Is there any better weapon for home defense than a suppressed short-barreled AR-15 with a flashlight and hollow points?

Is there any better weapon for home defense than a suppressed short-barreled AR-15 with a flashlight and hollow points?

I want to minimize overpenetration and deafness when I fire the gun inside someday at 3AM.

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.300 blackout

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A big ass Rottweiler

Be homeless, nothing to defend

I'd recommend a bullpup. More energy in the same sized package.
That said I'm super biased towards bullpups so disregard if it ain't your thing.
Also don't forget a flashlight

What's better about .300 blackout for this use case?

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I'd argue shotgun because a lot of juries in the world might look at your high speed assault rifle that's modified to be smaller for easier concealment and to use a dangerous silencer attachment that you have to get a special permit for, an extended magazine capable of holding 30 of the same rounds our military uses in combat even though it was only for "home defense" and a tactical flashlight just like they use in the military as a bit much.

Thanks, I don't know much which is why I asked.

Better out of a suppressor

Sentry Guns at the top of the stairs.

Better for suppression and handles shorter barrel lengths better than 5.56

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>Duhhh I want a short barrelled rifle with a silencer for HD
>Huhhh why would I want .300BLK
Stay retarded friend.


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Can’t you just call the cops?


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Want me to link you a compilation of 911 recordings where people get murdered waiting for the police?


not but ill take that link

Yes please

>>suppressed short-barreled AR-15
There are so many better options its mind blowing you think that is the "best"
>>what are they user?
It doesn't matter. You have the "the army uses it so it must be the best" mentality. That doesn't come from gathering facts and options. You will just wait for another fat shut in to come along and stroke your conformation bias and reassure yourself you are correct.
>>but, muh insults reeee
No. The conversation is already over you twat.

the invaders in my neighborhood are a bit bigger. i prefer a 4bore

or you just stick a fake security company sign out front and call it a day.

> call the cops
kek. let the nigger finish raping your wife first.

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>There are so many better options its mind blowing you think that is the "best"
list the options, faggot.

We already addressed your conformation bias. And insults. I guess we need to tackle your comprehension issue.

I rely on my “NRA Life Member”, “I have a dogs, but BEWARE my AR15”, “My next door neighbour believes in Gun Control AND redistribution of wealth” and finally, in case they get past those, the big guns: “Intruders will be shot, Survivors shot again”.

i wonder how many homes with retarded boomer signs like that get broken into

Nope. Basically the best.

Before the signs: 1 break in
After: 0
Numbers don’t lie user

9mm CX4 or Hi Point carbine.

Vanity copy of 7.62x39

Get a coach gun and fill it with birdshot

The nigger fears the boomer sign.

All guns over penetrate. .223 will do it the least. But a short barrel rifle will make you deaf as fuck without a silencer and indoors. A silenced full length bullpup would be ideal. 300blk could help since it silences so well. Otherwise if you're an ordinary poorfag like everyone else, 16 inch ar15 and know that its probably never gunna happen and as somebody with tinnitus, totally rather be alive with it than not.



Yeah, a PCC or a shotgun

Have a firefight in a multiple person domicile with high velocity non expanding rounds and you will quickly understand the concept princess.

Then list them you fucking imbecile.
Rifle power
Easy handling since it’s a rifle
30 round magazine

I'm still waiting for the list, faggot.

9mm is barely suitable for fast stops raccoons.
Big Chungus took 4 hits before he stopped running.

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PCC is really just a giant handgun with handgun round limitations. :(
I've had poor performance with 9mm HP on 30 pound creatures. Maybe they're tougher than people, I dont know but I would not be comfortable expecting a fast stop out of 9mm.
5.56 and 5.45 rocked their world though.

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Off-topic, but white really looks nice there.

Thanks bro. Its a chore to keep clean, but I like it.
Tempted to get a black one with a 1.5x mini-ACOG.
Torn between old Tavor SAR and another AUG. Jew vs Euro.

I guess I will get rid of all of my handguns because they are ineffective.

AR 15 used recently on the East side of ATL out in Rockdale County.
Another area that has undergone demographic changes.

Neighbor interview, long and self serving

Family interview, Poor housing in background.

Homeowner had signs all over his property.

they're better than nothing, but understand and acknowledge the limitations.
Carry a handgun when a rifle is impractical. Use a rifle when you've got no restrictions. Not that hard to figure out if you're not a retard.

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The iakdf is real, and they indeed are faggots

how often do you expect to be firing inside your home at 3 am. do you live in a favela?

doesnt matter how often, the only thing that matters are the stakes at hand. If it means the safety of self and family then he needs no further justification.
Guns for HD are like home owner's insurance, fire extinguishers or spare tires. We dont expect to use them daily, but we keep them around.

Dude, tell me why you dig the AUG. I’ve got my sights on one currently but I have apprehension about spending large amounts of money. I’m not poor, just don’t like spending a lot. Also, do you see any downsides to purchasing an A3 SA vs the A3 M1?

I dig the AUG for the following reasons:
Compact as a 10" AR while retaining a full 16" barrel.
Mags are robust as fuck, perhaps almost as good as AK74 mags or SIG 551 mags. Far better than AR15 mags, regardless of manufacturer.
A3 M1 with Corvus rail is perfect for ACOG as it has an inlet directly for the ACOG. Brilliant design.
Trigger with Trigger tamer drops to about 5 pounds, can go further down with a little smoothing of the mating surfaces. Mine is around 4.5 with a clean break.
Using silencer specific gas plug keeps it from being over-gassed.
Reliable, as in like AK reliable. Steyr put a lot of engineering into it and it shows.

Yeah actually

>Is there any better weapon for home defense than a suppressed short-barreled AR-15 with a flashlight and hollow points?
A literal $200 Maverick 88 or a basic-bitch Glock 19.

