I didn’t think they could downgrade from the kuznetsov but here we are so much for muh Russian supercarrier
Russia to build Helicopter Carrier
>Russia build Helicopter Carrier model
they have the warm water ports now after seizing crimea, they can make what they like there.
>what is this? a carrier for ANTS?
ok i laughed but seriously youre retarded
Their tactical model doesn't include jets.
They've had an active base at Sevastopol since the Cold War. The Annexation of Crimea simply ensured that they wouldn't lose the base as the new Ukrainian government took control.
>Russia to build
>they can make what they like there
not aircraft carriers
Russia can't afford another aircraft carrier that and launch jets, their economy is the size of Italy's and their closest allies are Iran and North Korea
Russia will ask China to build a helicarrier.
Then China will deliver the one from avengers only it will never actually fly.
But there’s a good chance it will sink if someone leaves the front door open!
based on the french mistral class
nice amphib invasion ships
>it will sink if someone leaves the front door open!
only if Pajeets are on duty.
They were trying to buy Mistrals before. Also, I'm pretty sure they don't have the shipbuilding facilities for this.
Warm water ports aren't the issue. They already had Vladivostok.
My understanding is that a major part of the Mistral acquisition was getting tech transfers that would allow them to produce similar ships on their own.
Russia has tigers
>anything shown at MAKS
>being made
why would Russia need aircraft carriers when they can BTFO anyone with a mix of Mig31 and Tu22M3 armed with Khinzals.
Because they can't.
Which means they couldnt start any long term project there, imagine 90% finishing a carrier just for ukraine to say 'your lease expired plz go and leave your nukes here thx'.
Its going to take ten years to finish this boat, minimum, and permanent maintenance thereafter. Cant do that without a guaranteed port.
Crimea is being turned into a fortress as we speak, far more capable than Kalingrad, it will take an armageddon to get it back.
... It also doesnt include submarines because its a helicopter carrier.
Vladivostok doesnt have a large drydock though. They can make the pieces but they have to weld them somewhere.... If they needed to build it in vladivostok it would be built partly underwater. Underwater welding is difficult and time intensive, Russia doesnt have enough trained people to spare for it as they are much better paid on drilling rigs.
French cut the deal before tech transfer hapened. Two first ships were supposed to be built in France, and another two in Russia with tech transfer. French realized that Russia was jewing them and cut the deal, gave the initial investment money back after Russia threatened them with uranium ore shortages.
Coast hopping doctrine. Russia is mostly a land power but they augment that with heavy airborne elements and sea elements which go around and behind enemies to trap them.
Its the same as Soviet Deep Battle just three dimensional.
And while they can easily defeat most incursions with what they have now, they need the bigger VDV and Marines to be able to invade other places.
Mate they weren't making ships because they can't afford to even maintain the one they already have, not because they hadn't annexed their own port yet.
Crimea doesn't have a dry dock large enough to build military ships this size either.
Not even memeing here, I assumed from the thumbnail that that was a pic of the volcano near the Russian Pacific Fleet base erupting.
Khinzal is a propaganda weapon that doesn't stand a chance of being able to perform as well as they claim it does.
Hey, international community! We are building a Helicopter Carrier! Is peaceful ship with great value in humanitarian actions and environmental emergencies! Definitely not being built with provision for jets!
>5 Years Later
Google the Zaliv plant in Kerch.
honestly I'm 110% behind whatever Japan decides to do to piss off China
Even if it involved four dozen navalized F-35B jets?
Yes of course. We're the ones selling them to Japan after all.
>Japan having more stealth fighters embarked on carriers than Russia and China's entire air forces
Even better.
Yeah, why wouldn't I be?
>Oh, what's that? You don't like us having a STOVL capable carrier?
>Oh! And you don't like us equipping it with that jet you ripped off?
>How unfortunate...
Wyy do you think Russia is building this? To fight off Estonia? Islamic militants? Their plan for decades was to graciously give the kurils to Japan in exchange for concessions, that plan kind of falls through if Japan just manages to take them by force.
>Japan just manages to take them by force
>tfw there's another Russo-Japanese war
Based and Tsushima-pilled.
this post is so retarded I don't even know where to start
>tfw the Battle of Tsushima is reenacted with F-35s and Udaloys instead of torpedo boats and battleships
Read the fundamentals of geopolitics.
Russia couldn't take "no" for an answer when the world denied arming them with the Mistral carriers, so they proceed with this aggressive stance of building their own, which will end in more sanctions and more isolation. Sucks to be Russia.
>when the world denied
>the world
I wasnt aware the UN was selling Russia Mistrals.
>Wyy do you think Russia is building this?
>Russia is building this?
>is building
>Wyy do you think Russia is building this?
