How would you arm yourself if you were sent back to the stone age? you DO know how to work stone tools, right Jow Forums?
Stone Age
Glock 19 and an AR
I'll make a stone boom stick
Stone tools are for niggers i'd bring with me a wholesome selection of stainless steel and titanium tools and a polish firm that does construction work with all the personnel and material necessary for establishing civilization. After that a Saiga with few tens of thousands of buckshot should be enough to keep me in business for a while, until the polish manage set up a military industries as well. Of course i'll also take with me a retinue of 200 or so experts of their fields, all fields for planning and R&D (except humanities and law, OBVIOUSLY). And lastly i'll take ben shapiro's sister and she shall be my concubine. That would be a good start.
From how OP writes it, you’re being sent back. There’s nothing to indicate that you get to bring friends, carryon luggage, or even clothing.
>nothing dead goes through, it's just me and him...
Just drill an 80%, fuck the stone government.
>you DO know how to work stone tools, right Jow Forums?
In theory, not practice
But all I need is a rock sharp enough to put a point on a spear and shave down a bow
That's great pal, it's just a damn shame that i don't care about implied and not voiced restrictions.
I wouldn't need to build any tools out of stone.
Forging steel is not difficult.
You go back. It's voiced. Anything not you does not go back.
>you DO know how to work stone tools, right Jow Forums?
Imagine posting this
Can't do it with just a wood fire pit. Extracting iron from ore requires billows and charcoal.
>you DO know how to work stone tools, right Jow Forums?
Roughly. I can sharpen a stone to a workable edge but a lot of stone tools we find need an IMPOSSIBLY steady hand.
>I don't like this game and I want to ruin it for other people.
Those are easy, the hard part is getting enough iron ore without metal tools to make metal tools to get more iron ore
wouldn't be hard with a water mill
>you don't get to bring friends
baned and ciapilled
Making a water mill first requires tools.
Charcoal, yes, the billows less so.
Wood and leather, not hard
The water wheel turns works the billows, without those it won't help you.
Beto is going to take your rocks away.
Still not hard
2 wood boards
Length of leather, wider in center than at ends
Hole in top board with peice of leather glued on 3 sides for a valve
Use boiled pine resin and strips of leather to secure leather to boards
Glue in Reed or bamboo nozzle
Well of course I can. I've made several knives spear heads etc. These my to favorite though
Making flat boards usually requires an axe and leather requires wooden racks for cleaning and clay pots for curing.
You'll also need to catch prey first so you can make some bone needles.
>Boiled pine resin
And again, need to make a clay pot first.
>Glue in Reed or bamboo nozzle
And now you need glue.
tl;dr you're skipping steps. Even under ideal circumstances you're looking at weeks of work before you can extract iron for tools.
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. Not even sarcastic, that looks cool.
You faggots aren't getting the point. It's the stoneage you have to use stone. It's a practical survival skill and a fun hobby as well
Thanks both are obsidian. Here's spear and a few arrows.
You don't have to boil the pine sap to make pine pitch you can lay it on a rock and set it on fire and but it out charred wood and repeat and you'll have a good adhesive
>Making flat boards usually requires an axe
Seasoned log split with wedge shaped rocks and wood mallet
>leather requires wooden racks for cleaning and clay pots for curing.
Doesn't need a pot, just scrape clean with sharp Stone, apply mushed up brain, and stretch using a simple rack of wood and vines
>You'll also need to catch prey first so you can make some bone needles.
If I'm stretching leather then I have bones
Can be melted down on a concave rock next to the fire, it is the glue I was talking about
Not saying getting to steel is quick and easy, just saying mining enough ore is the part that will hold you back, not fucking bellows
>scrape clean with sharp Stone,
> wedge shaped rocks and wood mallet
> concave rock
I have no doubt you'll get your iron given time but along the way you've gotten stone tools.
Way to miss the point you fucking dumbass. Was this what it was like for you in gradeschool?
