Confederate victory in the Battle of Antietam or Allied victory in Operation Market Garden

Which one is more likely to result in a heavily pregnant Anne Frank?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Allied victory in Operation Market Garden
What's the point if she's not a Confederate?

Confederate victory in Gettysburg

But user, Gettysburg wasn’t the most decisive battle of the war.

What do Operation Market Garden and the Antietam campaign have in common exactly? Why these specific two battles?

Because of Anne Frank. Did you even read the question?

What does Anne Frank have to do with either of these events though?

Because of Operation Market Garden and the Antietam campaign. Did you even read the question?

Yeah and I don’t see why her fate is tied to these two events. Market Garden took place after she was arrested and Antietam was over 60 years before she was born.

It's just like... you know, man. It's just kind of how these things work. You know what I'm talking about, right? You can get it, can't you? You're not, like... STUPID or something, are you, user? If you can't see the connection I don't see how it's my responsibility to illuminate it for you. I'm not here to, like, SHOW YOU THE PATH or something dude. You dig?

She is dead, live with that


How have you not heard about pregnant Anne frank memes? If the confederacy won, then WWII would eventually be won by the south and what side they were on. Anne Frank would have seen the glory of the Confederacy and flee to join them before the holocaust happened. seriously, not rocket science nibba, just logial steps that lead to a pregnant Anee Frank

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Somehow that picture encapsulates the entire German-Italian alliance.

Confederate victory at Vicksburg

what if the confederates and the nazis teamed up

>Oh cool a Civil War threa-...
>It's more Anne Frank shit

Same reason we can’t have nice WWII threads


This picture is putting sexual thoughts in my head

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This meme got big as /his/ was trying to oust Jow Forums from their board about a year ago. A worthy goal until discord trannies got a hold of it.

>trying to oust Jow Forums
the problem with that is that one fundamentally aligns themselves with freaks and lumpenbourgeoisie when they do that. Accept it, Jow Forums is the lesser evil.

It’s so popular that VICE put it in their recent 8ghanistan documentary

Attached: 389EE7D2-C769-450C-9513-37451DF1FDB6.jpg (564x562, 71K)

How is Jow Forums even evil when all they do is speak the truth?

Did the artist ever get back to the guy and update the image?

Attached: 1556407221232.png (1872x629, 122K)

>when all they do is speak the truth?

Attached: 9028C920-9FB7-4316-BE7A-AD6B065D5CFF.png (575x175, 135K)

He did. You’re looking at it in the OP :)

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Why does this exist?

Cursed image

You know, Jow Forums didn't really bother me too bad until they became anti Confederate and started larping as pagans. Little better than niggers now.

>You know, Jow Forums didn't really bother me too bad until they became anti Confederate and started larping as pagans

I too miss the Ron Paul days of Jow Forums.

>Little better than niggers now.

That's basically all Trumptards for you


Fucking idiots.

80% of Jow Forums doesn't care about fagans and the only posts I ever see bashing the Confederacy are from northern Europe, the USA, or Canada. Just assmad yankies and foreign faggots pissing on long-dead men with straight backs.

Retard, no-one on Jow Forums outside of the /ptg/ supports the orange kike puppet, we just backed him because we thought he'd slow demographic replacement.

No, First Manassas was. It was all doomed to defeat from there.

>we just backed him because we thought he'd slow demographic replacement.
>Pro Confederate
>Anti muh demografik replacemunt
pick one

she is alive in israel

>tolerating africans picking cotton on an industrial scale =/= tolerating mass-migration of mestizos driving wages through the floor and crime through the roof
Chattel slavery is wrong because it's inefficient for the economy, but don't try to equate it with illegal immigration.

So inefficient it was heavily relied upon by an entire region. And even if it wasnt abolished, the blacks would multiply, same as today, and a slave rebellion would occur, because, you know, those things tend to happen through out history.
So no, its not the same as illegal immigration, but it leads to the same end

>read the title
>read the subject
>~3 seconds of brain input lag

Attached: 1474578007183.gif (377x372, 3.46M)

>imports niggers to become a permanent scourge
>oppresses the native white population under a pre-capitalist agrarian neo-feudal economy.