The peacetime advantages of the amphibious assault carrier were made readily evident following the 2011 Tohoku disaster. Both the helicopters and smaller craft were able to evade debris and approach the coastline in searches for survivors and to deliver aide. Meanwhile, the main vessel serves as a command point and staging ground unaffected by land-based damages to infrastructure.
This was basically why the Canadian Harper government was looking to make a bid on the Mistral-class. They're the perfect vessel for peacetime, and they have a use in wartime.
Also, our Navy is rotting away.
Alright, let's start with these:
>Japan as a whole, let alone the JMSDF alone, lacks the ability to invade, occupy, and subsequently defend an inland chain currently under the control of a nuclear power.
>Russia has literally no reason to hand over the Kurils to Japan. Any minor political favor it may gain them is outweighed by essentially handing control of the Sea of Okhotsk over to whoever Japan was willing to let sail through the Kurils, and allows Japanese allies (namely the US) to position troops significantly closer to Rybachiy (although, admittedly, still not particularly close)
>No significant headway has been made by either party in resolving the dispute over the islands since 1956
>At most Russia has been willing to hand over only a fraction of the territory Japan claims sovereignty over, which will never be good enough for the Japanese.
>Significant Russian economic development of the islands lessens the potential benefit of a return to Japanese control.
>Significant Russian military development of the islands is a clear sign that Russia has no real intention of backing down anytime soon.
>Russia has spent billions, if not trillions of dollars developing one of the world's most extensive collections of anti-ship and anti-aircraft missiles, any and all of which are more than capable of being set up on dry land without the need for the support of a helicopter carrier.
>Similarly, a helicopter carrier provides absolutely zero benefit to these defensive capabilities, as Russian naval aviation lacks any sort of VTOL or even STOVL aircraft to act as a counterpart to Japanese F-35Bs, essentially making the vessel good for little beyond sub hunting, which is something the Russian navy has an absolutely absurd number of ships already capable of accomplishing.
>russia will
>russia plans to
>new russian [type here] about to enter production
And then 99% of those don't see the light of day. Fuck off, vatnik nigger.
Russia's model building industry is doing great!
Not who you're replying to, but I like the cut of your jib.
The Kuriles' only value is as a deterrent to pointless aggression. This isn't just political, but it directly affects the military of multiple nations.
There's good reason why nobody has ever acted on their territory claims with force. Doing so would be meaningless, and lock them down due to their value as being Russian, both Koreas, and China's best way to the North Pacific. Trade, fishing, and military activity in the North Pacific for several world powers (plus North Korea), would be meaninglessly hampered for the sake of a few rocks with natives who don't identify with any nation-state.
The nations surrounding the Sea of Japan all know that they rely too much peace to bother making a move in that area.
I'm not trying to be sarcastic when I say Russia's defense product models are almost always top-tier. For whatever reason, they seem to put a lot of effort into them.
>your picture for ants
Looks kind of inland waterways. Also speedy and not flagship material. Still, should be easy to build.
It's not equipped to build this kind of ship. You should probably just take the L.
Russian weaboo plamo-enthusiasts?
I mean, the quality of museum ship models has absolutely skyrocketed in response to 1/700 become crazy detailed about two decades ago.
>inland waterways
It's an amphibious assault ship. They park it off the coast and let the little boats and aircraft do the brown-water fighting.
Definitely well within Suezmax, though.
Poke Koalitsiya out portals so you can pre-bombard the beach. OK. The front ramp is real Soviet doctrine.
Catamaran with big open rear well
>inland waterways
kek good one. Looks like any other LHD
>big open rear well
Don't tell the shipgirl fags. They might get a new fetish.
For comparison here is an Osumi. Long way to go and sealed up pretty good.
>sealed up pretty good
Yeah you'd hope so considering it's an ocean going vessel like all other LHDs in existence.
I mean, even the original amphibious assault ships, like the Akitsumaru, omitted a well-deck We've come a long way, but it's less tonnage just to build a fucking door than it is to proof your ass against flooding during cruising..
I agree a better design is the closed rear, but to say that because it's possibly open at the back means it's relegated to inland waterways only is kinda dumb
Honestly, the Japanese slow evolution from Osumi to Hyuga to Izumo to Izumo-carriers was subtle enough to not provoke anyone. You just know they were playing the long game.
>it's relegated to inland waterways only is kinda dumb
Damn straight. It's vessels and aircraft would only even server on the coast and brownwater/inland scenarios, but the ship itself would need to keep mobile and distant due to vast improvements in aircraft and large-scale shore-defence over the past half-century.
Amphibious assault ships make fantastic propaganda, though. They make for far more jobs in manufacturing than most ships, and tonnes of jobs in the military. They can hit one crowd as being useful in peaceful and humanitarian operations, and hit the other crowd as being the most valuable ship when it comes to a proper offensive land-based war.
