

Attached: Insurgents_Apache_hellfire.gif (251x178, 1.95M)

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Good reasons to hide among your enemy rather than out in the open.

>US Military attacking Right-Wing Militants in the 2nd American Civil War
To all the boogaloo fags who think they stand a chance against the government, you don't. Sure your AR-15 and WASR could take down a few foot soldiers, but not much more.

Back to discord fuckhead

Go try to convince me that Cletus and his cousins wouldn't be vaporized by air power if they tried to start a rebellion. I'll wait

Virgin AC130 Fire Control Officer vs. Chad Insurgents

can't fly helicopters if you kill the pilots in their sleep or shoot them on the runway

>using tiny gifs

>kill pilots in their sleep
Good luck trying to do that when they are safe and sound behind the protected walls and defended air space of their base.
>sleep or shoot them on the runway
Same thing as above. Also, real life isn't ARMA 3 Warlords

Because that happened so much in Iraq and Afghanistan? Two insurgencies where the insurgents had ready access to RPGs and ZPUs, and they still couldn't do it, but yeah sure you'll have no trouble bud.

>He doesn't hide in the civilian population


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Give me webms daddy

Sounds like a real effective way to fight a war when you try to CC anything larger than an SBR which are less prevalent than handguns.

Convince me that you're not a noguns shitting up a weapons board
>inb4 he doesn't post any

I laugh when American patriots rejoice at Trump building a wall on the border with Mexico. In fact, the purpose of this wall is completely different - it should stop the flow of refugees and gang attacks from the United States.
The American Civil War will look different. Something like Mad Max, only in comparison with reality, the fictional world of this movie will seem the pinnacle of civilization and humanism.

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The Taliban still holds Afghanistan faggot. Their insurgency is working pretty well if you ask me.


>I have no proper response and you have won.

>this is Crazyhorse One-Eight

Wasting your time, you're just gonna get absurd videogame fantasies and desperate attempts at deflection.

Make pilots go blind.

Convince me that most of the military wouldn't desert

Would flare guns have any kind of effectiveness against missiles?

Yep, see and

With the demographic trends, just look at pic related. Really think they're going to overthrow the government and halt brother Jamal's flow of gibs to help whitey? Give it time and this will be the majority of the US military

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You dont supposed that gunship pilots wearing helmets with tinted visors are somewhat less vulnerable to this than airline crews wearing polo shirts and slacks?

hes joking dude. theres a lot of stupid people in this thread but no one thinks a point laser will down a AH-64


Hide among your enemy.
Infiltrate and sabotage.
The targets aren't the soldiers,
it is the politicians that give the orders to soldiers.
It is the money behind the politicians.

I am not an expert by any means but just based on my experience as a hobbyist I find it hard to believe that their visor would do anything at all in this situation. Even specialized protective goggles exist only to block retinal damage from the reflection or indirect exposure of the light. It doesn't stand a chance with any kind of direct exposure.

Ah yes because black women are competent enough to fight insurgencies. Please go troll Jow Forums because Jow Forums isn't even a far right board.

>The average US insurgent will walk around with a giant fucking laser and a sufficient power source to accompany it that can burn a piece of wood
>They will also possess the know-how and skill to properly use it against one of the best military helicopters known to history
>this will be commonplace in american militia groups
oh my! the feds are doomed!

Well, i doubt we've reached the peak of Mt. Moron just yet


>implying that these folks will see combat
>implying they won't pilot a desk

Remember how well those rice farmers with AKs got vaporized by air power? Oh, wait, we lost that war? Right...

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In a American civil war you'll have direct access to the pilots, refuelers, maintenance men's families, supply routes, and bases that Iraqi and Afghan insurgents could only dream of.

Read the fucking document. Don't respond to obvious bait. Use your fucking head anons.

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Probably not, not in the age of laser-guided missiles. Heat-seeking's used for A2A, not A2G

If it's such a shitty gun then why are you trying to ban it so hard?

>It is the money behind the politicians.
Worked for the IRA

Attached: IRAAnalysis.png (1832x4692, 2.62M)

>Fires laser-guided missile back

Did that user ever write more stuff, i know he did a this take on the spanish basque separatists and i grilled him to go to 8/k/ to do more, to which he agreed to few weeks before 8 got shoah'd.

