Itt post your best encounters with nogun faggots
>Be me
>At the range with my 9mm shield
>Mom and her daughter are doing some kind of self defense conceal carry course with an instructor
>Instructor randomly calls ceasefire, frantically
>Look to my left where the two women were
>The mom had gone down range after their target fell off the rail
>Instructor's face is extremely red
>He yells at her
>"U-uhhh I'm just picking up my tar-
>Many keks were had after he kicked them out of the range
Itt post your best encounters with nogun faggots
Other urls found in this thread:
I taco farted and it was so foul the ventilation system couldn't clear it for 5 minutes
"That damn Russian ammo stinking up the place"
>take noguns neighbor to range
>shooting pistols
>try to teach him to put his feet in roughly a T shape and to lean forward slighly
>"na man leave me alone I'm havin fun"
>stands straight up with feet facing forward and dosen't hit shit all day
Not really that bad but still annoying. Lots of people just go to the range to blow holes in paper not really learn to shoot. Same range also has boomer fudd instructors who assume you can't clear any stoppages and will take the gun from you as soon as you try and clear a normal stoppage. Gonna start shooting in the woods desu. Fuck boomers and fuck nogun twice a year plinking zoomers.
>friend teaching mexishit friend how to shoot gun
>mexishit can't into trigger discipline
>points 'Big Sexy', a 7mm magnum rifle, at my friend
>doesn't pull trigger
>friend very mad
>friend explains that
>'hey dipshit, you could have just fucking killed me if you slipped up'
>mexishit says it wasn't loaded
>friend points gun in safe direction
>pulls trigger
>mexishit still has no trigger discipline and is no longer friends over other shit she did
I don't mind teaching people to shoot, but some are just not responsible people. a noguns is a person who is noguns because they are poor or just not responsible
I always love when you see old boomer fudds at gun clubs rest their shotgun on their foot, or I've even seen them rest the stock on their foot and rest both their hands on the barrel while it's pointing up at their chin! And when you tell them it's not safe they just argue with you. I stopped going to gun clubs to shoot because of these fucking retards.
My range can't ventilate anything properly, I wear noseplugs cause it's so bad.
Indoor? Enjoy your cancer bud.
Don't use words you don't know the meaning of and a cleared gun is fine to rest on your foot as long as you're not flagging everyone willy nilly and have a base level competence.
>asked to fill in for RO
>huge nigger trying to qual for security
>nigger starts to reholster WITH FINGER IN TRIGGER GUARD
>grab niggers arm
>no nigger bleeding on range
he was a nice guy really, just had no clue. I spent an hour or 2 with him until he finally passed. didn't really matter, he was obviously hired to be huge, not tacticool
the one I have to use for qualifications vents like mad. it's a windstorm in there. but that's just every 6 months. otherwise I use a private outdoor range
that's why I lol'd when my hideous taco fart stank everyone out
t. Elmer Fudd the Boomer
I would be more tolerant of the guys resting their shotgun on their foot if they wern't the guys with piss poor trigger and muzzle discipline in 99 percent of cases
So you rest your barrels in the mud or shove them into the concrete? That's very, smart of you. Retard.
Why not point the barrels in a safe direction?
There are other options beyond ramming the muzzle into the ground and flagging yourself.
I come to Jow Forums regularly
Maybe you could just hold the gun in your hands pointing downward?...
>be me, reading Jow Forums greentext thread
>stumble on this festering shitstain of a tale
>the potential for lethal negligent discharge at the hand of a retard is short-circuiting the reptilian part of my brain
>skim across "she," and suddenly, all is understood
I've met five women total with a grasp of cause and effect extending past five minutes, and every one of them was a cantankerous asshole. They're different but that's not a bad thing, and it's immature to hold them to standards a solid four-fifths of their sex can't handle. That's all I had to say about it, except that my wife used to be terrible about trigger discipline before she shattered a window at 4am trying to emulate Rick Crimes with a quickdraw. Sometimes you really have to show not tell, and that applies to most people of both genders.
My BEST encounter was taking my no gunz gf out to my hometown. We went shooting on a friend's private land.
She shot a Ruger 10/22
>that was fun!
A m1911
>that was loud!
And a 12 gauge Winchester model 12
Proposed to her the following day. We've been married for four years.
Wholesome, do you stick your oil filter in her ass?
10/10 post
My girlfriend cried when I started shooting my AK in binary because I "didn't warn her" even though I was shouldered and aiming at the fucking target
What made me mad is it occurred on my property.
>Be out innawoods in remote Alaska
>Be playing with old break barrel
>Suddenly hear "here's where the shooting is coming from!"
>People are here. Behind my no trespassing signs.
>Please let them he armed so I can kill them
>Rush towards sound, changing from 4bk to 000 buck grin growing
>Much to my disappointment literally 5 unarmed hikers are in my land
>"What in God's name are you shooting at? It gave us a scare!" Shrieks a tiny woman.
>I respond: "you are fucking trespassing. I will have to ask you to leave it I will be forced use the minimum amount of focre necessary to remove you."
As I load pic related.
>"We thought this was a public trail! You can threaten us like that!"