Juat like no one cares about what the fuck you have to say retard, some kind souls are giving you the benefit of the doubt and telling you how to play the game but i fucking knew you were a mental nigger who's unsocialized. Jordan peterson talks about kids nobody wants to play with because they dont know how to play, which is you, maybe go pay him a listen and get your shit together you friendless fuck.
Based aztec poster.
damn autofocus made it all blurry.
Did you fix the arrowheads in place with modern glue, period glue, or really good knotwork?
Knapp a spear. Use sinew and the drying technique to make a spear.
Based Moctezuma
Pine pitch and artificial so new.
Crashing this thread with no survivors
Here is a better one.
Some of my favorites I've made
A few I've bought
An electric blue obsidian blade. Read some people say stone tools are nigger tier even if that is the case what does that make you if you can't do it. Being able to Knapp stone tools is as redpilled as it gets because you always survive.
Pretty cool man
Nigger have you ever even tried making billows out of scratch?
I'd hide a glock in my ass and swallow all the 9mm I can hold.
It works for the terminator skeleton.
Have you ever mined iron ore? Or collected enough to make a knife?
Bake clay armor, and weapons!
Rule the Stone Age!
You would like the kind of person who could pull that off. That’s to say, a giant asshole!
Shop smart
Shop SMart
How hard it is to get the ore will vary immensely depending on what the locally available deposits are. The extreme case obviously being "none", in which case you simply cannot. In between we have various solid rock ores, varying in toughness and amount of effort to extract. Or you may have a deposit of bog iron or eroded-to-sand ore from an old lake/bog/riverbed nearby, in which case you could dig it up with your bare hands if you absolutely had to.
Though in many cases the troublesome raw material for iron making wasn't ore, but fuel. Turning live, fresh trees into good firewood (to be sued directly or turned into charcoal) without a saw to make suitably long pieces of the trunk is a huge amount of work, and iron smelting consumes enormous amounts of fuel. As a very rough rule of thumb you may be looking at a small bucket of ore and an oil drum full of charcoal. Then there's a lot more fuel for primary forging, and a lot more to finally make the item you wanted.
Not that making decent enough billows with stone age tools seems all that easy either. The smelting needs huge amounts of air, hard work even with proper billows. And then there's the question of how to make the furnace when going down to the local DIY store for a bag of cement is no longer an option. I guess you may be more or less dependent on having some suitable clays available, or at least soil you can turn into such clay though that too may be a tall order with little in the way of tools.
Yep, just going to have to use my advanced knowledge to convince a tribe that I am a wizard or God and get them to slave away tearing down trees, making charcoal finding and mining iron ore and clay in my honor, in return I will gift the leaders of the tribe with 3 inch long crudely forged steel knives while building an armory of Spears and axes in a holy place that they are not allowed.
When an innevitable tragedy strikes they will come to me and ask me why I let it happen, I will tell them it is due to the darkness of other tribes who do not worship me I will open my armory to them and they will begin conquering and expending my empire. With the other tribes resources I will begin working on gunpowder, masonry, agriculture and textiles. I figure it'll take me about 20ys to bring my tribe from BC to 18th century
Is that Ochre?
Turns out making a bloomery furnace isn't all that hard. You can make it out of mud and clay. Only good for one batch, though.
i think i saw this armor in Philadelphia
Id make spears from bog iron and convince the local savages that I’m the god of the forge. After building a small cult, I’d begin a violent expansion, and conquer all that I see.
>Only good for one batch, though.
Which in itself would be a bit of a problem, since it gets easier to get good results after a firing or two as the heat helps drive away moisture. Nothing that'd make it impossible I assume, but it certainly won't help when you're a newbie who also has to figure out proper furnace dimensions, air flow and ore/charcoal feeding scheme. Plus taking days off from hunting/foraging to do all of this work instead.
Iron ore is easy, use bog iron
>work stone tools
Yes I do, and goddamn it takes forever.