Fuck the confederacy.

>christfag moaning about pagans
Cherry on top.

Hi shareblue

Attached: 1568752526472.png (1522x487, 21K)

Obvious shareblue

Attached: 1568744260819.png (1530x202, 24K)

Jesus Christ. Is there any more?

That explains the ND shit in that one thread and the excess of civil war rhetoric lately
Thanks user

>Don't criticize my extremely Jewish slave regime QQ

Are they really wasting their time with this place?
K of all places?
This is fake as shit

Attached: nick-young-confused-face-300x256-nqlyaa.jpg (800x450, 18K)

>Wasting their time on k
No this is fake

>Implying share blue would waste time on k
Fake and gay

I've been here for multiple years and it's hard to believe this is real
I doubt it is
They wouldn't waste their time with k

Shareblue doesn't care about K they only care about Pol

Is this real
Am I really seeing this?

Attached: 1567548941405.png (719x713, 587K)

These are pretty obviously fake bros these are real then

Jannies hate him!
Local user exposes shocking anti-tourist trick!

I wouldn't buy these fellow anons

>"waste... time" x4 in a row
>"k" x5 in a row
>all the times other threads have had the same exact wording of the "taking a break" post
perfectly fake images, amirite fellow anons of k, the one place on 4chinz where the left would never shill? don't trust it anons. praise shall. let's all describe our boogaloo plans in great and violent detail, making sure to admit to any possible felonies, now.

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I wouldn't worry about it.

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Can you step step step outside for a minute? Don’t worry about it.

Well, she’s a guy, so...

>Well, she’s a guy, so...


They're among us user.

The Confederates could not have won the war. Even if Lee had taken DC, Union forces and the government could just retreat further north like the Russians did when France and later Germany invaded. In both cases one side had not only an overwhelming advantage in population and industrial capacity, but also the ability to trade land for time. The longer that the Civil War, or Napoleon's invasion of Russia, or Hitler's invasion of Russia went on, the more likely they were to lose.

The South could not have possibly won against the North because it was too sparsely populated, the distances for an invasion of the North were too great, and there were not sufficient industrial facilities or coordination between existing facilities. The South was doomed the moment they seceded.

>The Confederates could not have won the war. Even if Lee had taken DC, Union forces and the government could just retreat further north like the Russians did when France and later Germany invaded.
>he thinks the Confederate invasion of the North is comparable to Operation Barbarossa

All the South had to do was rock the boat until the Union government gave in public pressure and sued for peace. That’s a helluva lot easier objective achieve than mass-murdering and enslaving the entire population of the Soviet Union. Shit, the Western Allies were concerned that the Russians themselves were going to stop fighting upon retaking their territory, hence why Lend-Lease was kept up right until the end of the war.

Oy vey

What’s going on here anons?

>Anne Frank masturbates every time there's her thread on Jow Forums..

Attached: Anne+franks+the++_ae7155bf86e15dff66dfe2d0c30c091e.png (326x326, 64K)

No, go back to sleep

God, I hope the mere sight of this flag makes her pregnant pussy all wet.

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Stop spamming this braindead faggotry. It's easy as all fuck to edit a handful of image macros, and means just about jack diddly shit.

if she lived would she have big khazar milkers?

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>All the South had to do was rock the boat until the Union government gave in public pressure and sued for peace.
That was never going to happen. Again, the South simply didn't have the resources for a protracted war.