>Similar grumbling noises grow in group
>"I have literally over a hundred no trespassing signs. Legally speaking it is clearly posted and the onus is on you to make sure you are not trespassing."
>Group leaves, but threatens to alert authorities
A year later no charges.
You shouldn't have to warn people before you shoot them baka
I don't have to if they are openly armed and they refuse to leave/don't respond to hails/open fire.
I can't just murder hikers sadly.
Nah, nerve damage and retardation from lead poisoning
Too late I think
>He doesn't have a Beretta brand Beretta Barrel Rest to rest his gun against
How long is the skeet room going to be out of commission because the ratchet ass thrower exploded? Don't know? Rest the barrel on your foot so it doesn't get full of mud instead of looking awkward repositioning your gun every minute craning your neck to talk to people. It's a 10/10 move I recommend.
Do you regularly lick the walls of the establishments you visit? Because that's the only way you'd get concerning levels of lead unless you slept in the room every night.
do you want to destroy your foot?
Yeah, teleporting shells that can phase right through closed chambers. Scary.
Bro, have you ever gone to a shotgun range? Your gun is unloaded until it's your turn to shoot, you load up with one shot at a time, and once it's fired, you break your gun.
You obviously don't lean on a closed gun like an invalid in need of a cane, you just break it and lean the barrel against your foot, or stand with it in your hand like a half-ape while the people at the other stations shoot their turn.
An opened gun, for one, cannot fire, and two, shows yourself and everyone else that it, beyond a doubt, isn't loaded.
You sound like a massive bitch
I do not understand this reference.
>try to teach him to put his feet in roughly a T shape and to lean forward slighly
noguns here, what do you mean here?
Kek Aaron is this you?
Some of the wisest words of the world I have ever read were on this site. Women are just larger children. They resort to a child-like state when introduced to stress, because of their natural need to be protected by males. Hence why so many women cry, fuss, throw tantrums when they don't get their way, etc.
Just how it is.
Oil filters are used as supressors
no Tex Grebner for him today. Good man.
Leaning forward and putting one leg in front of another helps you stay stable when recoil comes, also puts you in a state of alertness
See pic related
Oh gosh you’re one of those faggots. You could have told them it was your land and to fuck off, but no you just have to get your rocks off by hiding behind legalities
Ok, but what do you mean about T-shaped? I can only imagine really awkward positions that don't seem conducive to good shootin
Dumbass watch how mma fighters square up, right leg behind left leg, right foot at 45 degrees to left foot
True but only if the ventilation was good. I'm not the guy you replied to but I'm assuming that if the ventilation was as bad as he says then you would be breathing in a lot of lead without a mask or something.
I'm just stunned they found me 30 miles from the nearest road.
Lead guy here, I breath in a full .22 bullet Everytime I'm at the range
You're supposed to put auto turrets outside
>not holding your gun pointed to the air
This is you
do you know what a t looks like?
Hey fuck you buddy, not everyone is autistic like you and takes everything literally
>Hiding behind legalities
>Like that they were unarmed and not a threat so he couldn't just shoot them and that he had his land clearly marked to avoid situations like this
There is really no reason to be so hostile to a bunch of normie hikers who got lost on your property, a "Hey, you're on my property, please leave" would suffice vs. threatening them like an autistic incel
>unironically using inclement
/lgbt/ pls go
>unironically phoneposting
>refers to isosceles and weaver as t shaped
>unironically responding with a diversionary non-argument to cover up the fact that you're a queer who has no fucking clue what they're talking about.
You're a fucking faggot. Imagine if you behaved like a likable person instead.
why should he let some nasty blue waffle cunt walk on his land?
Maybe your friend refused to follow your advice because he too could not think of a way to stand with his feet in a T without feeling retarded.
>many keks
I might be taking the bait but...
Why do I find this hard to believe?
While what the RO said was true, it doesn't warrant berating someone like that, even more so a woman. Being that they are that more inferior.
>t. Someone who doesn't own land
I stopped teaching people to shoot after a buddy brought this Mexican chick, no trigger discipline, stupid jokes, flag everyone
I was smart enough to not let her handle live rounds.
The second I laid my at on the table she picked it up trigger on the finger and was going pow pow at us trying to be cute/funny.
Now anyone who doesn't know how to shoot is only allowed to stand about 40 feet away until we're done
>you are fucking trespassing
>I will have to ask you to leave
>minimum amount of force
>legally speaking
>the onus is on you
Serious cringe
Not the other user and not defending his autistic screeching but many years ago I called out to some people in a ravine one my property and they popped a couple .22 rounds at me so I gave them a mag of 5.56 and now I'm rather hostile towards everyone that is on my property. Cops came to my door because they claimed I had fired for no reason. Had no trespassing signs posted so I was covered and they got charged with trespassing and for possession of a firearm. They were like 14 years old.
It took me a bit to get what he was saying, even though I shoot the exact same way. The way I was taught was to draw a cross in the ground, put your feet in the right places (top left, bottom right) and orient them. This way you can actually demonstrate it by tracing a cross in the ground, and walking them through instead of just saying "t shape, t shape, no that's wrong you just shape them like a t".
