>tfw veteran fag said "stolen valor" in walmart for me wearing camo pants
Is stolen valor a meme
should have taken out your cc and clapped him on the spot. mad disrespect. can't let a nigga stunt on you like that.
Post pants I’m curious
ok i lied for internet points and i haven't slept in like 2 days. give me a crutch.
Tell him to fuck off and kys. I wear a flecktarn parks all the time and have never heard shit like that.
My sister was bitching about some guy wearing a marpat jacket or something once
These people should be euthanized.
>”You didn’t earn the right to wear that”
By that logic every new recruit should have to wear civilian clothes up until their first deployment.
Wearing military camo outside of the woods/Bush is pretty gay.
no YOU are gay
im not gay
You're pretty gay
You gonna let some bitch POG talk to you like that? I didn't raise you to be a bitch
t. dad
No you’re just pretty
>Be me
>Wearing specifically woodland digital camo outershell jacket with no EGA markings on it or particular cuts indicating.
>Motard comes up to me
>"Where'd you serve?"
>"You only get that jacket one place, brother."
>"Come'on bro, that's a Marine's jacket."
>"There's not an EGA anywhere on this thing, it's just knock off woodland camo."
>"Whats an EGA? My brothers died in that shit bro."
Fucking marines, man.
>wearing camo pants
what are you a 17 year old girl?
>he doesn't wear BDUs casually
Stolen valor is when you claim to be a soldier or veteran. A soldier isn't allowed to wear just part of his uniform, and as a veteran I wear the old shorts, bdu bottoms and the entire BDU uniform sans name tape when I'm hunting.
>You're not even out of AIT, you're still in the fucking DEP
>You haven't even deployed yet, you're not a fucking soldier
>You haven't even got a combat deployment, get the fuck out of here
>You deployed during peacetime, that shit doesn't count
Veterans will always find a way to discredit the guys that come after them. They were the only guys before the army was "pussified."
>Giving a shit literally at all what another human being's clothes are
what are you a 17 year old girl?
>He doesn't wear BDU pants with classic puma's and old school adidas tops.
You aren't going to make it
>wearing camo hot pants
Ftfy. And you're a fag...
As a cancer survivor I'm gonna start calling bald people stolen valor
>As a cancer survivor I'm gonna start calling bald people stolen valor
Glad you pulled through user
There is no valor in being a ZOGbot. American military vets are the dumbest most brainwashed people on earth.
I love being a Zogbot. Free housing, free food, always paid, deployment money, tactical training, benefits, free education, can explore the world, and so much more.
Shewt, I wear some of my old desert/woodland trousers when I'm camping/4wheeling or otherwise getting dirty. No ones ever said shit to me about it. Honestly if some autist wants to bellow stolen valor for someone wearing one article of uniform I'd just fuck with them and call them a retard. It's not SV unless some hobo is running around in what they think is full regulation uniform and trying to get pats on their back or free beer for getting a 15 killstreak in nuke town.
Free combat experience
Should have called him out for being a faggot
Only fags wear camo in public.
I'm a fat middle aged redneck and half the male population here in maine wears camo pants all the time. Come at me flatlander.
They hated him because he spoke the truth.
>inb4 autists try to tell us camo is still "in style"
>Don't tread on me is a MUHREEN saying REEEE
Every time
Come to Ohio and say that faggot.
Thank you
One could make the claim that caring about fashion at all is pretty gay.
>what's an EGA?
If there's anything Marines have in abundance, it's pride and crayons. Every fucking boot knows what an EGA is. Why u lyin'?
People who care about Stilen Valor are fucking mega gay.
That being said, it was originally about people who would wear full dress uniforms out in public or something and have a ridiculous combination of medals for their age (i.e. 20 something year old with a RoV campaign medal, legion of merit, and Kuwait liberation medal in 2010).
>There is definitely no exception to the high triple digit IQ commonly seen amongst all Marines
Maybe he misheard me over his crunchy wax snack.
there is no valor in fighting for the jew.
>have friend
>his cousin or some distant relative is diagnosed with thyroid cancer
>demands his doctor screen him
>eh it doesn't really work that way but if you want..
>he actually does have thyroid cancer
>so early he has surgery within a week and is totally clear of it
>starts referring to himself as a cancer survivor
>tells people to "check their neck" all the time
I had stage 3 melanoma for 5 years as a kid. A doctor said my mole was a birthmark. I hate even typing out "Cancer survivor". I hate my parents telling everyone we meet about it. I've never met anyone who acts like your friend. I'm glad he got it early but it kinda fits with the stuff I've seen. All the people who wear it as a patch are relatives or didn't have it as bad.
