Best weapon to kill these?

Best weapon to kill these?

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time will do it for you, their time on this earth is short



Buy them a gun. Get lefty good boy points while you know, deep down in your heart, they'll just use it to kill themselves


came here to say this.

Fuck you, I didn't read this far ahead.

New answer: Rejection

Also really good answer.


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The only Jow Forums answer


Make them ingage with a normal person


I’m surprised someone hasn’t said “they would just be added to gun death statistics so don’t do it” yet. I think they would be considered... acceptable loses

Trannies and traps? Left, second down isn’t a tranny or a homo though. Although her hanging around such company isn’t all that surprising

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Nothing. About half of them will try to do it anyways for you.

Make them get jobs?


Nuclear Family.


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My cock

don't worry, thankfully all trannies kill themselves eventually

zyklon b

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Pretty much these in this order

Lol bunch of mad incels in the thread angry that cute traps won’t fuck them.
God I love having a qt trap gf(male).

Facts and logic


Lol I’ve seen some of the “girl”friends of k anons and they’re absolutely disgusting. More masculine than my literal male bf, fat too. Stay mad.

I’m not mad, user. If you want to be a faggot that’s your life and your business, but don’t come on here and spread bullshit cope and whataboutism to try and make yourself feel better. Just own up to it that you like mentally ill men and I’ll respect you for that.

/our kjaskaar/

Just own up to the fact that the best you can get are gross boy beasts and that I have a pretty twink bf that looks prettier and more girly than any woman you will ever fuck.

Sup nogunz? You enjoying shit posting today?

Best you can is hog beasts and you’re mad about that.
Lol I own 19 guns.

See this is the cope that I was talking about. You have to deflect and hypnotize yourself into believing the twink that is using you to pay for sustenance and hormones is actually more womanly than actual women just because his mental illness makes him act effeminate. I don’t care how effeminate that man is, he does not have the hips and ass of a colombiana mamacita. Like I said, I have no problem at all with you doing what you do, but own up to it so you look respectable. This is embarrassing.

I’m not paying for anything, he’s not like a woman that expects you to pay for everything. On our first date he paid for dinner.
I’m talking about the face but body is pretty feminine too. Skinny but squishy and really pale soft skin. Completely hairless.

Based and custardpilled

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If a regular person goes through a mid-life crisis (basically re-assessment of their life choices and if they really made the right choices to where they are at that point), can you imagine the brickwall that is a mid-life crisis for a trans?

cope. are you dating crossdressers because you’re an incel that can’t date women?

>a spic and a faggot arguing about who's less degenerate

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Not interested in pink hambeasts, user. Your mother and sister are safe.

HELL NO. I know you’re just kidding, I know SHALL NOT, but still can you imagine? There is no greater isolation or distress you can put yourself into then claiming “I am not who I actually am.” That’s terrifying. I often wonder why the left doesn’t arm up, they’d be terrifying, hell they already are. Imagine an army of trannies who %100 believe you’re absolute bigoted evil just for not thinking like them.

My theory is that God wants these people on an express line to hell.

Shut up, fronthole. Stop being mad that cute boys are taking away your sexual market value.

Not a woman (thank God) but I call it like I see it. Give me more of that juicy cope.

I will write a letter to the president (or emperor or whatever they have over there) of Japan and ask him to halt all production of anime, because that seems to be the thing that draws out the disgusting faggotry out of people.

Wow I think the new jannies are based this thread has been up forever and hasn't been taken down

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They don't last that long user....can't half a midlife crisis if you're dead by 40

Had a FtM in my training company when I went through OSUT. Dude bitched less than anyone else in his broken ass platoon.

The trannies already think like that

The 40 percent statistic is wrong becausr it dosnt take into account the number of them that will kill themselfves in the future