Short gAyR Edition
/arg/ AR thread Assault Rifle General AR15 Assault Rifle 15
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Ash sucks
lol, "gayr"
Damn Thiccman
90's/10 need that stock though.
Can someone explain this wild ass shit to me l want to build one
Barrel length?
Should I chop the colt and F1 it and continue down CQBR route or leave in factory config or chop to 14.5" and M4 it to retain liquidity both on principle and in practice to maintain liquidity in the case that Colt is actually stopping commercial sales/production?
You just do that? Looks decent. Needs black grip, and USGI style magazine.
I still vote you keep the optic. I'll be real with you that single image is better than any of the images atone ever produced of that upper. Good on you.
did you buy aero instead of anderson?
>USGI style magazine
give me a minute Ill grab one. The only black A2 Grips I have are shitty brand ones. This is a colt. I could just spray it black.
Just need an A2 grip and a carry handle.
Not a bad budget PSA pistol blaster.
Just put a black one on. Brand of A2 grip really doesn't matter much. Do the front take down pin.
Are there LED upgrades for that light?
>Brand of A2 grip really doesn't matter much.
Who makes the picatinny rail pieces that fit in vtac alpha handguards?
wtf you can't post psa here
What would you recommend? A2 fag here.
>Are there LED upgrades for that light?
Yes it's over $100 and still takes 4 batteries.
>over $100
Tough choice. I say F1 it and stick with the original plan. It should still maintain its worth if it's done tastefully.
Quality makes a colt
the colt ones are a bit different
He literally bought the receiver today and was putting it together minutes ago, then posted a picture of it just now. What are you doing other than nitpicking and shit posting?
Subs recoil soft as shit. Supers have some push, but nothing you can't manage. Always try to save weight up front. Heavy long cans suck, and are a genuine operational hazard for a CQB indoors or home defense gun.
>surefire or modlite
I'm not trashing the protac as they are a genuinely acceptable budget option but looking at your budget you can do better. Offer someone selling a used lower output M300 like $100
But be aware that all M300, M600 run out of steam at like 75m or so. If you want to go past that these days you're looking at modlite.
>T2 but a PRO is probably more my speed
On tacswap or arfcom EE you can snag a PRO in a decent mount used for $300-$350
Save the RMR for a pistol, especially since it is a type 2.
>Key Mo
Key Mo is pretty sweet IMO and IME. ASR is solid too, but I prefer Key MO. It simply is faster and simpler.
Saker is quiet, but the weight, length, and lack of Key Mo make it less attractive IMO than a Nomad or a Vox S.
Nomad is a decently quiet can too.
For the record I've got both SiCo and Dead Air currently.
Might be worth it later.
>Maintain its worth
True, but a bit harder to sell with the shorter barrel and I lose the $200
I'm leaning towards chopping it. It would do me well to make fewer firearms decisions with the intention of selling/letting go of the firearm at the forefront of the consideration.
My favorite A2 grip is the one with the sharp slim pointy nub.
I see a page with one for $50 is that more or about what they are?
Hey faggots, what have I missed?
What have I been doing?
Eh, typical shit.
Heat wave has been scorching the orchard. Hopefully it's over- I thought I was going to burn out the pump on my well running it damn near 24/7.
Haven't had issues with hogs lately, I don't think they like dying so they've stopped coming by my place.
Might have to start picking off coyotes though. Seems like their population is getting a little large (I normally leave them alone).
The bobcat is still around. He just grabs an occasional cottontail so fuck it I'll leave him alone. After all, those things breed like rabbits anyways.
>I see a page with one for $50 is that more or about what they are?
Charlies Custom Clones? No. I got mine for $5.
>was putting it together minutes ago
He lost the detent like a tard didnt he?
>Supporting the manufacturer that has said they will stop selling AR's to the public....
I'm guessing that was just a joke that other missed (?)
100% that was a business decision and nothing to do with politics.