Here's the basque stuff btw.

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>this retarded faggot here
>doesn't realize that as soon as missiles launch on our own soil everything stops
>doesn't realize that large portions of the populace will be too scared to continue economy
>doesn't realize that other portions of the population will see this, rightfully, as a declaration of war against our own populace
>doesn't realize that they can drop any bombs and missiles they want, but ground troops are needed to secure supply lines once that happens
>doesn't realize that once our government uses high tech measures to kill people it is all over and we don't go back
>thinks war is a fucking 6 second gif
I could write a literal novel of the hell you'd experience if this ever happened, purposefully, on our soil but you lack any foresight to see past "hurr, look 10 guys with guns lost against tech. my daddy government wins" because you have been taught that thinking past instant gratification is too much work.

Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan say you’re wrong. We lost over 10K aircraft in Vietnam. Read a book sometime, you double nigger.

They had Migs and AAA man. Kinda a stupid comparison for this

A civil war would involve a military coup, the majority of the military is right wing.

Come back when the hillbillies purchase MANPADS and radar-AAA in bulk for the revolution

And the Iraqi and Afghani insurgents don't have any serious AA firepower either yet the US can't fully suppress them.

I watched that full video it took two helicopters jizzing their entire load to kill those guys. Some of them were still moving by the end, if they had any anti air the helo would be fucked.
It was very good tactics, the way they spread and headed to cover, just bad luck.

Getting lased is pretty common overseas but I haven't heard if any aircraft that got taken down by a laser pointer. You might make an aircrew member DNIF for a day or two and that's really the best you can hope for.

Dude a crew is gonna take their time when they finally get to whack people

And how many aircraft were shot down in Afghanistan in comparison? Pretty sure we lost more aircraft from accidents than ground fire.

Good question.

Big think.

You are going to send attack helicopters to collect taxes?

Its like whackamole it only works on the first hit.

If they had effective anti-air the helos probably wouldn't be sitting there methodically mowing everyone down in the first place. Also helos now have some of the best IR countermeasures I've seen on an aircraft so they could probably evade a manpad shot if needed. Getting shot by AAA would suck.

>Because that happened so much in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Well.....yeah. It did.

Once life as it was goes to Hell in a hand basket, No electricity, no internet, no potable water, shit overflowing into low lying homes because no pumped sewage, no refrigeration and rotten food, no electronic banking and access to funds, no quick LEO response if there is any response, no ability to go outside because you don't trust your neighbor, feral packs of gimme dats roaming the streets of neighborhoods they could never afford to live in, the Liberal Utopia will be revealed to be a mirage and the man behind the curtain is a midget carnival salesman with a megaphone.

>Because that happened so much in Iraq and Afghanistan?
90% of talib anti air was to shell our bases with 107mm rockets and mission kill aircraft and weapons stockpiles.

10% was shooting an ak into the air and shouting 'you wont stop me raping boys' as if we wanted to.

Why isn't there any footage leaked from nearly 4 years of killing ISIS in Syria and Iraq?

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There's some non guncam stuff youtu.be/0oixIcGRG0U

Tank footage youtu.be/-bsDP5DznDQ

>They had Migs and AAA man
Migs were responsible for only 9% of US losses. Here’s a newsflash for you, man; insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan have the exact same AAA that downed the majority of planes in SEA. It’s not emplaced big-bore cannon, it’s 37mm and smaller autocannon mounted on Toyota Tacomas.

how are the insurgents the chads? they all got vaporized.

No its not, its radar slaved 57mm. Also what a dumb thing to say comparing Afghanistan to SEA....

>purchase MANPADS
Easy enough to bubba build in a garage. Hell, dig around on FOSSCAD long enough, files will probably turn up. It’s even easier to make flocks of cheap stupid cruise missiles to saturate the airfields and barracks where the aircraft and crews originate. Interesting tidbit: did you know you can you can make a dandy little EMP generator out of magnetrons from old microwaves? Best part is, it’s light enough to load into one of your bubba cruise missiles. Toss a radar detector in there, now you’ve got a flying disposable EMP pulse generator that goes off when it’s painted with a targeting radar.