>i work for company that has european office
>dude from europe is visiting the americanamerican office for a few days
>i had worked with him a lot over email and phone so we were already sort of friends
>he had never touched a real gun before
>stop by my house to get guns
>let him handle guns unloaded to get familiar with them
>give him big safety lecture while driving to range explaining rules several times
>I shoot a couple mags and let him watch and I explain what I am doing, grip, sight picture, trigger reset etc.
>he is a 30 something year old adult so I assume he isn't retarded
>load him a magazine of 9mm and let him take a turn
>range safety officer can tell what is going on by how much I am explaining shit so he also comes over to keep an eye on things
>he fires his first shot, laughs, and turns around to say how cool that was muzzle sweeping me, the range officer, and several other people with a loaded gun and finger on the trigger
>kicked out
And that was euro bro's entire experience of shooting guns in America, 1 round of 9mm.
>Please let them he armed so I can kill them
T. Paul
That's why you load up one round at a time to begin with. People do this shit after the first shot ALL...THE...TIME.
>Tfw no funs owning friend to teach you how to properly shoot
The only thing I have is youtube to teach me, and I'm pretty sure I'm still fucking up.
Lawd. He really posted the rules for y'all.
Depends on what the levels are and how often he's exposed. Lead has strict exposure limits given how damaging it is, but those limits are based on 8 hour PEL. If he's only spending an hour or two a day or week then it can be far higher. But if the ventilation system isn't up to standard then depending on the number of lead rounds being fired they could easily exceed that. Copper is another concern that could be present in the air.
Well you're fucked either way at that level, still not the worst overexposure I've seen, but at the very least clean off good before heading home if you have kids. I'd even recommend combining range trips and gym trips, and showering at the gym to make sure it's off. Ideally you'd have a separate washer and drier like we make the abrasive blasting guys use for CrVI exposure.
I know, I have taught a few children and women how to shoot and always only gave them 1 round at a time. But since I thought I knew him and he was an adult I figured he could handle a full mag. I was wrong.
My father served in the red army, stationed way out in the soviet equivalent of some backwater middle of nowhere hick town, and told me once when he was riding in the back of some troop transport truck he saw a dumb conscript who was riding with him with his SKS between his knees resting his hands and chin on top of the barrel die when the truck hit a pothole and the SKS slam fired and blew his brains out.
they trespassed on his land, and bitched at him for shooting on HIS land. fuck those cunts.
what kind of retards decide to take pot shots at someone, let alone someone armed with a rifle.
This is what I look like and I fuck so many womens
Women are just oversized children. The way I taught my daughter was by taking a watermelon and shooting it with the biggest gun I own and telling her that's what will happen to anyone she points a gun at if she makes a mistake.
Fuck, that must have been an awful mess
based retard
>doesnt know what a T looks like
Here color this
>firearms are safe and we should all have one and not ban them outright for safety
>he accidentally quickly pointed the barrel of the firearm at us in a friendly setting and we about shit ourselves because it is a murder toy
Pick one. You all know these things are dangerous as hell and stories like this prove it. Checkmate, and you know it know it. *drum roll*
Tbf some of the best naps I ever took were while resting my kevlar on my barrel riding in a ch 46
Firearms are safe, the variable will always be the operator. Also, you're a faggot. Checkmate
Yes they are dangerous and deadly. That is the entire fucking point and why people should have them, faggot.
Would you be fine with complete strangers trampling around in your backyard? Fuck off.
Getting yelled at is better than getting shot because she couldn't follow basic rules.
Retards that trespass apparently.
>they are safe
>they are deadly
You do know they are going to get blanketed banned, dontcha? Your toys WILL be gone in a few years. So call me a derogatory name all you want, I am not losing anything. Only gaining safety.
They're just machines. Not even complicated ones. It is impossible to make them go away, and you will gain no safety at all in the meantime.
Europeans and liberals are faggots and faggots shouldn't handle guns. It's that easy.
I had an angry farmer shoot birdshot at me when I was a teenager
>friend has farm land he says we can go party on and drink beer
>we meet up, start a campfire, and are drinking beers
>probably 30 people show up and it turns into a pretty fun party
>people are tailgating and playing music etc.
>suddenly we are getting shot at by an angry farmer with a shotgun
>birdshot bouncing off cars
>everybody scatters
>turns out our retard friend just picked a random field, said his dad owned it, and invited everybody to party there
>he thought it would make him popular to have a place to party
>they're just machines
So we're machine guns and those are practically gone. Next will be assault rifles and hand guns, then everything else. You can cast denial all you want, but no one gives a shit about your musket rights and courts can disagree after they are melted down.
Would rather be a homosexual than a drunk white guy getting his door busted in and cuffed/shot because his murder tools.
You do realize something can be safe and deadly at the same time, right? The electrical outlets in your wall for example. They are safe because they are engineered to be safe, just like a gun. But if used irresponsibly they can kill.
Why, not like there was much brains in his head to come out, based on the story
Guess again sweetie.
You're cool for passing him. You saw what the situation was