How does this make you feel?
Americans made an RPG7
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I dont really care, it services a clear need. Third rate militarys have massive stocks of cold war RPG rounds, but want a launcher that can accept modern optics. Capitalism responds to address that.
Wouldnt it be cheaper to make a rail adaptor?
Sure, but then you're stuck with the old worn out launchers, while (at least according to airtronics' numbers) the new one is half the weight and has a significantly longer life span; which is cheaper long term.
Couldn't give a flying fuck about this. Just another toy that we won't be able to use or see and only SF will be able to use it or they will make a limited run and only make 5 for research and never hear about it again. Call me when something good happens.
It's not for the US military idiot, it's for 3rd world militaries that have a shitload of RPG ammunition
So they used the opportunity and made it with rails to supply places like Ukraine or Iraq
doesn't these also have an improved accuracy compared to the russian made RPG ? or is it really just rails ?
>add picaninny rails, $4000 of optics, and a tacky paint job
This is a joke, right?
I understand that the device on the left is an electronic adjustable optic, but then, what’s the point of the eotech on top?
It's just the rails, for improved accuracy they would have to make ammo, but the whole point of the project is for it to use the tons of old RPG 7 ammo that many countries have lying around
The US support a lot of countries that have old soviet ammo depots but no means to use it, so they used the opportunity to make some minor improvements when supplying those countries
My unit used them all the time because the Afghans could get us rounds. Sure beats getting a concussion from shooting laws and gustavs all day. The rpg is very pleasant to shoot compared to other rocket launchers desu.
Its for the guy behind who's gonna get his ribs broken with the back last. SF can only use them. You think a poor third world country wants to have fancy rails on an area destructive device? Have you seen the people that use RPG's in those countries? They blindly fire machine guns and RPG's at a target and don't give a fuck about precision. Fuck out of here you snaggletooth tea nigger.
You have a childs view of the world, nothing more to be said.
Old news.
Fucking ancient news, I remember hearing about these in 2011.
...says the man child posting RPG's he'll never touch or thinking beyond his basement walls.
Can you not be that retarded this early?
I’m gonna go ahead and press x to doubt. No PSRL-1’s have ever been supplied to Afghanistan, only Ukrainian forces and they were supplied in EXTREMELY small batches as a test essentially. Nice job getting caught trying to LARP as a soldier though, user.
Reading isnt your strong suit.
He said that they’d occasionally throw an RPG into the mix. They can use afghan weapons when out with ANA forces..
Sorry about that....maybe if you had a point about your "tacticool" RPG "WITH RAILS" besides it "being cool " and "how do you feel".
Learning to read is a valuable asset that will help you go far in life.
>rees about tacticooled RPG
>gets told its an export model
>reeees even harder
Again, settle down, read, think. No everyone is out to get you.
Typical Americans. Making it out of carbon fiber instead of cast steel reduces weight about 6lb.
Because it's a really good and still relevant design.
Why are Russian weapons and designs so good? The Russian machine guns like pkm and rpk, the rpg, ak, makarov, tokarev, ppsh, all of these designs are cheap, reliable, easy to use, effective, and are loved by a lot of soldiers, even our soldiers appreciate them. And most of them didnt really have teething issues or high cost like our weapons sometimes have.
> inb4 slavaboo
I'm American and I know american weapons have better performance in general but also have much higher cost and logistic requirements than Russian ones imo
Military went from a full size rifle round and intermediate cartridge with a focus on markmanship to a .22 because they must have thought vietnam was the last war they would ever fight. Desert enters the picture and pins everyone down with an intermediate cartridge and lobs RPG's. Military waits Air force to save the day. Pretty fucking shit logistically if you ask me. Look at Syria. That was practically run by snipers in light infantry combat. Even to some extent for tank killer snipers. That's a full size rifle round.
So what is your point? you still haven't presented a point about your article except ragewith memes and greentext.
Sure bro
These things haven't even been around a few years ago
All you've done is scream like an aspie over nothing of substance. There was nothing to prove, no fight that would require the sort of display you made. You're crying for something that doesn't exist just so you could make a scene.
Yeah it's too obvious to just issue RPG tubes that used scavenged ammo then make sure the enemy has no batteries available. Like the implementation of the .223 its about money. They would rather have guys dead and the cash from launching more expensive rockets for the contractors profits. Supoort er droops.
>how does it make you feel
>points out feeling
>anger and rage from faggot in basement
>still no point
>Jow Forums in a nutshell
needs more red-dots and rails apparently
maybe a cup holder and a buritto.
>Doesn't understand he will never touch the RPG
Special forces will be the only ones that use these. OP is an idiot.
>nothing to prove
>posts article "how does this make you feel"
>OP is mad his article is not upvoted
Jesus H. Fuck you're a dumbshit.
>They don't have teething issues
Do you know what the "m" stands for in AKM and PKM? When you say ppsh which one do you mean? Because they definitely did have teething problems that required upgrades and different iterations.
Just because Soviet media didn't throw a fit about it, unlike Western media, doesn't mean Soviet designers were some engineering God's incapable of mistakes.
Go away Redditor. Your mom is calling you and wants to know if want fries with your tendies.
Only a child believes in the boogeyman, reddit or otherwise. You are a retard who can't stand being called a retard so you deflect and then make yourself the victim of the ebil boogeyman to get people to care about you. You're an honorary minority.
>only a retard believes in reddit
>post reddit bullshit
>calls others a retards
Not even OP you butthurt tranny. Just calling retards like I see them.
Russia makes AR-15
this looks like it was made in some ex-communist second or third world country that cannot afford to purchase Javelins or whatever but is still desperate to present some pseudomodernization programme.
You know like those fucking ridiculous filipino M3 grease guns that are still in frontline service
honestly given how well .45 gets along with cans, suping up their massive stockpile of grease guns isn't a half-bad idea considering how broke the flips. iirc after the recent trouble there they made a concerted effort to increase the number of CT trained soldiers and when you have a few thousand new special troops to equip fixing up your stockpile of perfectly adequate SMGs is a pretty attractive alternative to buying thousands of new ones. you get 80% of the performance for 50% of the cost, nothing wrong with the grease gun. don't act like you wouldn't be interested in one if you could get your hands on it for a decent price.
You dumb nigger I said RPG, I didn’t specifically say this exact model of RPG. When did the RPG-7 become operational?
Just spitballing, high sight for direct fire low sight has laser rangefinder for longer distances
>being this butthurt about having difficulty reading
get it together Jow Forumsommando