What would Jow Forums recommend for someone's first AR-15?
First AR-15
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unironically PSA. Spending anymore than $500 on your first AR is cucked
Ruger AR-556 or S&W M&P15. PSA is also making poverty builds, but idk how their customer service is compared to Ruger's.
This is legitimately the right answer - and whatever you have left on ammo. Unless you've got a shitload of spare cash and can buy a Gucci AR without noticing, bang for buck you're going to be better off shooting the fuck out of a PSA and then deciding in a year or two what benefits there are in a nicer one.
Besides building your own, I would suggest either the S&W M&P Sport II or a Ruger AR 556. Both very decent rifles are a good price from American companies with excellent customer service (Ruger specifically).
I bought a Ruger MPR and my next rifle will be something I build myself. Good luck.
PSA, Delton, Stag, Aero, or one of the other OEM companies make. Basic bitch carbine lower, though I like polished nickel coated triggers over standard milspec. MOE or milspec furniture on the lower, it doesn't matter, the grip will probably be the first thing to change either way. Upper should be a 16" midlength with gov profile barrel, FSB, and a flattop because they are cheap and optimal for basic bitch. MOE or milspec upper furniture, it doesn't matter. Detachable carry handle sights because flip ups are gay. Second upgrade should be an optic, it matters what kind, but everyone wants something different, so I won't say.
You won't know the difference either way, so go cheap. You first guitar should be an epiphone, not a les paul.
Remember whatever the gun is, a good rule of thumb is to have a budget of double that. So $500 gun, make the budget about 1k. The money will go to getting ammunition, a soft case to take to the range, ammunition, some magazine, range fees, an optic, and some other accessories if you want.
M&P15 Sport II. Shoot it a lot, learn more about ARs, then you can figure out what you want to build next.
what if its an epiphone les paul
Meant to say *not a Gibson
I want that one
lol ik just fuckin with ya. Honestly my epiphone les paul sounds better than my gibson most of the time
Like some anons here said: Ruger, S&W or if you're budget minded, PSA. Dont listen to the other fags saying you need to spend more for a "better rifle", for a basic starter to learns the ropes and further customization in the future, the 3 options above are the optimal choices.
Nothing wrong with an epiphone. There's nothing more cringe than some 14 year old rich kid whose parents get him a $1,600 les paul, which inevitably sits there collecting dust because he got frustrated that it takes more 5 minutes to master the guitar.
I've shot rifles a bit but I've just never actually owned one. I am going to go with one of the three that keep coming up (PSA, Ruger, or S&W). I'm thinking I want to go with a 16" obviously, maybe a mid-length gas system, and something that comes with a decent handguard with mlok attackment points and preferably a low profile gas block. I think the first upgrade would be a decent but relatively inexpensive optic, then maybe some sort of white light. First I need ammo, mags, a sling, and I guess a soft case, though.
I was thinking maybe this
Build your own, even if you just buy a PSA kit. Way more fun and you will better understand how the rifle works. Some people liken building ar-15s to adult legos.
Any ar15 they are going to be banned anyways then semi autos will be banned. Then your sniper rifles then you pump shotguns then your pistols and your muzzle loaders. Get it now and hide it.
A Glock
Golden rule. Spend EXACTLY the same on your first AR as you spend on your first Ammo purchase. No compromises.
Do NOT spend ANY money on upgrades until that first batch of ammo has been spent learning to shoot whatever irons/optic/trigger setup you started with.
Whenever you buy ANY upgrade, buy Ammo to the equivalent $ value and do not permit yourself to do it again until you've actually finished that volume of shooting.
If you can follow this simple rule, you'll never look like a bitch.
Yes we know. Civilians are retards.
PSA build. Get to know how to put one together and end up with a functional rifle at the end of it. Then buy $500 of cheap ammo and practice until you familiarize yourself with it.
If you want a quality AR , keep saving and buy a mid tier , make sure it's what you want first and don't have to spend 500$ in customization on a $500 rifle when you could have had what you want without the hassle later on.
PSA is ok, I've seen a few fail in classes... But then again I've seen Gucci rifles fail because of them being too tight.
Spikes, BCM, Colt, LMT, Larue, and several other companies make decent rifles that can be had for sub-$1200
AR are overrated
I didn't know they made them free floated. That's pretty nice, not gonna lie.