“What do you consider an assault weapon that you want to ban so much”
>it doesn’t matter just ban them
“What do you consider an assault weapon that you want to ban so much”
Beto cares about the safety of everyone, except that pedestrian he ran over while driving drunk.
Libs and progressives always have sliding definitions of everything, so they can never be held to their own standards.
It's why they say white people are incapable of experiencing racism because, contrary to what the patriarchal white supremacist dictionary says, racism is "prejudice plus power".
>"I lost a friend over this"
The left have been so well programmed that they have started eliminating conservatives from their contacts over their borrowed political applications. The division is deepening and I love it.
That and the imaginary children he wrote about running over
At least they're outright saying now that they don't care about how to classify firearms. It makes the end goal of full confiscation much more transparent to those who would deny it.
Ban assault thingamabobbers, whatchamacallits, and doohickes now!
Imagine being such a weak pussy that you excommunicate friends and family from your life over petty differences in political opinion. When some of my anti gun friends start with their shit I call them pussies and show them pics of my guns. Then we go back to drinking beer. This is some serious low T bullshit
My sister refuses to talk to me because I have no opinion on abortion.
Not that I hate it. That I have no opinion.
These people are wild.
Youre better off without her
>Stop trying to discuss terms and let us take your guns
Ahaha someone's going to stop them right?
ya, you are
Now that
>"nobody wants to take your guns"
Has been forevrr proven a big fat lie, their line is
>"gun control is compatible with 2A"
That's precisely what Beta, Biden, and Pete Buttplug are arguing. Soon there will be explicit calls to formally repeal (not just neuter) 2A from the party leaders.
The grabbers strategy is deny, rationalize, move the goalposts.
It sure would be a shame if a bunch of people started tweeting those Brady Campaign (you know the ones) posters @ them and they happened to rt one
The cognitive dissonance would go entirely unnoticed in the anti gun community because it's their default state of mind.
anyone else find it ironic that these anti-gun laws would be enforced with...you guessed it...guns
They sure don't. Once again, they aren't anti gun, they're anti civilian.
It's not ironic, that's what they want. Theyre afraid of what others (and themselves) might do with them and believe that only the government and its infinite wisdom should be allowed to wield such power.
Lefties can hold two completely contradictory views as valid in their head because they can consider the views to be completely separate without understanding the implications of how one will affect the other.
Wow, user. I never once even considered that, at all.
they're OK with a government monopoly on violence because of magic costumes of authority for govt employees.
Holy fucking shit a key part of WRITING A LAW is DEFINING WHAT THE FUCKING YOU'RE MAKING A LAW ABOUT! How the fuck are you going to ban "assault weapons" if you can't fucking NAME WHAT THE FUCK THEY ARE?!
I reaching my fucking breaking point with grabber bullshit.
It’s hard to imagine any grown adult trusting the government to have better judgement than them. It’s reallt shocking these people exist