I used to shoot a lot as a kid and young adult. I was even in the marksman club at school (imagine that nowadays). Fast forward many, many years later and I want to get back into weekend Plinkings. All my shots are off and I can no longer hit bottles. I check my stance, grip, picture, gun sights, switch ammo....all same result.
On a lark, I do an eye dominance check, and fuck me...left eye dominant now, right-handed shooter.
Any tips on cross dominance? There's no way I can unlearn decades of technique to shoot left handed. I've found a modified weaver stance and tilting my head helps.
WTF! Eye dominance switched (cross dominance shooting)
Stop posting sluts you fucking obsessed cumbrain
get your test levels checked
Go to one of the dedicated 7 boards for that shit you goddamn faggot and stop chasing dopamine hits like a junkie
Imagine resting yout head on the girl on the bottoms thighs while the girl on the stop sits on your face haha
like a thigh vice
Just close your left eye when you shoot :^)
This. I'm left dominant but fuck shooting bolt actions left handed. I shoot just fine with my right eye
You will need to develop an elaborate headpiece full of mirrors user. The only way now. Also,
If you can't handle clothed pictures of women then you are the one with the issue.
Close your left eye when shooting, get an eye patch if you need it.
I'm sorry, but which board is for dressed women?
It's an attention grabber, low hanging fruit, sure, but it's all it needs to be
I mean fuck man there's now been at least 4 posts about this subject, which means 4 bumps, and more of this image on the front page. If you just hide the thread you'll literally never see it again
Ok kids this takes time to fix but I successfully did it myself years ago.
Take clear eye protection and cover completely with tape the side you want to switch away from and practice your such picture while keeping both eyes open. Do this for 1 week. Next week remove tape and apply heavy vasoline to same eye you want to switch from so the sight picture with that eye is super blurry, practice for a week. Keep removing more and more vasoline til when you draw you only see the desired sight picture
>muh cross-dominance
Focus with your other eye. It isn't fucking difficult. Why does this thread keep showing up? Do we need a Cross-Dominance General or something, so you dumb niggers can have other cross-dominant motherfuckers tell you to stop being fucking retarded or something?
never post an image more interesting than the content of your thread
I tell you how to fix it and don't even get a thanks. Fuck you op
Not op but I appreciate it gramps.
Kys you cumbrain
I'm OP, thank you. Not sure if i want to change my dominate eye, as my right eye does have some vision damage (probably why it changed), but if it gets really bad, i'll give it a try.
I'll ask the obvious question. When was the last time you saw an eye doctor? Your vision is probably changing and it sounds like you're developing astigmatism.
First things first: I hope you are not confusing eye dominance with near-sightedness or any other vision disorder. They are completly unrelated. If your vision is blurry, get glasses/contacts/PRK/Lasik.
With that out of the way - eye domniance is quite literally not a factor when it comes to handgun shooting. Since your head has a huge degree of freedom and isn't blocked by a stock, you can simply tilt your head slightly to align with the sights. It's the method I reccomend, as you can easily incorporate that head tilt into your draw.
I assume your actual problem is with rifles where the head has no freedom to move whatsoever, so you end up seeing your iron sights from the side, making it impossible to align them. There's a few solutions. The easiest one is to simply close your dominant (left in your case) eye. Dominance is not a factor when you have only one picture. That said, it does reduce your FoV and I know some people are incapable of closing one eye or find it to be a hassle. In that case, try different sights. Most cross-dominant shooters find that they can shoot with red dots just fine. Some can do the same with scopes. Try them out, it's a very personal thing. For the record, I'm not cross-dominant but I do train shooting from both shoulders, both red dots and scopes work for me. I have to close one eye with irons.
I've actually found the opposite is true. I never realized my left eye was dominant until I got my cz75. I was great with a rifle.
based thotposter
Learn to shoot left and right handed. It's handy
>I never realized my left eye was dominant until I got my cz75. I was great with a rifle.
That doesn't make a lot of sense. Your non-dominant eye was taking over when shooting a rifle (because otherwise you literally couldn't align your iron sights) but then suddenly the dominant one took over with handguns? Are you sure you are not confusing dominance with near-sightedness?
Yes? I do the triangle thing with my hands. Closing the left eye the object moves, closing the right eye the object stays in place.
The triangle thing is a meme. Move your arm to the left or right and suddenly your so-called "eye dominance" changes. It's fudd lore before there were even fudds.
Yeah, that's one way to check. You do shoot with both eyes open, right?
I do but close them everytime I pull the trigger. It's a bad habit.
Are you having a stroke?
>I have to close one eye with irons.
Literally fucking why? I learned I was cross-dominant when I first started learning how to shoot when I was 18, and I never once had a significant problem shifting focus to my non-dominant eye to get a clear and accurate sight picture. I don't understand why others seem to have such trouble with it.
People are different user. You ass might stretch when a shit log comes out of it, but mine tears and bleeds excessively. We don't all have good genetics.
>I do but close them everytime I pull the trigger. It's a bad habit.
Interesting. I can't quite explain how you are able to align iron sight on a rifle with a non-dominant eye, but find that difficult with a handgun.
If you want to go into detail, I can kinda focus on irons with my non-dominant eye if I close the dominant one and re-open it very slowly. But as soon as I start moving my eyes around, which I have to during most competitions, I will automatically switch ot the dominant one again.
>I don't understand why others seem to have such trouble with it.
Beats me, I struggle to understand people who can't close one eye or struggle with it. Yes, they exist. I know people like me who need to close one eye when shooting form the wrong shoulder, I also know people like you who don't really care about dominance all that much, but they are in a minority in my experience. Eyes are a fucking enigma.
What's so hard to understand? When you do the triangle thing the object should actually be obscured and be sitting between the two triangles formed by binocular vision. All that happens is you then choose which triangle to look through, or don't even notice that you've already placed your arms off-center beacause of your shit stance.
>When you do the triangle thing the object should actually be obscured and be sitting between the two triangles formed by binocular vision.
No? The relatively far away object should be inside the triangle, you will naturally form the triangle over your dominant eye since that's the perspective your brain prefers.
Whatever you do don't try to search for more pics of this girl, she's a real butterface.
If you can't see the "shadow" of each side of of the triangle formed by your hands from having two eyes, I don't know what to say.
I don't understand what you are trying to say. You are getting double vision when looking at distant objects? The triangle test is pretty easy, I don't know what's so hard about it for you.
To elaborate, do the triangle thing really slowly slowly, but do half the triangle with your left hand first. Then repeat but this time use the right hand to make the first half of the triangle first. You will magically find your eyes have switched dominance. Even just changing which hand goes in front of the other when making the triangle can swicth "dominance".
Point your index finger forward while looking into the distance. Do you see two index fingers? Same princicple.