First handgun

Okay I'm between a m&p 2 9mm and a sig service model, what would you all chose and why?

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Other urls found in this thread:

M&P. Better trigger, cheaper, and I know it's a meme at this point, but the whole drop safe thing. Sig cut corners, then acted like gags when caught. I know the m17 never suffered from the issue, but it just goes to show their QC, and general business practices are shitty.

shes cute
Kek what the fuck did reverse search just give me

It's Ben Shapiro's sister.

Well I know that, it's just that there's a whole autistic twitter account dedicated to her that somehow hasn't been (((hidden))) yet.


>mommy abby is so sweet
>cooking din din, always a treat!
>mommy abby let me lick!
>let me suckle, grip and sip!
>mommy abby’s udder milk
>all for me to succ till filled!

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I have noticed that in a unusual turn for most handguns, Sigs aftermarket is almost entirely in house.

I really hate Jews but this one I want her to smother me with her thighs.

Whichever one feels better in your hands. Everyone is different, and no handgun feels the same for two different people. For all practical purposes Glock, S&W, CZ, Sig Sauer, Springfield, FN, H&K, Browning, Colt, etc. are all equally functional.

Well that was...something.

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What the actual fuck?

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Getting real good at spotting a jewess. Didn’t even know who that was.

oy vey, /pol is leaking



Strap me down and call me Goy any day.

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Who makes the best 1911s today for carry? My state has capacity laws so I might just get one cause the double stack advantage of a polly is gone

I, too, am on the fence for a first handgun:

Ruger 8739
>5" sr1911 8+1x 10mm auto
Ruger 1773
>6" gp100 7x .357 mag
Ruger 5060
>5.5" redhawk 8x .357 mag

My requirements & appli (in ascending order)
>edc town & country

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God I wish that were me

>first handgun
>limited to two options
have you even tried half of the market of brands or are you this new? (judging by the pic posted you probably found Jow Forums in the last month, but welcome)

I know rite?

Khazar milkers


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You don't need to hunt with a 10mm or 357, these are your backups in the event of a threat walking up on you and you hadn't noticed or your rifle isn't available/capable of the scenario.

Also, do you really need 357 or 10mm as your "first" handgun or are you trying to shove masculinity down your barrel?

How to I get a jewess gf bros

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looks jewish....

I....i should be ashamed....but I am not...i just came...for I dread not

Imagine ripping those kike earrings off and stomping her filthy kike teeth down her throat

>Imagine ripping those kike earrings off and stomping her filthy kike teeth down her throat

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Why would I do that when I can marry into her rich family?

Based and jewpilled

Buy a glock

if you're into that kinda fugly

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partially a gold mine

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Very based

Lol since becoming an antisemite, it's created an attraction to Jewesses.

P229, threaded barrel, solid guide rod, polished internals, short reset trigger kit(if it doesn't already have one)
Felt good in hand, price made sense, 226 length barrel(if you get the threaded) but not bulk, set up for supressor, shoots like a dream

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Convert to Judaism

>muh Jow Forums boogeyman
you have to go back

Attached: gobacknigger.jpg (396x382, 41K)

you're trying too hard, or maybe not enough

Sig. Full frame is always a better choice. Better for home defense, higher capacity, increased velocity, longer sight radius, etc

SAO or DA/SA? Either way, sharp looking gun.

Attached: a-mighty-need.jpg (1070x570, 167K)

You also get 3 caliber choices: 9mm, .40 and .357 SIG

>wristlet detected
I'll have you know that I'm a former airborne infantryman who just never got around to owning my own handgun and only wants one or two for the time being.

...also, my current gf is a Jewess worth about half a million dollars (as is the last girl I cheated on her with), and I literally carry silver Reichsmarks with Swastikas on them in my pocket.

>She demands you make airplane noises as you ram your cock into her World Trade Milkers


Most delusional fantasy I've ever read. Why do you have to lie man. You're anonymous. It's ok, you can be honest here. I know you want for once in your life for someone to think you're cool, but you're even failing at that here.

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...also, my current gf is a Jewess worth about half a million dollars (as is the last girl I cheated on her with), and I literally carry silver Reichsmarks with Swastikas on them in my pocket.

Cope harder. She's the only child of a rich kike lawyer and his trophy wife. Her grandmother just died, and she inherited $300,000 worth of stock from her, plus a few hundred thousand, she lives in an apartment by herself in Manhattan, and yet her favorite pastime is returning merchandise to brick & mortar stores like Bed, Bath & Beyond.

Last night we went there together to return some things:
>dish drying rack with a water-damaged cardboard label still attached but clearly used due to all the water that got on it from being in her kitchen sink since before we met six months ago
>a couple of glass swan knicknack soap boats she took from her dead like granny's house in long island while cleaning it out
>some other shit
We got there a couple of minutes after it closed, but just sailed right through the doors which the old security nigger opened for departing customers. He let us in, unable to see through my girl's Jewdazzle, but then stopped us. She Jewishly said she was there for returns, and had him get the okay from the manager. At the return counter, she somehow got to get the items returned for store credit despite not having a receipt. She told me to go to their website on my phone to put in my email to get a 20% off coupon (because she'd already used her's), but I just browsed Jow Forums, then pretended that it was out of town of batteries and shut it off instead. She's so fucking Jewy, I hate her so much, I think I might be in love with her.

And don't forget retardedly expensive

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