Nevermind I switched search engines and see others now
You're retarded
Noice. Do the front detent. Black grip. SBA4. Save up for bushy lower and then F1 that. Get optic fixed, LED the light. Boom you've got a reasonably functional short AR with a neat aesthetic and some clone correctness to boot.
Hey wugwus.
I normally don't like talking to you because you pretend to know everything so anything out of your comfort zone you just lie about so you can play big man on campus.
But I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself.
Have you ever fire subs out of a rifle with a functioning brake?
I mean, I have an AR that's setup to hit pretty soft- but I'm curious how far you could really take it and if it would achievw actual .22 LR recoil in 5.56
>Someone missed the press release from Colt.
>Do the front detent
when they ship me a new spring.
>Black grip
Gotta find a colt one.
DWB said he would sell me his if he Form 1's.
>Get optic fixed
Probably not. It works fine during the day. I might try this.
No, they said it's temporary actually. You're stupid
hello newfag
no, the brake doesn't do much with subs because they need high pressure to work
and the reciprocating mass in a gun that's not a .22 means it will never have similar recoil
>they said it's temporary actually
You fucked up the spring?
no it came fucked up.
he says it came like that and "didn't notice it until the back one was installed"
Post pics of sproing
SBA4 for $90
>new spring
Fair, but honestly it would work fine.
>colt one
Genuinely silly. Just throw a black A2 on there. It doesn't matter. It is an A2 grip.
Eh, seems like a waste of money. If it works fine, then it works fine.
Yes I've fired subsonic ammunition out of a gun with a functioning brake but in both cases the firearm had a suppressor mounted.
>subsonic 5.56
It won't cycle reliably, or if it does, it won't stabilize reliably to be effective.
If you want to create a very soft recoiling 5.56 the trick is absolute reduction of reciprocating mass. An adjustable gas block, a lightweight carrier and buffer, and a nice muzzle device will get you most of the way there. Check out JP
>Just throw a black A2 on there. It doesn't matter. It is an A2 grip.
No, they are different. Some are fatter and some are skinnier.
>Doesn't understand that ANY recoil from muzzle can be redirected with a brake.
Don't hire high school drops, because this is the kind of retard that you'll get.
Like seriously, you think subsonic rounds have zero pressure/recoil?
Subs in 5.56 are still operating at higher pressure than a 20 gauge or .45 boomer.
Didn't answer my question.
>Suppressor and a brake.
Post pics.
Low pressure rounds do not get much benefit from a brake/comp newfriend!
High pressures mean much force is redirected, low pressures not so much.
Make gun heavy, bcg/buffer light, rifle+2 gas for minimal recoil
woah someone with a brain that's probably shot a gun before
>Have you ever fired subs out of a rifle with a functioning brake
I fixed the stock kinda
I just wanted to come in and say that this is the most toxic general on this board. I can smell the fat and desperation through your posts. You form an autistic subculture based off "Daddy Garand's" recommendations and constantly post shitty pictures of your rifles that you will never use (because you are fat and don't actually shoot) and that no one cares about. You will retort with some snide comment about being poor or some in-group joke about how your lancer mags are so gucci and lmao you just won't understand. Ultimately this just validates my initial point.
What receiver set should I get that is acceptable and boring enough to get zero good or bad (You)s
>no forward assist
300blk gun
In the picture you can see the brake. I've shot mainly subs through it.
I dont own a lancer
But as I've said, I don't think I've ever shot subs without the suppressor mounted.
But if you're trying to minimize recoil combining a brake with subs isn't going to do much, and as I said subsonic 5.56 just doesn't really work anyway.
Restrict gas with an adjustable gas block. Build the rifle heavy, but make all the reciprocating mass light. Use a good compensator/brake. PWS makes one. Battlecomp is also well regarded.
Fuck you Fat boy post your gun Slob.
And what did that faggot GT Have to do with anything?
