger. Except with the knowledge to scam landline phones.

>avoid ANYTHING that doesn't say Century.

really, are you going to be that much of a shill here? second post should be better than this

Well... she had a manifesto in a composition book which she thought would be smart to post on her ig and snap.

anything american made, RAS47's, and anything MADE by century. IMPORTED century guns (i.e. wasr 10) are good. Anything over $1k is really offering diminishing returns (unless you get something really nice and custom like Rifle Dynamics, or find something like a Molot or Vepr). Basically just get a wasr.

>purchased a new AK-47

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Nothing, and all of them. You are spending more for a worse tool.

stfu her skin is fine

Hey shareblue.
Anarchists cookbooks is mostly bullshit.
Glad you can shit post so terribly I can smell it off you.

See the fire? It's a Snapchat filter. Even the crap ones have a Photoshop-esque beautify side effect. Tends to make eyes bigger, smooth out the face and color correct.
It's unintentionally hilarious on a dude

She is hot, I'd lube my automat with her femenine grease.

>those soulless la creatura eyes

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>she was just trying to teach her coworker to not be afraid of firearms


Like this?

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More or less. The app also doesn't handle beards all that well because targeted to girls. Ex used to fuck with it all the time
Also it has games now?
Every day I feel exponentially older

nigger the psak gf3 is gtg

wtf happened to that chink? I'm guessing bizzarro working accident

It's a stupid fucking thread made by a stupid fucking OP what do you expect? A comprehensive list of the best AKs on the market or advise on buying the worst? You get what you give. Don't act like this is some new phenomenon on Jow Forums of all places new.

Considering the 2nd exists to protect the 1st, it's natural that when the 2nd comes under attack, the 1st is soon to follow.

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Suicide with a .357 magnum to the side of the head. His eyeballs popped out.

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>make a dumb edgy joke

>a direct threat to kill 400 people
>a joke

I’d say the system completely failed her, but the system is doing exactly what it was designed to do. How do we dismantle this shit?

Make up or not, the shirt added +3 to her looks easy

>being this obtuse

holy fuck she is so racially ambiguous its not even funny
do people of 1 or 2 race even exist anymore
>from OK
>def has a bunch of injun fuckers in her family
>will be reported on as wh*te

isle isle isle

I'd like her to do it to me

>tfw no crazy okie gf to shoot me
why even live brahs

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Fuck you, the cookbook is a classic. I bet you pop one when you see dudes in Beto shirts.


Don't forget to factor in the cost of buying enough enough ammo to kill 400 people.

shes a angel

We'll break her out

It's a fucking rag to read for a laugh when you're shitting.

>Molot or vepr

Sounds like valkyrie material.

>TFW you couldn't save her

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Buy an AR for half that. AK LOLS! Commie trash!

sounds like banter