Realistically, would it even be possible for an ad-hoc American citizen militia to storm Area 51?
Realistically, would it even be possible for an ad-hoc American citizen militia to storm Area 51?
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1? No. It's been tried before
>for the particular end or case at hand without consideration of wider application
>ad-hoc American citizen
Nigger u wot? Do you just use terms without knowing what they mean?
English isn't my first language
I just meant a militia made up on the spot
Not possible for 2 Dutch guys, anyway
He used it correctly. A militia formed to raid it at that moment. Ad-hoc.
Also they deployed base defense assets there specifically for this shit.
It'd be like V for Vendetta, except at the end the soldiers wouldn't be ordered to stand down. Per se. Post hoc ergo propter hoc. Vini vidi vici. Omnibus. Wololo
Maybe if there were a few killdozers, but how the hell would you get them across the desert without getting ventilated from above?
this. you missed the operative part of that sentence which made it make sense. you quoted
>ad-hoc American citizen
where the important part was
>ad-hoc American citizen militia
don't fuck up people's understanding of english because you don't have a good command of it yourself.
It depends on the size of this hypothetical militia. Technically, if large enough, yes. There would be casualties, but if every gun owner in America teamed up with various equipment and overran the base then sure. I am sure with less than that as well. So, with a hypothetical militia with equipment that was large enough to overwhelm the military and survive all defense measures.... Yes.
gonna disagree. i think any platoon-sized element with modern small arms would have a great chance against A51. those dudes manning the perimeter aren't infantry -- they're generally air force security forces, and there's a big difference. security forces are completely inept in a kinetic engagement compared to your average grunt platoon, and i would expect the militia to be able to have overrun the base way before the military scrambled its QRF.
lmao they're all going to get buzzed by a fucking blackhawk get the fuck outta here
The issue would be the reinforcements. By the time the platoon got access (assuming they did) reinforcements from nearest bases would already be in route. Also, if the platoon was held at the perimeter they could bomb/brrrrap them down quickly if grouped up.
yeah whoever they call in will most likely mop up the militia pretty quickly, but they should theoretically have practically no problem actually overrunning the base. part of me doubts security forces would even engage.
Creech is like 50 miles a way. If things get to the point that they need infantry reinforcement, MQ-9s with Hellfires would already be on station.
Depends on how many you have and what equipment they have.
I can see a train of SUVs managing to get at least somewhat into the base.
you're probably not gonna be dropping any hellfires when a base gets overrun. just saying. once insurgents have mixed in with friendlies, dropping big ordinance becomes kind of a no no. you're gonna need infantry to go in.
On a random day when they aren't expecting it, quite possibly, but assuming they attempted such an attack on the very publicly-known day, base security will most likely be prepared.
I think security forces would once it was determined the threat was armed. Without much warning either. The fact is, the forces would need to be large enough to capture whatever forces are there and defend position against a large heavily armed military response quickly afterwards. The contents of A51 not withstanding, the embarrassment our entire military would face on a national and international scale at the prospect of a citizen militia capturing a secret base would warrant quite the reaction.
>once insurgents have mixed in with friendlies, dropping big ordinance becomes kind of a no no
>not sacrificing yourself to save the secrets within the base
You're all thinking about this wrong. Everyone is thinking about this wrong.
It's not a zerg rush that wins the day it's a siege. Not a LoTR siege, an encircling blockade and long term occupation.
The taliban does it in Afghanistan. They don't win in a straight up fight. They surround a base, use harassment fire and mortors, cut off supply lines, and wait.
They're in the middle of fucking nowhere. He who controls the supply lines controls area 51. The biggest gap in US civilian militia is a complete lack of anti air capabilities. We have no stingers, rpgs, technicals, PKMs pointed up, large fireworks, flocks of geese. Not a damn thing to use against their whirly birds except maybe drones and laser pointers. But given how the fire fighting aircraft react to them they might be effective.
2nd gap, we have no artillery. No mortors, no cannons, no indirect fire whatsoever. Nothing that we can hit them with from out of their range or from behind a hill.