Get raped lil sissy
how did you know Ash is fat and doesn't shoot?
aero or something
jesus christ calm down farva
You're both idiots and probably never took physics.
A brake doesn't magically stop working because of some arbitrary pressure threshold.
Of course if you have 20psi slamming into you're shoulder you would notice a brake that syphons off 35%.
But just because that 5psi was knocked down to 3.5psi doesn't mean the brake isn't working.
Jesus Christ, this is why Jow Forums laughs at this joke of a general.
not wrong. WhatGrip is a helpful guy though. I think the thread needs to relax a bit on certain things. I don't know where the ego comes from and the pure hatred of folks with less money.
Shaving your head for baldanon solidarity?
I dont even know what calm means
and you shut up
Aero. Not the M4E1 though.
>idiots and probably never took physics
The only thing I genuinely dislike is shitposting and trolling.
>A brake doesn't magically stop working because of some arbitrary pressure threshold
the less pressure a round has, the less a brake will reduce recoil
you're obviously the one that needs to take a physics class because you asked how to get .22 recoil out of a 220gr bullet traveling close to 1000fps
y-you too!
Maybe if he stopped being a little bitch and just managed the crushing recoil im sure it generates...
Where's the brake+suppressor?
Maybe it was the nuances of the English language that I misunderstood "I've shot subs with a brake and a suppressor"- which can be confusing the way it's worded (because a brake won't function with a suppressor).
And I fully understand how an AR functions.
I'm not asking about barrel port size or adjustable gas block settings.
I'm not asking about buffer weights or spring tensions (sprinco makes some awesome shit if anybody wants to tune their AR).
I don't even give a shit about being able to cycle (because that's just part of tuning to compensate).
My question was "how close can you get the recoil of 5.56 subs to .22 LR".
Suppressor + brake?
>220gr bullet.
Please tell me where you shop.
Because last I checked, 5.56 was 55gr-77gr with some outliers....
christ almighty
Oh ya, didn't even see the "1,000fps"
I have a pellet gun that does that...
Again, this is why Jow Forums laughs at this general.
With a brake inside?
What are you asking for? Here is a picture of my SiCo omega which has the "Anchor Brake" end cap, a sort of muzzle brake acting device that goes on the end of the suppressor. Is this what you want a picture of?
>My question was "how close can you get the recoil of 5.56 subs to .22 LR".
Hmm about 2.71 close
>I don't give a shit about being able to cycle
Just do a heavy 5.56 bolt gun then?
Dude is clearly brilliant.
>Have you ever fire subs out of a rifle with a functioning brake?
>Yes I've fired subsonic ammunition out of a gun with a functioning brake but in both cases the firearm had a suppressor mounted.
Indeed, nuances of the English language at work.
Alright user, I had a simple question.
So if you've fired subs out of that, how was the recoil?
How close to .22LR is it?
Does the cold weather boot on the left have an adjustable has block?
So you don't want a 300blk that could be a useful rifle while shooting subs and supers, you want a 5.56 rifle that's optimized to shoot the very limited choice of subsonic loads and want to know how much recoil it can have
Sounds like you want a .22LR because that would be a fucking useless rifle
I genuinely feel like this thread is a fever dream or something sometimes
Pics you posted previously were either/or, not both.
Unless I can't see it (I'm in a forest on mobile right now)
>Cycling.'ve never tuned a semiauto rifle.
Got it.
Who the fuck is this actual retard
This is actual low iq mixed with some form of mental illness
Or just a boomer which is the same thing really
how many ARs is too many, realistically speaking for the average person with average space restraints?
would you say 3 is a good number for general range use and possible SHTF backups? and maybe a few extra uppers for different purposes like DMR or hunting bigger game
>This is actual low iq mixed with some form of mental illness
Mr. 11? He is a dumb spic like giddy.
i didnt realize people still liked vltor stocks, thought everyone turned into a magpul fag these days.
