Jow Forums not welcomed edition
Rhodesia thread
You know what you are doing.
>Jow Forums not welcomed edition
You do know what website we're on, right?
Why did you start with an image that isn't the Rhodesian army or ZANLA soldiers? You know what you're doing you flaming faggot.
>Jow Forums not welcome
>Posts decisive dogwhistle image in OP
I'd be a lot happier if the Rhodieboos would stop trying to hide behind the "history" of a bunch of skinny white guys that got owned by 5th world tribals and just admit they're fucking racists dog whistling.
the fine gentleman in the back used to be ZANLA
black people are ok
Stop virtue signaling faggot, most people don't care. You and you self righteous anti racist crap are shitting up the board. If you don't like Rhodesia don't post in the threads. I don't go into your "How to please my wife's boyfriend" threads and call you a cuck, but here you are. Take your dog whistle theory and go fucking off yourself already. Literally every week we have to deal with you.
Pool's closed
It wasn't meant to be rated, faggot. Get the fuck out.
go back to leftypol you retard
its always been just Jow Forums
The didn't lose to the negroid commies. They lost to the US and UK who starved them out with embargoes. They won every battle against the guerillas, but were forced to give up because they ran out of oil and supplies
Karl from InRangeTV says you're trying to trigger us with this shit. His rules clearly state it as such.
I'll happily admit that, as most would.
Zimbabwe has gotten what it deserved.
Still better than what they had
Your thread sucks nigger
t. Jow Forums
who gives a fuck what karl thinks
bumping coz i need more (you)s
Jow Forums ruined Rhodesia
Shareblue ruined Rhodesia.
There will be no good Rhodie threads until the 2020 election passes.
niggers ruined rhodesia
>Ruined Africa
>Ruined USA
>Anything in the black grasp
Isn't Karl a pedophile Satanist? I heard Karl was a Satanist freak.
This is 4channel, friend :)
>dog whistle
>You see, the racist communicates through coded language, imagery and complex iconography
You are insane.
>mass starvation
>economic collapse
>outright genocide
>incarceration of political dissidents
>re-emergence of previously defeated diseases like Malaria and Cholera
>half the country lives in South Africa
Its objectively worse.
Fake. The fence isn't electrified.
kys yourself faggot
based black guy?
Rhodesia is inherently Jow Forums
Kys OP
>Jow Forums not welcomed edition
Lol your plan got leaked ShareAIDS.
Why is it that theres only like two "stalwarts" what the hell happened to the Blue Army?
No its not, Jow Forums would be social pariah in Rhodesia as much as they are today. You dont know shit about fuck.
>5th world tribals
Thats Irony, I spotted Irony Ma!
As long as we never ever never relax with them around.
Rhodesias stolen tanks
>thanks Gadaffi!
Rhodesians instituted educational reforms and managed to raise black IQ through better nutrition until a third of the population was equivalent to whites and the elected officials were about 50% black.
Mugabe and his goons are mostly foreigners funded by US and UK, what remains of original Black residents of Rhodesia have moved out to South Africa or died in the purges.
You literally support genocide of black people.
I agree with you on this one actually. More fun to watch niggers starve and machete each other than have middle class lives and jobs.
>but were forced to give up because they ran out of oil and supplies
Yeah,the British surrendered Singapore and the Americans the Philippines in 1942 for the same reasons.Its still losing.
Actually, this desu. These threads have been nothing more than vapid imagedumps and racist circlejerks for half a decade now. Used to be you'd at least have book recs and shit, but nobody is even pretending this stems from an intellectual curiosity anymore, its just "muh dumb blacks hurr hurr, muh nevah die".
Maybe its because we can no longer have conversations as faggots like you come in squealing about your sensibilities and derail the threads before any meaningful conversations occur?
What compels you to come an comment on a topic you clearly have no interest in? There are dozens upon dozens of threads I completely ignore either out of a lack of interest or out of distaste. Why are you unable to exhibit the same self control?
>Mugabe and his goons are mostly foreigners funded by US and UK, what remains of original Black residents of Rhodesia have moved out to South Africa or died in the purges.
As if Apartheid South Africa allowed millions of black Rhodesians to enter South Africa.
Mugabe was born in a small of village in southern Rhodesia.
The British and Americans lost battles which put them in a position where they had to surrender. The Rhodesians did not, their surrender was forced by the actions of others not their own.
>The economic collapse of Zimbabwe did not occur in the post-Apartheid era.
>how Fire-Force works
It looks like a bunch of third world rebels managed to fight the Rhodesians to a stalemate on the battlefield as well as having the skill to isolate their enemies on the diplomatic front.
Yes, it would look like that if you had absolutely no idea what you were talking about. The demise of Rhodesia has more to do with Thatcher and the rest of the UK establishment being absolutely furious about UDI than it does with Mugabes smooth politicking.
Thatcher wasn’t even part of the UK government when Rhodesia declared UDI in 1965.
She was when the negotiations were happening and I address that by referencing "the UK establishment"
>Rhodieboos are waycist
>I just domt get it, why would anyone on K not like commie killers and some of the most effective light infantry in history.
You dont belong here.
That was my first time posting itt, I was just pointing out that hes right that they suck. I can be interested in a topic while having the emotional security to admit Jow Forums threads on said topic are shit. Dont wax on about self control when you post shit like that whining diatribe.
I knew Karl always felt off to me, not that he is a hard guy to dislike.
Dear Rhodieboos,
Buy some fucking pants and then kill yourself. No one wants to see your pencil thin lily white legs at the funeral.
You’re confusing Rhodesian UDI in1965 with Zimbabwe becoming independent from Britain in 1980.
Thatcher could never have been part of negotiations in 1965 because she was at the time just a minor member of parliament for the Conservative Party.
She oversaw the handover of power to Mugabe in 1980 when she became Prime Minister.
>What compels you to come an comment on a topic you clearly have no interest in?
because threads like these are a foot in the door for Jow Forums. I'm tired of EVERY board being like this.
thanks for sharing, now get out
First day? It shows. Is this one of those Shareblue threads we’ve been hearing about? Apparently, you guys are supposed to be doing a lot of Rhodie threads for some reason. And FN FAL threads, and G3 threads. What’s up with that?
And? Tune it out if you dont like it, you dont get to dictate others opinions on the conflict.
It's research for le bugaloo
OP is a fag,
Dog whistles only work on dogs buddy and if you haven't noticed, nobody here is trying to hide they hate niggers.
They fought the communists as well, so they're cool.
>on 4chiong
>ruins thread
The only confusion that exists here is yours. Thatcher..... AND the establishment. Go ahead and re-read my OP.
No I am not, re-read my original post and you will see just that.