Stop being a fucking hipster.

I would imagine you are.

t. no list faggot

This is a list of compariteve positive traits made sans any actual comparison. You are retard.

Pistol. End of discussion. It is better than a two handed weapon for home defense.

Is this bait?

Literally buckshot is a 1 hit kill on anything withing a hundred feet, unless 30 Jamal's break into your house you dont need an ar for home defense especially if your worried about over penetration.

If an AR is the only gun you have it'll work but besides that there is no reason to get an AR as a home defense gun.

>>we crawl deep into the OPs mind and follow the actions of his larp. He is awoken by some loud burgling. He shoves his half deflated crusty blow up doll off the bed to saftey in a gesture of selflessness. He gracefully puts on his multi plate body armor while the burglars patiently wait downstairs with the cat. He ties up his combat shoes not at all winded, covered with sweat smelling like cheese and self sex. He snags his shorty and gracefully stacks up all by his 350lbs self on the wall inside his bedroom. HES MOVING!!!! He skillfully moves fast to the targets taking them down with controlled pairs. Awaits outside for his hero of the day 15 minutes of fame

Reality is this guy probs fucks his cat, lives alone and after three steps is so out of breath he can't hold anything steady enough to defend himself.

Explain the advantages of a weapon and round designed for 0-300 meters over one designed for under 40 indoors?

So this is the new D&C posting. Thanks gov shill

no, he's just a retard or someone who tries to shoot pistols with 1 hand like he sees in hollywood.

rifle rounds actually work, pistol rounds are anemic.

And now we know you are nogunz.

0-40 is within 0-300

Or I am a veteran who is trained for basically thos exact situation who is telling you a pistol or shotgun is a far better choice indoors.

Again, nogunz.

is that so?

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You can carve with a leatherman but if you dont need pliers and are planning on carving you buy a carving knife.
You made a very stupid claim.

going to have to do better than appear to authority.
anthing a pistol can do, 5.56 can do better.

Not very bright are you?

> calls me nogunz
> proof of ownership
brighter than your dumb ass.

Appeal, and no it can't.

>>proof of ownership
The only dumbass here is you. And your dad. For not locking his shit up.

That's a copy pasta.


Then why does the military train to use a short barreled rifle indoors? Instead of using a pistol or shotgun in urban areas where indoor fighting is almost always a fact of the day?

They only issue pistols to gunners and officers. The M4( a piece of shit, 5.56 as well) is a swiss army knife not a tool for a specific job. They need something that will be acceptable from 0-300 meters.
That's why it is so fucking hysterical when fanboys go on about the shorty and "mah ar" you are using a compromise to shoot a compromise.
Want a home defense weapon? Do some fucking research and get a tool designed specifically for the job.

They do in fact use shotguns. Or they used to.

*squad leaders and platoon sargents*

Just don't live in Vermont and castle doctrine should protect you

>They only issue pistols to gunners and officers.

Alright so now that we all know you've never deployed anywhere. Every man in my entire brigade had a m9 when we deployed. The goddamn cooks had m9's.

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"These are three nice teens that are dead now..." Umm, three nice teens do not approach people, armed and wearing masks. These are not future Rhodes scholars, these are three inexperienced but dangerous thugs that fired at their intended victims first. Yep, shame the were stupid enough not to find something useful to do with their lives. Hope for the homeowners sake all the entry wounds were in the chest/front of their body. Gets sticky if you shoot even a robber as they are retreating.

A short barreled suppressed PS90? 20 more bullets than standard AR, same diameter bullet, light rail, optic rail, laser rail. Bullpup and less recoil (than the already light 5.56).

Seriously though can you list some criteria for consideration so we don't have to suffer through

>reply as to why you don't like this one particular thing
>counter suggestion that does the one thing better
>reply about how that one does the thing too good and it doesn't matter at that point

If you want to argue then say your mind can't be changed, then you'll get the people who want to fight and not waste time for people with genuine suggestions.

Oh yeah? When?
I joined in the early 2000s and got out in 2010. I was infantry and had more than one MOS in that time period. We will leave it at that.

>oh boy I want something with just as long of a barrel as an AR but 1/3 the muzzle energy

>Then why does the military
Because civilian home defense and infantry combat are not remotely the same things.

Im from Ga and pretty sure it was an AK

Even if they pull a gun and pop off a few rounds?

>Actually functions in an AR magwell

Enjoy your L shaped mags that work 50/50 faggot

>oh boy I want an AR that's 28" collapsed (35" inch with suppressor :^)) compared to a gun that's 26" with suppressor and double the ammo capacity.

You know, since we're rounding things in our favor.

Ignore the know nothing faggots, key give aways:
>recommends a non shoulder fired weapon for general HD use
>acts like all ARs must be loaded with ball ammo
>"when i was in the army..." or "my buddy whos a cop said..."
A short OAL intermediate carbine is the best general HD choice which adequately covers the vast majority of HD situations. A shorty 5.56 AR pattern rifle is a great choice, particularly when paired with a suppressor or ear pro, offering excellent terminal ballistics with minimal over penetration risks when loaded properly. If over penetration is less of a concern then a pretty persuasive argument can be made for a 6.5, 6.8, or 7.62mm rifle. If over penetration is your largest concern then a shotgun is the obvious choice. If your #1 concern for some bizarre reason is how loud the gun is then a PCC is the obvious choice. Handguns are for if you need to wrangle children on the other side of the house, or are just retarded.

You're right on track OP, only real question is whether to go with an SBR or bullpup.

>>know nothing faggot
Yes you are.

A 1 guage shotgun

>double the ammo capacity
>of an ammo that has a 1/3 the muzzle energy and is more expensive
no thanks