>would you say 3 is a good number for general range use and possible SHTF backups?
idk man lmao
300 blk is a great choice for poorfags.
It does everything fairly well (but every roll has something that's better).
5.56 has better hard barrier penetration.
.450/.458/.50 has better soft tissue damage.
If you want long range, you're not rockin' a semi so .300 uwm/7mmrm and especially .338 lapua blow you out of the water.
Post proof anything I've said is incorrect.
Oh wait, you can't
I had one simple question for you (literal) faggots that supposedly know everything about the AR platform.
And as simple as that question was.
Replys from people who have "supposedly" fired AR's in qualifying configurations....
The question is still unanswered.
that's because it's a stupid fucking question to begin with that shows you don't have much real world firearms experience coupled with you being an overconfident faggot
maybe come back in a year or two and don't ask a stupid question while also pretending to know everything
>Again, this is why Jow Forums laughs at this general
First time I fired a fudd .45 I was 9.
That was 35 years ago.
My uncle spent 8 hours checking his trapline everyday. I grew up knowing that firearms were tools.
I probably fired more rounds before high school than you have in your entire life.
I was an M2 gunner in the army (thank me for my cervix, bitch).
I have 2 ranges on my property- shotgun with 3 throwers and a rifle/handgun out to 150 yards.
I collect vintage firearms and fill out half a dozen 4473's a year.
But I'm honest with every post.
>And this is where the /arg/ crowd and I collide.
I've never fired a suppressed firearm.
I've never fired subsonics.
So I'm looking for legit first-hand experience to answer my questions.
Coyotes are finally calling so if I dip out I'll be back after I take care of these bastards.
>half a dozen 4473's a year.
Watch out we got a badass
Are PRI gas busters worth the price?
Come with me and you'll be
in a world of pure retardation
take a look and you'll see
into Mr. 11 inner psyche
yea I just reread the thread
WGWS quickly answered your question so I'm not sure what you're talking about
>I've never fired a suppressed firearm.
>I've never fired subsonics.
yes, we know
>fill out half a dozen 4473's a year
dude no way
we'll answer nearly any question you have or tell you why it's misguided as long as you're not a big gay
they're for clones
the radian raptor SD is the best charging handle IMO
I used it back to back with the gasbuster on a suppressed 11.5 and the blowback was indistinguishable
the ergonomic difference however is huge
Imagine talking like you're an expert and calling people faggots for an entire thread just to admit you've never even shot subs or with a suppressed gun. 5.56 is a terrible idea for subs because at that point you have the same kinetic energy as 22lr but with a heavier, less stable bullet that tends to keyhole.
You mentioned you think 300blk is for poorfags but it's higher cpr than 5.56, especially for subs, so I don't know where you get that retarded idea. I own a 300blk 7.5" pistol have a suppressor that mounts to a silencerco brake. With subs, the recoil feels the same with or without the suppressor. If there is a difference, it's minor. My 30-cal suppressor is a specwar 7.62 if that matters, so it's fuckhuge and the extra weight is probably playing into that.
I have a Radian, I just think the PRI will look better on my Block II build.
I dont own a .22
5.56 doesnt really have recoil to begin with though.
The ugg boot has replaceable gas jets
It's been a slow year, but I'm trying to make up for it.
I didn't say I'm picking up a python every month. (Although I am saving up for an anaconda).
I just bought a 1917 Remington 12 gauge (broken ejector spring) for $90.
In now way did I imply that I'm "big pimpin'"
But I have more firearm knowledge than you.
How are those radios working?
I can't remember, are you the trap that was shooting or the faggot that sought cover behind the boulder?
Btw, if you're new to /arg/ (like last year or so) you should realise that not only are half the posters traps, but they almost killed themselves at a range day meetup by friendly fire because they are actual retards.
Correct me where I'm wrong /arg/
Dare you
Why are you still trying no one cares to have you around your guns suck and you will die of AIDS being a Spic and all.