"At Chancellorsville we gained another victory; our people were wild with delight—I, on the contrary, was more depressed than after Fredericksburg." - Robert E. Lee

He knew that he could not, under any circumstances, take heavy losses in either men or weapons because he could not be resupplied or reinforced. The Union had the Confederates outnumbered 10 to 1 and outgunned 30 to 1 and had a better transportation network, and had done everything they could to isolate the rebels diplomatically and economically. Lee could not win in a quick war against such overwhelming odds since he couldn't take the losses it would cost him. But he also couldn't hope to win a long war because of the crap economic condition of the south, and that economy was geared toward farming, not weapon development.

The North had enough food, more than enough men, tons of guns and the technology to design newer better models and make them in huge numbers, a navy that could and did smash the meager flotillas the Confederates could muster, and diplomatic supremacy. The South had cotton and tobacco plantations staffed mostly by people who didn't want to be there and who welcomed the Union invasion. The South was doomed from the start of the war.

Why did you flip Anne?

More like Confederate victory at market garden

>tfw actually came up with a half-baked timeline where pregnant Anne Frank gets saved using this specific scenario

>Would you like to know more?

Whats the opposite of clown world?

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>things that will never happen: the post

>OP entire fantasie is about justified the confederates states for normies by saying they will sure fighting the "the root of all evil" aka germans in ww2 and saves his little jew whore.
Thats just fuck up combine with his sexuel pleasure for a child. Yeah sure

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As a red blooded Southern man the answer is obvious but fuck son, this Anne Frank shit still weirds me out. I don’t like it.

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Lad, they love the confederac,y and the pagan spam is trolls with the occasional shill

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Not really. In the beginning they could have won due to the face they had a much larger standing force and much higher moral to fight.
The union took time to mobilize the south could have used far better.
If DC fell the war would have been over.

Oy vey

Market Garden never had a chance of success, I know nothing of the American civil war.

why is the confederacy still using muzzle loaders in the 1940s?

>77 replies and 20 images omitted

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>Market Garden never had a chance of success
>Allied tanks literally came within a mile of the bridge

This It's easy to say "had the armor pushed harder it would have been a success", but the failures of Market Garden were resolvable (possibly excluding Monty's 'tism). Technically the same could be said about the American Civil War, but it would've required such massive successes on thin gambles that the only winning move for the South would've been to now throw a fucking hissy fit because they couldn't get their guy elected.

Screencap it

Because they’re chads who can overpower German manlets with their bare hands

What’s not to like?

>If DC fell the war would have been over.
Real life doesn't work like a game of Civilization. You can take the enemy capital and still lose the war. If DC were taken the North could just retreat further north, mobilize a much larger army with death squads to purge the traitors, and charge into the south murdering everyone, military or civilian, until they completely smashed the Confederates.

The simple reality of the situation is that the South could not have won because they lacked the economy for war on the level necessary to beat the North. Taiwan cannot be China under any circumstances and would have trouble holding out for even a few months against an invasion by the mainland. It's too small, and while the economy is better on a per capita basis, it is still insufficient to be much of a threat. The south was the same way. North and South might look equal on a map, but they were nowhere near each other in any other manner. The Civil War was a desperate move by southern politicians who had the odds stacked against them and knew those odds were only getting more stacked as time dragged on.

>Kinda iffy on that. You have to remember you are talking about 1800s era society. Not as easy to just rip all of your government agencies and politicians and relocate them in the middle of the woods. Taking out a capital in ye olden days was a much more damning event then it would be in the modern world.

Don't know why I chose to greentext all of that, but the point still stands.

>Only Anne and Margot Frank actually knows what happened during their time in tiny, cramped, sweaty and smelly attic..

Attached: 2049985 - Anne_Frank Margot_Frank Shadman.jpg (935x1323, 438K)

What did I miss?

Is this supposed to be an actual question or just an excuse to post perverted pregnant Anne Frank sex fantasies again?

Why not both?


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>still hasn’t drawn her pregnant

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>but fuck son, this Anne Frank shit still weirds me out. I don’t like it.
>he doesn’t like a heavily pregnant little Dutch Jewish girl being held in the protective embrace of a Confederate soldier as he fights off Nazis with his saber.

What’s wrong with you?

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