Black Panthers Arsenal

Anyone have how the Black Panthers got their weapons and what they usually used? Also could they have carried out an insurgency against the military at their peak?

Attached: Black Panthers.jpg (300x168, 10K)

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Tomahawks and machetes from ebay

>how the Black Panthers got their weapons
They bought them, like everyone else. You didn't need background checks until 1994.

depends on which area/region of black panthers during what year and how much FBI/glownigger interference/surveilance they were under

>Also could they have carried out an insurgency against the military at their peak?
no, niggers are useless tribals.

>Being mentaly able to severely disrupt something made by whites
Chose one

what about property value


What they did was hang around suburbs, waited for prices to tank, bought out neighborhoods.

Stopped hanging around, flipped to white families for a profit then bought guns legally

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They don't consciously disrupt it. They disrupt it merely by existing

>Also could they have carried out an insurgency against the military at their peak?
Possibly. LE would be doing all of the heavy lifting in a domestic insurgency, though.

Jim Crow would like a word with you.

>blacks ended jim crow

It's interesting to think about. Where would they have tried to carve out a New Khartoum? The "black belt" in the deep south had the highest concentration of blacks but no organizations analogous to the BPP or NOI. Or would they have gone seperatist at all? Some of their leaders outside Oakland were partnering up with poor whites and taking on the issue of class.

Isn't Jow Forums's entire beef based on them doing just that?

They bought them for the most part. It is also why the first wave of big anti gun laws formed, from King Boomer Reagan himself no less. Doubt they’d have launched much of an insurgency either, at most they would have pulled something akin to the LA Riots in the 1990’s, but even that is a stretch. There were only a few thousand members, and most of their efforts and attention were around the Oakland area in California. But even then outside the Oakland area there was a much bigger focus on class issues than race issues, as hard as that may be to believe.

Bobby Seale was fond of saying he could win over white rednecks if he could just get them to try his barbecue.

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Friendly reminder that the first modern gun control legislation was signed into law by Ronald Reagan (yes, you read that right) when he was gov of California in response to the Black Panthers arming themselves. He was quoted as saying "there is no reason why on the street today a man should be carrying a loaded weapon". Kindly remind every conservitard that extolls Reagan as a christ-figure and loves guns of this inconvenient fact.

Honestly, why wasn't Eisenhower lionized as the greatest Republican president?

Grandpa voted for Eisenhower cause Lincoln won the war.

That is a fantastic point fren. Unfortunately, just like leftists, poltards are incapable of even acknowledging their own doublethink.

1968, but otherwise correct

>stopping terrorist radicals from getting guns
His heart was in the right he just did it the wrong way.

>making it illegal for a citizens to possess a weapon in public
It's crazy how sovereign citizen and terrorist are basically the same thing except for skin colour.

>Friendly reminder that the first modern gun control legislation was signed into law by Ronald Reagan (yes, you read that right) when he was gov of California
So... you've never heard of the National Firearms Act of 1934, signed into law by the Democrat president Franklin Roosevelt?

This, you can thank them for gun control or rather the gutless boomers who took advantage of the scared whites when niggers started arming themselves against the state

Weird how Republicucks all of a sudden support gun control, Hollywood, and amnesty for illegal aliens when you mention Reagan.

's is "modern"
Go to bed, grandpa.

The BPP literally did nothing wrong. Braindead boomers are the worst thing to ever happen to civil rights.

It was. Why are you arguing just to argue?

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I don’t disagree with you, I’d trade all the 3 percenters in my area for a handful of highly motivated BPs, maybe then we’d actually be able to get something done for gun rights

Did I say gun control in my post? Learn to read faglord anarcuck

>Republican argue Reagan loves guns
kek, you know nothing of us leftist. We love him because he brought the right 15 years of power, 20 years of economic prosperity and caused the collapse of communism.

Because of those things I am prepared to overlook his ignorant opinion on guns.

>1960s isnt modern either
You created a very specific set of circumstances to justify your shitty argument.

>stopping terrorist radicals from getting guns
Sounds like gun control with a fear mongering spin to me.

>maybe then we’d actually be able to get something done for gun rights
lol no, they would just scare the normies into signing new laws into the books.