The difference is that most of those people are mentally ill. Imagine picking a fight in public with some schizo homeless dude who doesn't even know where he is just because his schizoid attire offends you. They make fools of themselves all on their own, so it reeks of roid rage and social instability to aggressively target them.
Calm thyself, TayQuan. It is not the way of the operator to strike another in anger. Only in purpose.
I wish
Stolen Valor is claiming distinguished military service to obtain respect or money. Wearing a silver star you were not awarded or a SEAL trident you did not earn is Stolen Valor. Wearing camo would only be Stolen Valor if you wore a full uniform, which you weren't doing. You stole no valor.
Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most
The guy was likely crazy. Camo is used for more than just the military.
>General outdoor use (hiking)
>Fashion (albeit mall ninja)
Unless you were dressing up head to toe like a soldier or claiming to be a vet for a discount it's not stolen valor.
>muh stolen valor for wearing old cammies
Anyone who would say this is feeling their life's complete lack of valor
>ban scary assault pants and jackets
I know you faggots give any guy wearing anything camo a wide berth out of "muh kevlar camo shooter deluxe" fear and flock to "brave" men in dresses.
>wear the same size jacket as my grandpa
>he gives me the M65 jacket he wore in 'nam without the patches (he kept those)
>think it's super cool and wear it in the winter
>some fucking boomer comes up to me and accuses me of trying to steal valor
>I'm a fucking 20 year old trying to pretend to be a Vietnam veteran, apparently
Hey buddy my wife says I look cute in a dress.
A game journalist recently stole valor
Archived link of the article:
>I don’t believe something as legally and morally questionable as White Phosphorus is appropriate in the very specific way Infinity Ward is applying it here. As someone who's seen first-hand what can happen to the human body in combat, I wish Infinity Ward would give this one a bit more consideration.
Twitter link where they find his record is most likely bullshit:
>the virgin military
>the chad homelessness
Most hobos have probably lived more dangerously than most “veterans”
Imagine if other proffesions were this autistic.
>wear work pants
>a miner comes up to me
>Mfw younger dude
>Work construction
>Wear surp
>Get stolen valor’d
>Jingle my dog tags in their face
>Thumb through their wallets as they profusely apologize whilst licking my boots clean
God bless the stupid boomer hicks who would let me impregnate their daughters simply because I swore an oath once
I always get military discounts at restaurants by simply asking if they have the discount. 90% of the time they never actually ask if I am/was in the service, they just apply the discount. If they do ask I say “no just wondering”.
No one ever asks any questions about it because they don’t give a shit or want to listen to some faggot tell stories about milfag shit no one cares about.
I used to buy and sell lots of surplus stuff roadside when I got out. People would outright refuse to wear stuff I sold them because “It’s disrespectful to the troops”. No matter how much I try to tell them that neither I nor any other vet gives a shit they wear a BDU jacket sometimes, it never changed their minds. I wouldn’t be selling it off the highway for 5 bucks if I didn’t want you wearing it
>this thread
The only thing more cringe than the odd ex military guy freaking about stolen valor to people simply wearing camo is neckbeards making up ridiculous scenarios on the internet so they can feel superior to someone who actually accomplished something.
Ebin meta-post
honestly thats the reason I dont wear my german coats. They're awesome coats but I cant get rid of the fact I didn't earn it, whoever did probably died for the fatherland and i'm just some fag that's never done anything of note.
You're not wrong
You bought their coat. It’s yours now. Just don’t cut off patches and it’s good. Who cares what they think? They’re dead. They probably think you’re even more of an autist for buying a jacket you’ll never wear.
>see hipster wearing hat with ear flaps
>"are you a duck hunter?"
>see man with mustache
>"are you a Gaul?"
>see woman driving SUV
>see white man with a leafblower
>asian paying with food stamps
>wearing sneakers outside of athletic activity
>jaywalking or not jaywalking
>tipping 15%
"What's an EGA" in Marine means "It's called an Eagle, Globe and Anchor not an EGA!" Drill Instructors don't let you call it an EGA and boots recite that at any given opportunity.
As a former Marine, I have to say there aren't many groups of people I hate more. I thank god for every day I decided to get out and go to school.
>be me
>wear surp every day because hicklyfe=bestlyfe
>every month or so someone thanks me for my service
>tell them I bought it at a military surplus store
>never speak with said stranger again
Oh no, woe is me, such is the price of wearing comfortable, dependable, and inexpensive clothes that reflect my personality.
idk abotu germans but most service members in the US dont give a fuck about nonserves wearing uniform items. it's just people wearing uniforms and trying to pass themselves off as being associated w/ the military somehow
the spergs who sperg out over it are just that, spergs.
old soldiers were just that, old soldiers. they're not going to give a fuck but some of their ghosts will sperg out over it.
i do think people are autistic when they wear shit like acu items or any current in-service camo as some sort of fashion statement
it's ugly and it's not even that cheap...though acus may be cheaper now. my point is i'll make fun of you in my head but it's stupid to berate anyone over it.
