Is this good for home defense?

Is this good for home defense?

Attached: mace.jpg (800x321, 94K)

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Nah, melee weapons aren't great for use indoors. Your money is better spent on upgrading your locks and window defenses to make your house harder to break into. If someone's determined enough to get in, that's when you meet them with Plan B with is usually the business end of a 12 gauge.

Unless you get the drop on your intruder or they're unarmed.
Getting the drop on an intruder fucks you over in court if I remember

Not long enough. Get a spear so you have the advantage of reach. You can get a shield and go full hoplite on them too.

No, not really. You need a good amount of room to swing a bludgeoning weapon with enough force to really fuck someone up, and if you don't incapacitate or cripple them with the first strike they're going to be able to hit you back.
If I HAD to use a melee weapon for home defense I would probably opt for a short sword or a cutlass. Cutlasses and swords like the gladius were created to be used in cramped fighting conditions.
If you are unwilling to use a blade then a mace like your pic, baton, or warhammer would be the next best option though.

Attached: suicide hammer (mortar mace).jpg (463x577, 32K)

I don't think I have enough room for pic related, but it would be cool meeting a home invader like that

Gladius or Cutlass is a good idea.

Attached: hoplite.jpg (286x1071, 33K)

That's a Phalangites Pezhetairoi with a Sarissa user, Hoplites used shorter Dory.

Same reason bats are dumb. Try and swing a bat inside your house. Doorways especially get in the way and that's more than likely where you'll encounter someone. Hallways jam you up, corners, furniture, weird angles, staircases.
Plus it forces you to get close enough to your attacker that they can attack you with whatever they have. Probably a crowbar at least.

Shotgun with a light is ideal.

Damn, thanks for the correction, I'll amend the file name

Can't own guns in my country.

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U must not like to fight or like to fuck

>You need a good amount of room to swing a bludgeoning weapon with enough force to really fuck someone up
Not really. Just have all that energy focues on a smaller point, kinda like your pic.

Why do I need to swing my bat when I can spear it into someone's chin?

That might hurt but it's not stopping anyone and it's also possible for them to evade. People don't just stand still and let you hit them. Also we still have the problem of being close enough for them to hit you. They came prepared for this, God only knows what your mental state will be.

Well here's our dilemma and the dilemma of age old combat. You want to keep the other guy as far from you as possible but you have to hurt him. Pole weapon is good for maintaining distance, but in a confined space such as a house it is limiting. A small weapon like a hatchet is maneuverable but brings you close to them. Dunno what to tell you.

Personally I like hatchet axes. I think they have a good weight behind them without being too heavy or cumbersome. They're easy to hold on to, you can keep track of them better than a longer weapon like a bat or mace, and they have an intimidation factor something like a baseball or cricket bat lacks. But that's just my unpracticed opinion, I've never been in an axe fight.

What about something like a warhammer, that his a spike on top as well? Then it can be swung, or in really tight spaces, thrust. Or maybe just an arming sword and a buckler?

Attached: 1568767569517.jpg (1024x768, 121K)

Sure I guess, but literally where do you get a warhammer? And can you trust the construction? Will the handle stand up to hitting a skull at full blast? And hows the recovery? Odds are you'll miss a swing, how fast can you regain control and pull it back in front of you?
Hatchets are everywhere. And made with strong synthetic handles specifically designed to beat trees to death without injuring the user for fear of lawsuits.

>Sure I guess, but literally where do you get a warhammer?
The internet, there's probably somewhere that sells one in your country if youtubers in the UK have them
>And can you trust the construction? Will the handle stand up to hitting a skull at full blast?
They were meant to kill men in steel plate armor, they'll do fine against a damn skull
>And hows the recovery? Odds are you'll miss a swing, how fast can you regain control and pull it back in front of you?
It's a damn weapon that was meant to be used in combat against other weapons, they were quick enough to kill and were used for quite some time. Stop worrying about it you pussy and practice swinging it. They're not like sledgehammers where they're really unwieldy and could be pretty nimble.

>*while warhammers could be pretty nimble*
wasn't looking at what I was typing, sorry.

Yeah by actual craftsman a few hundred years ago. Not by some fucking autistic larping faggot who goes to renaissance fairs and makes "authentic warhammers" to sell to fellow spergs.
Handles made of wood.
There are different kinds of wood.
Wood breaks and cracks.
Especially when you hit something really hard with it

You're swinging it inside. Warhammers are long. You will hit things. All its weight is concentrated at the end of the handle, it will have a longer recovery than something short and/or balanced.

Don't be so retarded, people might talk to you more.


a war hammer is a claw hammer on a big stick. get a fuckin dowel and put a claw hammer on top boom you got a war hammer

Go watch based stickman hit somebody with a dowel and tell me again you want that as your warhammer handle.

Wood breaks. Baseball bats break all the damn time. Axe handles break. You need a very very hard wood for a warhammer handle.
>lol just put it on top of it
Let's assume we have an African pear wood handle
OK how?
Glue? A bit of string? Some fucking duct tape?

Well, better to have it and not need it. These sorts of weapons were devastating in Great War trenches, but very few people had pistols back then, and nobody had rifles or SMGs.

Yes. After you subdue and restrain the intruder at gunpoint, remove his pants and sodomize him with it.

>What a fucking chad
This is some hotline Miami type vibes

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>literally where do you get a warhammer
How do you put your pants on every day Jesus wept

They used ash for axe/warhammer/mace/spear handles. We know this, it isn't a secret at all. You attach it the same way you attach an axe head: with wedges. Are you so dumb that you think nobody has any knowledge these days?

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This would be the best combo against an unarmed intruder. Slash, thrust, and block a knife if he has it. If you can't get a gun, get this

Attached: medieval sword and buckler.jpg (1200x800, 236K)

This + thrusting weapon short spear or pilum would work

Or get a gun

get a cutlass (sharp) you can stab and you don't need enough force to injure someone with it.

have you never put a sledge or axe head on a new handle before? literally the same shit, the handle has a notch on top for a wedge, once you put the new head on you tap the wedge in until the head is on firm.

Close quarters = Rapier reigns supreme.
Nothing like a little pokey pokey in between some guy's ribs to get him to fuck off.

This. A dedicated thruster would be better, preferably one-handed. If you want to swing a bludgeoning tool, just use a bat.
Thrusting weapons (short swords, knives, etc.) don't require you to swing them to be immediately lethal. This can help a lot innahouse.

is that even a serious question?

The only real nigga in here recommending a viable indoors melee weapon. People are recommending warhammers and maces like they never paid attending to the mechanics in the video games they play.

Who makes a usable rapier for around $600?

You are indoors. Unless you are a midget, you will whack that thing into protruding corners, door frames or even the ceiling when you are hopped up on adrenaline and trying to wail on the guy who's screaming because ge doesnt want to get brained over a tv.

Just get an all steel framing hammer with an ergonomical grip, you're going to be hitting some junkie, not a fucking saxon wearing a helmet.

The hammer has the benefit of being a reasonable object to have at home, unlike your handcrafted murder larp implement, which is going to look better in court than "well your honour, I stood there for a good five minutes deliberating on if I should use my tomahawk, my katana or my fucking bronze mace, so I was really in a hurry to smash his head in once I realized he was about to leave with my Xbox"

With a harpoon you can spear your enemy and keep him there until the police arrive