3rd, Given how laser focused the DHS FBI ATF etc have been on preventing another Oklahoma city or 9/11 I doubt very much we'd have any capability to produce IEDs to control vehicle routes. You get a visit from the glowies if you buy one too many fireworks let alone more than 1 possible component to an IED at a time.
Fighting's not the way to get in. Maybe a gigantic peaceful protest. Block all roads with crowds, fly drones everywhere to block air traffic, sing about freedom or some shit, hand out weed. After a few weeks of that either someone will do something stupid and trigger the big boogaloo, or they'll acquiesce to our demands and give us a tour.
>sieging a place that has an airfield
They're just gonna send up a plane and start firing.
Drones are a risk to planes, but its hard to let the drone hit the plane in the first place unless you swarm the place, and if you do that they'll just starting shooting the drones with guns then send up a plane when its mostly cleared out.
His usage was correct: "ad-hoc American citizen militia": a militia formed impromptu, composed of American citizens.
That's why you can't shoot. It must be peaceful. Drones will make it unsafe for air traffic. They can't risk sending a jet or helicopter crashing into a crowd of peaceful protesters.
If they kill us we win.
>Fly Drones
Military will jam it and or take you out.
>Block Roads
It's an airbase that flies in all employees. They'll fly in supplies. Plus, almost no commercial drones have a range long enough to get near the base from the nearest overlook. The nearest overlook is over 25 miles away.
Plus they'd arrest any in the crowd seen flying a drone. How? By spotting them with their own drone and sending in ground units. Also, pepper balls and rubber bullets along with tear gas work great for crowd disruption.
Ya can't lay siege to a base on US soil, this ain't overseas. If the raid turns into a hostile militia trying to blockade and harass the base with violence then you're guaranteed a "show of force" as they sweep the surrounding terrain for idiots in the hills who don't look like they live/belong there.
Also, some drones aren't going to stop a C130 from doing supply runs. Even if you manage to damage a prop or two they'll still still be operational and airbases have flight maint and air frames units that can fix that shit on the spot.
You're only bet into getting into that base is to act like a buncha dumb hippies. They might shoot a few unarmed tree huggers walking and singing while holding hands toward the base, but the press coverage and backlash would be a fucking nightmare. Shooting unarmed US citizens who are just trying to do dumb stuff would be catastrophic. Shooting at hostile armed militias would be justifiable.
>Drones will make it unsafe for air traffic.
For manned air traffic. This is a US Air Force Installation where they have a nearby drone test site. They'll mark you from the sky and send in their security team to arrest you and break your controller.
Depends what they're really hiding in there.
Nothing special - maybe.
Ayy shit, no chance.
>risk sending a jet crashing into the crowd
Its not their fault that there are drones within 5 km of the airfield that they totally didn't see. The protestors reap what they sow when they willfully flew drones close to an airfield.
>in a field of thousands
Good luck.
Yeah and then they get to deal with the political fallout of killing hundreds of peaceful protestors due to the unsafe release of an aircraft.
We win again.
They're not hiding anything there. This whole "storm Area 51" event has been so publicized and popularized that anything of value has been moved just in case.
Here's what's gonna happen:
>Retards gather at entrance of Area 51
>Air Force allows them inside after a security check
>Those who go in see nothing
>Those who act suspicious or change their mind get an extra screening
The end.
To reiterate my point: There will be a guided tour to appease the retarded masses.
Anything "ayy lmao" level is gone.
Consider the following:
>Be CO of Tyndall AFB
>See Hurricane Michael approach
>Don't remove your F-22 stock
>Get court martial'd
Actually no.
Here's what will happen.
>between 0 and 27 people show up in the towns surrounding area 51
>take a picture of some desperate desert dwelling boomer selling alien themed americana and "alien jerky"
>take picture of bud light alien addition
>proceed to vegas.
>>in a field of thousands
>Good luck.