>what are you a 17 year old girl?
Sadly not
>that reflect my personality.
yeah see this is what i am talking about. people who justify wearing the shit as if they're doing it from a pragmatic view and not as a gay fashion statement.
whatever you do you but you come off as a fag and will be perceived as one
Eh, that’s your opinion. I mostly hang around with people that wear surp or some other form of camo, it’s just another style. I’m perfectly happy with how I dress, it keeps the leftist city dwellers away. To each their own ya know.
I never really understood why people give so much of a shit about how other people dress. Just wear what you like as long as it covers the parts of the body that need to be covered and isn’t too hot or cold. Why give a shit about what random strangers think?
>"are you a Gaul?"
Oui, I am that thing.
>hon hon
Wearing any form of camo is extremely common here in the south. Especially surplus woodland.
No it's a real threat to the reputation of all military personnel. Saw a roastie with a Special Forces Group Combat Service patch in full ACU with no rank or U.S. Flag, prob getting a vet discount or something.
We don't have vet discounts around here for that reason.
Can confirm as a former hobo.
Dad? When did you get here?
Go back to your city where you belong.
>Laughs in hick while pissing and shooting off my porch
This is how actual spooks dress. Fuck OCP
Spooks dress like this.
You're thinking of operators.
>tfw wear Erbsenmuster jacket regularly (It's my fav)
>mfw get my pp sucked by liberal art hoes (I live in Cali) unaware of its origins on a regular basis
Fuck you BDU/DCU pants and M65 jackets are peak comfy and I like the terrorwave look
Just look at that bubba'd rattlecan job, Garand Thumb would be rolling in his flannel
Does it count if I did the same thing but wear flecktarn outerwear instead
Where y'all pick this clothing up?
Meet me at I71 rest area faggot
No because Flecktarn is just basic bundes shit while Erbsenmuster was exclusively SS so its edgy. I'm not a neo nazi or anything though I just really love how pea dot looks.
I got mine here
Pretty great jacket, very happy with mine.
I wear military gear as motorcycle gear.
Based and Hoodpilled
>be me
>see folks in camo
>see folks even in ACUs
>not give a fuck
People just want some affirmation
gave me a good chuckle. thank you.
Sort of. There are/were people actively faking as vets/current military and trying to swindle people. Those people are shitbags. However, some of the reactions have been retarded. Like I say a 14yo get yelled at by a "vet" for wearing his dad's ocp top.
can either of you explain this mentality? I mean I'm glad people with cancer get better and all but I never understood why people take such pride in not dying to a disease that they use it as an identity.
>the way i dress keeps leftist city dwellers away
Yeah dude you show them libtards!!! BTFO THEM WITH CAMO PANTS AND COATS!
How will they recover?
You do you but just know I think less of you for it. You rightly shouldn't care, but jesus christ everyone I've ever known who does this is insufferable and lies about why they do it.
"oh it's cheap. i don't care that it's camo" is one of the many excuses for looking like a dweeb.
It's interesting how me shitting on retards wearing camo as a fashion statement apparently means I'm a cityfag. You're a special kind of stupid and I've seen more people wearing military camo at universities than I ever have growing up in fucking pine forests.
Actual rednecks where I'm from wear whatever they get from walmart or bass pro. So usually mossy oak and realtree.
>>mfw get my pp sucked by liberal art hoes (I live in Cali) unaware of its origins on a regular basis
yep city folk are more enamored with camo as a fashion statement than people around here seem to realize
I've seen more bdu pants than ever before at universities.
The son of a country music Hall of Fame legend, U.S. Army Special Forces Vietnam combat veteran Colonel Johnny Horton, Jr., the commander of the heavily armed, paramilitary United Constitutional Patriots militia group, drew nationwide headlines earlier this year for detaining illegal immigrants at gunpoint on the New Mexico border and vowing to defend the United States against an “invasion of illegal criminals.”
“I know the enemy is close to the border. I am going to fight and I may give my life but at least I will be there and stand by my oath. They didn’t get me when I was in the army. If they get me now at least I will die for our country and what keeping America free is all about,” wrote Horton, Jr earlier this year.
The gun-toting right-wing extremist leader of the United Constitutional Patriots vigilante group is, in truth, a U.S. military deserter and career criminal, U.S. Army and court records show, who has lived the life of a fraud for more than a half century.
Johnny Horton, Jr. was never with the U.S. Army Special Forces and never went to Vietnam, according to his official U.S. military records, both claims he has repeatedly asserted publicly.
His name is not even Johnny Horton, Jr., according to federal court records.