I was bitter as shit when the Harper government collapsed and any chance of even putting a bid on the formerly-Russian Mistrals was scrapped. I didn't even like the Conservatives' concessionist policies, I just wanted some fucking proper boats.
Russia's to build alot of things. Let me know when they finally build paved roads. Then you'll have my attention.
It's probably a cheaper alternative to a Kaliber swarm.
A Katran can carry 2 full sized AShM. 10 Katrans is 20 missiles worth.
>modern ships are only worth as much as their missiles
Missiles are just the new torpedoes. A ship without missiles becomes a hunk of oil-sucking floating steel until it's resupplied, right?
dropping ramp at rear
>implying the US hadn't already developed countermeasures before the pachinkoids stole their missile designs
>implying the leaks weren't intentional
Ah, there ya go.
He's right though. Russia can't possibility afford a LHD even if they had the technology or infrastructure.
They can probably afford to operate 1-2 LHDs if they finally give up on the Kuznetsov.
>finally give up on the Kuznetsov.
Yay, China gets more botched surplus that will be utterly useless in 9/10 cases.
If anyone could unfuck the Kuznetsov, it'd be the Chinese. At the very least, they have the industrial capacity to completely overhaul it. Then again, with China starting to undertake the construction of newer designs, they may have no need for an old Soviet carrier.
It's not even so much a matter of "unfucking" them; it's a matter of arming and deploying them in a manner than won't provoke any kind of Russian scrutiny at noticeable level. The fact that the Russians have considered the Kuznetsov-class as 'disposable scrap metal' is a clear indication that they have no fear of letting any of their tech into the wrong hands. If the Chinese want to fight the Ruskies some day, they just bought another dose of poison.
Pastafag here, actually our Annual GDP is 1/3 bigger then the Russian one, and we can only afford 3 small carriers.
Italy's paranoid that having a big modern navy means that people will think they intend to police the Med.
But that's what we actually do.
Also, since Italy is IN the middle of the Med, we actually have to, to patrol our borders.
Italy's been doing just fine on its own borders, especially within UN-recognized limites, but every time Spain or the Balkans complain about 'how did they get in?', or if the Italian gov passes on a migrant fleet north, you get a fucking huge backlash.
Europe expects Italy, in one hand to be the bulwark against Africa, and in the other hand to be the ones who let the less-desirable immigrants into the rest of Europe.
A good chunk of the Med is inside Italian borders.
Also, Italy is expected to defend Mediterranean waters, that's why they have a fairly sizable fleet.
The Russians should buy a Chinese hull and move their operations and etc. stuff across to it. A lot less than a billion dollars cost.
>the Battle of Tsushima is reenacted with F-35s and Udaloys instead of torpedo boats and battleships
Would actually pay to see this movie.
Just like that American ship sunk by Yemen using Chinese missile
How many nuclear subs Italy posses?
Russia can and will afford 4 LHDs and 2-3 nuclear carriers. Russia is the only country that operates and builds nuclear powered ice breakers and they are quite large.
PPP, are you even trying?
the models will be 1:42 instead of 1:144
GDP (PPP) matters when it comes to domestic shipbuilding and defence spending.
didn't they buy two from France but got a refund with interests and tech transfer already done?
Japan on its own against the PLAN would get so much blown out of the water it ain't even funny. Their navy is only useful to bully SK.
Yep and half of the second Mistral was built in Saint Petersburg.
Yes and France had to give them to Egypt for free because no one would buy them. And Egypt bought helicopters from Russia for the ships.
What? USS Mason intercepted and decoyed the missiles with USS Nitze
>Russia can and will afford 4 LHDs and 2-3 nuclear carriers
If they could afford it and could have it, those ships would be in service. However, in the real world they have been unable to maintain and sustain a single conventional carrier.
well obviously since the ships were specifically designed to accomodate the ka52, and of course Russia got its refund from taxpayer's money so shareholders didn't lose a dime in this whole affair.
You think the French do anything without the say so of the 4th Reich?
They refunded Russia 950 million Euro and then sold them to Egypt for 950 million, what are you smoking?
They invested 9 billion $ in Zvezda shipyard, which is capable of building supercarriers. Before building such large vessels you first need to have a shipyard for them.
>bow ramp
ahahah omg what are you doing ivan?! ahahaha how can you not have over-the-horizon deployment capabilities with hovercrafts in current year ahahahahah what are you gonna do, park your super expensive LHD right off the coast for your shitty BTRs to land?? ahahaha
They're already upgrading the newer ships of that line because its shit.
That was after one of the ships got smashed.
Yes and Egypt will pay from its own pocket.
It is the best and the most armed frigate in the world!
No US ship was hit schizo