I don't think you understand the US Air Forces and US Intelligence communities electronic warfare capabilities m8. They were able to predict exactly where every person inside Bin Ladens compound would be, without ever laying eyes on Bin Laden, or the inside of the house. Plus the US has the ability to track and locate signals down to a fucking Bluetooth earpiece pretty damn accurately. Not to mention 90% of these retards would have phones, which have GPS accurate down to 10 meters. Air Force will just use a drone w/ FLIR and just loiter all day and wait for the drone to return, and follow it until the owner picks it up. The battery needs recharged after an hour or so. Military Drones can stay airborne for over 20 hours.
>field of thousands
In which case, you won't even get close.
Remember, they can easily get rid of your thousands of people in the desert and no one will realise they are missing until their family realises they haven't been back for days. Its even easier to make the corpses disappear.
You sadly mistaken how retarded kids are these days.
This will be a happening.
They're all in school though
Only NEETs and maybe a few college students can make the trip.
I could take the Pentagon with 8,000 men and one horse.
>can a militia of thousands overcome a dozen fat old ex-cop contractors and a platoon of AF security
I guess, but getting American citizens away from the TV and fast food to do anything at all in a concerted manner is probably even less realistic than what your local schizo thinks is hiding in Area 51
In the same way that the US Army would never use A-10's and M1A2's to mow down civilians in door to door gun confiscation due to outlandish backlash and morale deprivation, they would perfectly legally be able to do that in the situation you proposed with virtually no backlash.
I could take the pentagon with 8 men. I would then hold it for roughly 23 minutes until every door in the building is kicked down in unison by a super-SWAT unit we've never even heard of. A51 would be easy as pie to take, but no one has enough to lose to do so. A big crowd of 400 or more people is more valuable than an armored convoy in escorting 10 or 12 committed individuals to any US exclusion zone. Ruby Ridge is still talked about today, it won't go hot unless it needs to.
>Walking into an exclusive and heavily defended military base in the middle of BFA would be nearly indentical in fact actually easier than walking into a government building in a metropolitan area
Not exactly
You don't surround Area 51 you fucktard. It's 25 miles across.
Even if they did, do they think shit is just laying around on the desert floor out there?
What are they going to do, yell and write a nasty letter.
They can't open fire and kill hundreds of people.
They can close the gate and say mean mean words over the loud speaker. That's it.
>They can't open fire and kill hundreds of people.
A hostile group storming a US military facility?
Are you aware of what normally happens to people when they do this?
Normally, they absolutely could and would shoot
In this case however, with the event being so massively publicized if they did massacre the civilians trying to enter Area 51 on the 20th they'd face international condemnation and embarrassment, so I don't think they would
Nobody expects the US to massacre it's own citizens, and that's an image worth protecting
Will Smith did it with an RV caravan.
Write your congressman.
>ad-hoc American
What is this
this guy
You're missing the biggest issue here. You can't siege something that has hundreds of thousands of reinforcements mere hours away.
Yes with enough people 200 or so you can just walk in the front door.
Soldiers will not shoot civilians no matter how much you think they will
i still think this whole thing is something the glowniggers cooked up to test next-gen crowd control systems.
A killdozer isn't going to stop a Javelin or a JDAM.
they dont have enough of either of those to stop more than a few vehicles
Did everyone who joined that storm area51 get put on a creepy list?
Threatening a military base, sounds pretty serious?
based schizo poster
But the civilian security guards will have no qualms hosing civilians with pepperballs, CS gas, and LRADs (LRADs are more effective than you think). For hundreds of people maybe they'll even roll out the microwave pain rays and rubber bullets.
>Nobody expects the US to massacre it's own citizens
except every schizo fuck in this board
Is A51 significantly harder to storm given equal government resistance? Yes. Is the government likely to go NEARLY as ballistic about a big, memey A51 "raid" than they would a small, serious, concentrated attack on a far more active building with far more important people? Probably not. The pentagon is absolutely a more important asset than A51, no one hijacked any jets over Nevada during 9/11, did they?
no one hijacked any jets over the pentagon either, user
don't be cheeky now
and that can be countered by standing 3 feet away from other people area 51 is in the middle of the desert you cant patrol that much area effectively
>Those who act suspicious or change their mind get an extra screening
And then
imagine unironically, genuinely being this retarded
The guards don't stand in a line encircling the base. They have aerial surveillance and ground sensors, and drive out to where the intruders are.
