What is the best carry gun for an atheist?

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Heretic & Koch USP


Dignified, used by people with intelligence and calculation. They require the operator to know where they plan to place shots and not point shoot with belief rounds will hit.
Used by some of the best atheists in history. Soon I'll add one more to that number.

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>card-carrying skeptic

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One that puts a hole in their head

Aren't you guys supposed to love your neighbors?

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>Aren't you guys supposed to love your neighbors?
Who do you think you’re talking about?

This’ll do.

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Canik TP9SA.


>not point shoot with belief rounds will hit.
this is why I stay

Religious people should be disarmed. If there is a God he will take care of them. If not they will be slaughtered by my hand. My blade never fails to down a believer.

Sikhs, man. You got the meaty headpiece, yeah?

If you don't praise the murder cube then I have no advice for you heretic.


>card-carrying sceptic

My new favourite pic


>Religious people should be disarmed. If there is a God he will take care of them.
This is unironically how my dad thinks, and he's extremely religious.