Do you love him for the illegal alien amnesty too?

>he is unaware of what happened in the 1970s
Thousands of bombings per year, multiple armed uprisings or shootouts with dissident groups etc resulted in an anti-gun sentiment.

>Exit polls for the greater Cuban-American population in Florida, for example, indicate that a disproportionate amount of Cuban-Americans supported Trump compared to other Latino groups. While 54 percent of Cuban-Americans supported Trump, only 35 percent of Latinos nationwide did.

They are the only reason we can still win Florida, so yes.

How is that different from the recent paranoia around mass shootings? If you support Reagan's gun control you should be all for red flag laws which are tame in comparison.

Now tell me about what happened to CA post-Reagan amnesty.

The fuck would have to lose, they’re already scaring normies with white shooters

>How is that different from the recent paranoia around mass shootings?
Again, thousands of bombings per year and entire city blocks being LITERALLY razed to the ground in uprisings is not comparable to today.

>all for red flag laws
Depending on their structure and format I dont see a problem. If they follow the same format as search warrants, if no-knock raids are forbidden, if the accused has his hearing fast-tracked to within 48-72hrs and if making a false/abusive report is made a felony offense then I dont have a problem, no.

Have fun being divided and conquered, you sad, deluded bastard.

You can blame (((them))) for blocking prop 187 in 1994

Oh, it's one of you.

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>iran contra

Stop being naive, you know the state will not respect due process

see fucking hive-mind my dude.

>hold reasonable position

Yeah, fuck off.

And what exactly is it that you are doing? Nothing? Ok then, fuck off.

>You guys, I don't support gun control, but it was different when Reagan did it. He defeated communism and the blacks were getting uppity so we needed to ban carrying weapons.

Contras did nothing wrong

Yeah, they do though. Get your head out of your ass.

Are you fucking retarded? They had literally zero chance of insurgency against the military at any time. You realize black males were like 2% total of the us population back in 1970? They couldn't have had an insurgency against the deer hunters in the few states they were active in back then, much less the military. Wtf man.

Try reading my post again. Notice how that is exactly not what I said. Very disappointed in you, making disingenuous arguments like that. You can do better.

I don't think you're a shill.

I just think you're an average hypocritical "conservative" who has no firm principles and will gladly support infringement if it comes from a Republican.

Just admit you support gun control and stop making excuses for it.

Your argument is basically that fear of terrorism justifies curtailing rights, much like a modern liberal.

You can do better than ad hominems. Read what I said, notice that very specific caveats were listed.

So you are functionally illiterate then? Because I have said none of those things and only a complete imbecile would come to the conclusions that you are.

>very specific caveats were listed
Those "caveats" are proof that you have no firm principles. You either support civil rights without "caveats" or you don't. And you don't.

>doesn't understand the difference between modern and recent

Not a black nationalist, but I have to admit that the aesthetic is slick. I'd probably look like a retard if I went out wearing a beret and sunglasses, though.

>omg you dont hold retarded radical positions
>thus you have no principles

Are Search Warrants an unconstitutional infringement on civil liberties?

>I'd probably look like a retard if I went out wearing a beret and sunglasses, though.
>walking around looking like a heavily armed jazz enthusiast

No, Background Checks and the NICS came around in 94'. The GCA only stated that X can't own guns but it wasn't enforced at gun stores but more of a charge for the police to nail you on.

The founding fathers held radical positions and yes you have no principles if you claim to support their govt yet make "caveats" for infringement.

Also, yes, the rubber stamped search warrants that are conducted nowadays with little more than hearsay as evidence are absolutely an infringement on civil liberties.

You are beyond retarded. I am prepared to consider Red Flag laws provided they meet a set of caveats that will ensure that they are not infringements on civil liberties.

You have the mind of a child.

>Red Flag laws provided they meet a set of caveats that will ensure that they are not infringements on civil liberties.
Well that is not how they work Mr. MAGA.

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>omg trump said a thing it is a law now!

fuck off shill.

Could you please tell us who is currently running for POTUS and doesn't support Red Flag laws? I'd love to hear your alternative.