See and Why is this board so illiterate?
More than 2 million people joined, so no
It was clearly meant as a joke, so any such list would be meaningless
They flew a plane into the pentagon on 9/11
>They can't open fire and kill hundreds of people.
I swear there's an entire generation who cannot fathom the concept of consequences until they get either get arrested, punched in the mouth or shot.
Sprinting/driving your truck across mostly rocky desert and mountainous regions while getting peppered by helicopters from the early 90's and newer jets? It's about as effective as ISIS assaults on US bases.
>it was a jet
Oh, right.
Mobs can do what ever they want and the authorities cannot stop them
they only have enough ammunition to kill a few
theyre going to disperse the crowd with tear gas and rubber bullets then arrest the few stragglers
imagine you're working now at this place out in the middle of nowhere and now you read about this
before you were working 16 hour shifts or whatever godawful slave hours you do in the military but now you're pulling extra time because of this nonsense
what a waste of every ones time
way to go fucktards
I mean I doubt they'd bother to bring more people
they'd just do it like any business, make the existing employees work more
fuckin gay
I'm with this guy.
Gaining access wouldn't be the hard part. The hard part would be holding anything of value for any appreciable amount of time.
Shit those aircraft maintainers working 16 hour shifts would probably be fucking ecstatic for someone to burn that motherfucker to the ground.
They're almost certainly contractors as opposed to actual AF maintenance personnel. I have to imagine they're being very well compensated for their work and discretion.
>set off emp, disabling the cars and phones of all the idiots dumb enough to visit area 51
>completely cut off, without water, in an unfriendly town in the middle of nowhere of a desert
don't even need to brrrrt people
If they outnumber the garrison 3 to 1 and had excellent preparation (i.e. mapping routes of attack, ability to force the defenders to overstretch themselves thus improving chances of a breakthrough, plans to prevent the US Military from sending QRFs from other bases, enough vehicles and fuel to transport the assault force across the 30 miles of desert to reach Area 51), maybe.
This isn’t /lit/ nerd
The biggest issue with "storming area 51" is that it's thirteen miles from the fence to the airfield at the closest point. Couple that with the fact that every single inch of the fence line is monitored with cameras and thermals and you'll be intercepted and shot/detained before you reach the seven mile mark
>Fly commercial airliner over a generic government building in a metropolitan area
>Fly gigantic airliner straight through a vast restricted airspace to a large AF base and get DP'd by 20MM and SAMs
There would be absolutely no fucking consequence to the US shooting people trying to break into Area 51
It happened this year and nobody gave a fuck
14 miles of desert once you breach perimeter. Even with vehicles there's lots of time to get merc'd
It wouldn't take a massacre. Odds are pretty good that 90% of those people flee from warning shots and the remainder are gassed to shit and arrested.
I guess we'll find out tomorrow.
On my 30th birthday.
will there be a livestream?
The killdozer would get rekt by either an attack helo, a ground anti tank weapon, either man portable or stationary, a jet, a tank, an IFV or something.
Back then it wasn't apache'd because using the national guard like that would have made bad press and also it was in a city center.
But on a military site, that's a different Story.
A killdozer would get rekt.
Yes because slamming a plane into the Tarmac of Area 51 (assuming it didn't get swarmed by interceptors like a child stepping on a wasp's nest) would have exactly the same morale effect as flying a plane straight into the pentagon/whitehouse
The outer fence is miles away from the inner one. People are more likely to overheat in the desert or role their ankles than get anywhere.
Holy shit you need to be 18 to post here, fyi A51 has ground sensors surrounding the perimeter of the base and the second it’s tripped a security team is sent to watch
Sounds pretty comfy desu
Ahem, "Air Force Base"
Even if they don't have ordinance on store at Groom Lake, which they probably do, they're only a stone's throw away from Nellis which sure as shit does.