Well. This is the end. >helicopters keep flying over my house >get gang stalked every single day >just lost 540 dollars in stocks (literally all the money i had) >family wants to murder me >keep hearing niggers giggling 10 feet from my window every night >older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me >younger sister has picked up off me and now will literally not stop watching hentai >step dad does nothing but smoke weed and drink knock off beer, also sometimes hits me >mom is starting to do harder drugs again, tfw have seen her come into my room and take money from my wallet
Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and have kept me entertained. I'll return the favor this one time. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 5 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc
>inb4 go out in a blaze of glory Nope, not going to ruin other peoples lives. >inb4 is there anything i can do to change your mind Nope, its Happening.
This shit has been posted everyday in multiple boards. No one click this shitcord garbage
Adam Price
Listen here, bait nigger. Buy a bus ticket to Portland and come love here. The homeless get better taken care of then some of our veterans here. Also, you can find a $15/hr security job on Navy vessels if you're so worried about money.
That is, if this isn't bait.
Mason Cruz
Fake and gay
Ethan Cox
Don't do that, your chiappa rhino will be "disposed of" by the police if you do.
Zachary James
shit dude, don't an hero that would be a major bummer. It'll also be another stat for the anti gunners so you'll actually be fucking us.
>somehow my entitled world is crumbling apart in the most stereotypical way and im going to ask for attention in the most stereotypical way Imagine being this white. a jew might farm this thread at this point
Thanks user. >Wife gets hysterical sept 1 every year. >Have 2 more sons to raise. >feels bad, man.
Oliver Reyes
OP, I urge you to at least hang up a sheet before you an hero to catch your brain matter. Whoever has to clean you up will appreciate the precaution you took to make it less of a hassle
Carter Taylor
Don't do it dude, please
Adam Thompson
Send me guns if you do
Nathan Morgan
No bump on a thread that's been posted verbaitum for a week.