REPEAT: Are you going to send attack helicopters to collect taxes?

You're right, thats why we should repeal all gun control laws and legally sell government weapons and vehicles to civilians

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Can you give one reason why not?

Those wannabe prom queens sure are scared.
It will be fun.

>You are going to send attack helicopters to collect taxes?
And man check points

>Also what a dumb thing to say
It’s the little tells like this that out you, Shareblue. Good effort at derailing the thread, btw. Now you get to listen to a bunch of Bigelow larping, and harsh talk about all of the faggots and niggers getting strung up.

OP here. What the fuck?

Shareblue hijacked your thread. They’ve been doing shit like that lately. Election is coming up, the Left is scared shitless. They’re, I guess, trying to demoralize us. They do this by forcing us to argue with each other, and by derailing threads.

Shareblue calls this grand strategy, I call it Wednesday night on Jow Forums.

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Honestly man I've never been the type for that kinda shit but I'm noticing this. I took a 2 or 3 year break from Jow Forums and came back recently and it sticks out. Something is going on whether it's legit or a bunch of fags in a discord

It has historically proven to be an extremely effective way to fight.

Fuck off back to redd.it you cocksucking piece of shit.

Post your guns or get the fuck out, faggot.

Why don't you rinse off all that stale jizz from your mouth before running your cockholster here, faggot?

Your point being?

You do Realize EVERY president in the history of the US has been right wing, right?

Or let me guess you're another retarded Jow Forums refugee that thinks regime changing, free market pushing, corporate backing, tax avoiding 1% enabling, military industrial complex companion, medical insurance monopoly maintaining, union rights suppressing, developing country exploitating, multi billion dollar white collar criminal bail outer, Barrack Hussein Obama was a radical left wing Marxist right?

It might even shock you to know that of all US presidents in the last half dozen decades or so, he has probably challenged and been hated by the supreme Zionist state of Israel more than any other. Where does that fit into your le redpilled Jewish marxist conpiracy?

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Holy shit you're dumb

wow incredible rebuttle

The US military isn't pulling a coup anywhere in the foreseeable future and "the Left" aren't oppressing you, grow up.

Assad stopped losing and the moderates lost the will to record among other things

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whoa, this must mean all of the insurgents in the ME have been wiped out then!

in a hypothetical powergrab by these nogs they would get schwacked.

did you go retarded or something? Did you miss how Vietnam and the whole clusterfuck of the Iraq/Afghanistan conflict turned into?
It's simple, when the military that's supposed to be helping the civilians are inevitably killing civilians because the enemies are mixing in with the civilians, you're going to have really bad PR on your hands and it will only get worse as the body count goes up.

>US descends into open civil war
>Somehow, this doesn't cause problems economically or militarily
>The US military and police force won't be affected by this one bit
>There are no foreign actors or countries that will benefit from prolonged and intense fights inside of the US
>These same foreign actors or countries don't possess man portable anti-armor/air/etc platforms, nor is there any sort of intent to actually see how these weapons will fare against actual US military hardware they were developed for
>US borders are absolute impenetrable during non-civil-war times, nothing illegal gets past our borders. During a civil war where the US military strikes it's own people, these borders will not be affected and will be 1000x more impenetrable!

>44% of active duty troops support Trump

Yeah that's not happening anytime soon.

Regardless, even amongst the right wing part of the military, a decent part wouldn't back it up. You're more likely to split the military in half.

>"the Left" aren't oppressing you
Glow more.

We havent had a right wing president since WWI

They have two 'stalwarts' here, which is the hilarious cartoon name they call their below minimum wage servants, they are literally quadposting.

Interestingly the North Koreans used a chinese 80s laser weapon to blind an apache pilot and the copilot gunner dude had to take them back to base. With the mega lasers some guys make on YouTube its easy to imagine these becoming a much more common weapon, especially against optics

Idk in Afghanistan some Taliban dressed up in ANA uniforms and destroyed a ton of aircraft and shot some people in a raid a few years back.

That's pakistan I think?
Gonna look it up

see and pic related

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