Also, did you know that water drowns people? I don't know why people keep drinking it.

>No no no
>Trump bad for guns
>just stay home
>dont worry about voting

Its so obvious yet they keep trying to pull that shit.

>samefagging this blatantly

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>>Trump bad for guns
He is tho. He's not as bad as the dems. But he's still bad for guns.

>oy vey! shut it down!

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Read the book Days of Rage if you want to learn about the forming and guerilla fighting of the black panthers and other black radical groups. Even at its height there were less than 100 black fighters, white allied fighters and non-fighting supporters actually dedicated to committing acts of violence and they were spread out through out the united states. They never even came close to meeting their goals which was to over throw "white America" as they called it.

Please provide magical alternative candidate who will win and champion the 2A. I'll be waiting. Trump is the best we've got save for a nuke strike directly on Washington. Until the general population actually NEEDS their guns, they won't understand why they should have them.

this is me Care to respond to the questions raised or you just going to keep shilling?

I'm not saying there is a pro-2A candidate. I'm just saying Trump sucks, because he does. But if you want to defend a liberal New Yorker TV personality all because of an empty slogan then that's your perogative. I think Republicans should demand better from their party, but too many of them are braindead rubes.

> a nuke strike directly on Washington.
Don't tempt me you nigger.
Regards, Kim Fat III

>step on me harder daddy

Can you just nuke South Cali? Pretty please?

>thread looked interesting in the catalog
>pol faggots instead of gun discussion

You're really bad at this.

You're on a sinking ship in the ocean. You have two options: A life raft with a leak in it, or drowning. Which do you chose?

What's better? Boiling the frog slowly or just cranking that heat up? I dunno really, but either way you get a boiled amphibian.

"Conservatives" need to demand that their politicians actually conserve something.

But yeah #MAGA my dude, Trump is totally triggering the libtards so it's okay when he supports infringement.

>ywn live in Black Panther-created pro-gun anti-government utopia
just end me famalams

Just kill yourself already, man. No-one here would argue for not fighting for your rights. But just giving up and not voting for Trump is a guaranteed way to get your shit rocked by EVERY SINGLE DEM. We have no better option in the running. we have to take the candidate we give and MAKE SURE we are politically active to hold that candidate accountable.

Or we could just be like you and shitpost on Jow Forums about how booty bothered we are that Trump's son in law is a jew, and that he banned bumpstocks. Get the fuck outta here.

>We have no better option in the running.
I'm saying you should fucking DEMAND one from your party you mong.

>we have to take the candidate we get
Then we've already lost. Personally I have no hope because I know your attitude of licking up table scraps is the mainstream conservative attitude.

btw the bumsptock ban is nothing in comparison to the utter loss of due process which will take place whether Trump wins or not, because Trump supports it.

But my nigga Dennis lives there.

You mean that thing where Prohibition caused a crime increase that led to mob violence freaking people out into banning guns? Good thing we don't have Prohibition of random substances based on the arbitrary morals of a few anymore, it would be crazy, might even cause drug mafias to rise to power and increase violence and destroy countries creating waves of immigrants fleeing the madness haha

Strike a nerve, did I? What I'm doing is living according to my principles, which happen to coincide with the principles of the men who built this nation. I just quit my fucking job because my employers were oathbreakers. I'll fight for what we should all fight for. You'll fight for the right to be used and thrown away by the Fed.

Yup okay, you have no idea how politics works. Go ahead and take your guns to the local PD and let them laugh at you while they pick which ones they want to keep.

Unironically yes.

I wonder if any black panther types ever went to Africa to fight against apartheid and colonialism the way that we know some white Americans fought in Rhodesia, South Africa, and the Congo.

>take your guns to the local PD and let them laugh at you while they pick which ones they want to keep.
I couldn't describe the consequences of Republican "comprimise" any better than this.

It's not that hard to believe when you look at the way the Jewish media has treated Black Nationalist groups going all the way back to Marcus Garvey.

>I'm not saying there is a pro-2A candidate
There is, though.

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the Black Panther party did have an embassy in Algeria and several black and white radical leaders went to Cuba and personally met with Fidel Castro or fled to Cuba as fugitives

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