>harvest bog/river iron
>crucible steel time boys
>after I manage to make some crude tools work on making a Bessemer converter, hardest part will be getting the airflow but definitely doable
Gonna need some stone tools to get started, and working iron without proper tools is definitely going to be all kinds of fucked. But unless something eats me or murders me, I don't have much but time anyway.
It seems that it'd be red ochre, or very close to it.
You're hoping to get the pig iron to feed the converter out of a basic "backyard hobby"-sized furnace?
>backyard furnace
Sure, the thing is the world is my backyard now. I imagine my first attempt would have to be very small, and would work more as a superior medieval crucible than providing high volume steel output.
Regardless of the size of your Bessemer converter you need to feed it molten pig iron, it won't do anything with iron ore. And to get pig iron out of the smelting furnace said furnace may need to be about this size. Maybe, maybe we could carbeurize up the iron past steel and into pig iron territory in some sort of crucible process with medieval technology (not quite stone age) but at that point why on Earth are we bothering with all that instead of just going straight for steel? Planning on using phosphorus-rich ores and coke-fueled smelting furnaces?
I thought the thumbnail was tiramisu
I can make a bow and arrows from natural materials. Crude club wouldn't be hard to make either. I would just make a girlie suit and just scare ppl right before stabbing them in the throat with a sharp stick.
>but at that point why on Earth are we bothering with all that instead of just going straight for steel?
Are you suggesting bloomery steel/wrought iron? I don't think I could turn raw iron into anything usable for anything but maybe arrowheads that way, without tools. It will need to be of suitable purity with extensive manual processing. I'm going to have a stone hammer, I'm really not even sure how I'm going to make tongs work yet, and if I'm lucky a big rock as an anvil.
>Maybe, maybe we could carbeurize up the iron past steel and into pig iron territory in some sort of crucible process with medieval technology
That's the plan, if it doesn't work, as I said I have nothing but time. A large furnace is doable. The Chinese were doing it around 200 BC. Most just avoided it because pig iron was relatively useless on its own.
>The Chinese were doing it around 200 BC.
Didn't that also include some pretty damn big furnaces?
Overall I suspect you'd be better off just making so-so tools with the first, kinda poor iron. Then use those to refine your metal further, which makes for less crap tools, and so on until you (skill allowing) have good enough stuff. It probably won't take many steps, the basic primary forging needed to turn the bloomery iron into metal good enough for most things short of sword blades and the like shouldn't requite very refined tools. Trying to work steel with neolithic methods on the other hand, well, I imagine it can be done. It'll just waste a lot of material and take bloody ages.
You could build a wood fire toss in some river sand and you would have pig iron.
Bash that into tools and do the whole thing over again until you have a good set of iron tools, then you can use them to make steel tools.
Its simple just a lot of work.
no user
Only works if it was iron sand.
Giving your ore a go in a large fire (aka roasting it) is how you prepare it for the smelting furnace. You're not going to reduce the ore down to metal this way however. At most you can start to have a bit of slag show up on the surface or the ore lumps, but that's something best avoided since it'll seal in the ore inside when you do toss it in the furnace.
The purpose of it all is twofold that I know of. First it oxidizes the ore to red iron oxide. While this may seem counter-productive, this form of ore behaves much better in the smelting than the others. The iron it gives you will be porous instead of a solid layer on the ore, allowing contact between the reducing atmosphere and the unreduced ore. Second it helps ensure that any moisture, including water molecules trapped in the crystalline structure of the ore, is gone. As the smelting process is largely a struggle to get things hot enough and evaporating water is preposterously good at stealing heat away we really want to minimize the humidity.
Iron sand won't work either, that's just regular old ore that has been eroded down to sand.
A spear and a big wooden shield, like an augustan scutum made out of wood and a club for backup. Also a wooden helmet and if I can fashion it a wooden set of knight armor (with padding of course). That or I just tame a fuck ton of dogs and have them bum rush the bad guys.